Help! (Part 2) Book Suggestions!

Hey there, this is just a quick post about the 2015 Popsugar Reading Challenge which I recently started. First of all, a huge thanks to the bloggers who cleared my confusion and contributed to having most of the spots on my list filled:

You guys helped a lot, and I hope you know that! ❤ If you already haven’t, check out the blogs of these amazing people! You won’t regret it.

Secondly, there are still a few spots that are still empty and are up for any of your suggestions! I posted a page with the list of books that you can check out HERE. Please check it out and comment your book suggestions thoughts either on that page or this post! I’d love to hear from you.

Oh, and a quick question: For ‘A book based entirely on its cover’ does that imply about how I chose to read it because its cover appealed to me? Or does it mean that we choose a book whose story is based on the cover, if there’s even such book like that (if anything it would be the cover based on the book…)?

Thank you! ❤


9 thoughts on “Help! (Part 2) Book Suggestions!

  1. You’re welcome! I was confused by this at first too but this is how Zaz [Goodreads’ 2015 Book Challenge Moderator] defined it: You’ll see this cover, beautiful, intriguing or appealing, and it will be your book. Don’t read the summary, don’t read the reviews, just add it to your plan.

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    • Perfect! I won’t have to make any changes to my current choice (A Thousand Pieces of You by Claudia Gray). 😀 It was a book I already added to my TBR list, before I read the reviews on some of the blogs of my fellow bloggers. The cover is gorgeous! 🙂 Thank you for clarifying!

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