Help! I have questions!

Hi everyone! I officially started the 2015 Popsugar Reading Challenge! Yay! 🙂

When it comes to these type of things, I like to have things ready in advanced, so I’ve been trying to come up with books that apply to the requirements. I’ll be soon posting my choices. But first, I need your help! (Yes, I know that sounded like Dora the Explorer :))

I have a few questions that I’m hoping you, my fellow bloggers, will be able to answer! They are the following:

1. If there’s a novella that fulfills a requirement, does that count? Or does it have to be an actual book?

2. Do the books I read for the challenge have to be books I’ve never read, or are re-reads eligible?

3. For ‘A book that takes place in your hometown’ does the word hometown in that context refer to the town you were born in, or the town you were raised in? I searched Google, but I’m still at confusion. 🙂

4. I just finished re-reading Stone Cold Touch today, which applies for ‘A book with a love triangle’. Would this book count, although I started it a couple of days before I officially decided to commence this challenge? (This also relates to the second question, as this is not the first time I read this book.)

5. For ‘A book that made you cry’ I need recommendations! I basically NEVER cry while reading books, no matter how sad the scene is! And it’s not because I’m a cruel or heartless person, I swear. I love books and the characters like almost nothing else, but I rarely ever cry. I’ll be feeling heartbroken and everything, but I’m just not able to cry. The one time I had a couple of tears was reading Tiger’s Destiny by Colleen Houck! So please, I really need recommendations!!!

If you have answers to these questions, please comment below! I would greatly appreciate it!


28 thoughts on “Help! I have questions!

  1. In terms of what’s eligible for a challenge, anything from the calendar year is applicable (as far as I know). I would count novellas, personally, but probably not short stories (my cutoff tends to be around 50 or 75 pages but that’s just me). I would count reread during the year because it’s still reading you’re getting done, after all.

    As for crying books… I have to admit I don’t know. I don’t tend to cry at books either xD

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  2. To answer some of your questions, I’m trying to read as many new books as possible, but I have counted at least one reread on my list. Personally, I’m only counting books, but if you want to count novellas, I don’t see why not. Also, since it’s a challenge for 2015 I’ve been counting any book that I’ve read this calendar year even though I started the challenge in March. For the hometown one, however you answer the question “where are you from?” is the town I would use for that. Hope that helps!

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    • Thank you for taking the time to answer my questions, it helped a lot! I probably won’t count novellas that much, however there is this one that I finished today that I want to count for the challenge, so I’m glad there’s no rule against it. ❤ Thanks again for clearing this up, everything makes so much more sense. 🙂

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  3. I’ve seen a lot of bloggers include rereads to their challenges, so I think you can do that as well. And I would consider hometown to be the place you were raised in and birth place to be more specifically where you were born. As for sad books, I’m not a sure since a lot of books have made me shed tears. But Trisha Ann^^ and so many other book bloggers have told me Me Before You is an emotional rollercoaster. Good luck with the challenge, I know you can do it (you read mighty fast, oh my)! 🙂

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    • Great! I went through my list of books for the challenge, and counted a few re-reads, I;m glad I won’t have to replace them. 😀 Yes, apparently Me Before You brings out quite the tears! I’m looking forward to reading it! And thank you! Your confidence in me is flattering. ❤ Thanks for answer my questions by the way! Have a wonderful day/night! 🙂

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  4. 1. novella are actual books, they’re just shorter than a typical novel.

    2. As long as you’re reading a book it count as a read. I’m planning on re-reading some books just so I can post a review of it as well. helps my blog, my readers, and I get to cross it off my challenge!

    3. I guess this one is a personal view kind of thing. where do you concider it home? (I’m going for where I was born because I was also raised there in my single digit years)

    4. I think if you were in the middle (or however far in) of reading the book but weren’t quite finished with it when you started this challenge it counts.

    5. I’m the same way!! When I saw this on the challenge I was like “oh crap” cuz I don’t know what to pick. there’s only one book that made me cry and that was Allegiant. Other books that are sad/have sad parts but i only teared up in would be The Fault in Our Stars, Looking for Alaska (I used that for a popular’s author’s first book) and The Book Thief. (those are the only ones that come to mind)

    Hope this helped, A. 🙂

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  5. I’m also doing this challenge!! It’s been so incredibly fun so far! As for books, I’ve been trying to read books I’ve never read before in each category which is a challenge but I think it helps expand your normal reading repertoire. For the hometown one, since mine is ridiculously small, I changed it to home state. Hope that helps! Have fun with the challenge and glorious new books. 🙂

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