Exploring My Bookshelves #2 (April 24)

Hi! I’m back with a last minute Exploring My Bookshelves post, a meme hosted by Victoria @ Addlepates & Book Nerds. Make sure to check out her blog, it’s amazing! ❤

The Rules:

1. Post a picture of our bookshelves (preferably literal, but e-book shelves work too)

2. Follow the theme/question about the books on our shelf that Victoria will have set out for us for that week. (Eg. favourite author, cover, etc.)

3. Include the cover and what we thought of it (if it’s read).

4. Link our post!


This week’s question is: What characters do you wish you could bring to life?

This is such a hard one! For one I would definitely go with one of Victoria’s choices: Rose from Vampire Academy. She’s an awesome fighter, and would be totally fun to hang out with.

And I have to agree with Poulami @ Daydreaming Books for Cath from Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell. I finished Fangirl today, and I loved it! I’m currently working on its review that I will hopefully be posting tomorrow. 🙂 Cath was just awesome; relatable, funny, and was just so different from other characters I’ve read about. Plus, she’s a total fangirl and I can so relate with fangirling.

And lastly… ugh, this is honestly killing me, there are so many other characters I wish I could bring to life! But I’ll go with one last character: Katy from the Lux series by Jennifer L. Armentrout. First of all, she’s a blogger! Who blogs about books! Like me! ❤ Yay! Plus Katy is just awesome. I’d love to hang out with her (and talk to her about Daemon…)!

So that’s it for this week’s Exploring My Bookshelves! Please link your post below or comment! I’d love to hear of your choices. 🙂

Keep exploring!


8 thoughts on “Exploring My Bookshelves #2 (April 24)

    • Definitely! She loves to read and write, so she would immediately be someone I’d want to get to know better! 😉 Plus her character in general is just someone who seems like she would be a great friend. ❤


    • Ha ha haven’t thought of college much but Fangirl is definitely getting me thinking about it! 😀 It would be awesome if I was like Cath and got a super cool roommate like Reagen. 😉 And yes, so am I, can’t wait ’till it comes out! ❤

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