Anticipated Fantasy Books For The Second Half of The Year–Why is time so slow? | Top Ten Tuesday #34

How is it Tuesday again already? I swear, time passes by SO FAST nowadays. (Except when it comes to books, apparently, since it’s taking FOREVER for my anticipated books to be released. *SIGH*)

Anyway, it’s time for another Top Ten Tuesday! This week’s theme from The Broke and the Bookish is:

Top Ten Most Anticipated Releases For The Second Half Of The Year (since we did a topic about the releases we were excited about for the first half of 2016 back in the beginning of the year) Feel free to tweak it how you want to — like most anticipated fantasy for the second half of 2016 or debut authors. Whatever you want!

There are literally so many books being released in the next months that I am dying to read, so I decided to narrow it down to the top ten fantasy books I’m looking forward to–and there are STILL SO MANY I am dying. But whatever. I would die to have these books. Except not because I’d probably miss chocolate and just general good things in life too much for that. But you know what I mean.

Everyone knows lists are fabulous, so I won’t deprive you of them any longer! Let’s do this.

Top 10 Tuesday 3

1. This Savage Song by Victoria Schwab (July 5th 2016)

If you’ve been following my blog for a while, you’ll know that I absolutely ADORE Victoria Schwab’s books. And I’ve heard so many amazing things about This Savage Song and I’m seriously dying to read it. GIMME. I have nothing else to say.

This Savage Song

2.  Nevernight by Jay Kristoff (August 9th 2016)

I haven’t read much (read: any) books by Jay Kristoff but SO MANY people adore his writing, especially with the release of Illuminae. Not to mention Nevernight seems so cool! Assassins, intrigue, and sounds of murder. What could be better? (I’m completely sane, I promise.)


3. A Torch Against the Night by Sabaa Tahir (August 30th 2016)

Sooo like most people I thought An Ember in the Ashes was a standalone? But nope! Can’t say I’m disappointed though. Can’t wait to see what this book’s like! ❤

A Torch Against the Night

4. Three Dark Crowns by Kendare Blake (September 26th 2016)

AHHHH if you haven’t checked out this book yet you DEFINITELY should because it sounds amazing! Just read the synopsis. *nods* I must have this. I MUST.

Three Dark Crowns

5. Crooked Kingdom by Leigh Bardugo (September 27th 2016)

Oh, did I ever happen to mention that I LOVED Six of Crows and Leigh Bardugo’s books? No? Well, I do. Six of Crows is absolutely LIFE for me (along with all my other favourite books of course) and I NEED CROOKED KINGDOM. NEED IT. Now. I-would-trade-chocolate-for-it need. (Big deal, you guys.)

Crooked Kingdom

6. Bright Smoke, Cold Fire by Rosamund Hodge (September 27th 2016)

I don’t think I’ve actually expressed how much I enjoyed Rosamund Hodge’s books! Well, technically I’ve only read Cruel Beauty from her, but I do plan on reading Crimson Bound soon enough. I hope. Either way her newest book seems so good. I will definitely be picking it up! (Just look at that cover, people. How can you resist?)

Bright Smoke Cold Fire

7. The Hammer of Thor by Rick Riordan (October 4th 2016)

Ah, Rick Riordan. Always popping up with new books. I definitely don’t mind though! I read and really enjoyed The Sword of Summer last year, and I am totally looking forward to continuing with the journey.

The Hammer of THor

8. A Million Worlds With You by Claudia Gray (November 1st 2016)

THIS COVER GIVES ME LIFE. Omg it’s so beautiful and I want this book so so much. That is all. (GO READ THIS series if you haven’t already though!! If only because the cover is literally BEGGING to be picked up. But also because the story is great!)

A Million Worlds With You

9. Heartless by Marissa Meyer (November 8th 2016)

If you didn’t know already, I really love the Lunar Chronicles! (It’s seriously the best.) Marissa Meyer is such a gifted writer. So a book describing the Queen of Hearts pre-Wonderland? YES PLEASE.


10. Crystal Storm by Morgan Rhodes (December 13th 2016)

And last but not least, Crystal Storm which is releasing in December! (*sob* Why December??!) The fourth book in the series, Frozen Tides left me totally hanging and begging for more and I’m honestly dying for this book. I suppose I’m lucky there will be so many other good books to keep me occupied before it’s released?? XD The series started off as meh, but really got better. Woo!

Crystal Storm

OH, and I just HAVE to add this one.

Harry Potter and the Cursed Child by J.K. Rowling (July 31st 2016)

Do I even have to explain anything for this one?! Didn’t think so. Good. Because I have no words other than alagla;hndgrgnalsajflkdjf complete gibberish. Ahem. So excited!

Harry Potter and the Cursed Child


Honorable mentions (Pretty much most of the other books I’m looking forward to that I wasn’t able add to the top ten): Empire of Storms by Sarah J. Maas (September 6th 2016), Strange the Dreamer by Laini Taylor (September 27th 2016), Frost Like Night by Sara Raasch (September 20th 2016), The Midnight Star by Marie Lu (October 11th 2016), Of Fire and Stars by Audrey Coulthurst (November 22nd 2016), A Shadow Bright and Burning by Jessica Cluess (September 20th 2016)

SO MANY BOOKS. So many books are being released in the second half of 2016 (a lot in September, I’ve noticed!) and I’m so giddy for them all to be released! Apart from these fantasy books, there are so many other books being released as well–don’t me started on all the contemporary books I also want to read! That’s a list for a different day. (I have too many books on my TBR SOMEONE STOP ME.)

So now tell me! Which of these books are you looking forward to the most? What other books are you looking forward to that aren’t on this list? Feel free to leave your TTT link below as well, I’d love to stop by (and add more books to my never-ending TBR pile)!

Happy Tuesday!

Until the Next Meal, Analee


Reasons why fantasy is one of the best genres ever | Top Ten Tuesday #33

Hola mi amigos! Don’t ask what that was, I have no idea. (My long-ago Dora days are kicking in.) Anyway, it’s been a LONG TIME since I’ve participated in a Top Ten Tuesday, and it’s about time, don’t you think? Making lists is one of my favourite things to do, so I’ve been quite sad that I have been depriving myself and the world of said lists. Ahem. ANYWAY. Rambling a bit there.

This week’s theme from The Broke and the Bookish is “Ten Reasons I Love Xcould be a certain book, character, author, your indie bookstore, a fandom, a tv show, reading, a hobby, a genre. Honestly anything you want to gush about.” As you know, I went with reasons why I love the fantasy genre! Let’s do this.

Top 10 Tuesday 3

1. It lets us escape into a different world.

Some people can argue that this applies to other genres as well (pretty much anything that’s fiction when you think about it) but I feel like it applies most strongly to fantasy? It generally tends to actually create a whole new world which is what makes it so magical and intriguing to read about. Sometimes reality just doesn’t cut it, you know? Whenever an escape from reality is required, fantasy is always such a good choice. What better way to escape than into a world completely different from yours?

I can’t be the only one who loves Harry Potter because of the world, right?

2. It takes us on an adventure.

It’s not even necessarily a physical adventure, though that’s what it is most of the time. It might be an emotional adventure too, where the events lead to an emotional roller coaster (that happened so many times… my feels were overwhelmed). We love to read books because of all the feelings we go through and going on an adventure alongside the characters definitely brings out all sorts of emotions, am I right? *cough* Percy Jackson *cough* Harry Potter *pretty much all my favourite fantasy books*

3. We get to use our imaginations.

One of the best parts of the fantasy genre is the amount of freedom authors have to spin their story. No boundaries of real life, nothing but their own creativity and it’s SO GREAT to read. There’s just such a thrill in being carried into a story of someone else’s imagination, in a completely new (and fictitious) world. So many new ideas, and tons of creativity. How can you not fall in love with all that?

DRAGONS. (Unfortunately they don’t exist in real life, soooo.)

4. Childhood memories

This seems like an odd reason with no correlation whatsoever, but remember those times back when you were a child, and you believed in everything, from fairytales to unicorns to dragons to fairies? Now, grown up we no longer believe in such things, but fantasy is now allowing us to go back to those times when we thought they existed, and read about them. Maybe this isn’t such a huge reason but for me at least, whenever *I* hear of a book about fairies, I can’t help but remember those days… 😉 There’s just something that feels so… I don’t know. Child-like, when it comes to fantasy despite it being the opposite of such. (Please tell me I’m not alone here?? I feel crazy right now. o.O)

5. There is a strong emotional message/theme.

You know how people enjoy contemporary a lot of the time because they’re able to relate and sympathize to the characters and their situation? How there’s a strong emotional theme (to the good books, at least)? Well, that’s not only for the contemporary folks. In books of the fantasy genre, there are tons that despite their out-of-worldness and fantastical elements, actually have an emotional theme that we’re able to relate to. That attachment, paired alongside the intriguing idea of a different world, is what makes fantasy such a gem for me. It’s like such a great mix between relatable and unrelatable? If that makes sense.

6. It puts things into perspective.

I mean, I suppose a lot of books across a variety of genres does so (considering how the characters’ lives always seem to be so much more worse and dramatic than ours in real life..) but especially in the fantasy genre. I mean, no matter how bad your life might be, when you compare to the lives of all the suffering characters in books, I’m sure it won’t seem as bad. Am I right? Like, you try comparing your life with Celaena Sardothien in the first book… um yeah. I doubt your life’s that bad. Just saying. 😛 (You should be glad, tbh.)

7. Options are endless.

The fact is, there are an infinite amount of ideas in fantasy. The options are actually endless. As such, it actually kind of makes me disappointed when I see that some fantasy novels are so similar because there are SO MANY things that fantasy can touch on. As long as you have imagination, fantasy can never die out of lack of ideas. And there’s just something so wonderful about that. ❤ There’s just something so comforting knowing that no matter what, fantasy is there and ready for us to delve into. Does that sound crazy? Probably but humour me.

8. Gives us something to root for.

When it seems like there’s nothing left in real life that seems worth rooting for and you’re just dead and lost all motivation for anything, pick up a fantasy novel! More often than not you’ll find something you root for, whether it’s the characters, their cause, a romance, and who knows what else. Sometimes it’s just that hope and rooting for something (even if it’s fictional) that helps us feel good.

9. (Usually) crushes our emotions and kills us.

Only partially joking about the ‘kills us’ part. Usually I find that fantasy always has me so drained after reading because me emotions always go through such a roller-coaster. And is it just me, or does it seem like fantasy is the genre where cliffhangers are used most often?? And let me tell you, those are absolute deathhhh. Agh. And then I typically fall into this state of shock and hangover where I cannot do anything but just sit in awe of the book. So. I still love these books even though they turn me into such a mess? #logic

Me, pretty much? <.<

10. It’s fun!

So I may or may not be just out of steam for now and grasping at straws for the last one, but I do feel like this counts. Fantasy is fun. It’s enjoyable. One of the main reasons we read at all is for fun, and fantasy provides exactly that. Fun! And who doesn’t like that? It’s entertainment, guys. No matter what emotional havoc it caused and all the turmoil and tension we go through while reading it, it all shows just how easy it is to get hooked into a fantasy novel (well, any genre of novel really, but for the sake of this post I’m making it more specific). I’d be lying if I said that I don’t pick up fantasy novels for entertainment. 😉

Alright, so I think that’s it! I think I covered most of the important reasons why I love fantasy, for this week’s Top Ten Tuesday! I have been considering making a similar list like this for contemporary, feel free to let me know if that’s something you’d be interested in. What are your thoughts on this? Are you a fan of fantasy? Did I miss any other reasons? Or is fantasy not your thing? I’d love to know your thoughts! Feel free to leave a link to your own Top Ten Tuesday as well if you want. I’d love to stop by!

Enjoy your Tuesday, guys! Sending you lots of cake and chocolate. You’re welcome. ✌️ I know I need it! (Who doesn’t is the question.)

Analee 5

Too many books, too little time! | WWW Wednesday #42 (February 24th)

Hello! How are you all today? Okay, so I think I should just name ALL my WWW Wednesday posts ‘too many books, too little time’?? That’s already what I say for my life, soooo…  Oh well. I can never find enough time to read.. and there’s just so many books I want to read. (That is, allll of them. Which is proving to be more and more impossible.)

However, I did manage to get some reading done this past week! And I’m currently reading two books, that I hope to finish this week… that counts for something, right? Of course it does. So let’s just go onto the books!

WWW Wednesday is a meme hosted by Sam @ Taking On a World of Words), where we answer the following questions:

What are you currently reading?
What did you recently finish reading?
What do you think you’ll read next?

WWW Wednesday

Currently Reading

Yes, I finally started both A Darker Shade of Magic AND Wolf by Wolf! I wasn’t going to pick up Wolf by Wolf after I started A Darker Shade of Magic, but then I decided I might as well seeing as I can read A Darker Shade of Magic as an ebook (but I also have a physical copy for some reason??) and Wolf by Wolf only as a hardcover. So yay!

I started ADSOM on Monday, but unfortunately I haven’t been able to read it much! It really sucks but I hope to make more progress on it this week. It’s okay so far, I guess, though unfortunately I haven’t gotten much time to read it.

As for Wolf by Wolf—I just started it yesterday night! I think I’m on the 4th or 5th chapter?? I’m actually really liking it so far. Let’s just say it definitely didn’t waste any time in getting the action started!

I might also decide to put either WbW or ADSOM on pause while I finish the other, but I don’t know yet… should I? I mean, they’re both in different formats, so it’s easy to pick up one if I don’t have the other, or something… I dunno. I’m terrible at making decisions sometimes. I guess it might just happen naturally though if I start to favor one over the other lol.

Recently Finished

I finished Glass Sword! If you saw my Spotlight Saturday post, you know how I felt about it. I’d repeat it, but basically the gist of is; although it became a roller-coaster of emotions near the end, I was left indifferent for a majority of the book, sooo. Yeah. Not the reaction I was going for, but it was still good. (The book, not the reaction.)

Omg Gathering Darkness has me wanting to read the fourth book asap! So much drama in this one, as well as betrayal, romance, and just, it was totally entertaining!! I’m tempted to just continue with the fourth book even though I’m supposed to wait for March 4th?? I’m also trying to decide if I should do separate reviews for each of the books or just do a series review… thoughts?

Agh More Happy Than Not was amazing… it completely broke my heart?! But I honestly loved it. There were so many amazing themes and relationships between characters…and oh my god, the ending?! I hit the end and ahhhhhh my heart!! I couldn’t stop reading but my heart just got stomped on… but I loved it? I can totally see what the hype was about now!

Read Next

Lola and the Boy Next Door is on my list again this week—I have a feeling reading it might be a good relief after the two more heavier reads I’m reading currently…

So many people have been urging me to read Aristotle and Dante! And so I’ve decided to add it to my read next this month, in hopes of being able to find the motivation to read it! Not sure what’s stopping me, but oh well.

Ahh, Illuminae. This book completely blew up in the book community, and I’m itching to see why! Though right now the sheer size of it intimidates me.. But I want to read this, I do!

I added The Accident Season to my monthly TBR plan for February, and I thought I might as well add it to the read next this week, though I have no idea when or if I’ll be picking it up this week. Doubt I’ll have the time, but who knows?

So that’s it for this week’s reading progress! How has your reading been going? Feel free to link your WWW down below if you have one. What books should I focus on next? Have any of you read any of the above books? Let me know in the comments! ❤

Happy Wednesday!

Until the Next Meal, Analee

I’m reading Glass Sword! So far it’s okay. | WWW Wednesday #41 (February 17th)

It’s Wednesday again! And so here I am with, of course, a WWW Wednesday post! It was another, busy, tiring week, but thankfully I had some extra time to catch up on some reading—yay!

WWW Wednesday is a meme hosted by Sam @ Taking On a World of Words), where we answer the following questions:

What are you currently reading?
What did you recently finish reading?
What do you think you’ll read next?

WWW Wednesday

Currently Reading

I started Glass Sword a few days ago, I think? I haven’t gotten the chance to read it that often though, so I haven’t made as much progress as I would’ve liked, haha. So far it’s okay?? I mean, nothing note-worthy to say other than the fact that I think I’m suddenly a lot more indifferent to the characters.. that’s probably not a good thing. :/ But still, off to a good start!

I also started More Happy Than Not, though I haven’t made much progress with it. I’m literally, only like, 10% through?? But I can’t wait to read more of it! I’m thinking though I might have to put it either this or Glass Sword on pause while I finish one or the other..

Recently Finished

Yes, I finally hopped aboard the Stephanie Perkins train! Well, I’m making my way, at least. I managed to finish Anna and the French Kiss quite quickly, and I really enjoyed it! I recently wrote my review on it too, which you can check out for a more detailed version of my thoughts here.

Not If I See You First actually went waaay past my expectations! I’m not exactly sure what I was expecting, other than the fact that I hoped it would turn out to be good since it sounded interesting. XD But it was such an entertaining read! I hadn’t read many (if at all) books from the perspective of a blind person, and Not if I See You First was written so wonderfully in that aspect. Hopefully I’ll get the chance to write up my review soon!

Read Next

Omg I swear I’m actually going to at least START Wolf by Wolf this week. I WILL. I swear, everyone is telling me to read this book and I see so many references to it—I can’t resist! I don’t know why I haven’t read it yet, to be honest. Maybe because fear of disappointment? Probably. But I shall be brave and I will pick this up as soon as I finish the books I’m currently reading! Lol.

So many people are squealing about the last book in the Anna and the French Kiss series, Isla and the Happily Ever After, that I can’t help but want to get to it quickly, which means reading the next book! Plus I have heard great things about Lola and the Boy Next Door, and am eager to continue with another Stephanie Perkins book.

The Falling Kingdoms read-along is still going on, and I believe we are due to start the third book, Gathering Darkness.. today! We have to have it finished by March 3rd, I think, so that’s plenty of time. I do want to read it soon though! I’ve heard that things get better in this one in comparison to the first two, so… #hopeful (Though the first two weren’t that bad, mind you.)

The sequel to A Darker Shade of Magic is being released this month, and I’ve been waiting FOREVER to actually pick this up (I’ve been telling myself that I would for so long!) so maybe putting it on the read next this week might push me to pick it up. I don’t know what has been stopping me, really. Maybe fear of disappointment? Oh well. Fingers crossed I’ll pick it up this time!

So that’s it for this week’s WWW Wednesday! I managed to finish 2 books, and I really enjoyed them both.. so YAY! Seriously though, they were really good. I don’t know which book I should focus more on: Glass Sword or More Happy Than Not?? And for my next reads, I really want to read… um, all of them??! They all seem soo good! But I think I’ll be prioritizing Wolf by Wolf or Gathering Darkness first.
So, any thoughts, fangirling, opinions? Which book should I read after I finish the ones I’m currently reading? Have you read Glass Sword? Feel free to leave your thoughts down below, I always love a good chat. Seriously, I do. I probably talk more than I should all the time sometimes. Like now.
Happy Wednesday! ❤

Until the Next Meal, Analee

WWW Wednesday #26 (September 30th, 2015)

It’s officially the last day of September, everyone! And since it’s Wednesday, it means it’s time for a WWW Wednesday! Let’s get to it. 🙂

This meme was formerly hosted by MizB @ Should be Reading and now hosted by Sam @Taking on a World of Words. Feel free to join in by simply answering these three questions:

What are you currently reading?
What did you recently finish reading?
What do you think you’ll read next?

Currently Reading

Like Reawakened by Colleen Houck, City of Fae has been on my read next for quite some time (even longer, I think) and I’m so happy to say that I have finally picked it up! I’m loving the cover of this so much, and I hope the story inside will be satisfying.

Forget Tomorrow is one of my e-ARCs I have, and although I’m not too far into it, I’m liking it so far. It seems promising!

Recently Finished

The Book of Ivy was a great read! It’s a bit more slow-paced compared to other books I’ve read in the same genre, but it was quite entertaining and really has me interested to read the next book.

I finally got Reawakened by Colleen Houck off my chest! Honestly, this book has been on my read next for the past, like, 6 weeks, and you have no idea of how happy I am that I finished it.

And it was a good read too! I mean, there were several aspects of it that could’ve been done better, I would say, and it took a bit for the story to actually get going, but it was good. More to be said in my review!

Fire With Fire was okay. I kind of feel like I’m saying the same thing I did for the first book, but my feelings aren’t greatly changing. I don’t know. I still am not a huge fan of the characters, and this book just took things to a whole new level of different, and I can’t tell what exactly I think of it. Confusing, I know. Hopefully my full review will be more understandable!

Lightless is one of my Netgalley reads, which actually happened to have released yesterday! It was a very interesting sci-fi read for sure. I do feel like there were several parts that could’ve been shortened a bit and things, but overall it was good.

Read Next

After reading The Book of Ivy earlier this week, I’m definitely interested in continuing with my e-arc of the sequel and finale of the series; The Revolution of Ivy. I’m not exactly sure if or when I’ll be picking this up, but I do know that I will be trying to first finish up a review on the first book before I start it.

The third book in the Burn For Burn trilogy, Ashes to Ashes, is still on my read next this week, since I finished the second novel and want to finish the trilogy. With all my other reads though, I doubt I’ll be able to pick this up, but I guess I might try!

I’ve temporarily taken off Say What You Will off my read next this week (it was on my read next last week) to insert in Everything Everything by Nicola Yoon! It’s been so long since it’s been published, and I must read it asap.

I got Ink and Bone by Rachel Caine sometime last month, and although I’m not sure if I will pick it up this week, I’m definitely considering it!

Vengeance Road by Erin Bowman is another book I can’t wait to read, which was released early this month. I definitely hope I’ll be able to read this this week!

And last but not least, Six of Crows is finally mine! It released yesterday and I have my copy; I’m eager to dive back into the Grishaverse.

So that’s it for this month’s last and this week’s WWW Wednesday! What reads do you have upcoming? What are you currently reading? Have you read any of the above books? Feel free to tell me below, and/or link your WWW post if you have one! I’d love to come check it out. ❤ 

Until the Next Meal, Analee

Friday Finds #20 (September 11th)

Hello bookworms! It’s Friday (thank goodness) and that means it’s time for a Friday Finds post, which I am glad to restart after quite some time missing it. This meme is hosted by Jenn @ A Daily Rhythm, and all you have to do is share a few of the books you’ve recently added to your TBR. Let’s get to it!

Wintermore The Mermaid's Sister  Slumber

Wintermore                               The Mermaid’s Sister                 Slumber
by Aron Sethlen                        by Carrie Anne Noble                 by Christy Sloat

Can't Lose You The Dark Days Club Sacrificed

Can’t Lose You                           The Dark Days Club                 Sacrificed
by J.R. Brown                             by Alison Goodman                 by Emily Wibberley

So that’s it for this week’s Friday Finds! Do you have any of these on your TBR? Have you read any of these? Let me know in the comments below! Also, feel free to link your FF post if you have one! I’d love to check it out.

Enjoy your weekend! #TGIF

Analee 10

Exploring My Bookshelves #3 (May 1)

Exploring My Bookshelves is a meme hosted by Victoria @ Addlepates and Book Nerds. 🙂 It’s lots of fun, where we have to:

1. Post a picture of our bookshelves (preferably literal, but e-book shelves work too)

2. Follow the theme/question about the books on our shelf that Victoria will have set out for us for that week. (Eg. favourite author, cover, etc.)

3. Include the cover and what we thought of it (if it’s read).

4. Link our post!


This week’s question is: Most Borrowed Book

People don’t generally borrow my books that often, but the one that had been borrowed the most I suppose would be my copy of Divergent by Veronica Roth. I’m actually quite surprised my that fact, I didn’t expect Divergent to be my most borrowed book, but it is. It’s a paperback, and I can see where people had stretched the book a bit too wide, and I remember the times my friends had borrowed it, but it still surprises me for some reason. 🙂


So that’s it for this week’s Exploring My Bookshelves! What’s your most borrowed book? Does it surprise you like it did for me? Let me know in the comments below or link your post. ❤

Keep exploring!


Teaser Tuesday #3 (April 28): Finale by Becca Fitzpatrick & Sense and Sensibility by Jane Austen

Welcome to another Teaser Tuesday (a meme hosted by MizB @ A Daily Rhythm)! I am currently reading Finale by Becca Fitzpatrick, and Sense & Sensibility by Jane Austen, so here’s one teaser from each:

‘The elevator, which was almost as large as my bedroom, clanged lower and lower, at last grinding to a stop. The heavy steel door rose, and Scott and I walked out onto a loading dock. The ground and walls were dirt, and the only light came from the single light bulb swinging like a pendulum overhead.’

-Nora, Finale by Becca Fitzpatrick

‘ “Elinor,” cried Marianne, “is this fair? Is this just? Are my ideas so scanty? But I see
what you mean. I have been too much at my ease, too happy, too frank. I have erred against every common-place notion of decorum; I have been open and sincere where I ought to have been reserved, spiritless, dull, and deceitful–had I talked only of the weather and the roads, and had I spoken only once in ten minutes, this reproach would have been spared.”

“My love,” said her mother, “you must not be offended with Elinor–she was only in jest. I should scold her myself, if she were capable of wishing to check the delight of your conversation with our new friend.” Marianne was softened in a moment. ‘

-Marianne & her mother, Sense & Sensibility by Jane Austen

So there we have it! What are your Teaser Tuesdays? Link your post below or comment! I’ll be back later with this week’s Top 10 Tuesday, and maybe even a review! 😉 Have a wonderful Tuesday!


Exploring My Bookshelves #2 (April 24)

Hi! I’m back with a last minute Exploring My Bookshelves post, a meme hosted by Victoria @ Addlepates & Book Nerds. Make sure to check out her blog, it’s amazing! ❤

The Rules:

1. Post a picture of our bookshelves (preferably literal, but e-book shelves work too)

2. Follow the theme/question about the books on our shelf that Victoria will have set out for us for that week. (Eg. favourite author, cover, etc.)

3. Include the cover and what we thought of it (if it’s read).

4. Link our post!


This week’s question is: What characters do you wish you could bring to life?

This is such a hard one! For one I would definitely go with one of Victoria’s choices: Rose from Vampire Academy. She’s an awesome fighter, and would be totally fun to hang out with.

And I have to agree with Poulami @ Daydreaming Books for Cath from Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell. I finished Fangirl today, and I loved it! I’m currently working on its review that I will hopefully be posting tomorrow. 🙂 Cath was just awesome; relatable, funny, and was just so different from other characters I’ve read about. Plus, she’s a total fangirl and I can so relate with fangirling.

And lastly… ugh, this is honestly killing me, there are so many other characters I wish I could bring to life! But I’ll go with one last character: Katy from the Lux series by Jennifer L. Armentrout. First of all, she’s a blogger! Who blogs about books! Like me! ❤ Yay! Plus Katy is just awesome. I’d love to hang out with her (and talk to her about Daemon…)!

So that’s it for this week’s Exploring My Bookshelves! Please link your post below or comment! I’d love to hear of your choices. 🙂

Keep exploring!


Friday Finds #3 (April 24)

The time has come for another Friday Finds! God, I’ve discovered so many new books lately! I could go on and on… but I’ll limit myself to 12… or 15. Anyway, what we do for this meme (which is hosted by MizB @ A Daily Rhythm) is simply list the books we’ve recently added to our TBR, books we’ve ‘found’.

I have a lot to list, so let’s get started!

So there we have it! What are your Friday Finds? Leave a link below or comment! 🙂 Have a wonderful day/night!



That’s What HE Said Thursday #3 (April 23)

Hey there! I’m on my schedule for weekly memes, and since today’s Thursday, it’s time for a That’s What He Said Thursday post (hosted by Chapter Break)!

As I most recently finished Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen, I’ve decided to feature a quote from none other than Mr. Darcy! While he’s a bit too old for me, it doesn’t make his quote and less fuzzy-feeling. 🙂 Plus, I ship him and Elizabeth together, so this quote is super cute!

“In vain have I struggled. It will not do. My feelings will not be repressed. You must allow me to tell you how ardently I admire and love you.”

-Mr. Darcy to Elizabeth, Pride and Prejudice

Aww, isn’t that just the cutest confession of love? ❤ Pride and Prejudice is among one of my favorite classic romance for good reason! I’m feeling horribly sick this morning, and am hoping to recover with a nice, comfy read and take a nap, but I’ll try to have a review on this up as soon as possible!

So what’s your featured book boyfriend’s quote for this week’s That’s What He Said Thursday? Link your post below so I can come check it out, or simply leave a comment. I’d love to hear from you!

Happy Thursday everyone! Hope your morning wasn’t as sickly as mine has been so far! 😉


Top 10 Tuesday #3 (April 21): Top Ten ALL TIME Favorite Authors

The time has come for another Top 10 Tuesday! This week’s theme is All-time favourite authors! This REALLY kills me and I just can’t decide so I’m going to narrow it down to authors in the Paranormal/Fantasy genre or Dystopia, mostly YA. (Press the images for a better, larger view of the pictures.)

As usual, in no particular order:

1. J.K. Rowling

Two words: Harry. Potter. ❤ There really isn’t much more to say other than that. Harry Potter was a thrilling ride that I loved, forever captivating me in the wizarding world.

2. Jennifer L. Armentrout

I love Jennifer Armebtrout’s writing! There’s always an awesome plot, with steamy romance and humorous charters which just makes me want to read her stuff more and more. These are only some of her works:

3. Cassandra Clare

She’s another author who’s writing I love. Her character are always alive and useful, and the world she’s created is amazing. Shadowhunters rule! I loved The Mortal Instruments and The Infernal Devices, can’t wait ’till The Dark Artifices trilogy comes out! ❤

4. Marie Lu

I’ve read only Marie Lu’s Legend trilogy (although I’m planning on reading Her book The Young Elites as well) but her books have captivated me enough to put her on this list. If you haven’t already, you should definitely read Legend!

5. Meg Cabot

You probably heard of this author through The Princess Diaries, but she has several other works that ultimately made Meg Cabot one of my favorite authors. I enjoyed The Princess Diaires series, however I prefer The Mediator series. I also really enjoyed her Airhead trilogy. Her Heather Wells series was quite enjoyable, as well as her stand-alone novels Pants on Fire and Teen Idol. I have yet to start her Queen of Babble trilogy. I’m looking forward to getting to it! 🙂

6. Suzanne Collins

How could I not put the author of The Hunger Games on this list? The Hunger Games was awesome and one of the few movie adaptations other than HP done well. 🙂

7. Rick Riordan

I loved Rick Riordan’s Percy Jackson & the Olympians series, as well as The Heroes of Olympus series! I also enjoyed his Kane Chronicles trilogy as well! They were all fast-paced, adventurous, and best of all, involved mythology! I can’t wait for the first book in Riordan’s newest series, Magnus Chase and The Gods of Asgard, which is named The Sword of Summer. 🙂

8. Richelle Mead

I’ve read a lot of vampire-themed books, but Richelle Mead’s Vampire Academy is the one most worth mentioning for this list. Richelle Mead’s writing is captivating, and I love her Vampire Academy and Bloodlines series (what I’ve read of Bloodlines series, anyway.) Looking forward to reading her other series! Check out my reviews on the first two books of the VA series HERE and HERE. Definitely one of my favorite authors!

9. Kiera Cass

I loved Kiera Cass’s Selection series! Made for a sweet, romance with touches of dystopia flavoring, and an awesome read. Her books were all very well-written. Looking forward to The Heir!

10. C.C Hunter

C.C Hunter is a wonderful author who I feel is quite unrecognized. I have read all the books released in her two series; Shadow Falls and Shadow Falls: After Dark, and I loved both of them! I definitely recommend her works, one of my favorite authors!

There are so many other authors I would love to put on the list, but alas, I must stop there. A few honorable mentions go to: Jane Austen (even though she isn’t a YA fantasy, paranormal or dystopia author), John Green, Veronica Roth, Marissa Meyer, Colleen Houck and Becca Fitzpatrick. They are very good writers and definitely should be recognized.

Anyway, that concludes this list! I don’t know how I would ever have stopped if I did a list on all-time favorite authors! 🙂 So what are your Top 10 All-time favorite authors? Or if you’re like me, All-time favorite authors of YA fantasy, paranormal, etc.? Comment your thoughts below! Or if you participate in this meme, post your link so I can come check it out!

Happy listing!


P.S. For some more Book Snacks Fun, check out this week’s Teaser Tuesday!

Teaser Tuesday #2 (April 21): Pride & Prejudice by Jane Austen

Hey everyone! The time has come for my second Teaser Tuesday up to date, a meme hosted by MizB @ A Daily Rhythm. It’s lots of fun so feel free to join in!

What to do:

Grab your current readPride and Prejudice_bookcover
• Open to a random page
• Share two (2) “teaser” sentences from somewhere on that page
Be careful not to include spoilers (make sure that what you share doesn’t give too much away! You don’t want to ruin the book for others!)
• Share the title & author, too, so that other Teaser Tuesdays participants can add the book to their TBR Lists if they like your teasers!

I will soon start reading another book for the Popsugar challenge, but currently I’m reading Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen (for ‘A Classic Romance’). I love this book, and I had it on my To Be Re-Read List anyway, so I’m glad this challenge sped up the process.

Anyway, here are my two teasers!

Teaser 1:

“Oh! I am not afraid of her dying. People do not die of little trifling colds. She will be taken good care of. As long as she styas there, it is all very well. I would go and see her if I could have the carriage.”

Elizabeth, feeling really anxious, was determined to go see her, though the carriage was not to be had; and as she was no horsewoman, walking was her only alternative. She declared her resolution.

“How can you be so silly,” cried her mother, “as to think of such a thing, in all this dirt! You will not be fit to be seen when you get there.”

“I shall be very fit to see Jane—which is all I want.”

-Chapter 7, Pride and Prejudice

Teaser 2:

“In Meryton they parted; the two youngest repaired to the lodgings of one of the officers’ wives, and Elizabeth continues her walk alone, crossing field after field at a quick pace, jumping over stiles and springing over puddles with impatient activity, and finding herself at last within view of the house, with weary ankles, dirty stockings, and a face glowing with the warmth of exercise.”

-Chapter 7, Pride and Prejudice

That’s it for this week’s Teaser Tuesday! Coming soon: Top 10 Tuesday: Top 10 Favorite Authors!

Happy eating!



Recent Updates: New meme!

I know, I know. Another meme? Why? I have no idea. I already have tons! But just for some extra fun I decided I want to add more memes. I probably will abandon some anyway when my work starts piling really high, but for now, I’ll manage. 🙂

So one of them is a popular one I’ve noticed; Exploring My Bookshelves hosted by Victoria @ Addlepates & Book Nerds.

For this meme, we have to:

1. Post a picture of our bookshelves (preferably literal, but e-book shelves work too)

2. Follow the theme/question about the books on our shelf that Victoria will have set out for us for that week. (Eg. favorite author, cover, etc.)

3. Include the cover and what we thought of it (if it’s read).

4. Link our post!

So, the themes/questions set are:

17th April: something set somewhere very different to where you live

24th April: characters you want to bring to life

1st May: your most borrowed book

8th May: your least borrowed book (or one you couldn’t bear to trust others with)

This seemed lots of fun, so I decided to do it! Post coming soon!

So, that’s it for this time, Book Snackers! I’ll be posting my first Exploring My Bookshelves post soon, so keep an eye out for that! 😉

See you next time!


Friday Finds #2 (April 17)

The time has come for another Friday Finds! Friday Finds is a meme hosted by MizB @ A Daily Rhythm, where we simply showcase recent books we’ve ‘found’, basically books we’ve recently added to our TBR list.

All book titles are linked to their Goodreads page.

There’s several more, but these are the first ones that came to mind. If I continued the list we’d be here a while, so I’ll leave it at this. What have you recently added to your TBR list? If you participate in this meme, I’d love to read your answers. Just link your most recent Friday Finds post in the comments below! If you don’t participate in this meme, I’d still love to hear from you, so please, comment your thoughts below.

Hope you have a wonderful day! (#TGIF)
