Bath & Body Works Book Tag | Happy Mother’s Day!

Hey there everyone! I’m super excited to present this book tag that I created as part of my 100 followers celebration, and as it is also Mother’s Day today, consider this tag a Mother’s Day gift! If you’ve read my Beautiful Blogger Award post, you’ll know I love Bath and Body Works products. ❤ So, as a tribute to this awesome store and my obsession with it, I created the tag based on the names of select B&BW products! Enjoy!

Bath & Body Works Book Tag

1. Pure Paradise: A book that was simply perfection

I have to go with Harry Potter! I know I’m cheating on my own tag by putting a series instead of only one book, but still. The series was perfection!

2. Sweet Pea: A romance/contemporary novel that you really enjoyed

As this was the most recent romance book I’ve read, and enjoyed, I’m using this one. It was amazing, I loved it! The romance was just so cute! ❤ A review on it will be posted soon.

3. Fresh Strawberries: A book you really enjoyed that came out this year

Before it was released I would say I had pretty high expectations, but luckily I managed to lower them to reasonable expectations, and I really liked this book! There were some issues I had, but overall I really enjoyed it, it was amazing! A review will be posted after I get my reviews for The Elite and The One up.

4. Warm Vanilla Sugar: A character and/or book that made you feel all warm and smiley. 

There are so many of them I could pick for this one! Okay, so definitely all the characters I listed for a question on my Celebrity Book Tag:

  • Roth from The Dark Elements (by Jennifer L. Armentrout)
  • Daemon from the Lux series (by Jennifer L. Armentrout)
  • Tucker from the Unearthly series (by Cynthia Hand)
  • Noah from the Mara Dyer trilogy (by Michelle Hodkin)
  • Will from The Infernal Devices (by Cassandra Clare)

As well as:

  • Four from Divergent (by Veronica Roth)
  • Levi from Fangirl (by Rainbow Rowell)

As for sweet & warm books, I have to go with:

  • To All the boys I’ve Loved Before by Jenny Han
  • On the Fence by Kasie West
  • Eleanor & Park by Rainbow Rowell

5. Paris Amour: A couple you majorly ship together

What is there to explain? ❤ Perfect couples.

6. Dancing Waters: A book that takes place on a beach/Perfect beach read

The first book that comes to mind for me would be The Last Song Nicholas Sparks. It was kind of sad, but still would make an okay beach read! (For me, at least.)

7. I ❤ Cake Books: Favorite book/character

I swear I’m trying to torture myself. I’m really bad at choosing only one favorite! I guess I’ll go with Cath from Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell, Katniss from The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins, Percy from Percy Jackson & the Olympians by Rick Riordan, etc. You get the idea.

8. Winter Candy Apple: A book set around Christmas or during winter. 

First book that popped into my head! 😉

9. Beautiful Day: A book with an unusual/interesting/appealing setting

Thr Tiger’s Saga by Colleen Houck immediately came to my head; it’s set in India! The Lunar Chronicles also have an interesting setting. 🙂

10. Dazzling Diamonds: Gorgeous cover(s)

I keep putting A Thousand Pieces of You for anything related with covers, but I can’t help it! It’s just so pretty! The Heir is also stunning, and Snow Like Ashes is another cover favorite. Honourable mentions go to The Winner’s Curse by Marie Rutkoski, and A Court of Thorns and Roses by Sarah J. Maas.

I tag my first 10 followers:

Of course, you don’t have to participate, but I would love to read your answers if you do!

If you love Bath & Body Works as much as I do, or even more, I would consider it a personal favor if you also participate in this tag! So please, consider yourself tagged if you enjoy Bath & Body Works’ products, or simply as a tribute to mother’s day! After all, what’s a better gift than some Bath and Body Works heavenly scents?

Happy Mother’s Day to all moms out there!


19 thoughts on “Bath & Body Works Book Tag | Happy Mother’s Day!

  1. Buying those little small hand sanitizers is literally my closet addiction! I own way too many because of those 5 for $5 sales… haha. And, wow, I can’t believe I was a part of your first 10! This looks fun, thanks for the tag! 🙂

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