Diversity, friendships, and more! | Dear future authors: pretty please include more of these things in your books (!!!)

Hey everyone! I hope you guys are all doing well. ❤ My blogging schedule is as unpredictable as ever, but I’m back today with another post; this time with a list of things I wish I could see more in the books I read. In this case, it would be YA, but honestly, no matter what the intended audience is, we should have more of these things. YA books are great, believe me, they are. Are they perfect? No, of course not. Every book has its set of problems. However, there are things that totally deserve more attention and should totally appear more in books, which is what I want to discuss today. Let’s do this.

Things I Wish Were in More Books

1. Girl + Girl Friendships.

(Aka fromances.* Just fyi.) Beth’s wonderful post talking about girl on girl hate in YA books inspired this one–it’s something that was always in the back of my mind, but reading this post made me realize how little female friendships there are in YA fiction. We have our bromances, which are AMAZING, but the fact that I cannot think of many examples of  YA books with strong female friendships is SO problematic. So many of YA’s readers are female, and no matter what the age, every single one of them deserves to recognize and relate, and fall in love with a strong female friendship because that is part of our lives. Female friendships exist, and are so, so important. They are a HUGE part of my own life–and I will bet yours as well–and it makes me so sad that I don’t see many books reflecting that in the lives of their characters. Female friendships (fromances!!) can be one of the strongest bonds ever, just as much as the bromances or the romantic ships. They are one of the most prevalent relationships in the lives of girls everywhere, so why are the majority of our YA books lacking this friendship in the characters’ life?

*Hey, there are bromances, why can’t there be fromances? THIS IS NOW A THING. Do not judge.

2. Male-female friendships.

Continuing on the theme of friendships, I would totally love to see more male-female friendships. I recently read The Inexplicable Logic of My Life by Benjamin Alire Sáenz, featuring an AMAZING, completely platonic, strong friendship between Sal, the main character, and his best friend, Sam. Their friendship was SO sweet and I loved it so much–but I’ll save that for the upcoming review. Point is: yes, there are definitely boy-girl friendships already that are great. But it only goes on to show that they should totally be in more books as well, because hey! News flash: boys and girls can be just friends. Everyone knows this. It’s always great to see a developed, boy-girl friendship in books to chip away at the idea that boys and girls can only be interested in each other romantically. And honestly, what harm is there melting a reader’s heart with a beautiful friendship? Friendships, in general, are awesome, and we totally need more of them. 

3. FOOD.

This might be affected by the fact that I am very very hungry right now. But nonetheless!! FOOD. Oh my gosh. So important, guys. I am always mildly shocked in the back of my mind when I read a book, and the characters go so long without food. No mention of it, nothing. There are books who do, definitely (and they understand me on a spiritual level*), but it is something that could totally be added to more books. See, food makes a book a) more realistic, b) more relatable c) more eat-able (book talks about food = book becomes said food?? Bet that’s how it works.) and d) overall more interesting because FOOD. I mean, I probably wouldn’t remember any of the descriptions of food past two seconds, but it’s in the moment, you know?

Ugh, this isn’t helping my hunger at all. I need to go restock my snack storage. Brb.

4. All the family.

CAN WE HAVE MORE FAMILY PLEASE? Thankfully I’m not dying of deprivation (yet) thanks to the select few wonderful books that have amazing moms and dads and siblings. ❤ Seriously, those books are actually the best and especially special because there are such few healthy familial relationships in YA, which is why they’re on this list. A healthy father-child bond or mother-child bond, or parents-child bond can be so impactful and so wonderful to read about. Is having parents who are present, caring, concerned and responsible too much to ask for? It really shouldn’t be. I get that, in many circumstances, absentee parents are a device for sympathy, plot, development, and who knows what else, but that does not mean we can’t have books with realistic and healthy portrayals of family because that is equally important in our lives and totally deserves more rep.

5. Little to no romance.

I’m aware of the fact that there ARE in fact many books without romance, don’t worry. I mean, I could list a few, definitely not as many as I would like, though. Because as much as I love romance in YA books (Ships yay), sometimes it’s nice to have books without, seeing how a) it gives us a break between all the emotional havoc our hearts go through the other 99% of the time, b) shows that romance isn’t everything! Because it really isn’t. See above friendships and family. ❤ and c) who has time for romance, anyway? Jk. But I definitely wouldn’t mind reading more books with little to no romance! Because hey, it’s all a part of life. Realistically, a lot of people don’t meet their one and only love in high school anyway aha. 😛

6. Slow-burn romance.

Does it make sense that I put books with no romance and books with slow-burn romance? Shhhhhhh, of course it does. Just as much as no romance books are important, I doubt YA fiction is going to kill off romance easily, which, I don’t mind because there are some really great books out there with them! Honestly, there is an endless array of books to choose in the YA romance area. But, specifically, I love slow-burns. Fantasy novels are usually quite good at this, and their romance doesn’t completely overwhelm the story, which is great for readers not looking only for romance. It would be great for more contemporary novels to have a developed and slow-burn romance too! Insta-love, for example, is not something I’m a fan of in books, which seems to appear a lot, which is why I’m advocating for more developed romances because those are so great to read, and offer a lot more to the characters and plot-wise in my opinion.


This is probably the one most everyone will agree on, which is great because diversity is so important. Whether it be featuring POCs, people of the LQBT+ community, people suffering from mental illness, people with disabilities, people of different religions, etc. There are so many different people around the world–and, not just cis, white people featured in so many YA books. I have nothing against those characters, but it is a disservice to the beauty of this world, and the many wonderful, wonderful people who don’t get that much representation in the books they read. We aren’t all the same, and getting those books with characters who are similar to you can be so empowering. However, I firmly believe that if you are going to include diverse characters in a book, please, please, you have a responsibility to do it right. YA fiction, is, of course, fiction, but when it comes to diversity and representation, whether it be a race of people, or people with disabilities, or the LGBT+ community, or a culture, or anything, it’s more offensive and disrespectful to misrepresent them, including them in books but having them reduced to clichés, stereotypes. Which, is another reason why the #ownvoices movement is so great. Diversity, fortunately, is something that is being publicized more than ever, which means there are TONS of amazing diverse books out there (YAY), but I will forever be an advocate for more diverse books because it’s something that should be the norm, as well as celebrated. Why do I want–need–more (accurately represented) diverse books? For all the people who deserve to see themselves represented. For everyone so they can be educated on all the different people of the world. For everyone because they are important. Case in point: We all need diverse books. We will never not need more of them. ❤

WOW that last paragraph was longer than I expected. There is so much to say on the topic! But anyway. Friendships, diversity, family, food, these are all things I adore to see in books, things that are SO important to me and so passionate about. Can we please have more of them in YA?! Pretty please??


a deprived bookworm

Until the Next Meal, Analee

P.S. Until my plea is answered, let’s discuss! Don’t leave me hanging here, I spent a lot of time on this. 😛 Which of these do you want to see more of? What do you think about the whole diversity debacle? Any other things you want to see in YA books? ❤

65 thoughts on “Diversity, friendships, and more! | Dear future authors: pretty please include more of these things in your books (!!!)

  1. YES YES YES I TOTALLY AGREE. I’m feeling pretty proud right now because I’m (working on and failing at) writing a novel where there are girl + girl friendships, and female + male relationships. #score AND I’M ALSO INCLUDING FOOD. Yes! Where is the family??? Give me the family! Too many times I’ve read books where the family is not included at all. I get how it’s easier, but sometimes, we NEED family. (I mean, in my novel family is SO excluded, but that’s because of how the world was built???) And AGH DIVERSITY YES PLEASE YES YES YES. I am Thai and a Buddhist, so I want to see more diversity, obviously!

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    • YAYYYY really?!! That’s amazing, I would totally read that novel. 😍 Friendships for the win!! And food, of course, can’t forget the food. And right?! I get how not having the family can make things easier, but it leave so much of an impact on me if there IS a family. (And haha it’s okay, I get that.) YES DIVERSITY!! ❤ SO important.

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  2. FROMANCES FOR THE WIN! Seriously, there’s such a devastating lack of them and I don’t know why. We are able to have lasting friendships as well, not just guys. And there were also many a many boys I never even felt an inkling more than platonic love for and I can’t understand why that’s not accepted more often either. FOOD + DIVERSITY + FAMILY = ALL THE LOVE! But I just agree with all of those points. Very well crafted post, Analee ❤

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    • YESSSSS!! It’s actually so sad. Girls can form just as strong of a friendship with other girls as guys can with other guys, and it’s equally true that there can be a strong friendship between a guy and girl, and NOTHING MORE. It should totally be accepted more often. Aha yessss!! SO MUCH LOVE for that equation. 😂❤ Thank you, Kat!!

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  3. YES YES YES I WANT ALL OF THIS! Fromances, particularly. I feel like there are so many books that have girls hating on other girls but um, can they not? Also, there aren’t that many girl-boy friendships either, now that I think of it. It’s always a friends-to-lovers thing (though that can be cute too!) I love reading books with food in it but I also get ridiculously hungry picturing all the wonderful things I can’t reach into the book and devour </3 DIVERSITY IS VVV IMPORTANT YES. I totally agree with you that there should not just be diversity, but accurate representation of diverse communities.
    Wonderful post Analee 🙂

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    • RIGHT?! ❤ Oh my gosh, yes, the way girls are portrayed in books 99% of the time is that they hate anyone of the female gender. Like, not true? For every two girls who hate eachother, there are about ten more pairs of girls who love and care about eachother, and our books are missing that. 😐 Friends-to-lovers between a boy and girl is pretty common, and of course, can be super cute, but yeah, friendships aren’t as common though they really should be!! Oh my gosh yes so true haha. 😂 It’s like, I want the food in books but they get me so hungry I’m dying by the end of it. 🤣

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  4. Lovely list, Analee! And I agree with you 100% on all of this ; I would love to read about more friendships rather than girl hate. Just normal, a bit complicated at times, sure, but FRIENDSHIPS please ❤ ❤

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  5. This is an amazing post Analee Obviously more girl friendships (AKA. fromances) are something we definitely need more of, I’d love to see them in future books as well. Also I definitely definitely agree we need more family relationships as well. It’s something you notice in fantasy books more but the parents always seem to be absent or dead. I guess it’s hard to save the world when you have a curfew to keep.
    In terms of diversity we are seeing more of it in books but it seems to only be select kind of diversity if that makes sense. There are plenty of books that feature gay relationships but not nearly as many featuring lesbian ones, and it’s the same with other aspects of diversity too. What we’re seeing now is a great start but there’s still more to be done.
    Again great post Analee! 😀 ❤

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    • Thank you Beth!! ❤ Aha yes, please more fromances! We don’t get enough of them. 😓 Yes, exactly! I mean, I can understand why it happens, especially in a fantasy world where you’re in constant threat of something or whatnot, but it would be great to have nonetheless. (Though contemporaries should definitely have them more, by that logic??? It’s a sort of depiction of real life, and real life has family? 😂)
      That’s so true! There are definitely certain topics/elements of diversity used or talked about more often than others. It is a good start for sure, but you’re right, still room for improvement! ❤ Ahh thank you!!

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      • That’s all right. 😀 ❤ We really don't, I think that's partly why I always love books that feature them that little bit more. Just because at the moment they're a novelty.
        It can still be done in fantasy books. I just think it must be easier to have had something happen to the families to avoid having to work around them. Contemporaries need family dynamics, then again, and it may be different for you, I haven't actually read that many contemporaries where there haven't been families in one form or another.
        I think with diversity there is always going to need to be more, and always room for improvement as well. I think books are making a good start though. 🙂

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        • Very true! I consider them quite precious at the moment, but perhaps that will change as they become more common…
          Very good point, most contemporaries feature family dynamics of some sort, but I do think there should be more families that are healthier and maybe more present throughout the story.
          Yes, and I’m excited to see our progress from here! 🙈😊

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  6. Everything that you’ve mentioned is right on target. I have read some great adult novels with wonderful female friendships, and usually I enjoy those books even more because of them! I’ll admit to loving food in books also. I went on a tear where the female leads in several books I was reading owned or worked in bakeries. Those were not good for my waistline! Lol. Diversity has gotten better- The Sun is Also a Star was one of the most critically acclaimed YA books last year and both characters were from different cultures. I love this conversation and could go on and on. Great topic!!

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    • I’m glad you think so! ❤ Oh, that is so wonderful to hear, it’s always so great when books feature female friendships isn’t it? Oh yes, I was so jealous of the main characters while reading several books because of the delicious food. Definitely makes me want to reach for snacks of my own. 😂 Very true, diversity was once upon a time scarce, and I’m glad to see it is progressing! I haven’t read The Sun is Also a Star, but I’m looking forward to reading it, especially with its diversity factor. ❤ Thank you!!

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    We SO need healthy female-female friendships what with all the current discussion about girl hate going around the bookish community.
    Male-female friendships are SO damn necessary and so poorly portrayed in YA books that it makes me cry. Especially YA fantasy – where you almost cannot expect a boy and girl to remain just friends. Every single character in the series has to fall in love with someone or the other and sometimes those relationships just don’t make sense.
    More family! Totally! When you’re a teenager, your family is the most existent and important part of your life, and it’s stupid how authors completely gloss over that aspect.
    Little or no romance – YES PLEASE!

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    • YAYY! I’m glad to hear that. Oh my gosh, yes!! There is too much girl hate in books, and not enough of the beautiful and healthy friendships that occur in real life.
      Right?! Oh my gosh, that’s so true! I’ve read a few contemporary books with a female-male friendship, but I’ve hardly ever read a fantasy novel where the two main characters don’t end up together, to be honest. Which is so sad because male-female friendships can be just as amazing as the ships, if only they gave it a try…
      Aha yes! It’s so rare to see a book with parents or family having a big part, and although there are some great ones, we totally need more of them. Family is so important! ❤


  8. YES! To all of this!!
    First of all, I hate how little attention and care is given to female friendships. Life would be so much harder if us girls did not rely on each other and share those beautiful bonds that make our lives funnier and brighter! It’s like an entire pan of our lives is denied in books because the message is girls should compete with each other, fight for guys and only talk about them.
    Male / female friendships I have seen more often but they usually then turn into romance and it’s sad because I am the living proof you can be friend with a guy without having to hide your feelings and sing Taylor Swift songs in the dark every night thinking how unrequited love is painful.
    And as a French foodie… FOOOOOOOOOOOOD!!!!!
    Fantastic post!

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    • ❤ Right??! Female friendships deserve SO much more attention, they are so strong and so much more realistic! My friends are one of the biggest parts of my life, it is so sad to not have that conveyed through the books we read, and instead reduced to a one-dimensional girl hate or boy-crazy relationship.
      That is so true! I have seen male/female friendships a bit more as well, but more often than not it turns into a romance… haha yes, that’s exactly it. 🙈 I have many male friends myself and I have no inkling of romantic interest! *gasp* Who knew?! 😂
      And yessss food is my one true love haha. 😍


  9. OMG! Yes to all of these, but especially male & female friendships. I’m tired of the whole “guys and girls can’t be friends” thing, I want more books that feature friendships instead of just relationships! Also yes for fromances, I mean in real life you’re BFF is the solution to all your problems; she’s the shoulder you cry on and the one you ask for advice and I definitely want to see more of that in books 💕 I would also love to see more families, but also a wide range of diverse families. I want to see kids with gay/lesbian parents, I also want to read about divorced parents but where the kid actually has a healthy relationship with both their mom and dad.
    I love, love, love this discussion post 💕

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    • Yes!! Males and females can totally be just friends, our books should show that, not perpetuate the idea that they can only be lovers! 🙈
      Oh my gosh yes! My best friend is one of the people I love most and talk to about everything pretty much. And it makes me so sad to not have a bond like that in books because it is SO important. ❤ Ahhh yes!! That is so true, and I completely agree; that would be so great to read about and I want to see that too. Thank you Michelle!! 💘 I’m SO glad. ❤

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  10. Yes please! Especially FROMANCES! I recently re-read the Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants by Ann Brashares (an oldie, but a goodie), and it made my heart swell with happiness because the friendship depicted in that novel is so strong and so positive.

    I’d also love to see more book portray the whole family. I think I struggle to recall books that portray the whole family more than books that portray fromances…

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    • FROMANCES FOR LIFE. 💘💘 We need so much more of them! Aha yes I forgot about how sweet the friendship was in that one. ❤ It’s always such a great feeling to see strong friendships, especially females because we don’t get enough of them.
      Yes! I can think of a few books with positive family themes, but we definitely need more of them. ❤


  11. I really enjoyed reading your post, I agreed with it all. Especially with the slow burning romance, as I think it is more realistic that way. I don’t believe that people can fall in love instantly and it certainly isn’t that simple, so more books should show it as it is. Slow burn is by far more realistic and for me I enjoy it much more, and you can fall in love with the characters as they do. I feel that slow burn romance allows you to understand and feel the love between the characters. More diversity would be great in books, I think it would be especially great for much younger readers as they can relate more and maybe in a way it might make them feel that they are not alone and that it is okay to be different. As for friendships, I completely understand what you were saying about female-male friendships as I have quite a few close male friends that I spend a lot of time around. I recently read a very good book centred around female friendships called Beautiful Broken Things, if you haven’t read it I recommend that you do. I feel that it really shows the strong bond between friends. I’m actually doing a review of it on my blog which I hope to post real soon so you can check that out if you would like to know more about my opinion on it. I didn’t intend for this comment to be so long, sorry if its a lot! 🙂

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    • Thank you! I’m glad to hear it. ❤ Slow burning romances are definitely more realistic in my opinion as well! Insta love is just so hard for me to believe, particularly in books. Aha yes one of the best parts of slow burns is watching the characters fall in love! It creates a deeper sense of connection to the characters I think, one that you miss with insta love because it happens so fast.
      Yes diversity is so important! Books reach so many different people, and everyone, and definitely younger readers, totally deserve to see themselves represented in books. Can be so beneficial in so many ways, as long as the representation is done right, of course. Yes, male-female friendships are actually so common in real life?? Yet in books they’re not as much, which is disappointing. Oh, I actually have read that book! It was a while ago, but I think I remember it was mainly focused on the friendship between the friends, wasn’t it? I will definitely be looking out for your review. ❤ It’s really no problem, honestly! I love answering to comments like this, thank you so much for stopping by. 💞

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  12. More friendships would be great! I can’t stand all the female-female hate that seems to be in books. It’s not an every girl for herself type of world…not everyone is trying to get the other’s boyfriend.
    And more platonic relationships! Not every BFF needs to fall in love with each other. I’m very tired of that trope myself.

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    • Right??! There’s too much girl hate in books, which, apart from being tiring and negative, is so unrealistic! Haha that’s so true, that’s exactly it.
      Yes! I miss boy-girl platonic relationships, there’s not enough of them. 😔

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  13. Hey, I am so happy I came across your blog from Beth’s (from Reading Every Night) posts! This is such a wonderful post and I really enjoyed reading it.

    One thing that I would love more in YA books is the characters’ exploration of sex. It’s important and I really hope that sex gets more attention in books! Another thing I would like to see more is strong family ties. The whole “distant parent” trope in YA is getting corny and we need more family relationships in YA!

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    • I’m glad you found my blog and enjoyed this post! I had a lot of fun writing it.
      That’s a different perspective! It is definitely something that isn’t talked about as much.
      But yes!! I would love to have more attention given to stronger families. ❤ Parents are too often so distant and not involved in YA which is so unrealistic for the majority of people aha, not to mention a very tired trope.

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  14. I’m proud to say that both of my current WIPs match something like 5 out of these 7. I actually have an ongoing list of things I want to see more of in fiction (it’s very similar to this one) and I write based on that list. After all, I don’t want to rely on other people to give me the stories I want to read–I’m just going to enjoy what I can get and change the world in the process ^^

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    • No one has, actually, but it happens that I’ve read that book! I read it 2 years ago, I believe, but I have really bad memory and don’t remember much of it… I’m glad to hear there are strong female friendships though! I’m going to have to revisit it and see if I can jog my memory haha. ❤

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  15. Oh goodness! I couldn’t have worded these points better myself if I tried! Wonderful post! 🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼 seriously smiled all throughout thinking & mouthing silently YASSSSSS!!! Haha! Friendships, food, & diversity🤗🤗🤗 I need more too! Some of my most memorable reads have actually included these aspects. Food does give the text a realistic feel & can be linked to many emotions. Friendships should t be restricted to bromances. I personally have had a 18 year long strictly platonic friendship with my male best friend. It would be AMAZING to see more of that in the books I read. Diversity in YA this year has been rolling out slowly but surely, I totally agree with you the importance of getting it right. I’m honestly so excited to see many own voices debut authors hit the shelves that I’m just trying to keep up with them all 😆😆😆 again EPIC post! 💗

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    • Thank you SO MUCH!! ❤❤ That actually means so much to me, now I’m the one smiling, though not-so-silently squealing over this lovely comment aha.
      Yes! Friendships, food and diversity are such important elements that I would love to have more of. Food makes me so hungry, for one, but definitely very realistic! Like, humans eat?? It’s kind of a thing? 😂 Oh that is so great! That’s exactly it. Guys and girls can totally be just friends, it would be so great to have more of our books reflect that for sure.
      Yes, it’s definitely a lot of progress and I’m so glad for it! I can’t wait to read the many own voices books out there; there’s so many lately I can’t keep up either haha. 😂 Thank you! 💞💞

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  16. Fromances!! I LOVE IT! Seriously, I’m going to start using that now. I completely agree with every single one of these points. I was actually discussing with Beth on her post that you linked back to about the fact that I can’t stand girl hate and how the way to get rid of the stereotype is to just feature more incredible female friendships in books. Definitely lacking in YA and we need more! And yes to food, diversity, male – female friendships, slow burn romances, and family! Funny enough I’ve read a lot of books with male-female friendships but most have been fantasy novels so it would be nice to see it more often in contemporary. And of course everything you said about diversity is on point! There has been so many great diverse books published this year already and I’m loving seeing that and hope I’m able to get around to all of the ones on my TBR for this year. Great discussion!! 😁

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    • YES!! Fromances is the best term for it, if I do say so myself. 😉 Yes, exactly! I’m so glad Beth wrote a post about that, it’s such an important topic and so worrying. There is way too much girl hate, so many negative connotations to girls and other girls, as if we can’t stand one another? It’s ridiculous because 99% of the time that is the furthest from the truth. And the solution is definitely to have more healthy, strong and beautiful female friendships in YA books that we can get behind. ❤
      Right?!! I need morrrrrrrrre of all of it. Have you really? That’s great! In most of my fantasy novels though, the majority of the time there aren’t many male-female friendships… gonna have to pick up these fantasy novels you’re reading! Haha. But yes, would be great to have more in contemporary as well!
      I love the progress that’s being made on diverse books, it’s so great that people are paying attention to it. Aha same, I want to read all of them but there’s zero time haha because there’s quite a lot! Thank you!! 💞

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      • I’m glad she did too, it’s something that needs to be spoken up about. That way publishers and authors can realize that we want less of the girl hate and more incredible female friendships. There really is too much girl hate in YA and I realized most of the contemporaries I read in middle school and high school featured it over female friendships and that’s sad. Definitely ridiculous and hopefully one day it stops being the go-to trope.
        If you haven’t read it I so recommend The Bone Season by Samantha Shannon. It features a great female-male friendship. Nick and Paige’s friendship is probably one of my favorites. 🙈🙈
        Right? So many books, so little reading time. We could all use a little more reading time lol.
        You’re welcome!! 💕

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        • It really is! It sends such a terrible and negative message to readers, which is sad for all readers, and especially younger readers, who perhaps look to books to have a representation of life they can relate to.
          Ooh I’ve heard such great things about that one, definitely going to have to pick it up! I’m so glad to hear about the female-male friendship. I can’t wait to see this friendship when I read the books!
          Haha yes, exactly! ❤ If only…


  17. Love this post! I am definitely for all of these things – including solid friendships between girls. It just seems like there aren’t enough books that are about FRIENDS instead of a romance developing and just trying to eat the whole darn plot. And food? YES.

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  18. The more I read the more I realize that I love slowburn romances so I do want to see more of that. I already mentioned this in my other comment on one of your other posts, but I’m totally in favor for romance-free books that focus on friendship dynamics between characters instead! And we will never have enough diverse books but I am happy to see so many authors trying to make their books be all inclusive with a more diverse cast. Lastly, I would also encourage authors to strive for creating own voices work! 🙂


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    • Yes, slowburn romances are so great!! ❤ ❤ And yes, romance-free books that focus on friendship dynamics are so needed and much loved aha. And I agree, I love the progress that authors are making! It's so great to see authors make that effort to include a diverse cast, and I also love seeing authors' own voices books! We definitely need more of those, and I think they're so important. Thanks so much for stopping by, Summer!! ❤


  19. Ummm yes to all of these!! Especially more diversity, more girl friendships and more girl-boy friendships. And of course we need to see more great families too. Especially in fantasy. I feel like often the parents are dead or missing in fantasy?? Give me parents who are mad that their Chosen One kid missed curfew because they were busy saving the world please


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