Reasons why book bloggers would write the best books ever!

Fact: book bloggers are pretty amazing. They’re so smart, they’re so BOOKISH, they’re so friendly (ily people <3), they’re so aware and fabulous. Like, seriously. All of you book bloggers, YOU ROCK. I admire all of you so much, you have no idea!

Writers, you see, are also some people who I admire! They provide us with the AMAZING books that I would honestly be lost without. That I adore to read. That are fabulously written. SO. Just imagine the potential, then, if you mash the two together and have a writer who’s also a book blogger?! I KNOW. GENIUS.

This is partly inspired by the fact that there are so many book bloggers I’ve met and talk to (and many who I haven’t) who are aspiring writers and such? (So my genius idea and dream to have writers who are book bloggers publish books might not be too far off??! I AM PSYCHIC.)

And in case you had any doubts of the amazingness of book bloggers and their talents, well, here are reasons why book bloggers would write the best books ever!! (Talk to me after you’ve read the post, muggle who doubts the awesomeness of book blogging writers. Also seriously, they have some of the best ideas and I would 10/10 read books by book bloggers. #publisherstakenoteplz)

Oh and disclaimer I’m not trying to undermine authors at all!! In case you read any comment in that way, I’m proving why book bloggers would write amazing books, not that they are better than the authors we have or that the authors we have aren’t good! šŸ™‚Read More »

Diversity, friendships, and more! | Dear future authors: pretty please include more of these things in your books (!!!)

Hey everyone! I hope you guys are all doing well. ā¤ My blogging schedule is as unpredictable as ever, but I’m back today with another post; this time with a list of things I wish I could see more in the books I read. In this case, it would be YA, but honestly, no matter what the intended audience is, we should have more of these things. YA books are great, believe me, they are. Are they perfect? No, of course not. Every book has its set of problems. However, there are things that totally deserve more attention and should totally appear more in books, which is what I want to discuss today. Let’s do this.

Things I Wish Were in More Books

1. Girl + Girl Friendships.

(Aka fromances.* Just fyi.)Ā Beth’s wonderful post talking about girl on girl hate in YA booksĀ inspired this one–it’s something that was always in the back of my mind, but reading this post made me realize how little female friendships there are in YA fiction. We have our bromances, which are AMAZING, but the fact that I cannot think of many examples of Ā YA books with strong female friendships is SO problematic. So many of YA’s readers are female, and no matter what the age, every single one of them deserves to recognize and relate, and fall in love with a strong female friendship because that is part of our lives. Female friendships exist, and are so, so important. They are a HUGE part of my own life–and I will bet yours as well–and it makes me so sad that I don’t see many books reflecting that in the lives of their characters. Female friendships (fromances!!) can be one of the strongest bonds ever, just as much as the bromances or the romantic ships. They are one of the most prevalent relationships in the lives of girls everywhere, so why are the majority of our YA books lacking this friendship in the characters’ life?

*Hey, there are bromances, why can’t there be fromances? THIS IS NOW A THING. Do not judge.

2. Male-female friendships.

Continuing on the theme of friendships, I would totally love to see more male-female friendships. I recently readĀ The Inexplicable Logic of My Life byĀ Benjamin Alire SĆ”enz, featuring an AMAZING, completely platonic, strong friendship between Sal, the main character, and his best friend, Sam. Their friendship was SO sweet and I loved it so much–but I’ll save that for the upcoming review. Point is: yes, there are definitely boy-girl friendships already that are great. But it only goes on to show that they should totally be in more books as well, because hey! News flash: boys and girls can be just friends. Everyone knows this. It’s always great to see a developed, boy-girl friendship in books to chip away at the idea that boys and girls can only be interested in each otherĀ romantically. And honestly, what harm is there melting a reader’s heart with a beautiful friendship? Friendships, in general, are awesome, and we totally need more of them.Ā 

3. FOOD.

This might be affected by the fact that I am very very hungry right now. But nonetheless!! FOOD. Oh my gosh. So important, guys. I am always mildly shocked in the back of my mind when I read a book, and the characters go so long without food. No mention of it, nothing. There are books who do, definitely (and they understand me on a spiritual level*), but it is something that could totally be added to more books. See, food makes a book a) more realistic, b) more relatable c) more eat-able (book talks about food = book becomes said food?? Bet that’s how it works.) and d) overall more interesting because FOOD. I mean, I probably wouldn’t remember any of the descriptions of food past two seconds, but it’s in the moment, you know?

Ugh, this isn’t helping my hunger at all. I need to go restock my snack storage. Brb.

4. All the family.

CAN WE HAVE MORE FAMILY PLEASE? Thankfully I’m not dying of deprivation (yet) thanks to the select few wonderful books that have amazing moms and dads and siblings. ā¤ Seriously, those books are actually the best and especially special because there are such few healthy familial relationships in YA, which is why they’re on this list. A healthy father-child bond or mother-child bond, or parents-child bond can be so impactful and so wonderful to read about. Is having parents who are present, caring, concerned and responsible too much to ask for? It really shouldn’t be. I get that, in many circumstances, absentee parents are a device for sympathy, plot, development, and who knows what else, but that does not mean we can’t have books with realistic and healthy portrayals of family because that is equally important in our lives and totally deserves more rep.

5. Little to no romance.

I’m aware of the fact that there ARE in fact many books without romance, don’t worry. I mean, I could list a few, definitely not as many as I would like, though. Because as much as I love romance in YA books (Ships yay), sometimes it’s nice to have books without, seeing howĀ a) it gives us a break between all the emotional havoc our hearts go through the other 99% of the time,Ā b)Ā shows that romance isn’t everything! Because it really isn’t. See above friendships and family. ā¤ andĀ c)Ā who has time for romance, anyway? Jk. But I definitely wouldn’t mind reading more books with little to no romance! Because hey, it’s all a part of life. Realistically, a lot of people don’t meet their one and only love in high school anyway aha. šŸ˜›

6. Slow-burn romance.

Does it make sense that I put books with no romance and books with slow-burn romance? Shhhhhhh, of course it does. Just as much as no romance books are important, I doubt YA fiction is going to kill off romance easily, which, I don’t mind because there are some really great books out there with them! Honestly, there is an endless array of books to choose in the YA romance area. But, specifically, I love slow-burns. Fantasy novels are usually quite good at this, and their romance doesn’t completely overwhelm the story, which is great for readers not looking only for romance. It would be great for more contemporary novels to have a developed and slow-burn romance too! Insta-love, for example, is not something I’m a fan of in books, which seems to appear a lot, which is why I’m advocating for more developed romances because those are so great to read, and offer a lot more to the characters and plot-wise in my opinion.


This is probably the one most everyone will agree on, which is great because diversity is so important. Whether it be featuring POCs, people of the LQBT+ community, people suffering from mental illness, people with disabilities, people of different religions, etc. There are so many different people around the world–and, not just cis, white people featured in so many YA books. I have nothing against those characters, but it is a disservice to the beauty of this world, and the many wonderful, wonderful people who don’t get that much representation in the books they read. We aren’t all the same, and getting those books with characters who are similar to you can be so empowering.Ā However, I firmly believe that if you are going to include diverse characters in a book, please, please, you have a responsibility toĀ do it right. YA fiction, is, of course, fiction, but when it comes to diversity and representation, whether it be a race of people, or people with disabilities, or the LGBT+ community, or a culture, or anything, it’s more offensive and disrespectful to misrepresent them, including them in books but having them reduced to clichĆ©s, stereotypes. Which, is another reason why the #ownvoices movement is so great. Diversity, fortunately, is something that is being publicized more than ever, which means there are TONS of amazing diverse books out there (YAY), butĀ I will forever be an advocate for more diverse books because it’s something that should be the norm, as well as celebrated. Why do I want–need–more (accurately represented) diverse books? For all the people who deserve to see themselves represented. For everyone so they can be educated on all the different people of the world. For everyone because they are important. Case in point:Ā We all need diverse books. We will neverĀ notĀ need more of them. ā¤

WOW that last paragraph was longer than I expected. There is so much to say on the topic! But anyway. Friendships, diversity, family, food, these are all things I adore to see in books, things that are SO important to me and so passionate about. Can we please have more of them in YA?! Pretty please??


a deprived bookworm

Until the Next Meal, Analee

P.S. Until my plea is answered, let’s discuss! Don’t leave me hanging here, I spent a lot of time on this. šŸ˜› Which of these do you want to see more of? What do you think about the whole diversity debacle?Ā Any other things you want to see in YA books? ā¤

I Cannot Wait to Finally Read These Series in 2016..! | Top Ten Tuesday #28 (January 5th)

2016 is a whole new year, which bring us to whole new possibilities—and in this week’s Top Ten Tuesday post, I’ve decided to list the series I have decided to read over the course of 2016! This week’s topic from The Broke and the BookishĀ is more open-ended, as long as they areĀ resolutions we have for 2016—which is convenient because I planned on doing something like this anyway. šŸ™‚

1.Ā Falling Kingdoms by Morgan Rhodes

As far as I know this series isn’t complete yet (2 more books to be published, I believe) so the smartest thing to do I suppose would be to wait for all the books to be released… but who cares about being smart when you have fantasy novels, right? This series seems like it’s something that’ll be right up my alley, and all the hype for it has me crossing my fingers it’s as good as it sounds! AND THE COVERS THOUGH.

Falling Kingdoms series

2.Ā Red RisingĀ by Pierce Brown

Aside from the fact that this series seems to be everywhere (then again, almost every hyped book is), the final book to this series will be releasing sometime in 2016, which means it’s the perfect time for me to binge-read the series! I honestly can’t wait.


3.Ā Fire and Thorns by Rae Carson

Another fantasy series?, you’re asking. Why yes, another fantasy series is on the list, of course because a) it’s one of the most common kinds of series (I mean, have you ever seen tons ofĀ contemporary series?) and also b) because I really want to read more fantasy novels in 2016 since, well, fantasy is fantastic. LOL, just had to do that. Sorry.

But apart from me completely rambling and being a total goof, the Fire and Thorns series by Rae Carson seems super good, and definitely not lacking in the gorgeous cover department either! JUST LOOK AT THEM. *Drool* They’re majestical. (Yes, that is now a word.)

Fire and Thorns series

4.Ā Something Strange and Deadly by Susan Dennard

Not quite sure what genre this is… paranormal romance or fantasy,Ā I suppose. This series has been on my TBR for who know how long, and with Susan Dennard’s newest upcoming release of Truthwitch, I’m eager to get a taste of what her writing is like (although I’d imagine her writing might’ve changed since the time she wrote Something Strange and Deadly).

Something Strange and Deadly

5.Ā Splintered by A.G. Howard

Another TBR-oldie, this Alice in Wonderland retelling had my interest piqued for quite some time and I have my fingers crossed that I’ll be able to get around to reading it and hopefully enjoying it as well! šŸ˜€

Splintered series

6.Ā Seven Realms by Cinda Williams Chima

Not sure if all of you have heard of this one (but my money’s on that you have) but the Severn Realms series is another popular one that I’m dying to read! There’s 4 books in this series, and they’re all released—so now it’s just a matter of getting a copy of the books! (And I know I can’t be the only one who loves the covers..!)


7. Dust Lands by Moira Young

The first book in this series, Blood Red Road has been on my TBR since FOREVER. And I know I’m basically saying that with every book and/or series on this list, but it’s true. Plus I’ve been hearing all sorts of good things from this one—and I suppose a dystopian break would be helpful amidst all the fantasy, yes?

Dust Lands Series

8.Ā The Elemental Trilogy by Sherry Thomas

This series was added to my TBR not too long ago, although maybe I’m wrong, and yes, I have to admit, the covers are a big part of why I’m drawn to this series. I mean, come on! You’d have to be blind to not see the amazing-ness of it. But other than that, I really like the sound of the magic in this one; color me intrigued!

The Elemental Trilogy

9. Seraphina by Rachel Hartman

Now, I haven’t read many books with dragons—but I really want to (DRAGONSSSS <3)—so I’m definitely adding the Seraphina duo-logy to my 2016 list! I’ve heard some mixed opinions about it, but I’m withholding judgement until I read it, which hopefully will be soon. šŸ™‚

Seraphina Series

10. The Remnant Chronicles by Mary E. Pearson

And last but not least, I plan to read The Remnant Chronicles, a series whose third and final book will be published in August 2016. I’ll probably start this series in the summer because of this—and I can’t wait! It seems amazing.

So there we have it! It might be a little ambitious (okay, fine, A LOT ambitious) but at least it’s a goal, right? I really hope I’m able to get to some, if not all, of these series by the end of 2016. Wish me luck! šŸ˜› (I’ll need it!)

What resolutions do you have for 2016? Have you read any of these series? What did you think of them? Which ones are on your TBR? (Who knows, maybe we can buddy-read it!) Let me know whatever thoughts you may have below; hugs!

Until the Next Meal, Analee

Top Ten Tuesday #27 (December 8th): Top 10 New-To-Me Authors First Read in 2015

Hello bookworms! It’s been SO LONG since I’ve participated in one of these, dear god. Can you believe my last one was in October?! Whoops… I swear I hadn’t mean to neglect this meme so much. But I’m back with this week’s topic, given to us by The Broke and the Bookish:Ā Top ten new-to-me favourite authors I read for the first time in 2015.

2015 has been *the* year for new authors—for me, anyway. And I’m sure by now you guys know the whole bunch of them that I have adored: Becky Albertalli, Renee Ahdieh, you know, the debut authors whose books I’ve read—I’m pretty sure I have a whole TTT list of them too. So today’s list is going to be focused on the other authors I have discovered this year, who, may or may not be a debut author, but was still new-to-me. Let’s get on with it, shall we?

Julie Murphy1.Ā Julie Murphy

She has written two novels so far, as far as I know; Side Effects May Vary, and Dumplin’. I have only read Dumplin’ this year, but I will definitely be reading Side Effects May Vary someday! Dumplin’ left quite the impression on me. Which reminds me, I still have to get up my review on that for you guys… šŸ˜‰

2. Jojo MoyesJojo Moyes

She has written a lot of adult romance, I’m pretty sure? Not sure if she wrote any YA novels, but in any case, I’ve only read her novel Me Before You this year—which I loved by the way! I will definitely be thinking about trying out some of her other novels, even if adult contemporaryĀ isn’t something I read often.

Susan Ee3. Susan Ee

I’m not sure if it’s cheating here because I read several books from this author…? But she’s still a new-to-me author of 2015, so I’m counting it! šŸ™‚ Susan Ee is simply an amazing author! Penryn and the End of Days trilogyĀ blew me away and I can’t wait to read more fromĀ her.

4.Ā Amy EngelAmy Engel

I read two books from this author this year, (or more specifically, The Book of Ivy duology), but I can’t help it! I can’t leave this author out of this list, because she is definitely one of my favorite new-to-me authors this year. I can’t wait to see what else she comes up with!

Claudia Gray5. Claudia Gray

I discovered Claudia Gray this year after reading A Thousand Pieces of You—you know, the book I can’t help but mention a hundred times because of its gorgeous cover? šŸ˜‰ I have yet to read the sequel, but it is on my to-do list and I hope to read it soon!

6. Melissa LandersMelissa Landers

Unfortunately I haven’t been updating my reading for the past couple of weeks through WWW Wednesday as I usually do, but I recently read Alienated by Melissa Landers since I got a copy from the library, and I really enjoyed it! I will definitely be reading anything else Landers writes, along with the sequel to Alienated, of course.

Kate Eliott7. Kate Eliott

I have also gotten a copy of Court of Fives from the library as well, which I also really enjoyed! Kate Eliott has written several other books, I believe, although I’m not completely sure if they’re all YA… but either way, I can’t wait to read the sequel to Court of Fives or any other YA novel of Eliott’s!

8. Diana PeterfreundDiana Peterfreund

Another one of my library reads the past couple of weeks! (I’m kind of just trying to get an actual list of 10 by now…) For Darkness Shows the Stars by Diana Peterfreund was a great experience, although left me a bit conflicted. It wasn’t exactly what I expected, but it was a good read all the same. I will be trying out her other novels along with Across a Star-Swept Sea (a companion novel, I believe, or maybe a sequel?) hopefully soon!

Rachel Hawkins9. Rachel Hawkins

And, finally, another (and my last) new-to-me author that I discovered over the past couple of weeks where I was MIA. I’ve heard of this author and her books early 2015, but I only just now got around to reading one of them, which happens to be called Rebel Belle. I liked it, and will definitely be checking out some other of Rachel Hawkins’ books.

10. Erin MorgensternErin Morgenstern

Yes! I managed to not completely blank out at the last moment and have managed to come up with another author. šŸ˜€ As far as I know this author only has one YA novel released, The Night Circus, which I read several months ago, but I definitely am interested in whatever other books she has planned! I somehow only found out about this author this year (even though her novel was released in 2011) but better late than never, right?

So there we have it! After a very long absence from Top Ten Tuesdays, I’m glad to have done this week’s topic—it was lots of fun! There are so many more authors I would’ve named, but unfortunately I’m limited to only 10. I tried to make my list include some new authors that I haven’t previously named in other top ten tuesday lists. How do you think I did on that aspect? šŸ˜› Be sure to let me know below whatever thoughts you may have! I’m off to check out the many other TTT posts this week; feel free to leave yours in the comments!

I hope your Tuesday is off to a great start, or has ended on a great note (depending on where you are in the world)! Hugs, and lots of love! ā¤Ā 

Until the Next Meal, Analee


Top Ten Tuesday #24 (October 13th): Top Ten Author Duos I’d LOVE To See Write A Book Together

Hello bookworms and welcome to a Top Ten Tuesday post! This week’s topic, given to us by The Broke and the BookishĀ is Top Ten Author Duos I’d Love to See Write a Book Together!

This is quite the interesting topic! Although there are several authors whom I couldā€™ve paired with several authors, I tried to have a list with different duos each time. Let’s get on with it; in no particular order…

1. John Green and Rainbow RowellĀ 

I’ve seen this pairing a lot today, and I have to say, I agree! I’m more of a fan of Rainbow’s characters than Green’s, I have to say, and I think having them work together would create kind of the perfect match, you know? And both of their writing styles are really great too. Which gives us… a beautiful contemporary!

2. Robyn SchneiderĀ and Jennifer Niven

Ooh, I’d definitely pick up a collaboration between these two authors—especially if I’m looking for a particularly heart-wrenching contemporary! I’ve only read one book from each of these authors, Extraordinary Means and All the Bright Places, respectively, and already I know a book from both of these authors working together would be amazing.

3. Kasie West and Emery Lord

I’m on a roll for contemporary collabs here!! I’ve read all of Kasie West’s contemporaries—Love them all so much—and although I’ve only read The Start of Me and You by Emery Lord, I think together they’d definitely bring something special to the contemporary genre! One thing for sure, we won’t be lacking anything in the cuteness department!

4. Marie Lu and Alexandra Bracken

Can you just imagine how amazing a dystopian or sci-fi novel from these two authors would be?! Oh my gosh, this would be absolutely fantastic. Although I think it may cause a character love overload… XD I really enjoyed both the Legend series (Marie Lu) and The Darkest Minds series (Alexandra Bracken), so it would be exciting to see what a collab from the two authors would be like!

5.Ā Sarah J. Maas and Sabaa TahirĀ 

Two of my favourite fantasy authors! I’ve read several novels from the former, and An Ember in the Ashes from the latter, and I definitely think together, these two authors would be able to create an awesome fantasy! Featuring, of course, kick-butt characters, swoon-worthy male leads, and of course, a thrilling plot.

6. Marissa Meyer and Veronica Rossi

Now, I can’t completely pinpoint why this pairing would work, but I definitely think it would! Both are great authors, who’ve written amazing novels, and I think they definitely would be able to come up with an awesome story, whether it’s dystopia, science-fiction or romance. šŸ˜‰

7.Ā Jennifer L. Armentrout and Wendy Higgins

This must happen!! Jennifer Armentrout being one of my favourite romance authors, and Wendy Higgins having written a great paranormal romance trilogy that I really enjoyed, these two authors would be a great combo! I’d definitely gobble up anything they write.

8. Aimee Carter and Josephine Angelini

I’ve read The Goddess Test series and the Starcrossed series from each of these authors, respectively, both books that included Greek mythology. I enjoyed both their series, and together they’d definitely be able to create quite the fantasy, or even a dystopia! Who knows.

9. Leigh Bardugo and Susan Ee

Both of these ladies are amazing writers, and their books definitely have a very dark feel to them. I absolutely love these authors and the books I’ve read from them, and although I’m not quite sure how a collab between the two would work out, I think it would be interesting to see it play out!

10. Tahereh Mafi and Ransom Riggs

This was another popular pairing I agree with! These two are a really cute couple, and it would be cool to see how these smart authors would work together! Both have outstanding writing styles and have writtenĀ books I’ve loved, so it’s a win-win. šŸ˜€

So those are all my pairings! I’m actually quite surprised that I managed to come up with 10, to be honest. I know there are a lot more, but this is it for now! Tell me; what do you think of these pairings? Which ones do you agree on? Which ones do you not agree on? Let me know in the comments! ā¤

I must now go finish some school work, but I hope you’re all enjoying your Tuesday!Until the Next Meal, Analee

Top 10 Tuesday #19 (August 18/20): Top Ten Auto-Buy Authors

Hello my fellow bookworms! It’s Tuesday, not Tuesday (they both start with the same letter, I’m sure that counts for something, am I right?!) but I’ve decided to do this week’s Top 10 Tuesday topic anyway. This week’s Top Ten Tuesday topic is, as you have probably guessed, Top Ten Auto-Buy Authors, AKA authors whose books you will buy no matter what, or even before knowing what it’s about. Not sure if I’ll be able to fully complete this list, but here goes! In no particular order:

Author Jennifer Armentrout

1. Jennifer L. Armentrout

I have yet to read most of her NA books, but I have read a lot of her YA novels, and I know that I’d definitely pick up anything she writes! From paranormal romance and fantasy to suspenseful romance and thrillers, her books are great! Always look forward to things she writes.

2. Cassandra Clare

Author Cassandra Clare

I absolutely love her Shadowhunter books (AKA The Mortal Instruments, The Internal Devices, etc) and although I have yet to read her middle grade fantasy The Iron Trial, (co-written with Holly Black) I definitely will buy anything this author releases.

Marissa Meyer3. Marissa Meyer

The Lunar Chronicles are amazing. Like, really, I just love the books. They are full of creativity, action, romance, and they’re retellings of awesome fairytales, so how could I not? I honestly need more from this author!!

4. Sarah J. MaasSarah J. Maas

I’ve read her Throne of Glass series & A Court of Thorns and Roses (the first book in a new series of the same name) and you can bet that I will be reading more from her, no questions asked! I loved all the books I’ve read from her so far, her writing and worldbuilding is amazing, and I always fall in love with the characters! ā¤

Rick Riordan pic5. Rick Riordan

This author is simply awesome! I love all the books I’ve read by him, especially the Heroes of Olympus and the Percy Jackson series. His books, generally focusing on different kinds of mythology are always guaranteed to be an amazing adventure.

6.Ā Tahereh MafiTahereh Mafi

After reading this author’s Shatter Me series, I am definitely going to be auto-buying any of her future novels! Her writing is so unique, and I love how much development her characters went through in Shatter Me. I’d love to gobble up this author’s novels, no questions asked!

C.C Hunter pic7. C.C. Hunter

Maybe it’s just me, but I find that there’s hardly any bloggers who’ve read this author’s works, which truly is a shame. I really enjoyed both her Shadow Falls and the first two books of the Shadow Falls: After Dark series and will go as far as to put her on my auto-buy list. She is an author not to be missed!

8.Ā Patrick NessPatrick Ness

I haven’t read all of this author’s novels (only his Chaos Walking trilogy) but I do plan on reading more because he is a fantastic author! HisĀ books are gripping and I absolutely love his writing style. I hope to get to his novels A Monster Calls and More Than This asap!

Author Rainbow Rowell

9. Rainbow Rowell

I’ve only read 2 books by this author (although I am determined to change that by reading her other novels) and I loved them both; Eleanor and Park & Fangirl. Both were such amazing and touching reads, not to mention I loved the writing and characters.

10.Ā Sarah DessenSarah Dessen

Sarah Dessen is amazing when it comes to contemporary! I haven’t read all her books but the ones I have I really enjoyed. They just always manage to put a smile on my face!

Wow, I honestly had no idea I’d actually be able to complete this list! But I did and I also have a few honorable mentions: Richelle Mead, Leigh Bardugo, Julie Kagawa, Susan Ee, Marie Lu,Ā J.K. Rowling. Along with those authors I’d also like to name a few authors I’ve recently discoveredĀ whose books may potentially be on my auto-buy list: Renee Ahdieh, Becky Albertalli, Francesca Zappia… and a few others I cannot remember at this moment. šŸ™‚

So that’s it for my (belated) Top Ten Tuesday!! Let me know in the comments below if we share any authors in common, I’d love to hear from you! ā¤

Analee 10


Top Ten Tuesday #18 (August 11): Ten Authors I’ve Read The Most Books From

Hello! It’s Tuesday, and that means it’s time for Top Ten Tuesday, a meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish. This week’s topic is, as you can guess, ten authors I’ve read the most from! This was kind of an eye-opener for some authors I’ve read from. šŸ™‚ And for the first time in my days of doing TTT, I actually made the list in a specific order, instead of random. Lol! Also, just a little note; author names link to their Goodreads page. Anyway, let’s get to it!

Author Meg Cabot

1. Meg Cabot (31 books + 7 novellas read)

Looking back on it, I did kind of go on a Meg Cabot marathon kind of thing back in the old days! XD The books/series I’ve read of Meg Cabot:Ā Princess Diaries series (10 books + 7 novellas),Ā Mediator series (6 books),Ā 1-800-Where-R-You? seriesĀ (5 books),Ā Heather Wells series (5 books),Ā All-American Girl Duology (2 books),Ā Airhead trilogy (3 books),Ā Abandon trilogy (3 books),Ā Teen Idol (Standalone),Ā Pants on Fire (Standalone),Ā Jinx (Standalone), andĀ Avalon High (Standalone)

Wow, I can’t believe I’m only now noticing the number of Meg Cabot books I’ve read! šŸ™‚ She is a great author though, so I’m not regretting these reads.

2.Ā Rick RiordanĀ (14 books)Rick Riordan pic

Ah, Rick Riordan. This list wouldn’t be complete without him. I’ve read his Percy Jackson & Heroes of Olympus series, as well as the Kane Chronicles and the Greek Gods book. They were all great reads, of course! šŸ™‚ Can’t wait to read his upcoming novel, The Sword of Summer. (That’s what it’s called, right?)

Author Jennifer Armentrout

3. Jennifer L. Armentrout (16 books + 4 novellas)

Most of the books I’ve read from her are series; Covenant series (5 books +2 novellas), Lux series (5 books + 1 novella), and The Dark Elements series (3 books + 1 novella). I’ve also read her YA stand-alones; Cursed, Don’t Look Back and The Dead List. I have been meaning to read her NA With You saga and spin-off of the Covenant, The Return, but I haven’t gotten around to them yet.

4. Lemony Snicket (13 books)Lemony Snicket

The Series of Unfortunate Events is one of the series I’ve read in my childhood, boy, is it a long series! I remember enjoying them when I read them, although now I can’t say I’d feel the same. Who knows, I don’t plan on re-reading them anytime soon–I have too many books on my TBR for that! XD

Richelle Mead pic5. Richelle Mead (12 books)

I’ve read her Vampire Academy series (6 books) a bit back and earlier this year I also finished her VA spin-off series, Bloodlines (also 6 books). They’re great series, and I definitely can’t wait for Soundless, Richelle Mead’s upcoming novel!

6. P.C. Cast, Kristin Cast (12 books)P.C Cast and Kristin Cast

I’ve only read the House of Night series from these two authors (a long but interesting vampire-themed series) but I do plan on reading more from them!

Author Cassandra Clare

7.Ā Cassandra Clare (10 books)

The Mortal Instruments and The Infernal Devices are both awesome series, although I have to say I liked the latter more. I also really enjoyed The Bane Chronicles, stories told from the one and only Magnus Bane, of course. I have yet to read The Iron Trial, but I have a copy of it and I can’t wait to read it!

8. Sara Shepard (9 books read + 1 novella)Sara Shepard

I’ve only read the first five books of the PLL series and the first 4 books in The Lying Game series, as well as a Lying Game novella. I’ve been meaning to finish the PLL series, but to be honest I don’t see myself doing that anytime soon.

Sarah Dessen9.Ā Sarah Dessen (8 books)

I own basically all of her YA books, but I do still have to read I think around 4 of them. One of my favorites so far is The Truth About Forever; it’s simply awesome! I can’t wait to read Sarah Dessen’s Saint Anything.

10.Ā J.K. Rowling (7 books + 2 novellas)J.K Rowling

I’m talking about the Harry Potter series, of course, including Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them and Quidditch Through the Ages. I’ve been meaning to read her other books, like The Casual Vacancy, but I haven’t really gotten around to it yet.

And now, I have a lotĀ of honourable mentions: Melissa de la Cruz (7 books + 2 novellas),Ā Julie Kagawa (6 books + 3 novellas), Michael Grant (6 books), Maggie Stiefvater (6 books), Lauren OliverĀ (5 books + 3 novellas),Ā Sarah J. Maas (5 books), Nicholas Sparks (5 books), Lauren KateĀ (5 books + 1 novella),Ā Stephenie Meyer (5 books),Ā Marissa Meyer (3 books + 4 novellas), Patrick Ness (3 books + 3 novellas),Ā Tahereh Mafi (3 books + 2 novellas) …and a bunch of other others I can’t remember at the moment. šŸ™‚

So that’s it for this week’s Top Ten Tuesday! What authors have you read the most from? Do we have any in common? Let me know in the comments below, or link your post!

Happy Tuesday! ā¤

Analee 10

Top 10 Tuesday #3 (April 21): Top Ten ALL TIME Favorite Authors

The time has come for another Top 10 Tuesday! This week’s theme is All-time favourite authors! This REALLY kills me and I just can’t decide so I’m going to narrow it down to authors in the Paranormal/Fantasy genre or Dystopia, mostly YA. (Press the images for a better, larger view of the pictures.)

As usual, in no particular order:

1. J.K. Rowling

Two words: Harry. Potter. ā¤ There really isn’t much more to say other than that. Harry Potter was a thrilling ride that I loved, forever captivating me in the wizarding world.

2.Ā Jennifer L. Armentrout

I love Jennifer Armebtrout’s writing! There’s always an awesome plot, with steamy romance and humorous charters which just makes me want to read her stuff more and more. These are only some of her works:

3. Cassandra Clare

She’s another author who’s writing I love. Her character are always alive and useful, and the world she’s created is amazing. Shadowhunters rule! I loved The Mortal Instruments and The Infernal Devices, can’t wait ’till The Dark Artifices trilogy comes out! ā¤

4. Marie Lu

I’ve read only Marie Lu’s Legend trilogy (although I’m planning on reading Her book The Young Elites as well) but her books have captivated me enough to put her on this list. If you haven’t already, you should definitely read Legend!

5. Meg Cabot

You probably heard of this author through The Princess Diaries, but she has several other works that ultimately made Meg Cabot one of my favorite authors. I enjoyed The Princess Diaires series, however I prefer The Mediator series. I also really enjoyed her Airhead trilogy. Her Heather Wells series was quite enjoyable, as well as her stand-alone novels Pants on Fire and Teen Idol. I have yet to start her Queen of Babble trilogy. I’m looking forward to getting to it! šŸ™‚

6. Suzanne Collins

How could I not put the author of The Hunger Games on this list? The Hunger Games was awesome and one of the few movie adaptations other than HP done well. šŸ™‚

7. Rick Riordan

I loved Rick Riordan’s Percy Jackson & the Olympians series, as well as The Heroes of Olympus series! I also enjoyed his Kane Chronicles trilogy as well! They were allĀ fast-paced, adventurous, and best of all, involved mythology! I can’t wait for the first book in Riordan’s newest series, Magnus Chase and The Gods of Asgard, which is named The Sword of Summer. šŸ™‚

8. Richelle Mead

I’ve read a lot of vampire-themed books, but Richelle Mead’s Vampire Academy is the one most worth mentioning for this list. Richelle Mead’s writing is captivating, and I love her Vampire Academy and Bloodlines series (what I’ve read of Bloodlines series, anyway.) Looking forward to reading her other series! Check out my reviews on the first two books of the VA series HEREĀ and HERE. Definitely one of my favorite authors!

9. Kiera Cass

I loved Kiera Cass’s Selection series! Made for a sweet, romance with touches of dystopia flavoring, and an awesome read. Her books were all very well-written. Looking forward to The Heir!

10. C.C Hunter

C.C Hunter is a wonderful author who I feel is quite unrecognized. I have read all the books released in her two series; Shadow Falls and Shadow Falls: After Dark, and I loved both of them! I definitely recommend her works, one of my favorite authors!

There are so many other authors I would love to put on the list, but alas, I must stop there. AĀ few honorableĀ mentions go to: Jane Austen (even though she isn’t a YA fantasy, paranormal or dystopia author), John Green, Veronica Roth, Marissa Meyer, Colleen Houck and Becca Fitzpatrick. They are very good writers and definitely should be recognized.

Anyway, that concludes this list! I don’t know how I would ever have stopped if I did a list on all-time favorite authors! šŸ™‚ So what areĀ yourĀ Top 10 All-time favorite authors? Or if you’re like me, All-time favorite authors of YA fantasy, paranormal, etc.? Comment your thoughts below! Or if you participate in this meme, post your link so I can come check it out!

Happy listing!


P.S. For some more Book Snacks Fun, check out this week’sĀ Teaser Tuesday!