I passed my goal…now what?

Hey everyone! This is going to be a pretty short post, but I’m currently in a little debate here and I’m unsure over what to do, so I’m turning to you guys! It might seem kind of silly that I’m stuck over a seemingly easy question, but oh well. You guys all know by now that I can be really indecisive about things, right? 😛

So, I passed my Goodreads goal! A while ago, it seems. I didn’t realize for a while since I kind of lost touch with updating my reading status for the books I read, but recently I decided to add the books I had read over the past couple of months to my Goodreads shelf. And so I found that I have passed my goal of 150 books—by give or take 10 books! I definitely didn’t expect that. But now, I’m faced with the ultimate question. Should I increase my goal or should I just keep it at what I have now?? I mean, there’s still a month and a half left of 2015 for me to get some reading done, right? Not that school is going to let me do that, but you know what I mean.

Which is why I need some help. And some opinions! Have you completed your goal already? What did you do? And even if you haven’t reached your goal yet, I’d still love to know what you think! Tell me below how your challenges are going, and whatever thoughts you may have! I’d appreciate even the tiniest comment. 😉

Enjoy your Monday! (Difficult to do, I know…)

Until the Next Meal, Analee