WWW Wednesday #31 (November 4th, 2015)

It’s Wednesday once again, which means it’s time for another WWW Wednesday! It’s been pretty hard this week to find time to read, but I’ve managed so far…somehow.

Feel free to join in on the meme (hosted by Sam @ Taking On a World of Words) by answering the three questions below:

What are you currently reading?
What did you recently finish reading?
What do you think you’ll read next?

Currently Reading

-I’m almost finished Library of Souls; I wasn’t really planning on starting Eternal, but I started it yesterday afternoon since I didn’t have my copy of Library of Souls and only had my e-reader with me. But anyway, I can’t wait to finish LoS!

-As for Eternal (which is a reread, by the way), I’m not too far into it yet since I’ve been pretty busy as well as since I have been concentrating on finishing LoS. But I’m liking it!

Recently Finished

-A Monster Calls was one of my last reads of October, and it was amazing! I loved it so much, it was a great book. Gripping story, with incredible writing and the illustrations were an added bonus. I’m hoping to have a review up on it soon after I get some ARC reviews out of the way!

-Ice Like Fire is the sequel to Snow Like Ashes, and although it had some iffy parts of it, I still really liked it. Now it’s just the torture of waiting for the last book to come out that’s bothering me!

Read Next

-Ink and Bone is on my list once again for this week’s Read Next (honestly, I don’t even know why I keep putting this on here seeing how I seem to have no particular inclination to try it out at this time)! Surprise surprise. I keep telling myself I’ll read it, but I never seem to…

-I recently found A Madness So Discreet at the library so I’m thinking of giving it a shot this week, if I get the time. It seems really good so I am looking forward to reading it! Also, the cover looks pretty cool. XD

-I am attempting to reduce the amount of unread books I own (not that it’s working, but let’s ignore that), and so I have decided to add The Weight of Feathers to this week’s Read Next! I don’t think I’ll be able to get around to this one, but I hope I can.

-The Dead House has been a popular October read! The time for spooky stories has kind of passed by now, but better late than never, right? It seems pretty good and I guess I’ll be putting my scare-tolerance to the test with this one!

So, what do you think of my reading choices? (Because, me being me, I need—and love to hear—your opinions! :P) What book should I read next? What are you reading this week? Feel free to link your WWW if you have one!

Until the Next Meal, Analee

34 thoughts on “WWW Wednesday #31 (November 4th, 2015)

  1. Library of Souls was so good! And I’ve got A Monster Calls on my TBR. I absolutely love Ness’s Chaos Walking trilogy, so I feel like I’ll like this book too!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Great choices! I’ve heard nothing but good things about A Madness So Discreet. It’s on my TBR too.

    I’m glad you enjoyed Library of Souls. I read Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children forever ago. I made the mistake of lending it to someone who never gave it back to me. I’ve just repurchased it, and I have plans to binge read the whole series so far very soon!

    And OMG A Monster Calls! That book broke my heart. Patrick Ness is such an incredible writer.

    To answer your questions: I am currently reading Carry On by Rainbow Rowell (LOVE). I recently finished finally reading Everything Everything, by Nicola Yoon. Next it’s a toss up between First and Then by Emma Mills, or Cress. Hmm…

    Liked by 1 person

    • Yes, same here! Here’s hoping the hype doesn’t disappoint.
      And oh my gosh that must’ve been terrible! I know it must’ve been hard lending out books after that. Glad to hear you’re planning to binge read the series soon though! 👍
      RIGHT?!! Patrick Ness is absolutely amazing.

      Yay so happy you’re loving Carry On! Loved that book.
      Ooh nice! What did you think of it? I personally really liked it.
      Hm, two intriguing reads! I’ve only read Cress (loved it) but First and Then is on my TBR (the cover though). Hope you enjoy your reads, whichever one you go with! ❤️


      • First and Then is such a nice book. When it arrived I went round showing it to everybody in my house because PRETTY.

        I loved Everything Everything. It was one of the those books that made me put everything I had to do on hold because all I wanted to do was read. I can’t wait to see what Nicola Yoon does next.

        Liked by 1 person

        • Yay, I’m so happy to hear that! I went ahead and bought a copy of it a bit back even though I had told myself I wouldn’t—the cover is just too pretty for me to resist! 😍
          And yes!! That’s how I felt too, Everything Everything was an addicting read, and I will definitely be keeping an eye out for Nicola Yoon’s books for sure as well. ❤️

          Liked by 1 person

  3. I’m glad you enjoyed A monster calls. I’ll look forward to hear your wonderful thoughts on it. Miss Peregrines Peculiar Children sounds creepy and intriguing! I would love to binge read this series. Your next reads seems interesting! I hope you enjoy reading them.
    Here’s Mine: WWW

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  4. I’ve been hoping to read Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children, because I feel like everyone has read it, but I keep forgetting to grab a copy! I’m so glad you say you liked Ice like Fire. I absolutely loved Snow like Ashes and I can’t wait for the sequel!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. A lot of great reads! I have A Monster Calls, Hollow City and Library Of Souls high on my TBR pile and most of the other titles are on my wishlist. Looks like you will be having another great reading week!

    Happy Wednesday and thanks for visiting my WWW! ❤

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