Re-reading! Library books! Woo! | WWW Wednesday #47 (April 20th)

Hey everyone! I think this post was actually supposed to go up earlier, but I guess there was a glitch and it didn’t. (Technology can be a bother sometimes.. *sigh*) But anyway here I am with this week’s WWW Wednesday! I actually managed to get A LOT of reading done, by some kind of magic witchcraft. And I enjoyed basically all of them, so yesss. Success right there! Alright, so let’s get into the what of everything.

WWW Wednesday

Currently Reading

I started my re-read of The Raven Boys yesterday! I’m hoping to have this and at least the second book finished before the release of The Raven King (which I can’t wait for, by the way). I don’t actually talk about this series much (or ever), I’ve noticed, but I actually do like it! Re-reading it now is making me enjoy it more than the first time, I think. Just a little.

Recently Finished

The Winner’s Curse was the book I had been reading last week, and, well, I finished it! It was a re-read, and I loved it just as much as when I read it the first time. ❤

It’s a Wonderful Death was a surprise read for me, actually. I hadn’t planned on reading it, but I got it from the library the other day and since it seemed like a quick read, I decided to read it! And gosh, I loved it. It was such an insightful yet fun read!

A Step Toward Falling was another library book I got. At first I wasn’t that into it, but by the time I reached the end, I really enjoyed it! I’m definitely going to be trying out Cammie McGovern’s other novel, Say What You Will, sometime as well.

And finally, I also read What We Left Behind. I’ve been really into the library and contemporary books this week, it seems! This, as well, was a really good read. Full of diverse and interesting characters, I had so much fun reading this, especially since the author dealt with the LGBT themes so well.

Read Next

So, I finished my re-read of The Winner’s Curse the other day (it was sooo good!) and am currently planning on writing up a review on it. I’m kind of debating whether to just do a series review once I finished The Winner’s Kiss? If I do then I can go straight ahead to The Winner’s Crime but otherwise I have to wait ’till I’m done writing my review… I’m quite indecisive right now. So.

Moving on, I’m currently re-reading The Raven Boys in anticipation for the release of The Raven King, and obviously, once I finish it I’ll be moving on to The Dream Thieves, the second book! I really must finish my re-read of the series soon, for the fourth book is being released quite soon. I think?

And, now, here’s a confession: I haven’t read The Moth and the Flame or The Crown and the Arrow yet! (They’re novellas set in the world of The Wrath and the Dawn, in case you didn’t know.) I know, I know. But I’ve been a busy little chocolate bar, and I just thought I might as well wait–The Rose and the Dagger is being released soon, after all, and these novellas might be useful to jog my memory as to what happened in TWATD.

Finally, I’ve decided to add Tell Me Three Things to this list–is it just me, or did that book seem to appear everywhere for a while? Those blog tour people sure know how to attack us with book publicity! But maybe that was just me. So. Anyway, I am mildly intrigued and definitely want to check it out!

So there we have it for this week! What books on here have you read? What book do you think I should pick next? How has your reading been this week? Let me know your thoughts in the comments! I hope you’re all enjoying your Wednesday. ❤

Until the Next Meal, Analee

Laughter is fabulous. Ergo books that will make you laugh is even better. So read these! | Top Ten Tuesday #32

If you’re anything like me, you most likely adore or at least mildly appreciate books with humor. I mean, who doesn’t? When (the right) humor is included, whether it be from witty dialogue, character interactions, or anything, a book generally becomes 10 times better. Generally. Or at least better, in general. (I’m saying ‘general’ too much, aren’t I? But generally, that’s how it is. Humor make books a better place. Right? Right.) Of course, it does depend on the quality of humor–but that’s a discussion for another day. So. The topic this week, for Top Ten Tuesday from The Broke and the Bookish, is Ten Books That Will Make You Laugh (or at least chuckle)–which is utterly perfect! Though making this list has made me realized how little books I had to choose from for this list… but nonetheless, here it is! In no particular order, as usual. If you haven’t read these books yet, YOU SHOULD MUST. Just sayin’.

1. Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell


Ahhh, the sly and little tidbits of humour in this one absolutely killed me in this one! I loved them to death. Fangirl was SUCH a fun read and I remember smiling so much throughout this book! Not to mention it definitely caused me to laugh out loud various moments. Cath and Reagan, Cath and Levi, so many awesome exchanges in this book.

Reagan was sitting up at Cath’s desk when Cath woke up.
“Are you awake?”
“Have you been watching me sleep?”
“Yes, Bella. Are you awake?”

#relatable (about the not being awake thing. I don’t usually have a person watching me sleep. I’ll leave that to Bella. And Cath, apparently. 😛 LOL.)

2. Anna and the French Kiss by Stephanie Perkins

Anna & the French Kiss

I still have not read Lola or Isla (BUT I WILL I PROMISE) but Anna and the French Kiss, I can say, is adorable! Although it’s not something that will make you collapse in a fit of giggles every couple of pages (I’d love to come across a book like that though, LOL) I don’t doubt that it will cause a few chuckles or at least some large grins for most of you.

“Thanks. I forgot how to flip off the English. I’ll use the correct hand gesture next time.”
“My pleasure. Always happy to educate.”

3. Simon vs the Homo Sapiens Agenda by Becky Albertalli

Simon vs the Homo Sapiens Agenda

SIMONNNNN. (!!!) I think half the reason I loved this book so much was just because of Simon. I honestly want him to COME TO LIFE. (I say for the millionth time.) But seriously. This book is amazing, and not just because of Simon! (Though he plays a big part.) The humor in this is fabulous too, so it’s double the win!

“What’s a dementor?”
I mean, I can’t even. “Nora, you are no longer my sister.”
“So it’s some Harry Potter thing,” she says.

4. Rebel Belle by Rachel Hawkins

Rebel Belle

Oh my gosh, this book. It had its faults, for sure, but it was so much FUN to read. Aha, like seriously. Perhaps the humor might appeal to different people, depending, but to me, it was great. This book was so light-hearted and really enjoyed reading from Harper (the main character)’s perspective. Definitely try out this book if you’re looking for a mostly fluffy and amusing read!

“Just . . . I don’t like crying girls, okay?” We were quiet for a second while I took that in. “That was very nice of you, David,” I finally said. “Now hold on because I’m about to drive into a fence.”
“Yeah, okay,” he muttered, his eyes still closed. “You do that.” Then his eyes shot open. “Wait, what?”

5. A Darker Shade of Magic (& A Gathering of Shadows) by V.E. Schwab

A Darker Shade of Magic

One of the biggest things I loved about this book, and its sequel is the copious amounts of sass in the dialogue of the characters. Like YASSS. I approve with quite a lot of enthusiasm. (!!!) Seriously, the witty dialogue is probably one of the things I love most. That, and all the other amazing things about this book. READ IT. (Especially A Gathering of Shadows, because it was perfection.)

“I apologize for anything I might have done. I was not myself.”
“I apologize for shooting you in the leg. I was myself entirely.”

6. All I’ve Never Wanted by Ana Huang

All I've Never Wanted

This was a book I read quite some time ago (last year, psh, yes, that counts as a long time ago) but I really enjoyed it! It was filled with so much humor, and it was so much fun to read!! Also the romance(s) in the book were super adorable. So. ❤

7. It’s a Wonderful Death by Sarah J. Schmitt

It's a Wonderful Death

This, is actually a book I recently (?) finished–or at least, finished sometime this week; I forget when exactly because I’ve been doing other things too, but anyway! I loved reading this book so much. Near the end I think I might’ve even teared a bit? But it’s not a sad book, I assure you, despite what it may seem like. It was actually a lot of fun to read, and even if you’re not going to fall laughing each page, it still has a great undertone of witty humor which I adored.

8. Penryn & the End of Days by Susan Ee

Penryn & the End of Days series

I read this series last year, and really enjoyed it! Susan Ee is definitely an author I will be looking out for now. One of the most notable things that stood out to be about the series, though, is the humor. Despite the dark, and gritty mood and the post-apocalyptic world and everything, it had kind of a playful tone to it at times?? And it was so entertaining to read, and drew me a lot more to the characters.

“My friends call me Wrath,” says Raffe. “My enemies call me Please Have Mercy. What’s your name, soldier boy?”

9. Rick Riordan

Rick Riordan pic

As much as I would’ve liked to keep up with a semblance that I don’t cheat on these Top Ten Tuesday lists, I can’t. And won’t. I’m too far gone into the habit to stop now! Plus you all know I couldn’t. Every single one of Rick Riordan’s books that I have read, has managed to make me chuckle or just full out laugh at least once. I’m especially a huge fan of his Percy Jackson and Heroes of Olympus series; both are AMAZING for humor. Seriously.

“I’m so glad you’re here,” Aphrodite said. “War is coming. Bloodshed is inevitable. So there’s really only one thing to do.”
“Uh… and that is?” Annabeth ventured.
“Why, have tea and chat, obviously.”

Ahhhh, memories. I read The Mark of Athena such a long time ago but it only feels like yesterday!

10. Cassandra Clare

Author Cassandra Clare

Similar to my situation with Rick Riordan, Cassandra Clare has written so many books, and the books I’ve read from her (aka, anything set in the Shadowhunter world) always have some part that makes me laugh. Most notably in The Infernal Devices and Lady Midnight. I loved the characters so much in both, and the dialogue was just amazing! Not to say that TMI wasn’t, but I guess I just don’t remember it as much since it’s been a while since I read them.

“I bet you didn’t like Magnus much, either,” said Julian, still with the same odd, stiff look on his face.
“Maybe not,” said Jace, “but I never would have said so.”
“Because it would have hurt Alec’s feelings?” Emma asked.
“No,” said Jace, “because Magnus would have turned me into a hat rack.”


Alright, so I think that’s it for this week’s list! I have to say, I’m actually kind of surprised I managed to get to ten? I feel like despite the many books with witty characters and humor and everything, there’s still not enough.. Maybe I just forgot a lot of them. Oh well. These ones, for sure, are ones you MUST absolutely read if you haven’t already! Especially if you’re looking to have a fun read and a good laugh a few times too. 😉 Which of these have you read? Which quotes are your favorites? Do you have any recommendations for me, in terms of YA novels with humor? It doesn’t matter which genre–you can see that I have a mismatch of a bunch myself. Oh, and what do YOU think of humor in books?? What type do you like best? Witty, sarcastic, etc. Let me know any of your thoughts below! And feel free to link your own TTT post as well. 😉

Until the Next Meal, Analee

The dreaded reading slump has been defeated! | WWW Wednesday #46 (April 13th)

It’s been a while since I did a WWW Wednesday post (3-4 weeks, I think?) but to be fair, I hadn’t really read much in those weeks… or at all? Like, maybe one book. So. I was in a major blogging and reading slump–thankfully those dark days are over! *dances around with chocolate* But I’m back this week to catch up a bit on what I’ve been reading, what I plan to read, etc. Yes, yes, I know, you missed me and these posts. Probably not but hushhh.

WWW Wednesday

Currently Reading

Some of you may recall, how I started Illuminae.. maybe three weeks ago? Even longer? Yeah. Well, I haven’t made any progress with it! :/ Which makes me really sad, actually. It’s just I haven’t been in the mood to read this AT ALL. I couldn’t bring myself to pick it up and read it, even after my reading slump was over. Which is why I’m thinking right now just to leave it? Not leave it forever, but, like, pause reading it? I don’t want to force myself to read it and end up enjoying it a lot less than I could have otherwise. So. I’m confused.

The Winner’s Curse is actually a re-read for me, since I read it a year ago or something? And since the third book has been released, I decided to start rereading the first two books! I kind of was unwilling to reread because there are SO MANY other books I want to read, but it’s been so long since I read this. So. So far I’m really enjoying it! Arin and Kestrel… ❤

Recently Finished

I actually don’t even know what spurred me to read The Impostor Queen–but what I do know, is that it managed to jarr me out of my slump! I started it and I think I finished it, in like, less than two days. It started off kind of ‘meh’, decent, but nothing too great, but then it really became something amazing. I really loved the fantasy world it created, with magic based around fire and ice and everything. Loved it!

My friend actually had a copy of The Glittering Court (I was kind of surprised, tbh) and since I was kind of wary of whether I’d like it or not, I just borrowed it from her. I wouldn’t say it was a bad read, but… it wasn’t amazing either. I mean, I liked the concept well enough, but I wasn’t always the biggest fan of the characters, which really put down the enjoyment factor. :/ I wished I liked it more, though I did still like it.

The book that followed The Glittering Court, however, made up for more than my partial disappointment over TGC. The Sky is Everywhere blew away all and any of the expectations I had! If you haven’t read this book already, guys, I’m telling you, you must. (At least if you’re into contemporaries.) A book with themes of sisterhood, coping with grief and of course, love, The Sky is Everywhere is such an emotional and fabulous read–READ IT.

Read Next

What We Left Behind has been on my TBR since last year, when it was released, but I never got around to reading it! I’ve been kind of wanting to read another contemporary after The Sky is Everywhere, but I ended up starting The Winner’s Curse instead. Once I finish that I might read this?

The Winner’s Crime, of course, is the sequel to The Winner’s Curse. I’ll also be rereading this, obviously. I’m not going to read it directly after Winner’s Curse (a la binge-read fashion) because I do want to write up a review of it before moving onto the second book. 🙂

The Raven King will be releasing this month, and to prepare for it I decided I want to re-read the previous books in the series, starting, of course, with The Raven Boys! I’m really in a rereading mood this month, LOL. XD I blame this on you, publishers, for making books in a series so spread apart!

Alright, this book isn’t a reread, as I’ve been meaning to read this for SO LONG you know this; Red Rising! I’ve heard so many amazing things (but then, don’t I say that about nearly every book? Oops.) and I can’t wait to read it. Fingers crossed!

Erm, are we missing anything? Nope, don’t think so (though I wouldn’t mind having some chocolate right now.. I’m kind of hungry.) so I guess that means it’s time for you guys to talk to me! Because you all know I need your opinions and approvals. XD So leave any of your thoughts below! I’d love to hear them. And feel free to link your own WWW post below!

Happy Wednesday!

Until the Next Meal, Analee

Calling all contemporary cravers: You most definitely should read these books..! | Top Ten Tuesday #31

Can you believe it’s been over a month since I last participated in this meme? :O I honestly had not expected that would happen. TTT is such a fun meme, and I’m sorry to have missed out on so many of them. But let us not dwell in the past! I’m here now, today, to participate in this week’s theme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish: “Ten Books Every X Should Read (up to you! Examples: every history nerd, memoir lover, ballet lover, feminist, college student, etc etc.)” As you can tell from the title, I’m going to be listing ten books that all contemporary cravers should eat! Along with fantasy (<3), the contemporary genre has been the one I’ve been reading most often in the past year or so, and I love it so much! I figured I might as well choose it for this week’s theme. 😉 Alright, be prepared for lots of squealing because these books are all SO AMAZING. Oh, and just saying: this is not in any order--because NOPE that’s way too hard. Like choosing between my (nonexistant) babies, so.

1. Anna and the French Kiss by Stephanie Perkins

Anna & the French Kiss

Okay, so I haven’t read the rest of the following books (Lola, Isla, you know.) but this book was just so cute! It felt so fluffy and although it’s not perfect, I’d bet the majority of contemporary lovers are a fan of this book (or the following ones), so if you haven’t hopped on this train yet–you should! 😛 I also have a review on it, if you want to check it out. (You should. Ahem. #selfpromotion XD)

2. Fangirl, Eleanor & Park by Rainbow Rowell

Yes, I’m kind of cheating. But hey, what’s a good TTT post without it? 😛 I doubt I’ve gotten through any TTT posts without adding something or another but whatever. #rebel Anyway. Fangirl and Eleanor & Park are both amazing novels by Rainbow Rowell, who I absolutely love as an author! Her books are just so good. They offer such a sweet romance yet also include so many other important messages–which I love.

3. The Sky is EverywhereI’ll Give You the Sun by Jandy Nelson

AHHHH Jandy Nelson has officially reached being one of my favourite contemporary authors! And I know that it mind seem crazy, deeming her a favourite when I only read two of her books, but seriously, guys. I finally know what everyone’s been talking about. Her debut novel (which I finished last night) was so amazingly amazing–it blew so many of my expectations away! And I absolutely devoured I’ll Give You the Sun when I read it a couple months back. Her books always have such an emotional theme to them while being so sweet at the same time! I need more Jandy Nelson books!!

4. Simon vs. the Homo Sapiens Agenda by Becky Albertalli

Simon vs the Homo Sapiens Agenda

Ah, Simon. This book, was, of course, amazing. Everyone has been squealing about this book for so long, and I totally get it now! Also, can I just say that SIMON IS AWESOME. Omg. I just wish he’d, like, come to life so we could be best friends? Cause that’s exactly what we’d be. XD So many things in this book blew me away, and I loved it so much. So if you haven’t read it, GO. NOWWWW. Ahem.

5. More Happy Than Not by Adam Silvera

More Happy Than Not

So, this is another one of my 2016 reads, and oh. my. god. This book literally broke my heart into two pieces, then went right ahead and stomped on it. Aghhhh the emotional trauma here is real! This LGBT novel has been the talk of the book community back when it was first released, and I hadn’t read enough reviews to know what it was exactly like. Oh, boy. It tore my heart into pieces, but naturally, that’s exactly why you MUST read this! #bookwormlogic

6. A Monster Calls by Patrick Ness

A Monster Calls

I’m not exactly sure if this falls into the category of contemporary? I mean… having a tree become a vicious story-telling monster-thing doesn’t exactly happen in real life, so… But to me, it still felt like a contemporary, so whether it is or isn’t.. that’s too bad! This book.. left me speechless. Honestly. Prior to reading this, of course I already knew what an amazing author Patrick Ness is, however this book is definitely one of his best. It was so heartbreaking yet so real and just so heartbreaking. AGH. I love it.

7. The Perks of Being a Wallflower by Stephen Chbosky

The Perks of Being A Wallflower

Ahh what an amazing book. I will never stop praising it! So artfully written, with such realistic characters and great themes. What’s there not to like? I loved so much the themes of friendship, and coping with life, and being a wallflower, and just… everything. ❤ Read it!!

8. On the FenceThe Distance Between UsThe Fill In Boyfriend by Kasie West

Kasie West has officially became one of my favorite authors–especially when it comes to contemporary. Her novels are always just so cute and so much fun to read, that it always lifts my mood. Sometimes, after getting our hearts stomped on by various novels, what we need the most is just to let it heal by reading a contemporary that makes us smile, am I right?! ‘Course I am. And that’s exactly what these books do!

9. All the Bright Places by Jennifer Niven 

All the Bright Places

So many controversies about this book! Some hate it, some love it, some don’t care. I, for one, loved this book!! It was as good as devouring chocolate, except with more emotional pain and heartbreaking. A book dealing with mental illness, and themes like suicide, this book tore my heart to pieces. The characters felt so real, the writing was fantabulous… omg. I am craving for Jennifer Niven’s next novel!

10. Sarah Dessen

Sarah Dessen Books

I’m not even going to bother putting the name of only one or two of her books, because, honestly, you should read them all. Or at least, most. Some. She is one of the QUEENS of contemporary, in my opinion, so if you haven’t read any of her books yet, GO NOW. Run. Before I come and chase you wielding chocolate stakes. Yes, that is possible. I think. Be scared! (I recommend you try out: The Truth About Forever, Just Listen or This Lullaby!)

Honourable mentions–also known as me trying to squish in a bunch of more AMAZING contemporaries (that deserve to be on the list too but isn’t because rules make life cruel):

  • The Summer of Chasing Mermaids by Sarah Ockler (Such beautiful writing and so diverse!)
  • Dumplin’ by Julie Murphy (Although it’s not perfect, I appreciate the message it was trying to promote.)
  • Everything, Everything by Nicola Yoon (This was so enjoyable! I especially liked the art and graphics included.)
  • To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before by Jenny Han (Ahh, so cute! Jenny Han’s books are adorable. :D)
  • Me Before You by Jojo Moyes (The opposite of the above, really! This book totally broke my heart, but I love it.)
  • Made You Up by Francesca Zappia (This book has some flaws, but it didn’t make it any less enjoyable!)
  • You Were Here by Cori McCarthy (I was actually very pleasantly surprised by this one! It was great.)
  • What You Left Behind by Jessica Verdi (This book put such a great twist on two popular tropes! YES.)

So. Which of these books have you read?! Which haven’t you read? Are you a contemporary craver? (My new favourite term, I think, other than chocolate–which, let’s be real, is always a favorite term) Do you prefer heart-stomping and emotional contemporaries, or cute and fluffy ones? Do you have any recommendations for THIS contemporary craver (me, btw)? TELL ME for I’d love to know. OH, and feel free to leave the link to your own TTT below! I’d love to come and stop by. ❤

Alright, so that’s it, I guess! As always, leave any of your thoughts below, I’m always up for a chat! Enjoy your Tuesday!

Until the Next Meal, Analee

I read Lady Midnight… and it was AMAZING. | WWW Wednesday #45 (March 16th)

Hey everyone! It’s Wednesday once again, which of course means, a WWW Wednesday post! The biggest news I have really is the fact that I read both Lady Midnight and A Gathering of Shadows, both of which I absolutely loved! Though agh, I’m still reading Illuminae. Oops.

Alright, let’s get to the actual books!

WWW Wednesday is a meme hosted by Sam @ Taking On a World of Words), where we answer the following questions:

What are you currently reading?
What did you recently finish reading?
What do you think you’ll read next?

WWW Wednesday

Currently Reading

Okay, yes, I realize I have been reading this for almost over a week now, and yes, I realize that I have been giving priority to other books instead of this one BUT I swear, I’m actually going to focus on this now. (Well, I’ll try. And that counts for something, right?) I really do want to finish this book!

Recently Finished

I (shockingly) managed to find time to finish the rest of the Tales from Shadowhunter Academy ebooks! I couldn’t help it; I really wanted to move on to Lady Midnight, but I wanted to finish the tales first. And I’m glad I did–I really enjoyed them!

A Gathering of Shadows was so, so, SO good. But that cliffhanger! Aghhhhh it’s too painful. My emotions were all over for this book, my heart got stomped on, I had some near-screeching moments where characters made unintelligent moves, my heart got stomped on–you know, the usual. It was such a great sequel to the already fantastic ADSOM–It was amazing!

Okay, so my last read for this week was the hugely anticipated Lady Midnight! *Cue fangirling shrieks* Once I finished the Tales from Shadowhunter Academy, I decided I couldn’t wait and dived right into Lady Midnight. And oh. my. god. I cannot even express my feelings of love right now since they’re so intense. I literally devoured this whole book and it was so amazing, just simply fantastic. If you’re hesitating about reading this, I’m telling you, READ ITTTTT. NOWW.

Read Next

Red Rising is on my list once again this week–and I’m hoping to get to it soon after finishing Illuminae! I’ve been looking forward to jumping on the Pierce Brown bandwagon for a while now. 🙂

The Rest of Us Just Live Here has been one of those books I kept telling myself I’d read, yet never got around to. I’ve put off putting it on my Read Next list for some reason? But now I’m finally going to try and read it. It’s not that I don’t want to.. it’s just I’m scared of my expectations? So.

I’ve been meaning to read The Strange and Beautiful Sorrows of Ava Lavender (woo, that’s a mouthful) for a while now, due to its intriguing synopsis and the things I’ve heard about it. I doubt I’ll actually be able to read this, but I do plan on reading it sometime!

Unlike the rest of the above books I mentioned, Vicious isn’t technically part of my March TBR, but I’ve decided that I most definitely want to read it this month! It’s been on my TBR FOREVER and now, having read ADSOM and AGOS, I’m craving for another novel by V.E. Schwab.

Alright so that’s it for this week’s WWW Wednesday! It’s been a busy week, though not as much as usual, but I’m still quite shocked I managed to get through so much! Lady Midnight and A Gathering of Shadows both were quite long novels, haha. Though totally worth it!

What books have you been reading recently? What do you think of the books this week? Anyone else out there who’s read Lady Midnight or A Gathering of Shadows? I’d love to chat, so leave all and any of your thoughts in the comments! ❤ Hope you’re enjoying your day!

Until the Next Meal, Analee


Lady Midnight has been released and I still don’t have it! *Cries* | WWW Wednesday #44 (March 9th)

Okay, sooo firstly, let me just freak out over the fact that Lady Midnight came out yesterday!! *Dies* Ahhhh I’m heading over to buy it soon, definitely. I’d have pre-ordered it but eh. For some reason I’m not a big fan of pre-ordering? Call me crazy, but yeah. I can’t wait to buy it, omg. I still don’t have it though.. SOB.

BUT that’s not the point of this post, ah yes. Apart from Lady Midnight news, I started A Gathering of Shadows! I posted my review of the first book on Monday and I started the second book now, I’m so excited!! But let me share the rest of my bookish on-goings…

WWW Wednesday is a meme hosted by Sam @ Taking On a World of Words), where we answer the following questions:

What are you currently reading?
What did you recently finish reading?
What do you think you’ll read next?

Currently Reading

I started Illuminae several days ago.. but I haven’t made much progress with it? I know, I know, I really have to get going with it but in between I started Frozen Tides and I finished that and then so I unintentionally went on a pause from Illuminae, and then.. well, point is, I still have a lot to go on this, agh. But it’s not bad so far!

After writing up my review on A Darker Shade of Magic, I didn’t waste any time starting A Gathering of Shadows! In hindsight it might’ve been better to have finished Illuminae first, but… temptation bit hard. So far it’s really good–and I can’t wait to read more of it!

Recently Finished

The Accident Season was SO GOOD! It was so entertaining to read, not to mention I loved the writing and the characters were very well-written. Ahhh. And there were so many little things that I loved! The whole magical realism thing going on was super cool too. Definitely recommend for those who don’t mind a little creepiness and are looking for a contemporary/magical realism crossover-type book!

I started Frozen Tides while in the midst of reading Illuminae, as it was the last book to read for the Falling Kingdoms read-along (the next books in the series haven’t been published yet) and it was amazing. I could not put it down and it was absolutely addicting! I found myself loving the characters and everything a lot more (although critically, it wasn’t as good as how much I enjoyed it.)

Welcome to Shadowhunter Academy and The Lost Herondale are both books part of the Tales from the Shadowhunter Academy series, and *gasp* I hadn’t read them yet, so with the release of Lady Midnight, I decided to read them! I absolutely can’t wait to read Lady Midnight, but I’m hoping to finish the 10 novellas in Tales from the Shadowhunter Academy first. (Apparently there are characters in it that will appear in Lady Midnight too?)

Read Next

I ended up taking off Lola and the Boy Next Door, which was on my list last week, to add again another time. Right now I’m too much in a fantasy and action-type mood to pick up anything else, though I might change my mind.

So, after The Lost Herondale comes The Whitechapel Fiend followed by Nothing But Shadows! I’m hoping to get at least those two read, and maybe even more so I can start Lady Midnight as soon as possible. 😉

Red Rising has been on my TBR for quite some time, and although I doubt I will be getting to it this week, I’m adding it to the list, just to make sure I remember to read it at least some time soon. Hopefully. I can’t wait!

And of course, Lady Midnight is on my list once again. I know I mentioned I’d read the Tales from the Shadowhunter Academy before I read LM, and I’m hoping to do that, but I might just give in to the temptation and read this as soon as I get it. Lol. Do I even need to say I’m excited? It would be an understatement anyway.

Alright, so that’s it for this week! I’m still crying over the fact that I still don’t have Lady Midnight, but I’m calmed (like, by 0.000000001%) because I started A Gathering of Shadows—which I’m so excited to read!! I’m hoping to complete Illuminae as well, I’ve heard so much about it and I feel bad for kind of neglecting it in favour of other books, haha.

How has your week gone? What books on here have you read? Let me know your thoughts in the comments! ❤

Until the Next Meal, Analee

Ahhh ADSOM was SO GOOD. | WWW Wednesday #43 (March 2nd, 2016)

Hey everyone! I still can’t believe it’s the beginning of March, omg. But it is! And it also happens to be the time for another WWW Wednesday post—so since I know you guys are probably just interested in the books, let’s get to it!

WWW Wednesday is a meme hosted by Sam @ Taking On a World of Words), where we answer the following questions:

What are you currently reading?
What did you recently finish reading?
What do you think you’ll read next?

WWW Wednesday

Currently Reading

I had meant to finish The Accident Season last month, but I only started it yesterday. Oh well. So far it’s really good, though I’m not too far into it yet. I can’t wait to read more of it! ❤

Recently Finished

Ahhhh the hype has most definitely not been wrong for Wolf by Wolf!! It was absolutely spectacular, guys, if you haven’t read it already, I’m telling you, you absolutely should! Even if you’re not a fan of historical fiction, I assure you this book is amazing.

A Darker Shade of Magic is SUCH A HYPED BOOK, especially with the release of its sequel! And so yes, I finally read it, and god, I’m asking myself now, what on earth took me so long to get to it??! Although there were a few things that I wasn’t a huge fan of, this book had me hooked from start to finish and I loved it.

Stars Above wasn’t exactly a planned read, but I recently got a copy of it from my library (agh I want to buy it so badly though *stomps angrily*) and I got started on it right away! I loved reading the novellas, though kind of feeling nostalgic now since it was the last of a book with the characters from LC, haha.

Read Next

I took off one of the other reads I had planned to read next—Aristotle and Dante—I think I’d rather read it later on, during spring or summer? I know, I know. But I WILL read it someday!

The Falling Kingdoms read-along is soon moving on with the 4th book in the series, Frozen Tides, this Friday! I really enjoyed reading Gathering Darkness, so I can’t wait to see how the fourth book turns out.

As you tell from my squealing over ADSOM, I can’t wait to read the sequel, A Gathering of Shadows! And so that’s exactly what I have on my read next. I want to try and get a review on ADSOM before I start it though, so we’ll see how it goes.

Illuminae is on my list again, but I have no idea when I might be picking this up. It’s such a huge book, so I’m not sure when I’ll be able to fit it into my schedule, especially with my other planned reads! Ahhh time is so hard to get these days. :/

And then finally, I have Lola and the Boy Next Door once again, though I doubt I’ll be able to read it this week, as much as I’d like to. And like I mentioned before, I’m thinking of postponing it until later anyway? I dunno. It’s a possibility. Any suggestions?

I hope you guys are enjoying your Wednesdays! ❤ Let me know your thoughts in the comments, I’d love to chat. Have any of you read Wolf by Wolf or A Darker Shade of Magic? Did you enjoy them as much as I did? What books on here have you read? Which books should I read next? Happy reading!

Until the Next Meal, Analee

WWW Wednesday #31 (November 4th, 2015)

It’s Wednesday once again, which means it’s time for another WWW Wednesday! It’s been pretty hard this week to find time to read, but I’ve managed so far…somehow.

Feel free to join in on the meme (hosted by Sam @ Taking On a World of Words) by answering the three questions below:

What are you currently reading?
What did you recently finish reading?
What do you think you’ll read next?

Currently Reading

-I’m almost finished Library of Souls; I wasn’t really planning on starting Eternal, but I started it yesterday afternoon since I didn’t have my copy of Library of Souls and only had my e-reader with me. But anyway, I can’t wait to finish LoS!

-As for Eternal (which is a reread, by the way), I’m not too far into it yet since I’ve been pretty busy as well as since I have been concentrating on finishing LoS. But I’m liking it!

Recently Finished

-A Monster Calls was one of my last reads of October, and it was amazing! I loved it so much, it was a great book. Gripping story, with incredible writing and the illustrations were an added bonus. I’m hoping to have a review up on it soon after I get some ARC reviews out of the way!

-Ice Like Fire is the sequel to Snow Like Ashes, and although it had some iffy parts of it, I still really liked it. Now it’s just the torture of waiting for the last book to come out that’s bothering me!

Read Next

-Ink and Bone is on my list once again for this week’s Read Next (honestly, I don’t even know why I keep putting this on here seeing how I seem to have no particular inclination to try it out at this time)! Surprise surprise. I keep telling myself I’ll read it, but I never seem to…

-I recently found A Madness So Discreet at the library so I’m thinking of giving it a shot this week, if I get the time. It seems really good so I am looking forward to reading it! Also, the cover looks pretty cool. XD

-I am attempting to reduce the amount of unread books I own (not that it’s working, but let’s ignore that), and so I have decided to add The Weight of Feathers to this week’s Read Next! I don’t think I’ll be able to get around to this one, but I hope I can.

-The Dead House has been a popular October read! The time for spooky stories has kind of passed by now, but better late than never, right? It seems pretty good and I guess I’ll be putting my scare-tolerance to the test with this one!

So, what do you think of my reading choices? (Because, me being me, I need—and love to hear—your opinions! :P) What book should I read next? What are you reading this week? Feel free to link your WWW if you have one!

Until the Next Meal, Analee

WWW Wednesday #30 (October 28th, 2015)

Hello everyone! I shouldn’t have to tell y’all what it is today, because I’m sure you know already. 😉 It’s Wednesday, which means it’s time for a WWW Wednesday, a meme formerly hosted by MizB @ Should be Reading and is now hosted by Sam @Taking on a World of Words. To play along, just answer these questions:

What are you currently reading?
What did you recently finish reading?
What do you think you’ll read next?

Currently Reading

A Monster Calls

Apart from all my boring assigned reading I have from school, I’m currently reading A Monster Calls by Patrick Ness, attempting to fit in a darker read before Halloween comes. I had told myself I’d get into more of the scarier books this month, but October is nearly finished and I hardly read any of said scary books. Oh well.

Either way, I’m loving A Monster Calls so much right now! It’s a very fast and addicting read, I’m almost finished it. Can’t wait! *Stares at book longingly*

Recently Finished

Carry On was fabulous! (But of course, I expected it to be.) It’s Rainbow Rowell, you guys, and seeing how much I enjoyed the three novels of hers I’ve read (Fangirl, Eleanor and Park, & Attachments) I’m glad Carry On wasn’t a disappointment. Hopefully I’ll get the chance to work on my review and post it soon for you guys!

Snow Like Ashes is one of my (re-) reads for which I actually managed to get a review done in time, you guys! You can’t even fathom how happy I am that for once I posted a review within a week of finishing the book. ❤ But anyway, the short of it is I loved it! You can check out all my rambling on it here, if you want.

Reborn is another re-read of mine, one that I thoroughly enjoyed! I feel as if this series isn’t talked about as much when it really should be, so I’m taking this chance to recommend it to y’all, and its precedent series, Shadow Falls! Seriously, it’s great.

Read Next

Ice Like Fire is definitely a book I want to read asap! After my re-read of Snow Like Ashes, I’m itching to jump into it more than ever. I already have my copy of it, so I’m ready to get back into this world (if life permits it, of course. *Sigh*)

Library of Souls is my next read that I’m hoping to get to, since it seems like the perfect read for this time of the month. I really enjoyed the previous two books in the series, and I’m hoping this will live up to the standards!

Eternal is the sequel to Reborn, and although I’m not sure whether I’ll have the time to get to this one, I’ll definitely try. Right now I’m kind of delaying reading it since I’m trying to get a review on Reborn up before I read it, so… I guess I’ll see!

Ink and Bone is on my list again, though with all the other reads and with the fact that life my teachers are plotting against me, I doubt I’ll be able to get to it. Here’s hoping!

Ashes to Ashes didn’t even make it to my list this week despite being on my read next last week; I’ve kind of given up on reading it for the moment. I just have too many other pressing reads at the moment, you know? Hopefully I’ll read it someday soon though.

So tell me, what do you think of these reads? Like ’em? Hate ’em? Let me know whatever thoughts you have in the comments below! And don’t feel shy to tell me about your reads this week, or link your post. I’d love to hear from you!

Happy reading!

Until the Next Meal, Analee

WWW Wednesday #27 (October 7th, 2015)

Hello everyone! It’s a Wednesday, and you all know what that means! Lately this is the one meme I’ve actually continued doing consistently. XD Anyway, this meme was formerly hosted by MizB @ Should be Reading and now hosted by Sam @Taking on a World of Words! To play along, just answer these questions:

What are you currently reading?
What did you recently finish reading?
What do you think you’ll read next?

Currently Reading

I started Everything, Everything today, and I’m a bit more than halfway through it right now! It’s a very fast read and right now I’m really enjoying it. I have kind of paused it so I can finish my older read, which is:

The Revolution of Ivy, which I started a couple of days ago. I’m almost finished it! I was going to try and finish it yesterday, but I had a lot of homework, so I couldn’t. Ugh, school. :/ But still, I’m excited to finish it!

Recently Finished

City of Fae turned out to be a good read! I was kind of skeptical as I read the first chapters or so, because there were all sorts of terms and weird things that were going on that I couldn’t get the hang of right away. But by the end of the book, I enjoyed it. More to be said in my review!

Forget Tomorrow was a very intriguing read, and was a very promising start to the series! I’m interested on seeing how things go in the sequel, which unfortunately won’t be releasing until next year since this book itself is being released this November. Review will be coming closer to release date!

Six of Crows!! I really enjoyed this book! Maybe it’s simply the happiness of being back in the Grishaverse, but it was fantastic. There were some issues, but still, they can be overlooked—for me, at least. 🙂

Read Next

From last week, I still have the following books on my TBR:

I’m still going to be putting last week’s read next onto here, although I doubt I’ll be reading Ink and Bone or Ashes to Ashes this week, there’s high chances I’ll be reading Vengeance Road this week.

And some new additions this week…

I wouldn’t say I’m in a more contemporary mood, but I guess I’m trying to get a lighter book in the first part of October, saving the spookier reads for later this month, you know? Plus I’ve been super excited to read Dumplin’ for a while now.

If I feel like it I’ll probably read Zeroes, or maybe The Last of the Firedrakes—whose cover is gorgeous—which I got for review. Either way, these all seem like super great books!

That’s it for this week’s WWW Wednesday! How has your week gone by? Have you read any of these books? Do you want to read any of them? Let me know in the comments below! ❤ I hope you all have an amazing Wednesday!

Until the Next Meal, Analee

Top Ten Tuesday #22 (September 15th) | Freebie: Top 10 Books Being Released in 2016

Hello everyone! It’s Tuesday, and that means it’s time for a Top Ten Tuesday post! This week’s topic is a freebie, which means it’s up to us to choose, and I chose to make a list on 10 books that I can’t wait to read that are being released in 2016 (this upcoming year). 2015 is almost ending, so I thought it would be a fitting topic! The main list is comprised of books I’m looking forward to that already has its cover, title and release date revealed, but I also couldn’t help but add a bunch of honourable mentions (mostly sequels and books that have yet to have their publishing details revealed). 😉 So, let’s get to it! In no particular order, as usual:

1. The Winner’s Kiss by Marie Rutkoski

The Winner's Kiss_bookcover

The third and final book in the Winner’s Curse trilogy will be released March 1st 2016, and I can’t wait! Although I’m kind of sad to see it end, I’m sure it will be great. Though I suppose it would be safer to lower my expectations before I read it! Just in case. 😉

2. When We Collided by Emery Lord

When We Collided

Okay, first of all look at that cover!! Loving it. And after reading and enjoying Emery Lord’s The Start of Me and You, I’m looking forward to reading another one of her cute stories! This book releases April 5th 2016.

3. Bookishly Ever After by Isabel Bandeira

Bookishly Ever After_bookcover

If you haven’t heard about this book, I urge you to go over to its Goodreads page and check out what it’s about! Basically a bookworm’s perfect story, in my opinion. This book releases on January 12th 2016, and I can’t wait!

4. Truthwitch by Susan Dennard


I have yet to read any books by Susan Dennard, but I’m looking forward to this release! It seems like an awesome story and I can’t wait for it’s release date, January 5th 2016.

5. Beyond the Red by Ava Jae

Beyond the Red_bookcover

This book releases on March 1st 2016, and it seems really interesting! I haven’t heard of this author before (I believe this will be her debut novel) and I’ll be looking forward to see how it is.

6. The Great Hunt by Wendy Higgins

The Great Hunt_bookcover

Again, this seems like an awesome read, so I can’t wait for this one! It releases on March 8th 2016. I’ve also read Wendy Higgins’ Sweet trilogy so I have high hopes for this one!

7. Glass Sword by Victoria Aveyard

Glass Sword

The sequel to Red Queen will be releasing on February 9th 2016, and I’m intrigued to see what it will be like! I enjoyed Red Queen, although I had some issues with it, and I’m highly anticipating the release of Glass Sword! Not to mention I also love the cover. 🙂

9. Passenger by Alexandra Bracken


This book will be the first in a series, and other than the fact that I love the cover (as if that’s anything new) I also really like the idea of it. And have any of you read The Darkest Minds?! Alexandra Bracken is a great author. 🙂 Passenger releases on January 5th 2016 and I will most assuredly be keeping my eyes on this one!

10. The Love That Split the World by Emily Henry

The Love That Split the World

Again, this cover is stunning! These book cover designers sure know what they’re doing. Anyway, this book releases on January 26th 2016, and I can’t wait to read this seemingly-emotional and cute story.

Honorable mentions (AKA the books that do not yet have a planned release date, cover or title, but that must be mentioned on this list nonetheless): 

I love Cassandra Clare’s books, and I just can’t wait to dive into the world of Shadowhunters once again with this brand-new series! This book will be releasing on March 8th 2016.

The sequel to The Wrath and the Dawn has me super excited! After the ending in TWATD, I must. Know. More. Although we don’t yet have a cover for it, we do know it’s planned release date; May 3rd 2016. Can’t wait!

We know that the sequel to ACOTAR will be released on May 3rd 2016 (well, according to Goodreads), while the fifth book in the Throne of Glass series will be released sometime in 2016. Both of these books have yet to reveal their covers and their titles.

The third book in the Snow Like Ashes trilogy has no name, cover or planned release date. Gonna have to keep eyes peeled for this one! Although I understand the lack of details, since its predecosser, the second book in the series, Ice Like Fire, hasn’t even been released yet!

‘Untitled’ is going to be the first in a series, and clearly still has a lot of work left! We don’t know the title or cover, and all we know about its release date is that it will be released fall 2016. As for Heartless, we know it will be released November 8th 2016, but we have yet to see the cover.

The third in the Malediction Trilogy, this book will be releasing May 3rd 2016. (If you haven’t read this series yet, I highly recommend you do!)

There are so many other books I’d love to name right now, but then I’d end up making a Top 15 or 20 list. 😉 So that’s it for this week’s Top Ten Tuesday! What topic did you do? Feel free to link it below. What 2016 books are you looking forward to?

Enjoy your Tuesday! (Even though here in North America it’s basically over…)

Analee 10