2015 September Book Releases

Ahhhh it’s the almost September!! Can you even believe it?! I certainly can’t! Which of course means that it’s time for another September book releases post, a monthly feature on Book Snacks where I share a collection of books releases in the upcoming month. I’m so excited for this month’s releases, (especially for Queen of Shadows and Everything, Everything!) and there are tons of books to gobble up. Here they are!

September 1st

September 3rd

September 8th

September 14th

September 15th

September 18th

September 22nd

September 29th

I’m so excited for soooo many of these!! And I still have so many books from previous months’ releases to read. *Sigh* To add to that, I have school starting again this month (my last year, aahhh!) which will be putting tons of pressure. Oh well. Here’s hoping I’ll survive! XD What books are you looking forward to? Did I miss any special ones? Let me know in the comments below, I’d love to hear from you! ❤

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