2015 September Wrap-Up

It’s officially the end of September! I certainly can’t believe it… but then again, that’s nothing unusual. These months just seem to fly by! Here is how my month went by, blogging and bookish!

Books Read

I read a combination of both amazing and good books; which I take as a good thing! My only problem now is I really have to get the reviews up for all of these. 😉

Books Reviewed

Book Tags

Book Blitzes

Blog Tours

Top Ten Tuesday

WWW Wednesday

Friday Finds

Spotlight Saturday

So that’s how my month has gone by! I’m definitely going to be trying harder to get more reviews completed; I know there are a lot that you guys are looking forward to! 🙂 September was a really busy month for me, and although I don’t have high hopes that October will be any better, here’s hoping!

How has your month been? Good? Okay? Tell me below, I’d love to chat! ❤

Until the Next Meal, Analee

WWW Wednesday #26 (September 30th, 2015)

It’s officially the last day of September, everyone! And since it’s Wednesday, it means it’s time for a WWW Wednesday! Let’s get to it. 🙂

This meme was formerly hosted by MizB @ Should be Reading and now hosted by Sam @Taking on a World of Words. Feel free to join in by simply answering these three questions:

What are you currently reading?
What did you recently finish reading?
What do you think you’ll read next?

Currently Reading

Like Reawakened by Colleen Houck, City of Fae has been on my read next for quite some time (even longer, I think) and I’m so happy to say that I have finally picked it up! I’m loving the cover of this so much, and I hope the story inside will be satisfying.

Forget Tomorrow is one of my e-ARCs I have, and although I’m not too far into it, I’m liking it so far. It seems promising!

Recently Finished

The Book of Ivy was a great read! It’s a bit more slow-paced compared to other books I’ve read in the same genre, but it was quite entertaining and really has me interested to read the next book.

I finally got Reawakened by Colleen Houck off my chest! Honestly, this book has been on my read next for the past, like, 6 weeks, and you have no idea of how happy I am that I finished it.

And it was a good read too! I mean, there were several aspects of it that could’ve been done better, I would say, and it took a bit for the story to actually get going, but it was good. More to be said in my review!

Fire With Fire was okay. I kind of feel like I’m saying the same thing I did for the first book, but my feelings aren’t greatly changing. I don’t know. I still am not a huge fan of the characters, and this book just took things to a whole new level of different, and I can’t tell what exactly I think of it. Confusing, I know. Hopefully my full review will be more understandable!

Lightless is one of my Netgalley reads, which actually happened to have released yesterday! It was a very interesting sci-fi read for sure. I do feel like there were several parts that could’ve been shortened a bit and things, but overall it was good.

Read Next

After reading The Book of Ivy earlier this week, I’m definitely interested in continuing with my e-arc of the sequel and finale of the series; The Revolution of Ivy. I’m not exactly sure if or when I’ll be picking this up, but I do know that I will be trying to first finish up a review on the first book before I start it.

The third book in the Burn For Burn trilogy, Ashes to Ashes, is still on my read next this week, since I finished the second novel and want to finish the trilogy. With all my other reads though, I doubt I’ll be able to pick this up, but I guess I might try!

I’ve temporarily taken off Say What You Will off my read next this week (it was on my read next last week) to insert in Everything Everything by Nicola Yoon! It’s been so long since it’s been published, and I must read it asap.

I got Ink and Bone by Rachel Caine sometime last month, and although I’m not sure if I will pick it up this week, I’m definitely considering it!

Vengeance Road by Erin Bowman is another book I can’t wait to read, which was released early this month. I definitely hope I’ll be able to read this this week!

And last but not least, Six of Crows is finally mine! It released yesterday and I have my copy; I’m eager to dive back into the Grishaverse.

So that’s it for this month’s last and this week’s WWW Wednesday! What reads do you have upcoming? What are you currently reading? Have you read any of the above books? Feel free to tell me below, and/or link your WWW post if you have one! I’d love to come check it out. ❤ 

Until the Next Meal, Analee

Me and Earl and the Dying Girl by Jesse Andrews | Book Review

Me Earl and the Dying GirlMe and Earl and the Dying Girl by Jesse Andrews

2.5 Stars

Publication Date: March 1st 2012
Publisher: Harry N. Abrams
Genre(s): Contemporary, Young-Adult
Series Status: N/A—Stand Alone
Page Count: 295
Source & Format: Owned, Hardcover

Synopsis from Goodreads:

Greg Gaines is the last master of high school espionage, able to disappear at will into any social environment. He has only one friend, Earl, and together they spend their time making movies, their own incomprehensible versions of Coppola and Herzog cult classics.

Until Greg’s mother forces him to rekindle his childhood friendship with Rachel.

Rachel has been diagnosed with leukemia—-cue extreme adolescent awkwardness—-but a parental mandate has been issued and must be obeyed. When Rachel stops treatment, Greg and Earl decide the thing to do is to make a film for her, which turns into the Worst Film Ever Made and becomes a turning point in each of their lives.

And all at once Greg must abandon invisibility and stand in the spotlight.

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Hi! Welcome back to another book review, on, Me and Earl and the Dying Girl by Jesse Andrews! I know some of you have waited on this review for a while, so I’m glad to finally have this posted—and to finally let out my frustrations on this book, since, as you can see, I wasn’t the biggest fan of this book. Though I can understand why so many others have loved this book, it just wasn’t for me.


This book, I felt, had no real purpose to the whole story. I mean, it kind of has a semblance of a plot, but really, it didn’t feel like one, to me. I mean, there are some books I find, that can really pull off the plot-with-not-a-big-focus thing. Not often, but it’s possible. This book, however just didn’t do it. I didn’t find any big thing in the plot that kept me entertained or compelled to read more. Kind of harsh, maybe, but true. For me, anyway. A lot of the time I felt I continued reading simply for the sake of finishing it instead of for something more. The fact that I hardly DNF books also played a factor. However without those two things, I might’ve quit reading much sooner. I just couldn’t find myself interested in the plot. It had the potential to be really good, but I think it just fell flat and was poorly executed.


I couldn’t care less about most of the characters in this novel. I’m just going to put that out there right away, because that’s pretty much the gist of my feelings on the characters. Not only did the main character, Greg, not go through any development throughout the novel, but he also really bothered me with his insensitivity to Rachel’s situation. The girl is dying, for goodness sake, can’t you come up with at least some kind of genuine emotion? I was very happy when Earl called him out on this. However, that all being said, one thing I did kind of like was his self-deprecating personality; at least he’s not completely oblivious to what an idiot and jerk he is.

Moving on to Earl. With basically the whole book revolving around Greg, there wasn’t much space for Earl, to be honest, and although I wasn’t his biggest fan, I more or less liked him more than Greg. I actually don’t even know. On one hand I suppose I can understand why he acts the way he does, but on the other hand it really bothered me sometimes, with his whole dirty humour and all. I know this is probably how most teenage boys act, but come on. It got really tiring afterwards.

Rachel, to be honest, was not much better.  I feel like the most there is to her is that she’s dying. Period. I didn’t find anything in her that truly stood out, which was a bummer. I am actually struggling to come up with more to say about her, since there isn’t really much to say. I didn’t dislike her exactly, but she wasn’t any better than the other characters either.

Writing Style

“If after reading this book you come to my home and brutally murder me, I do not blame you.”

The writing definitely took a more unconventional and unique approach to things, with readers getting a close up of how Greg thinks. Greg really spoke to the reader, and this kind of style really stood out to me since a) we don’t get that many books written as such, and b) we don’t get many books written in this style that are done well. There were also parts of the book where there are scenes being depicted as a movie script thing, which I guess was a neat thing to try and also made sense, since Greg made films and all. The writing style was definitely one of the better parts of the novel.


This book is not your average cancer book, but it certainly isn’t anything mind blowing either. I think that’s kind of what my main problem was; there’s nothing special about this book, nothing that really interested me. While I can commend this book for being unique and written very skillfully, and for its little bits of actual humor, when it comes down to it, I didn’t enjoy this book as much as I wish I did. The lack of true purpose really bothered me, since there wasn’t anything else that was keeping my attention. All the characters except Greg lacked depth and Greg himself wasn’t much better. Some may argue the characters are portrayed this way to be realistic, but whether or not this is the case, it doesn’t change the fact that they were not very interesting to me, and mostly became a hindrance to read abut. I did like the writing, it was very different and was interesting to read, but unfortunately that isn’t enough to change the whole reading experience.

Looking at this review, I know it seems really harsh, but I just wanted to emphasize that I’m not trying to bash the author or the book. I’m simply trying to be honest; my final say on this would be it’s a matter of personal preference. Hit or miss, you know? If you’re looking for a unique non-cheesy-romance novel about cancer, then I think this book would be a good fit for you, but otherwise, proceed with caution. 

Movie Trailer

On a completely different note, the movie for this has been released! You can check out the trailer for it below. I haven’t seen it yet, but I definitely hope it will be better than the book.

So tell me: Have you read this book? What did you think of it? Do you agree with anything I’ve said? Do you want to read this book? Feel free to let me know below! I’m honestly very curious as to what other readers have to say about this book.

Until the Next Meal, Analee

2015 October Book Releases

Hello bookworms! September is almost over, which means October is on its way! There are sooo many books being released this month. So let’s get on to it! ❤

2015 October Book Releases

October 1st

October 6th

October 12th

October 13th

October 2oth

October 27th

October 28th

  • Unspoken by C.C. Hunter (Shadow Falls: After Dark #3)

So that’s it for the releases in the upcoming month! I hope this post got you to add some new books to your TBR; these all seem very interesting! I can’t wait for them to all be released. Also, I’d love to know; which books are you looking forward to the most?

Until the Next Meal, Analee

Spotlight Saturday #1 (September 26th)

Hello everyone! Today I’m joining in on a meme created by a very lovely blogger and friend of mine, Josie @ Josie’s Book Corner! She is absolutely wonderful, and her blog is absolutely fantastic—if you have not followed her blog yet, do so right away! ❤

I can’t say whether I will always be doing this meme, but I’ve decided to do it this week, since it kind of changes things up, and it seemed like such a fun post to do. 🙂 Let’s get on with it!

The official blurb of this meme:

Spotlight Saturday is a weekly feature, created by Josie at Josie’s Book Corner [aka, moi], dedicated to spotlighting and pinpointing some of the things over the week that have caught my attention more than usual, things I’ve particularly loved, etc. 


Being a blogger comes with many perks, the best of them being I make new friends! And I only wish I could spotlight all of you fantastic people I’ve had the pleasure of talking to, because you all deserve it! But alas, I cannot.

So I have decided to spotlight Josie herself! If you follow her blog, you know how much of an awesome person she is. She inspires me so much! She never stops amazing me, with her posts, her genuine personality, and her super cute designs. Not only that, Josie is always so supportive! I can always count on her to make my day. I can also trust her instinct on things since we’re so similar, bookish and otherwise! ❤ Josie, you rock! My blogging experience and the blogging world would not be the same without you.

SBlog Post

Blogging has become a huge part of my life—affecting my reading habits too! That’s why I loved Aentee’s discussion post sharing the ways blogging has changed her reading, since I could relate to a lot of them. I urge you to go check it out right away. She mentions so many awesome points; like how blogging has made her more critical of books, and it has gotten her to read a lot more ‘current’ books. Love it!!



I’m going to be spotlighting Reawakened by Colleen Houck—Since I’ve finally gotten around to reading it! *Victory dance* It’s kind of taking a while for the story to actually get going, but it’s all right so far. Looking forward to seeing how things go further into the novel!


My spotlighted moment definitely goes to watching The Scorch Trials with my friends!! I watched it on the 22nd, which was a Tuesday. I wish I could’ve went on a Friday or something, but I was busy and the tickets are half-price on Tuesday. Anyway, I definitely did not regret the money I spent, because the movie was awesome! It hardly followed the book, but since it’s been a while since I’ve read the book anyway, this didn’t bother me. There were so many cool effects, and so many chilling moments. There were of course some things which I wasn’t a big fan of, but overall, I really loved watching the movie. It was awesome! My friends and I had a great time.

Check out the two trailers below!


This might seem funny, but I’m going with the Clock app on my iPhone. With school ongoing and me having to now wake up at a set time, it’s one of my most used apps right now! I often set several alarms to make sure I don’t oversleep. Especially since I try to get up earlier so I can get in some blogging before I have to leave for school. Right now, this app is one of my best friends to make sure I’m not going to miss the bus!


I’m kind of just listening to all sorts of songs lately; to be honest there isn’t just one that is sticking out to me right now! So I’ll go with the song I just listened to: On My Mind by Ellie Goulding! It’s being released as part of her brand new album Delirium, and the video was released just 5 days ago. The video I found to be kind of odd, but the song is pretty good!


“Often, when I am able to check out a book, I read it a dozen times before returning it, desperate to remain lost in the magic of someone else’s story.”

This quote is from The Book of Ivy by Amy Engel, which I recently finished. The book was really good! It didn’t take me long to finish it, and it had me interested whenever I picked it up. And I really liked this quote, which is why I’m spotlighting it! Even though it doesn’t specifically apply to me, I definitely understand the want and need of being immersed into another world, someone else’s life.

Check out the trailer of the book below!

Anyway, that’s it for my first Spotlight Saturday post! It was lots of fun to do, I just might do it next week as well. 🙂 So tell me, how has your week gone by? What do you think of this week’s spotlights? Would you like to see more of these posts? Let me know in the comments below!

Hope you’re enjoying the weekend!

Until the Next Meal, Analee

My Life in Books | Book Tag

Hello everyone! I wasn’t specifically tagged by anyone to do this, but I saw this way back on Bhramori’s blog, and I thought I might try it out. I really shouldn’t be doing this tag when I have so many other pending tags in which I was actually tagged in, but this one was in my drafts for quite some time, so why not? It seems like a pretty unique tag too, so let’s get to it, shall we?

My Life in Books

1. Find a book for each of your initials

There are lots of books I could choose! I’m going to go with:

Angelfall by Susan Ee


Saint Anything


2. Count your age along your book shelf- which book is it?

That would be 17… and the book would be:

The Truth About Forever

3. Pick a book set in your city/state/country.

I decided to go for the broad choice for this one, with a book that is set in my country (Canada, in case you didn’t know):

Anne of Green Gables

4. Pick a book that represents a destination you would love to travel to.

Umm… basically every book?? I’m not even kidding. But I’m going to go with:

Anna & the French Kiss_bookcover2

I’ve always wanted to visit Paris, France! I haven’t read this book yet, but judging from the cover and what I’ve read about it, Paris is one of its settings. 🙂

5. Pick a book that’s your favourite colour. 

I love almost all the colors of the rainbow, so I guess the most accurate choices would be:

The covers for A Thousand Pieces of You and Ten Thousand Skies Above You are stunning!! Love them so much!!

6. Which book do you have the fondest memories of?

Probably Roald Dahl‘s books! I remember loving to read them as a kid. 🙂

7. Which book did you have the most difficulty reading? 

Matched trilogy

I feel like I use this series way too much for these kind of questions, but I honestly can’t think of any that would suit this question more. It’s pretty sad when you think of it. To me, the series just got worse and it took me forever to complete the books.

8. Which book in your TBR pile will give you the biggest sense of accomplishment when you finish it?

Game of Thrones Book

Probably the Game of Thrones series! Those books are really thick, and since currently I don’t even know if I’m going to read them, I imagine if I do finish the series, it would be quite satisfying.

This was a very cool tag! I hereby tag:

I’m sorry if I missed you on here! If you want to do this tag, please just tell me below and I’ll add your name to the post. ❤ I’d love to see your answers if you do it, so please link back if you do it! If you don’t want to do it and I tagged you, feel free to ignore!

So what did you think of my answers and this tag? Let me know in the comments! Hope you’re having a great Friday!

Until the Next Meal, Analee

Top Ten Tuesday—AKA Thursday #23 (September 22/24): Top Ten Books On My Fall TBR

Hello everyone! I’m 2 days late on this one, but here I am with a Top Ten Tuesday post, (a meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish)! This week’s topic is Top Ten Books on my Fall TBR. I have way too many books on my Fall TBR to count, but here are some! 🙂 (I’ll be dividing it between released and unreleased books)

Released Books on my Fall TBR

Everything, Everything_bookcover1. Everything, Everything by Nicola Yoon

This book has been so hyped up, so I’m glad to finally get the chance to read it! I will definitely be reading it sometime this fall, it’s already been so long since its release!

2. Vengeance Road by Erin BowmanVengeance Road

The concept of this seems very unique, and I’ve heard great things about this one as well! I already have a copy of this one, and I can’t wait to jump into it.

Dumplin3. Dumplin’ by Julie Murphy

This is one of my anticipated reads of 2015 ever since I heard about it, because it just seems so body-positive and diverse as well. I’ve read some mixed reviews, but the things I’ve heard were generally positive. Can’t wait to read it!

4. The Well of Ascension by Brandon SandersonThe Well of Ascension

I’m eager to continue with the next book in the Mistborn series—I read The Final Empire and loved it!—and so I will definitely try to get around to this book!

Dorothy Must Die5. Dorothy Must Die by Danielle Paige

It honestly seems like everyone has read this book, and it seems great, so this will definitely be one of my priorities this fall!

Books yet-to-be-published on my Fall TBR:

6. Winter by Marissa MeyerWinter_bookcover

This is a given considering how awesome this series is! I will definitely be getting around to it when it releases November 10th.

The Rest of Us Just Live Here_bookcover7. The Rest of Us Just Live Here by Patrick Ness

This book releases on October 6th, thank goodness it’s not as far away as before! I simply can’t wait to dive into another Patrick Ness book, and this one seems awesome!

8. Six of Crows by Leigh BardugoSix of Crows

Can you believe this book will be releasing 6 days from now?! Give it to me!! I can’t wait to read this, in case you couldn’t tell. This book is a spin-off off the Grisha trilogy, and I can’t help but hope for some guest appearances of some of the characters from the trilogy! 😉 Guess I’ll just have to wait to see.

Zeroes9. Zeroes by Scott Westerfeld, Margo Lanagan, and Deborah Biancotti. Published September 29.

A collaboration between three authors, Zeroes will be releasing September 29th, the same as Six of Crows, yay! So much awesomeness in books, am I right?! Anyway, this book seems like a great read, and I will definitely be reading this one.

6. Carry On by Rainbow RowellCarry On

I loved Rainbow Rowell’s Fangirl, which this book is based on, and I can’t wait to read this book, which is a fanfiction story written by Cath, the main character in Fangirl.

I have too many honourable mentions to count, so I’m acutally not going to bother naming them all! XD Basically I want to get to most of the books that were released this month—’cause there are some awesome-seeming books that were released this month,

So that’s it for this week’s Top Ten Tuesday/Thursday! I know it’s late, but I’d really love to know if any of these books are on your fall TBR as well! I sure do hope I’m not a lone black sheep here. 😉 And I’d also love to know what other books are on your fall TBR! Let me know in the comments below! ❤

Until the Next Meal, Analee


WWW Wednesday #25 (September 23rd, 2015)

Hello everyone! It’s Wednesday, and that means it’s time for a WWW Wednesday! This week I haven’t actually read that many books, but either way, let’s get to it!

This meme was formerly hosted by MizB @ Should be Reading and now hosted by Sam @Taking on a World of Words. Feel free to join in by simply answering these three questions:

What are you currently reading?
What did you recently finish reading?
What do you think you’ll read next?

Currently Reading

Fire with Fire2

I was kind of reluctant to start this book, mostly because I wasn’t completely blown away in the first book and wasn’t sure whether I wanted to continue with the trilogy right away. Currently, I’d say this book is okay but I’m not that impressed by the characters and am quite unsure over the whole thing. I guess I’ll see how it all turns out!

Recently Finished

Never Always Sometimes_bookcover

I’m going to admit right away I’m not the biggest fan of this book. I just wasn’t feeling this one; I couldn’t’ find myself loving the characters, I couldn’t really invest myself in the story, because I just… didn’t. This was a completely spontaneous choice, and although I don’t completely regret it, I don’t think it was worthwhile either. More to be said in my review!

Read Next

I don’t know which book I will be reading next; I feel like going off my mood this week, but I will definitely try to give priority to The Book of Ivy by Amy Engel and Forget Tomorrow by Pintip Dunn, as well as Reawakened by Colleen Houck. Reawakened has been on my read next for weeks now, and I still haven’t read it. Ugh, it bothers me so much. 😉 Same goes for City of Fae by Pippa DeCosta, which, I think has been on my read next even longer than Reawakened. Say What You Will by Cammie McGovern is kind of a choice if I’m looking more for a contemporary this week (I have no idea where my mood will take me!) along with Ashes to Ashes by Jenny Han and Siobhan Vivian, which is the third book in the Burn For Burn trilogy.

So that’s it for this week’s WWW Wednesday! What books have you been reading now, then and next? Have you read any of these books? Let me know in the comments below! If you participated in WWW Wednesday, feel free to link your post below!

Until the Next Meal, Analee


Walk On Earth a Stranger by Rae Carson | Release Day Book Blitz & Giveaway


Hello bookworms! I’m so happy today to have the chance to share an awesome giveaway and the news that Walk on Earth a Stranger by Rae Carson releases today! If you haven’t yet heard about this wonderful new series by Rae Carson, be sure to check out all the details below.

Also, for all of you US peopls out there, this blitz also includes a giveaway for a set of the Girl of Fire and Thorns series, in paperback format! So if you’d like a chance to win, enter in the Rafflecopter at the bottom of this post!

Walk on Earth a StrangerBook Details

Title: Walk on Earth a Stranger by Rae Carson
Publication Date:
 September 22nd 2015
Publisher: Greenwillow Books
Genre(s): Fantasy, Young-Adult
Series Status: The Gold Seer Trilogy #1
Page Count: 448
Purchase: AmazonBarnes & NobleiBooks

Synopsis from Goodreads:

The first book in a new trilogy from acclaimed New York Times bestselling author Rae Carson. A young woman with the magical ability to sense the presence of gold must flee her home, taking her on a sweeping and dangerous journey across Gold Rush–era America.

Lee Westfall has a secret. She can sense the presence of gold in the world around her. Veins deep beneath the earth, pebbles in the river, nuggets dug up from the forest floor. The buzz of gold means warmth and life and home—until everything is ripped away by a man who wants to control her. Left with nothing, Lee disguises herself as a boy and takes to the trail across the country. Gold was discovered in California, and where else could such a magical girl find herself, find safety? Rae Carson, author of the acclaimed Girl of Fire and Thorns trilogy, dazzles with this new fantasy that subverts both our own history and familiar fantasy tropes.

Walk on Earth a Stranger, the first book in this new trilogy, introduces—as only Rae Carson can—a strong heroine, a perilous road, a fantastical twist, and a slow-burning romance. Includes a map and author’s note on historical research.

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Read chapter 1 of WALK ON EARTH A STRANGER annotated by Rae Carson HERE!

 About the Authorraecarson

Rae Carson is the New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of the acclaimed Girl of Fire and Thorns trilogy. Her next book, Walk On Earth A Stranger, will be available September 22, 2015. She lives in Arizona with her husband.

Author Links: Website | Twitter | Facebook | Goodreads

Giveaway – 1 US winner will receive a paperback set of the 3 GIRL OF FIRE AND THORNS series (Ends on September 30th at Midnight EST!)

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Walk on Earth a Stranger sounds amazing! Who else is looking forward to gobbling it up? And has anyone read Girl of Fire and Thorns? How was it? Let me know in the comments below! 

Until the Next Meal 1

Extraordinary Means by Robyn Schneider | Book Review

Extraordinary Means_bookcoverExtraordinary Means by Robyn Schneider

4 stars =Really Good

Publication Date: May 26th 2015
Publisher: Katherine Tegen Books
Genre(s): Contemporary Romance, Young-Adult
Series Status: N/A—Stand Alone
Page Count: 336
Source & Format: Owned, Hardcover & ebook

Synopsis from Goodreads:

From the author of The Beginning of Everything: two teens with a deadly disease fall in love on the brink of a cure.

At seventeen, overachieving Lane finds himself at Latham House, a sanatorium for teens suffering from an incurable strain of tuberculosis. Part hospital and part boarding school, Latham is a place of endless rules and confusing rituals, where it’s easier to fail breakfast than it is to flunk French.

There, Lane encounters a girl he knew years ago. Instead of the shy loner he remembers, Sadie has transformed. At Latham, she is sarcastic, fearless, and utterly compelling. Her friends, a group of eccentric troublemakers, fascinate Lane, who has never stepped out of bounds his whole life. And as he gradually becomes one of them, Sadie shows him their secrets: how to steal internet, how to sneak into town, and how to disable the med sensors they must wear at all times.

But there are consequences to having secrets, particularly at Latham House. And as Lane and Sadie begin to fall in love and their group begins to fall sicker, their insular world threatens to come crashing down.

Told in alternating points of view, Extraordinary Means is a darkly funny story about doomed friendships, first love, and the rare miracle of second chances.

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Hello! Today I have a review on Extraordinary Means by Robyn Schneider. This is one of the books that caught my eye after I’ve seen it floating around in the blogosphere (that even has a tag made from it as well) and so I have been quite interested in reading it for quite some time. I definitely see what the hype is all about; I enjoyed reading this book so much!

I’ve read several reviews in which this book is compared to both TFIOS (for the sickness aspect) and Looking For Alaska (for the boarding school aspect), and in some ways it’s true, but in the end, Extraordinary Means was its own story which was full of bright characters and a compelling writing style. Not to mention its idea is so unique to me; I’ve hardly ever read a book following characters with tuberculosis, and I sure loved learning about this fresh concept!

Quick Summary 

Meet Lane, the definition of a workaholic. As a result of his overachieving habits, he’s not really living his life, until he ends up in Latham House, a boarding school and sanitarium for students with tuberculosis. There he meets the wild and enticing Sadie, and her friends, who are the resident trouble-makers and most care-free of the Latham students. As Lane starts to become a part of their wild adventures, he’s introduced to a whole new world—but faces so many consequences at the same time.


Okay, I won’t lie, I did find the book to be kind of predictable at times, but, it was still pretty extraordinary. (See what I did there? :P) Why? Because I loved reading the story. Tuberculosis is something I’ve hardly ever read about, and I love how it was approached in this novel. Most of the time we see cancer books and the like, so this was different than cancer books in the sense that, of course, it’s not talking about cancer. The author, being a bioethicist, really knew what she was talking about before writing this, and that was much appreciated.

But the thing I loved most was the fact that this wasn’t simply a story telling readers what it’s like to be sick with tuberculosis. The plot had so much more meaning to it, of second chances, and the hope that someday you’ll be able to figure out how you belong. The journey I took from the start of this book to the finish really got those points across, and gave me a heartwarming and memorable reading experience in the process. There was lots of humor, a satisfying story-line, and definitely a romance to keep your heart in the game.

Before I move on to the characters, one thing I feel is worth mentioning is the romance. While it is definitely sweet and heart-warming, I have to say the impending gloom and doom thing and the expectation that one of them will die kind of prevented me from fully being involved with the romance as I might’ve been in another situation. That being said, I really loved seeing the romance unfold nonetheless!


“One thing I’ve realized about new places is that they’re like jeans. Sure, they might fit, but they’re not comfortable. They need time to be broken in.”

Such a true quote, from the one and only Lane Rosen. I loved Lane’s character a lot, not only because he was totally adorable (although that admittedly plays a factor in this) but also because I found him to be realistic and relatable. He’s always been an overachiever, and that feeling? That feeling of having to work and be the best (for school, mostly)? I definitely understand that. Arriving at Latham House, he realizes how he wasn’t truly living, and as he spends more time with Sadie and her friends, he finally sees how he can start to do so. His development was great to read.

I also really liked Sadie‘s character, if only because she was spunky and full of life, you know? Not that she was a whole bundle of sunshine or something, just that she had a very wild kind of quality to her. But there was more to her than what she seemed. I mean, I have to admit, I wasn’t completely sold on her character at first; she was a stubborn person determined to hold a grudge about something that happened years ago, and I just couldn’t sympathize. But as I got to know her, I discovered it was one of her flaws—a flaw I came to accept. She’s very insecure and often makes the mistake of not talking things out with others, which can cause problems. I understood her though, and really started to root for her. She wasn’t by any means perfect, but that’s exactly why she was perfect.

The secondary characters were also great Except for a select few, almost all of the other characters felt memorable, especially Sadie’s friends, since they are the people who are with Sadie and Lane the most. So, for one we have Nick, the goofy friend of Sadie’s who also happens to be in love with Sadie. (The feelings aren’t mutual.) I wasn’t his biggest fan, but he was alright and I was okay with his presence for the most part. Marina, Sadie’s girl friend, didn’t have that much of an impact on me or the story, to be honest, but again, she was okay. Charlie, the last of their group, and the sickest, was more of a mysterious character, and I didn’t expect to enjoy his character, but I did. He seemed really interesting, and I wouldn’t have minded knowing more about him.

Writing Style

I fell in love with the writing in this book! The novel was written in dual-perspective from both Lane and Sadie, which made for some awesome insight into their characters. They both have such different ways of thinking and approaching things, it was interesting to see into the thoughts of both characters.

“There’s difference between being dead and dying. We’re all dying. Some of us die for ninety years, and some of us die for nineteen. But each morning everyone on this planet wakes up one day closer to their death. Everyone. So living and dying are actually different words for the same thing, if you think about it.”

Another thing is that although this story may have had an overall John Green feel to it, I felt the writing style for this novel was much more authentic than, say, The Fault in Our Stars. I have nothing against John Green; he’s a great author, but I felt this book captured the voice of intelligent teenagers more smoothly and realistically, to be honest. Maybe it’s just the mood I was in while reading or something, but JG’s TFIOS writing style and dialogue and such felt pretentious and it kind of felt a bit out of place at times. For this novel, I felt differently, because the dialogue and writing felt much more natural and I was able to relate to it in a way I found I just couldn’t with TFIOS (before you bring out the knives and forks; I enjoyed TFIOS!! I just still had some issues with it).

Extraordinary Means also had wonderful thought-provoking quotes which were great, and really reflected the characters, with a bonus of the characters not sounding overly beyond their years. I simply flew through everything, like second skin, really, while relishing the great passages of humor and quotes that I found on the way.

“Being temporary doesn’t make something matter any less, because the point isn’t for how long, the point is that it happened.”


Extraordinary Means by Robyn Schneider is a book that you should definitely not miss if you’re either: a) a John Green fan, b) looking for a contemporary read addressing something unique, c) prone to liking bitter-sweet romances, or d) searching for an emotional read. While there are indeed similarities between this book and John Green’s TFIOS and LFA, I definitely still recommend giving this book a try, if only to see for yourself whether this book is good or not. After all, it’s all a matter of personal preference! I myself really enjoyed the storyline, along with the great characters. Sadie and Lane were such opposites, yet they went together so well and I really rooted for both of them. I loved how natural the writing and dialogue was in this book, not to mention the way I flew through this book because of it! All in all, I really enjoyed this book and I recommend it for those of you who enjoy contemporary novels!

Definitely try to gobble this up! It’s quite tasty.

Have you read this book? What did you think? Are you planning on reading it? Whatever your thoughts may be, let me know in the comments below! I’d love to hear from you. ❤ 

Analee 4

Playing the Player by Lisa Brown Roberts | ARC Book Review (Blog Tour + Giveaway)

Playing the Player Tour Banner NEW

Playing the PlayerPlaying the Player by Lisa Brown Roberts

4 stars =Really Good

Publication Date: September 14th 2015
Publisher: Entangled Crush
Genre(s): Contemporary Romance, Young-Adult
Series Status: N/A—Stand Alone
Page Count: 295
Source & Format: Publisher via Netgalley, ebook
Purchase: kindle | nook | ibooks | kobo

Synopsis from Goodreads:

The Good Girl Vs. The Player
Round one begins…

Trina Clemons needed the money. Why else would she – the most organized, prepared student in school – spend the summer as a nanny and partner with the biggest slacker ever? Now she’s ready to tackle nannyhood with her big binder of research and schedules. Just don’t ask her about the secret job of “fixing” the bad habits of a certain high school player…

Slade Edmunds prefers easy hook-ups, and Trina is definitely not his type. She’s all structure and rules, while Slade wants to just have fun. Fortunately, Trina has no idea about the bet Slade made with his best friend that he can totally get her to unwind by the end of summer…

Then the weirdest thing happens. There’s chemistry. A lot of it.
But nothing gets between a boy and a girl like a big, fat secret…

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Hello! Today I have a review on Playing the Player by Lisa Brown Roberts, as part of a blog tour hosted by YA Bound Book Tours (You can check out the rest of the schedule here). Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for the review copy!

The first thing I’m going to say about this book is that simply put, I really enjoyed it! It’s a very fun read that will satisfy romance and contemporary lovers out there with the wonderful chemistry between the characters, and the well-done cliches, which, you have to admit, doesn’t always happen and can be pretty fun to read about! You can’t even deny it. 😉 I haven’t ever read anything else by Lisa Brown Roberts, but after this I definitely will!

Quick Summary

In Playing the Player we follow the story of Trina and Slade, both complete opposites. While Trina is about control and discipline, Slade is a easy-going player who treats life as a party. When they’re paired together to work as partners, neither of them know about the secrets the other is keeping. And it soon seems to be, that although both Trina and Slade are way out of their league, they both have lots of chemistry. But is it for the good? Or will it just blow up in their faces?


I will not deny it; this plot is pretty cliché, with the whole “Good girl falls for the bad-boy player” scheme and all. I’m sure most of you have seen that trope, since it’s almost everywhere. But one of things I loved about this book was the fact that the author took this trope and gave it a twist that fully worked for the story and really made it interesting to read about. Trina didn’t just help Slade, Slade helped Trina to grow as a person and loosen up. And I loved seeing that happen. The plot may have been cliched, but really, that only adds to an overall great story, since it was still enjoyable to read and artfully done.

Another thing I loved about the plot was the overall feel-good vibe to it. The story was perfectly executed to suit its audience with the right of amount of cuteness that made it the perfect summer read. Though the plot was pretty predictable, I still loved every minute of it!


Another thing I loved about this novel was the fact it was character-driven. I loved the characters, even with the little things I did have some problems with.

Take Trina, for example. I mostly loved her character, especially seeing her character develop throughout the novel. At the start, she’s very rigid about things, as well as vulnerable behind her armor, but by the end she’s much stronger and more relaxed. The chemistry between her and Slade is great, and I really liked watching her fall for Slade—slowly.

“I didn’t know what we were doing or what any of this meant. But I intended to follow it all the way through, because for the first time in forever, I felt fully alive.”

She’s also different than most characters I’ve read about, and I praise the author for creating a character like her. Not only did that make Trina stand out, it also made me more interested in her. I mean, it’s not often that I come across a character who handles things the way Trina does, and there was some wonderful characterization I saw in her that made her more than just a 2-dimensional figure.

“I hated it when I lost control, because I hardly ever did. My whole life was built on discipline and schedules and never making mistakes. I dreaded what would happen if I let down my guard, even for a day.”

I will admit though, that I would’ve liked it a bit more had there been a stronger reason behind Trina’s rigid attitude. I found out about the big reason behind her worrying tendencies and all that and I was kind of like, “Is that it?” But nonetheless, I loved Trina’s character.

Which brings me to Slade Edmunds, who I really liked (although he’s not without his faults). Of course, he is like one of those typical jock guys you see in contemporaries; the player who’s all for the long-legged Barbie-like ladies. You know what I mean. And despite the fact that I know I’ve seen it before, his character was still interesting. As we get his POV, we see more into how he thinks and that insight definitely proved to be useful since it helped get a deeper perspective into him. He was a really sweet guy and I loved seeing the banter between him and Trina, as well as the way he handled things with the kids.

One thing that wasn’t my favorite about him, was his tendency to comment on how attractive Trina is; noticing her cherry-red lips, her short hair, etc. I mean, this wasn’t a big deal, and I didn’t even notice or care at first, but after a few repetitions of him noticing something and then going like, “Wait, I’m not supposed to be thinking that,” it kind of lost its effect. But again, like my little issue with Trina, this wasn’t a huge deal for me.

And last but not least, I have to mention a few of the secondary characters I really liked! Gillian and Max, the kids Trina and Slade had to watch over, were hilarious and were lots of fun to read about. They were troublemakers for sure! I wasn’t a huge fan of the role the adults played in this, but that didn’t bother me that much since I was more focused on the story.

Writing Style

Lisa Brown Roberts was really able to nail writing in dual-perspective! There were hardly any moments I remember stumbling between chapters, trying to place who’s speaking, thank goodness! It just ruins the flow of reading, you know, when that happens. Both characters’ POVs were written in first person, and it was very well-done. The writing added just the right amount of fluffiness to the novel and really got the characters’ personalities through as well. It had a very conversational tone to it, which went well with the overall warm-fuzzies-and-cuteness feel to the story.


This book is a solid 4 stars read that I definitely did not regret! A perfect summer read, this book will give you a  great combination of drama, chemistry between realistic characters, a romance to root for and a story that will have you smiling and turning the pages consistently. Trina and Slade are both characters you can’t help but end up loving despite their flaws-–and that’s what we all look for, right? The plot is pretty cliched and predictable, but if you’re looking for a cute and fluffy read, I recommend picking this one up asap! Seeing the banter between the characters, the development of both Slade and Trina, as well as Gillian and Max amping things up in the humour department, this book is perfect for the summer, or anytime you’re feeling down and need a little fluffy romance!

Have you read this book? Do you want to read this book? And while we’re at it, what are your thoughts on cliches-done-good? Let me know in the comments—and don’t forget to enter the giveaway below!

*I’d also love to know what you think of the slightly new set-up of my review; like it or do you prefer the other style? Feedback greatly appreciated! <3*

Mm, this one was good. Gobble it up!

Analee 4

lisa brown robertsAbout the Author

Lisa Brown Roberts still hasn’t recovered from the teenage trauma of nearly tweezing off both eyebrows and having to pencil them in for an entire school year. This and other angst-filled memories inspire her to write YA books about navigating life’s painful and funny dramas, and falling in love along the way. Her almost forever home is Colorado, though she occasionally pines for the days when she lived within walking distance of the Pacific Ocean. Her house is full of books, boys, several four-legged prima donnas, and lots of laughter.

Author Links
Website | Goodreads | Twitter | Facebook

Giveaway – “Nanny Survival Kit” open to U.S. which will also include a signed copy of the book. If the winner is international, a $20 Amazon gift card will be substituted in place of the prize pack.
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WWW Wednesday #24 (September 16th, 2015)

Hello! Welcome to another WWW Wednesday, a meme formerly hosted by MizB @ Should be Reading and now hosted by Sam @Taking on a World of Words. All you have to do to join in is answer three questions:

What are you currently reading?
What did you recently finish reading?
What do you think you’ll read next?

Currently Reading

I am actually currently not reading anything. I know! For the first time in a looong time, it seems. I did read though, throughout the week (though not as much as usual) but currently I have nothing. Still unsure over what book to read next!

Recently Finished

More Than This by Patrick Ness was an incredible read; I really loved it! There’s just so much going for it, and it was a very emotional novel.

As for Me and Earl and the Dying Girl by Jesse Andrews, I can’t really say the same, since I’m not exactly its biggest fan… I mean, it was okay, and a different take from the whole sickness theme in YA fiction for sure, but it just didn’t click with me. I’m hoping the movie is better! (Which is a pretty sad thought, when you think about it. I mean, the books are supposed to be better, you know? :P)

Review for Playing the Player by Lisa Brown Roberts will be coming soon!

Read Next

I still have not gotten around to City of Fae by Pippa DeCosta; to be honest, unfortunately I’m starting to think I never will! I mean, I will read it, but it doesn’t seem like I’ll be reading it anytime soon. Hopefully this week?

Fire with Fire by Jenny Han & Siobhan Vivian is the sequel to Burn For Burn which I have previously read near the end of August, if memory prevails. Burn For Burn did end with a cliffhanger that would usually be having me reaching for the second book asap, but for some reason I still haven’t gotten around to it.

Reawakened by Colleen Houck has still been left untouched! I really want to read this book, I honestly have no idea what has stopped me from picking this up way before. Fingers crossed I will read it this week!

How’s your reads going? What are you planning on reading next? What do you think I should read next? Let me know in the comments below—and link your WWW post if you have one! I will definitely check them out. ❤

Hope you’re having a great Wednesday!

Analee 10

Top Ten Tuesday #22 (September 15th) | Freebie: Top 10 Books Being Released in 2016

Hello everyone! It’s Tuesday, and that means it’s time for a Top Ten Tuesday post! This week’s topic is a freebie, which means it’s up to us to choose, and I chose to make a list on 10 books that I can’t wait to read that are being released in 2016 (this upcoming year). 2015 is almost ending, so I thought it would be a fitting topic! The main list is comprised of books I’m looking forward to that already has its cover, title and release date revealed, but I also couldn’t help but add a bunch of honourable mentions (mostly sequels and books that have yet to have their publishing details revealed). 😉 So, let’s get to it! In no particular order, as usual:

1. The Winner’s Kiss by Marie Rutkoski

The Winner's Kiss_bookcover

The third and final book in the Winner’s Curse trilogy will be released March 1st 2016, and I can’t wait! Although I’m kind of sad to see it end, I’m sure it will be great. Though I suppose it would be safer to lower my expectations before I read it! Just in case. 😉

2. When We Collided by Emery Lord

When We Collided

Okay, first of all look at that cover!! Loving it. And after reading and enjoying Emery Lord’s The Start of Me and You, I’m looking forward to reading another one of her cute stories! This book releases April 5th 2016.

3. Bookishly Ever After by Isabel Bandeira

Bookishly Ever After_bookcover

If you haven’t heard about this book, I urge you to go over to its Goodreads page and check out what it’s about! Basically a bookworm’s perfect story, in my opinion. This book releases on January 12th 2016, and I can’t wait!

4. Truthwitch by Susan Dennard


I have yet to read any books by Susan Dennard, but I’m looking forward to this release! It seems like an awesome story and I can’t wait for it’s release date, January 5th 2016.

5. Beyond the Red by Ava Jae

Beyond the Red_bookcover

This book releases on March 1st 2016, and it seems really interesting! I haven’t heard of this author before (I believe this will be her debut novel) and I’ll be looking forward to see how it is.

6. The Great Hunt by Wendy Higgins

The Great Hunt_bookcover

Again, this seems like an awesome read, so I can’t wait for this one! It releases on March 8th 2016. I’ve also read Wendy Higgins’ Sweet trilogy so I have high hopes for this one!

7. Glass Sword by Victoria Aveyard

Glass Sword

The sequel to Red Queen will be releasing on February 9th 2016, and I’m intrigued to see what it will be like! I enjoyed Red Queen, although I had some issues with it, and I’m highly anticipating the release of Glass Sword! Not to mention I also love the cover. 🙂

9. Passenger by Alexandra Bracken


This book will be the first in a series, and other than the fact that I love the cover (as if that’s anything new) I also really like the idea of it. And have any of you read The Darkest Minds?! Alexandra Bracken is a great author. 🙂 Passenger releases on January 5th 2016 and I will most assuredly be keeping my eyes on this one!

10. The Love That Split the World by Emily Henry

The Love That Split the World

Again, this cover is stunning! These book cover designers sure know what they’re doing. Anyway, this book releases on January 26th 2016, and I can’t wait to read this seemingly-emotional and cute story.

Honorable mentions (AKA the books that do not yet have a planned release date, cover or title, but that must be mentioned on this list nonetheless): 

I love Cassandra Clare’s books, and I just can’t wait to dive into the world of Shadowhunters once again with this brand-new series! This book will be releasing on March 8th 2016.

The sequel to The Wrath and the Dawn has me super excited! After the ending in TWATD, I must. Know. More. Although we don’t yet have a cover for it, we do know it’s planned release date; May 3rd 2016. Can’t wait!

We know that the sequel to ACOTAR will be released on May 3rd 2016 (well, according to Goodreads), while the fifth book in the Throne of Glass series will be released sometime in 2016. Both of these books have yet to reveal their covers and their titles.

The third book in the Snow Like Ashes trilogy has no name, cover or planned release date. Gonna have to keep eyes peeled for this one! Although I understand the lack of details, since its predecosser, the second book in the series, Ice Like Fire, hasn’t even been released yet!

‘Untitled’ is going to be the first in a series, and clearly still has a lot of work left! We don’t know the title or cover, and all we know about its release date is that it will be released fall 2016. As for Heartless, we know it will be released November 8th 2016, but we have yet to see the cover.

The third in the Malediction Trilogy, this book will be releasing May 3rd 2016. (If you haven’t read this series yet, I highly recommend you do!)

There are so many other books I’d love to name right now, but then I’d end up making a Top 15 or 20 list. 😉 So that’s it for this week’s Top Ten Tuesday! What topic did you do? Feel free to link it below. What 2016 books are you looking forward to?

Enjoy your Tuesday! (Even though here in North America it’s basically over…)

Analee 10

The TBR Book Tag!

Hi there everyone! I have been less active lately on my blog and I’m really sorry for that! I’m currently working on getting a bunch of reviews up and ready to go, hopefully I’ll get those finished! Even though school just started, I already have several things to complete, so I’m kind of behind on things. Anyway, I’m back with another tag for you guys: the TBR book tag, in which the lovely Josie from Josie’s Book Corner has tagged me, (in the comments)! TBR means, in case you didn’t know, ‘to-be-read’. My TBR is over the moon honestly, I have waaaay to many books that I have yet to read. So this tag is great! Anywho, let’s get on with the tag!

How do you keep track of your TBR pile?


Goodreads!!! I don’t know what I’d do without Goodreads. I have tons of books on my TBR and I usually just keep track of everything from there! However, there are times where I hear of a book, write it down somewhere, telling myself I’ll add it to my Goodreads shelf, but end up forgetting to. This happens more times than I care to admit, (and as a result I’m sure I have a lot of books on my TBR written on paper that I have yet to add to Goodreads) but for the most part Goodreads is my best friend when it comes to my TBR.

Is your TBR mostly print or eBook?

Both, I think. In past years it probably would’ve been ebook, but as I’ve been increasing my physical book buying (wonderful for my shelves, terrible for my wallet) it’s kind of evened out now and I have a lot of print and ebooks waiting to be read.

How do you determine which book from your TBR to read next?

It’s a pretty spontaneous decision, really! Sometimes I choose books I have recently hauled, sometimes books that have been really hyped, and sometimes it’s just really up to my mood! Feeling down about something? Cheesy contemporary it is! Wanting some action? A thriller or fantasy! You get the idea. If I have review copies I usually try to give those priority as well.

A book that’s been on your TBR list the longest?

Mansfield Park

Huh. This is a hard one! I have no idea, but I would say Mansfield Park by Jane Austen. It’s one of the only Jane Austen books I haven’t read, and I have been meaning to for a while!

A book you recently added to your TBR?

The Legend of Me

Will you just look at this book! The Legend of Me by Rebekah L. Purdy is slated to be released on Februaray 2016, and I will surely be keeping my eye out for this one!

A book on your TBR strictly because of it’s beautiful cover?

The Last of the Firedrakes

The Last of the Firedrakes by Farah Oomerbhoy has such a beautiful cover! It looks so magical and has a very fairytail-istic look to it that I just love. I don’t know much about the story, but this book is definitely on my TBR. (LOL quite superficial of me, but you can’t just look at this cover and resist it! Not if you’re like me, at least. <3)

A book on your TBR that you never plan on reading?


Possession by Elana Johnson seems like an interesting novel, but I just don’t think I’ll ever be reading this one! Mostly just due to time priorities, and just lack of interest compared to other books. There IS still a chance I will read this one day, but I have no plans of that in the near future. Though if you read and liked this book, maybe one of you guys will change my mind!

An unpublished book on your TBR that you’re excited for?

ALL THE UNBUBLISHED BOOKSSSS. Kidding. Not really. There are so many awesome-seeming unpublished books that I am dying to have in my hands right now!

Winter by Marissa Meyer, Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo, The Winner’s Kiss by Marie Rutkoski, Ten Thousand Skies Above You by Claudia Gray, First & Then by Emma Mills are just few of the books that I can’t wait to get my hands on! I love how 4/5 of these are sci-fi, fantasy and all that, and I only have one book that is contemporary… there are a bunch more that I wish I could put in here, but if I do we’ll be here until Christmas. 😉

A book on your TBR that everyone has read but you?

Anna & the French Kiss_bookcover2

Honestly, I feel as if every single bookworm has read Anna and the French Kiss by Stephanie Perkins. It’s like some kind of unspoken rule or something! It’s everywhere. Don’t know when I’ll be getting around to this, but I will give it a try for sure.

A book on your TBR that everyone recommends to you?

The Young Elites

Maybe not everyone because everyone hasn’t read this book, but a lot of people has recommended The Young Elites by Marie Lu and I really want to read it! Especially since I’ve also read and loved Marie Lu’s Legend trilogy.

A book on your TBR that you’re dying to read?

The Queen of the Tearling_bookcover

The Queen of the Tearling by Erika Johansen seems soooo good and I honestly am dying to read it. And if I’m not mistaken, this book is even slated for a movie (not much planned yet though) and Emma Watson has shown interest in it! Ahhhhhhh!!!! Although I haven’t heard much on this news lately, you can check out this link for more details. Everyone and their mother has seemed to like this book, so I can’t wait to read it sometime.

How many books are on your Goodreads TBR shelf?

More than I’ll ever be able to read, I’m sure, since I have 1095 books (last time I checked, at least) on my Goodreads TBR shelf!! I just never seem to be able to stop adding books to my TBR. Not to mention that this 1095 isn’t even the whole thing; I have a bunch of other books I need to add to my Goodreads shelf that I haven’t done yet. So, yes! Clearly I am unable to comprehend that I already have more books than I will ever need since I keep adding even more all the time. XD

I know I tagged a lot of people in my Summer Reader Book Tag, so I will try to tag other people this time, but feel free to do this tag if you want to! I’ll even add your name to the post if you want to do it—just let me know in the comments below and consider it done! ❤ This was a super fun tag so it would be great if you wanted to do it as well.

I tag:

No one is obligated to do this tag, but if you do, great! ❤ Just link back so I can come check it out.

What did you think of my choices? Let me know in the comments!

Analee 10

Friday Finds #20 (September 11th)

Hello bookworms! It’s Friday (thank goodness) and that means it’s time for a Friday Finds post, which I am glad to restart after quite some time missing it. This meme is hosted by Jenn @ A Daily Rhythm, and all you have to do is share a few of the books you’ve recently added to your TBR. Let’s get to it!

Wintermore The Mermaid's Sister  Slumber

Wintermore                               The Mermaid’s Sister                 Slumber
by Aron Sethlen                        by Carrie Anne Noble                 by Christy Sloat

Can't Lose You The Dark Days Club Sacrificed

Can’t Lose You                           The Dark Days Club                 Sacrificed
by J.R. Brown                             by Alison Goodman                 by Emily Wibberley

So that’s it for this week’s Friday Finds! Do you have any of these on your TBR? Have you read any of these? Let me know in the comments below! Also, feel free to link your FF post if you have one! I’d love to check it out.

Enjoy your weekend! #TGIF

Analee 10