Summertime Madness Book Tag!

Hi there! I was tagged to do this tag by the lovely ladies @ Bibliophile Gathering, Taylor & Stephanie. I saw this tag around, and with the summer-y season here in Canada, this is perfect! Let’s get started!

Summertime Madness Book Tag

1. Show a book with a summery cover!

There are so many to choose for this one! But I’m going to go with:

The Fill-In Boyfriend by Kasie West

The Fill-In Boyfriend by Kasie West

This cover is totally summery! Just look at it! I happen to have also read this book (I loved it), if you want you can check it out here.

2.Pick one fictional place that would be the perfect destination for a summer vacation!

Huh! This one’s a hard one! But I think I’m going to have to go with what another blogger, Ashley, chose:

A Court of Thorns & Roses_bookcover

A Court of Thorns and Roses by Sarah J. Maas

The Spring Court in Prythian would be a great summer vacation destination! It would be great to just relax and have fun there. Preferably with Feyre, Lucien and the rest of the ACOTAR crew. 😉

3.You’re about to go on a flight to your summer vacation. But you want to read a book that lasts for the whole flight, what novella do you choose?

I don’t know, to be honest. I don’t read many novellas. I suppose I’d probably go with a full-length novel like:

Made You Up_bookcover

 Made You Up by Francesca Zappia

I recently finished this book and it was amazing!! And it would be perfect for a plane trip. (Review coming soon!)

4. You have a case of summertime sadness what happy book do you pick up to shine a smile on your face?

Ooh, this one is an easy one!

Simon vs the Homo Sapiens Agenda_bookcover

Simon vs. the Homo Sapiens Agenda by Becky Albertalli

This book immediately comes to mind (probably because it was a very recent read)! This book was just so amazing and this is perfect for making a smile appear! (I’ll be posting a review on it tomorrow, keep an eye out for that!)

5.You’re sitting at the beach all alone…which fictional character would be your beach babe?

Hmm… I’m going to try and pick someone from a book I haven’t used yet (sorry, Lucien & Rhysand!) so I suppose…any of the characters from my (if I do say so myself) awesome list of book boyfriends I made for the Secret Life of a Book Blogger tag. XD Fine, fine, specifics, specifics.
I suppose I might choose Leo, or Percy, both from the Heroes of Olympus series by Rick Riordan, or Levi from Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell, mostly because they’re all super funny and I think they would be great to have around on a beach to have fun!

6. To match your ice cream you want an icy cool sidekick! Which fictional side kick do you pick?

Arg, this one’s a hard one! I think I’m going to choose…

Annabeth Chase from the Percy Jackson & the Olympians by Rick Riordan

7. Share the Summertime Happiness! Who do you TAG?

I don’t usually tag so many people in book tags, but I’m feeling the summery mood today, so… happy tagging! ❤

Analee 10

That’s What HE Said Thursday #11 (June 18)

Hello! Today is Thursday, which means a That’s What He Said Thursday post! (A meme hosted by Chapter Break.) Today I have a little conversation between Addison and Leo, from Wash Me Away by Wendy Owens. Now, usually I don’t use the same book for a meme twice in a week (I used this book for Teaser Tuesday), but I had this bookmarked, and it’s just so cute. So here it is:

Wash Me Away“Call me Addy,” I offer.
“So informal. I do believe you might just be warming up to me.” He grins, and I think again he might be flirting. I see my uncle’s woody station wagon pull up.
I hop to my feet. “There’s my ride. I gotta go. How much do I owe you?”
“I got it. The conversation was well worth the price,” he answers, and my cheeks flush hot.
“What movie is that line from?” I question, hesitating for a moment, wishing my uncle had been late.
“No movie, only the truth,” Leo answers. “I’ll see you in class, Addy.”

Isn’t it just so cute? Their banter is just so much fun to read. Really liking this book so far, and I’m almost finished! 🙂

Happy Thursday! Gotta go now, bye!
