What I love about Beauty and the Beast + Retellings | THE MOVIE IS OUT!!

Beauty and the Beast is finally OUT!! *cue screaming* Or for others, will be out very soon?!! I actually watched it yesterday and I loved it so much!! To be expected of course, but oh my gosh, the anticipation for this movie, the expectations were so high and ajrlkwjgwjgwinencksanwhenjfhsjns I’m just so glad this movie was made the way it was and MET MY EXPECTATIONS. *squeals*

And that’s perhaps a post for another time, but today, continuing my little B&B theme going on, I wanted to do a post about what I love about Beauty and the Beast! I’ve talked before about loving retellings, but I never discussed what I love about the fairytale this was all inspired by?!?? So here we go!!

1. Belle is kind of fabulous

I relate to Belle so much?? Okay, fine, I relate to her love for her books. I can’t exactly relate to anything else, but BOOKS. I love books + Belle loves books = I love Belle for loving books! I also love her dedication and love for her father, it’s really sweet! We don’t see many positive parent-child relationships in the earlier Disney princess movies–and side note: the live-action movie represented it better than the animated one in my opinion!! She’s also brave and kind, and this is highlighted even more in the live-action movie. (Whoops, this is becoming less of my thoughts on the original fairytale and more on the live-action movie!!)

2. The Beast

Okay, so he’s a total… um BEAST?? And he is quite horrible 70% of the time, but the relationship between Belle and the Beast is a pretty big factor as to why so many love the story–albeit the fact that there are definitely problematic issues with it. But he goes through a sweet journey and has nice growth #thingsreadersappreciate. No joke, everyone is fawning over the relationship between him and Belle and I’m just here like I’m glad he’s not as much of a jerk at the end #truth. But I did love the beast, don’t get me wrong haha.

3. LOVE (for the library, obviously.)

DO YOU SEE THAT LIBRARY??!?? THAT IS MY LOVE RIGHT THERE. ❤ ❤ Imagine having a library like that??! Filled with alllllllll the pretty books I adore… #goals. Booklover’s dream right here. Forget the prince, I want his library?? Give it to meeeeeee.

4. Belle and Beast’s Relationship

I’m not here to discuss the Stockholm Syndrome debacle and all, because a) I don’t feel qualified haha and b) that’s a whole other issue that is not the point of what I’m trying to say haha. What I love about their relationship is the growth and the development, and the beauty in finding the beauty within. Don’t judge a book by its cover and all, right? Seeing the Beast change and become more caring, and less beastly haha, and Belle falling for his kind side (and not the abusive side, mind you) was actually very sweet!! ❤ (And it was so lovely in the live-action movie!!!!)

5. Lumiere, Cogsworth, etc give me life.

I’m kind of in love with all of them?? Haha they’re just so much fun and adorable and growing up, they’re definitely one of the reasons I loved the movie. Call me childlike if you want, but they’re just as precious and just as much part of the story as anyone else!!

6. Tale as old as time.

Such nostalgia! Such memories! Beauty and the Beast (and just Disney in general) was such a big part of my life growing up haha and there’s just that emotional attachment! They all have this aspect of magic to them and I just think, that, paired with all the other elements, makes it so memorable–and so beloved. The theme, the characters, the story, all of it, is just so special.

Retellings for your Beauty and the Beast cravings!

Okayyyyy so confession!! As much as I’m obsessed with Beauty and the Beast, and obsessed with retellings, I haven’t actually read many retellings of it? I know! #sad BUT. I shall read more of them!! And I have collected a bunch of them, as many as I could find, for future reference and for you all to either a) add them to your own monstrous TBR, b) screech at me to read one of them that you adored or c) join me in my despair as we realize the lack of B&B in my life *the horror!!*


  • A Court of Thorns and Roses by Sarah J. Maas: An obvious pick, much? Haha. One of the most popular B&B retellings out there, I think. It’s New-Adult, I believe, and has some steamy scenes, but that’s the extent of it! I really loved this one.
  • Cruel Beauty by Rosamund Hodge: I liked this one! I think?? It’s been a while since I read it and I’m not exactly sure anymore haha. It definitely had its issues, though (like any book) but it was still pretty good! The main character, Nyx, was kind of annoying, but I liked the world and the concept.
  • Beastly by Alex Flinn: Aha… um okay. Well. Didn’t like this one very much. Or at all. Which is so sad!! Because it’s Beauty and the Beast and everything but like…. I couldn’t connect to the characters much at all? The narrator, the Beast, was actually SO ANNOYING and didn’t get any better, and I just didn’t care about him at all. So disappointing!


  • Of Beast and Beauty by Stacey Jay: I haven’t read this one, but it sounds really good?? It  was released 4 years ago, and I’ve heard really great things.
  • Hunted by Megan Spooner: This was released a few days ago, I believe, and I can’t wait to read this one!! Out of all the retellings, I think this is the most recently-released and most anticipated one for me.
  • As Old As Time by Liz Braswell: This one actually seems really good as well! I definitely want to pick it up sometime.

That’s it for this post! I LOVE Beauty and the Beast so much, and I just wanted to share a few reasons why, though I suppose a lot of it goes unsaid! 🙂 By the way, the movie was AMAZING and I now am going to squeal at all of you to go watch it!! If you couldn’t tell by my blog posts recently, I’m obsessed with this and the movie was so great as well so basically I’m screeching in happiness.
But I digress!! What do you love about Beauty and the Beast? What are you *gasp* not a fan of? (It’s okay, I can take it. Mostly.) What retellings of it have you read/recommend for me to read? Have you watched the movie/plan to watch the movie (the correct answer to the latter is a solid yes btw)? Let me know in the comments!!
Lots of love!

Top 10 Tuesday #17 (August 4): Ten Fairytale Retellings I’ve Read & Want To Read

Hello! It’s not Tuesday, but I’ll consider it the time for another Top Ten Tuesday,(a meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish)! This is an edited version of the post I had originally scheduled; for some reason this didn’t post as it was supposed to and now I’m 2 days late on this one. Oh well! I’m loving the topic and I’m definitely not going to be passing it up! XD
This week’s topic, as you can tell by the title of this post, is Ten Fairytale Retellings I’ve Read and Want To Read! I’ll be dividing it into half; 5 retelling books I’ve read, and 5 that I want to read. So, let’s get to it! As usual, in no particular order:

Books I’ve Read

Lunar Chronicles 21. The Lunar Chronicles by Marissa Meyer: Cinder (Cinderella), Scarlet (Red Riding Hood), Cress (Rapunzel). This series is amazing!! If you haven’t read any of the books in this series yet, then you must start it now, I promise if you like fairytale retellings and fantasy, you won’t regret it.

2. A Court of Thorns and Roses by Sarah J. MaasA Court of Thorns & Roses_bookcover
Based on Beauty and the Beast. This book was amazing! I absolutely loved it!! Sarah J. Maas turned a classic fairytale into a whole new world of fae and magic. You can check out my review on it here if you’re interested!

THrone of Glass series3. Throne of Glass by Sarah J. Maas
Loosely based on/Inspired by Cinderella. This isn’t exactly a direct retelling of Cinderella, but the series is a [very] loose retelling of the story, and a great one at that!

4. The Summer of Chasing Mermaids by Sarah OcklerThe Summer of Chasing Mermaids_bookcover
Loosely based on The Little Mermaid. I just finished this one today, and boy, was it quite the story! I absolutely loved it. It was a beautifully written contemporary with fairytale elements mixed in, and it was a very unique retelling of The Little Mermaid.

The Ugly Stepsister_bookcover5. The Ugly Stepsister by Aya Ling
Based on Cinderella. This one is quite the unique retelling! Instead of being told from the perspective of Cinderella as you would expect, it was told instead from the POV of Cinderella’s stepsister instead. Cool, right? It was an amazing story!

Honourable mentions: Fairy Tales series by Melanie Dickerson (Including retellings of Beauty and the Beast, Sleeping Beauty, Snow White & Cinderella), Ella Enchanted by Gail Carson Levine (Cinderella)Cruel Beauty by Rosamund Hudge (Beauty and the Beast)

Books I Want to Read

6. The Wrath and the Dawn by Renee AhdiehThe Wrath and the Dawn_bookcover
Based on A Thousand and One Nights. I just started reading this one recently. I’m not that far into it yet, but I’m really liking it! I’ve heard great things and the story seems really interesting.

Uprooted_bookcover7. Uprooted by Naomi Novik
Based on Rapunzel. This book has been getting lots of hype and I really want to know what the hype is all about! It seems like a very interesting retelling of Rapunzel.

8. Splintered by A.G HowardSplintered_bookcover
Based on Alice in Wonderland. This one, I feel, has also been getting lots of hype! I can’t wait to read this, I haven’t read many Alice in Wonderland retellings and this one seems great.

Crimson Bound_bookcover9. Crimson Bound by Rosamund Hodge
Based on Little Red Riding Hood. I haven’t read many Red Riding Hood retellings, now that I think of it, and I really want to try this one out, especially after reading Cruel Beauty, also by this author. I have a feeling I’d really enjoy this book and I can’t wait to read it!

10. A Whole New World by Liz BraswellA Whole New World_bookcover
Based on Aladdin. This book sounds amazing! What if Jafar was the first one to summon the Genie? What would happen then? Well, I guess this book delves into that! There aren’t enough Aladdin retellings, and this one seems great! Can’t wait to read it.

Honourable mentions: The Isle of the Lost by Melissa de la Cruz, Entwined by Heather Dixon, Spelled by Betsy Schow, Mechanica by Betsy Cornwell, Dorothy Must Die by Danielle Paige, The Child Thief by Brom

That’s it for this week’s belated Top Ten Tuesday! Do we have any books in common? Have some retelling recommendations? Let me know in the comments below! ❤

Analee 10

Summertime Madness Book Tag!

Hi there! I was tagged to do this tag by the lovely ladies @ Bibliophile Gathering, Taylor & Stephanie. I saw this tag around, and with the summer-y season here in Canada, this is perfect! Let’s get started!

Summertime Madness Book Tag

1. Show a book with a summery cover!

There are so many to choose for this one! But I’m going to go with:

The Fill-In Boyfriend by Kasie West

The Fill-In Boyfriend by Kasie West

This cover is totally summery! Just look at it! I happen to have also read this book (I loved it), if you want you can check it out here.

2.Pick one fictional place that would be the perfect destination for a summer vacation!

Huh! This one’s a hard one! But I think I’m going to have to go with what another blogger, Ashley, chose:

A Court of Thorns & Roses_bookcover

A Court of Thorns and Roses by Sarah J. Maas

The Spring Court in Prythian would be a great summer vacation destination! It would be great to just relax and have fun there. Preferably with Feyre, Lucien and the rest of the ACOTAR crew. 😉

3.You’re about to go on a flight to your summer vacation. But you want to read a book that lasts for the whole flight, what novella do you choose?

I don’t know, to be honest. I don’t read many novellas. I suppose I’d probably go with a full-length novel like:

Made You Up_bookcover

 Made You Up by Francesca Zappia

I recently finished this book and it was amazing!! And it would be perfect for a plane trip. (Review coming soon!)

4. You have a case of summertime sadness what happy book do you pick up to shine a smile on your face?

Ooh, this one is an easy one!

Simon vs the Homo Sapiens Agenda_bookcover

Simon vs. the Homo Sapiens Agenda by Becky Albertalli

This book immediately comes to mind (probably because it was a very recent read)! This book was just so amazing and this is perfect for making a smile appear! (I’ll be posting a review on it tomorrow, keep an eye out for that!)

5.You’re sitting at the beach all alone…which fictional character would be your beach babe?

Hmm… I’m going to try and pick someone from a book I haven’t used yet (sorry, Lucien & Rhysand!) so I suppose…any of the characters from my (if I do say so myself) awesome list of book boyfriends I made for the Secret Life of a Book Blogger tag. XD Fine, fine, specifics, specifics.
I suppose I might choose Leo, or Percy, both from the Heroes of Olympus series by Rick Riordan, or Levi from Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell, mostly because they’re all super funny and I think they would be great to have around on a beach to have fun!

6. To match your ice cream you want an icy cool sidekick! Which fictional side kick do you pick?

Arg, this one’s a hard one! I think I’m going to choose…

Annabeth Chase from the Percy Jackson & the Olympians by Rick Riordan

7. Share the Summertime Happiness! Who do you TAG?

I don’t usually tag so many people in book tags, but I’m feeling the summery mood today, so… happy tagging! ❤

Analee 10

Exploring My Bookshelves: June

Hi! It is the last Friday of June, which means a Exploring My Bookshelves post is in order! This is a weekly meme created by Victoria @ Addlepates & Book Nerds, adapted into a monthly meme here at Book Snacks following Summer, who originally came up with the monthly idea over at her blog, Xingsings. Make sure to check out both of these lovely blogs, for they are quite wonderful!

Anyway, on to it. The rules for this meme are the following:

1. Post a picture of your bookshelves (preferably literal, but e-book shelves work too)

2. Follow the theme/question about the books on your shelf that Victoria will have set out for us for that week. (Eg. favourite author, cover, etc.)

3. Include the cover and what you thought of it (if it’s read).

4. Link your post!


EMB #8: a book you were gifted (June 5th)

I actually realised that I don’t really get actual books as gifts, I mostly get Indigo gift cards or something. But I do have a few books I was gifted, one of them being The Almost Moon by Alice Sebold. I haven’t read it yet, but I’m planning to!

The Almost Moon_bookcover 2

EMB #9: a book you regret buying (June 12th)

My first answer for this would be Flash Point by Nancy Kress, but since I already used that book for another Exploring My Bookshelves post, I’m going to say Since Last Summer Summer by Joanna Philbin, sequel to Rules of Summer. It’s not that it was a bad book or anything, but I could’ve easily done with reading it from the library or something, instead of actually buying it.

Since Last Summer_bookcover

EMB #10: an author you can’t stop reading (June 19)

So many for this one! But I’ll go with three: Cassandra Clare, Jennifer Armentrout & Sarah J. Maas. I absolutely love all the books I’ve read from these authors!
Cassandra Clare’s Mortal Instruments & Infernal Devices series is addicting, and I love both of them, especially the Infernal Devices.
I have yet to read Jennifer Armentrout’s New Adult books, but I love her Covenant series, her Lux series & Dark Elements series! They were all amazing. I also really loved her stand-alone novels, Don’t Look Back & her novel on Wattpad, The Dead List.
As for Sarah J. Maas, I love her Throne of Glass series & A Court of Thorns and Roses, the first book in a planned trilogy. The world-building is just great, and her writing is great!

There is technically supposed to be one other EMB post, as there is 4 Fridays in June, but as Victoria is on vacation, there is not another topic set.

So, that concludes this month’s Exploring My Bookshelves! Feel free to comment on the above topics or link your posts!

Happy reading!


BFF Book Tag!

Hi! This tag is kind of to make up for the tag I missed this Sunday. Anyway, I was tagged to do this by CK @ CK’s Reading Corner, who happens to be the creator of this tag as well!  (Way to go, girl!) I’ve been meaning to post this for a while but never got around to it. This was a super fun tag, so here goes!

1Setting the Example: A pair/group of book bff’s that you love 

I’m going to have to say Harry, Ron & Hermione from Harry Potter by J.K. Rowling! This trio has gone through so much, and they remained close through it all. Of course, they had their fights and problems, but they always work it out, and are forever loyal to eachother.

How could you not love them?

2. Childhood Bestie: Which book character would you have liked to grow up with

Penryn from Penryn & the End of Days by Susan Ee immediately comes to mind! She’s funny, smart, and brave, and completely loyal to her friends and family. She would’ve been an amazing person to grow up with!

Penryn & the End of Days series
You rock, Penryn! (Even though technically I’m saying that to the covers at the moment…)

3. Frenemy: Which book character would bring out your competitive side?

Hm. This is a hard one. I’m not that competitive, so I have no idea which character would bring out my competitive side, but I agree with CK’s pick: Annabeth from Percy Jackson and the Olympians by Rick Riordan. She’s really competitive, and I think she would bring out my competitive side too. 🙂

Ready to fight, are you, Annabeth? (Better get your blond hair on, or I’m calling you a fake.) 😛

4. Fashion Guru: Who would be the bestie whose closet you’d want to raid or would you want to go on a shopping spree with?

I’d love to raid the close of America from The Selection series by Kiera Cass! Not only does she have beautiful dresses, she also has jeans! Awesome fashion sense, here. (If you haven’t realized, I like jeans.)

I’ll be stopping by to pick up that top you’re wearing, ‘kay?

5. The Bad Influence: Which character would you want to commit a small act of rebellion with? (go skinny dipping, sneak into a movie, have a drag race with, etc.)

Margo from Paper Towns by John Green is the queen of rebellion! She is totally gutsy, and is definitely up for a challenge.

Ooh, looking fierce, are we?

6.Blood Brothers: Which character would you want to be your surrogate big brother/sister? (You can do both if you want)

Penryn comes to mind again for this one, but this time I’m going to choose Feyre from A Court of Thorns and Roses by Sarah J. Maas. After all, Feyre is all a person can ask for in a sister (even though her sisters in the book don’t realize it) and it would be great to have her as my surrogate sister! Cath from Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell would be great too.

As for a surrogate big brother, I’m going to choose Gale from The Hunger Games series by Suzanne Collins. After all, he does so much to help his family, and he would be a pretty cool surrogate brother!

7. Mother Hen: Which character would you want to be by your side when you’re having a bad day to cheer you up?

I feel like Lara Jean from To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before by Jenny Han would be great to have on a bad day! She’s just such a fun, lively person, and I’m sure she would be able to cheer me up in no time.

Where’s your smile, Lara Jean? I’m going to need you to cheer me up!

8. The Counselor: Which character would you go to for relationship advice (or) confide a secret to?

To confide a secret to, I think Tessa from The Infernal Devices by Cassandra Clare would be a great pick, because she’s really trustworthy! I suppose she would be okay for relationship advice too, but only if we’re judging from after The Infernal Devices ended. After all, she did have quite the amount of confusion between Jem and Will!

9. More than friends:Who would be your book bf/ gf (if you like both genders you can choose one of each, but only one choice per gender!)

Argh, such a hard question! I have so many, lol. I’d love to pick Raffe from Penryn and the End of Days by Susan Ee or Will from The Infernal Devices, but I’m going to choose Warner from the Shatter Me series by Tahereh Mafi. He’s just amazing, so how could I not? ❤

*Melts into a puddle*

10. Tag some Book Buddies!

I tag my next 10 followers:

Aaaaaaaand…. YOU!

Thanks again to CK for tagging me! This was a super fun tag! For the people who I tagged, of course, there’s no obligation to do it, but I would love to see your choices if you do. ❤

Happy tagging!


A Court of Thorns and Roses by Sarah J. Maas | Book Review

(A Court of Thorns and Roses #1)

Published: May 5th 2015


A thrilling, seductive new series from New York Timesbestselling author Sarah J. Maas, blending Beauty and the Beast with faerie lore.

When nineteen-year-old huntress Feyre kills a wolf in the woods, a beast-like creature arrives to demand retribution for it. Dragged to a treacherous magical land she only knows about from legends, Feyre discovers that her captor is not an animal, but Tamlin—one of the lethal, immortal faeries who once ruled their world.

As she dwells on his estate, her feelings for Tamlin transform from icy hostility into a fiery passion that burns through every lie and warning she’s been told about the beautiful, dangerous world of the Fae. But an ancient, wicked shadow grows over the faerie lands, and Feyre must find a way to stop it . . . or doom Tamlin—and his world—forever.

Perfect for fans of Kristin Cashore and George R. R. Martin, this first book in a sexy and action-packed new series is impossible to put down!

A Court of Thorns & Roses_bookcover
Add to Goodreads

My Rating: 5 stars 5/5 (Outstanding)

Book Information

Publisher: Bloomsbury Children

Genre: Young-adult (verging on new-adult) fiction, fantasy, romance

Page Count: 416

Format: Paperback

ISBN: 1619634449

This book was used for the Popsugar challenge: A book by an author you love but have never read.

Hi! I recently (or not-so-recently, I can’t remember) finished reading this book, for #JuneAndRosesReadAlong (a June read along hosted by Josie’s Book Corner & Bibliophile Gathering). I’ve been wanting to read this book for a long time, so I’m so glad I finally got to read it! It definitely did not disappoint!

Quick Summary

A retelling of Beauty and the Beast, A Court of Thorns and Roses follows Feyre, a nineteen-year-old huntress who, one day, as a consequence of killing a wolf in the forest, is taken to Prythian, a dangerous, magical land, by a beast-like creature. Finding out soon enough that her captor was an immortal fae named Tamlin, Feyre finds that the icy feelings towards fae she once had had become into a fiery passion, even love. Now there is a much larger threat looming ahead of them, and if it isn’t contained and stopped, could destroy the faerie lands and the faes, forever. Can Feyre find a way to stop it?Read More »

WWW Wednesday #10 (June 10)

Hey! Time for another WWW Wednesday (what a coincidence it’s my tenth one, on the tenth of this month!) A meme formerly hosted by MizB @ Should Be Reading, WWW Wednesday is now hosted by Sam @ Taking on a World of Words.

All you have to do to play along is answer the following questions:

  • What are you currently reading?
  • What did you recently finish reading?
  • What do you think you’ll read next?

Currently Reading?

I’ve been reading Deception So Deadly by Clara Kensie since last Wednesday (check out a teaser on it here) and today I just started Unleashed by Liz Coley. Unfortunately I’m not that far into either of them, but so far they’re both enjoyable.

Recently Finished?

The immediate book that comes to mind is Proof of Forever by Lexa Hillyer. Other books I’ve finished include A Court of Thorns and Roses by Sarah J. Maas & Zaria Fierce and the Secret of Gloomswood Forest by Keira Gillett. (Reviews to come for all, hopefully soon!) I also finished reading the play script of Romeo & Juliet on a spontaneous decision, for my Popsugar challenge. I’m still deciding whether or not I should do a review on it or not. What do you guys say?

Read Next?

There are still the books I was planning to read this week (for the Popsugar challenge) which include:

  • The Lying Game by Sara Shepard
  • Anna & the French Kiss by Stephanie Perkins (No longer being used for the challenge. Will get to it another time)
  • Eat, Pray, Love by Elizabeth Gilber

And I’m also thinking of re-reading (for the challenge):

Apart from these books, I also have a couple of review copies:

  • Wash Me Away by Wendy Owens
  • Unknown Sender by Ryan Lanz

So that’s it for this week’s WWW Wednesday! What have you been reading then, now and next? Let me know in the comments below or link your post! 🙂

Happy Wednesday!


June Read Along: A Court of Thorns and Roses

Hello everyone! I’m so happy to say that I will be joining the wonderful Josie @ Josie’s Book Corner and the lovely ladies Taylor & Stephanie @ Bibliophile Gathering in a June read-along of the book A Court of Thorns and Roses by Sarah J. Maas! (By the way, please go check out their blogs, they’re amazing!)

A Court of Thorns & Roses_bookcoverSo, details on this read-along:

The read-along begins in June, and everyone is welcome to join! To join, use the hashtag #JuneandRosesReadAlong on your blogs or social media. (Ex. Twitter or Instagram.) Josie will be posting an announcement when the read-along officially starts, so look out for that! I’ll also be posting a similar announcement.

Comment below, or on Josie and Stephanie & Taylor’s blog if you want to join in! I’m super excited for this read-along, and I hope you join too! ❤

Have a wonderful Tuesday!


P.S Featured image credit goes to Josie.

Mini May Book Haul

I usually post a huge book haul post at the end of each month, but as I just got some awesome new books yesterday, I decided to show them off! 😉 The camera on my iPod is glitching right now, so I won’t be able to post original pictures of the books, unfortunately! I’ll have to make do with the covers off Goodreads.

So, the books I got:

Book titles (linking to Goodreads):

I’m so excited to finally have purchased this stunning book! ❤ I’m already halfway through it (#ReadingInClass) and it’s amazing so far!

I’m loving her Love, Rosie book so far, so I had to buy this book! Plus, that cover though! So fun, with bright colors. My kind of thing!

Same reason as P.S I Love You! I also heard several good things about this book.

I’ve heard so much hype surrounding this book, and I’m dying to read it!

I don’t think I need to explain this one! There’s been so much hype around this, and so many great reviews! Can’t wait to read it.

I had no idea Kody Keplinger wrote a companion novel to The DUFF! The minute I saw it, I knew I had to buy it! (*Check out my review on The DUFF here.)

Do I have to explain this one? I’m super excited to read this, I know it’s been a while since it’s been released, but I just haven’t had the chance to read it! 🙂

So that’s it for my mini book haul! Keep your eyes out for my bigger haul I will be posting at the end of this month. 🙂

What books have you recently hauled? Let me know in the comments below! ❤

Happy hauling!
