How to make a book blogger’s day! // BECOME THE SUN.

Alas, it is difficult to BE the sun.

There’s the small details such as you might, I don’t know, BURN, oh and that we’re humans and it’s impossible to physically be a sun?? (I mean, you could glue neon lights to yourself and blind others, that’s pretty similar. Oh, and wear a heater too.)

BUT. Theoretically, you could be a sun by lighting up someone’s day (wow so cheesy oopsies)! Specifically, a blogger’s day!

See, we all know bloggers and book bloggers are fabulous! And who doesn’t want to make someone happier? Spread joy! Spread happiness! (My only wish is that the rest of the world follow this mantra toooooo honestly if the world was as lovely as the book blogging community, it would be a wonderful thing. *cries because the world isn’t*)

Tis a simple thing, to shower someone’s day with happiness!! BE THE SUN. Theoretically. Here are some things that make my day as a blogger!

1. Tell them you love their blog design!

I mean, duh? Book blogger who pours time and effort into blog to make it nice for people + Person who acknowledges time and effort spent on blog by saying it’s nice* = Happy book blogger!!

Obviously, you should mean your compliment too! Don’t give out empty compliments! And honestly, the book blogs out there are so fabulous, it shouldn’t be hard to be sincere.

Me @ all the pretty blogs (and books, obviously) out there

I’m telling you, from experience, it just means SO MUCH, and I’m not just saying that! Literally reading each and every comment makes me so happy, but ones that tell me they love my blog/blog design has me squealing incoherently while my sister tells me to shut up overjoyed?! (THANK YOU to all of those who’ve said something like this before *cries because I don’t deserve such wonderful followers*)

*Or any other flattering adjective. Obviously.

2. Follow their blog!

I’m not going to commence on the whole value of followers and whatnot, but if you like a person’s blog and want to read their posts, give them a follow! Of course, there’s the whole thing about inactive followers who don’t actually ever visit your blog except when it’s a full moon*

BUUUUT all the same, it’s nice to see those numbers!! Like, “ooh my blog is actually reaching more people other than my dog and fellow minions**??? #win

It’s pretty simple, really. Like blog = follow blog = insecure blogger who feels validated and happy because we* are LIKE THAT.

*WHEREWOLF??? I mean werewolf. Not ‘where is the wolf’ abbreviated. (I used to think I was funny??? Somebody help me.)
**AND YOU GUYS TOO. Reading this post. Ahem.
*Did I say we? Okay fine, I meant ME. SHHH.

3. Tell them you read and loved a book they recommended

The amount of happiness I get from a friend/blogger reading a book I recommended is UNREAL. Oh my gosh.

It is one of the best feelings ever??!

Because then I get an excuse to fangirl all over again and also I get super happy knowing they listened to my recommendation?? LIKE WOW I’m apparently trustworthy? :))) MORE VALIDATION. And happiness.

I also feel super guilty if someone reads a book I recommended and DIDN’T like it but thankfully that hasn’t happened often…but I’m always super paranoid about that what if?? WHAT IF my recommendation wasted their time and they secretly hate me?? WHAT IF they didn’t love it as much as I did???

RELIEVE THESE WORRIES. Tell that blogger you loved that book!! They will for sure be happy to fangirl with you and give you tissues or cake if needed and who doesn’t want that?

4. Leave a [thoughtful/passionate/another adjective] comment!

Don’t get me wrong, I appreciate and cherish and coddle and feed grapes* to every comment I get but I ADORE and feed chocolate** to the wonderful people who leave a super nice comment???


Honestly, there is nothing I love more than opening my notifications and seeing a comment from someone who enjoyed my post and is just super sweet and/or passionate or just took the time to write something NICE. *squeals into pillow uncontrollably*

What did I do to deserve you?????? Can I just squeal and hug you and give you chocolate please okay thanks i love you ok bye ❤

*Pff, comments don’t mean that much to me?? Also I have a bowl of grapes besides me okay.
**Chocolate > grapes. ICYMI.

(I’m making too many footnotes and I NEED TO STOP.)

5. Fangirl with them about a favourite book

Let me just tell you the three biggest things you need to know about a book blogger:

  • We love books
  • We fangirl about said books as easily as WE BREATHE.
  • And duh, we LOVE FANGIRLING.
  • (Yes, I’m referring to myself again with the we, but you all know this applies to you too??)

WHICH MEANS!! If you ever see a blogger mention your favourite book, or if you’re stuck on what to say, fangirl with them!!

You guys can become like these two minions and duh, they’re #goals??

Okay, but really. I LOVE finding someone else who loved the same book as me and considering the amount of book bloggers I know who started this blog as a way to share their love of books with other people??? THEY WILL LOVE IT TOO.

6. Share their posts

Of course, you don’t have to do this AT ALL!! (Which applies to this whole list, really.)

But if you enjoyed a post, sharing that post (via a pingback in a blog post, in a wrap-up post, Twitter, reblog, anything you’d like) is such a nice gesture??? So many bloggers put SO MUCH time into their posts and having them shared is just such a lovely feeling. (VALIDATION. AGAIN. I swear I’m not this insecure all the time. xD)

7. Give them chocolate/cake/food.

I just spelled food backwards on Google and searched DOOF.



But just look:

Anyone remember this gif?? ;)))

I’m only partly joking for this one?? Give blogger food = Happy blogger!!

I mean it’s FOOD. 10/10 will make someone’s day AWESOME and 120% better.

8. Pat their heads and offer comfort in their bookish times of need!

Let me define times of need: a) they have finished Crooked Kingdom or They Both Die at the End or a Heartbreaking Book and are DYING OF SADNESS AND THE FEELS, b) they have NO BOOKS* to read, or c) they have run out of chocolate/ice cream/food and are screaming in pain!!


a) show them adorable pictures of cats/dogs/favourite animal or FOOD and shove the most cutesy contemporary book you can find at them
b) give them more FOOD and leave piles of your favourite books at their doorstep
c) run before they beg you for your chocolate and you are left screaming in pain** (JUST KIDDING :))) Mostly.)

*Don’t you even try to point out their bookshelf or TBR
**Yes, I just told you to give them food for a) and b) and now am telling you to run away with your food. Your point is…

AHH I hope I helped BRIGHTEN your day??! (*wink wink*) I am in no way trying to dictate what you should do haha, I just wanted to make a fun post about some of the things that have made MY day and give you all a sort of huge imaginary hug??!? There’s no special occasion, no nothing, but I was just overwhelmed with how AMAZING this community is. Honestly, you guys have the whole “being the sun” thing down. 😉

But now you tell me: what are the things that have made YOUR day, as a blogger? Do we have any of these in common? Isn’t the community just the best? CAN I GIVE YOU A HUG? AND ISN’T THAT COOKIE GIF AMAZING???

Much love (and sunshine*)!!! ❤
*Except not literally because I have an aversion to direct sunlight okay anyway byeeee!

86 thoughts on “How to make a book blogger’s day! // BECOME THE SUN.

  1. This was such a fun post, Analee! And I have to say, I 100% agree that we as bloggers love it and really appreciate it when someone takes the time out of their day to do something nice! Be it compliment our blogs, our posts or tells us they read/watched something because we recommended it to them! I recently had two different people tell me they watched Shadowhunters because I didn’t stop talking about it (I am THAT fangirl) and I was so excited! Especially when they would send me updates and reactions! BEST THING EVER.

    Also, why are people talking about food/cookies today? You’re now the second person to mention cookies and I’m just over here like ‘I WANT COOKIES.’ but its 9:40PM and all the stores are closed and I have no cookies at home??? That’s just rude.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks, Swetlana!! 😊 Ahah yes, definitely! It’s just such a lovely feeling. Ahhhh oh my gosh really?!? That is the BEST. 😍❤ (Speaking of Shadowhunters, I should probably continue watching it haha… oops) Eep getting updates and reactions is SO GREAT!

      HAHAH it’s a conspiracy 😈😂 (I want cookies tooooooo I cry. I have no cookies at home either?? HOW CAN THIS BE.)

      Liked by 1 person

  2. OMG YESS. My favorite things about book blogging are seeing people follow my blog and, best of all, comment nice things and interact about bookish things 💙 It makes me smile irl like a dork for minutes and almost actually GLOW *wink wink* of happiness 💙😢

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Aw, Analee, of course your blog is beautiful! I hope you get that compliment a lot. ❤️ But the food thing? Whoever is giving you food, I want in. 😍🍪

    Liked by 1 person

  4. This is an amazing post Analee, and it actually made me happy just reading it. 😀
    The gif of that cookie is making me so so hungry. If only you could transport food through the internet right? How amazing would that be. 🙂
    Great post I really agree with all these comments and tips I guess you could call them. There’s nothing more I love than being able to fangirl with someone over my favourite book which I’ve seen they’ve loved as well. I’ve had long conversations with fellow bloggers and really there’s nothing better. All these are wonderful, but comments on my posts never fail to make me smile.
    Again great post Analee! 😀 ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks Beth! Ahhh yay that makes ME so happy ahah. 😄❤
      That would be a DREAM come true!! Ahhh we need this to happen haha.
      Thank you! I know right?? Fangirling with someone over a favourite book is just so much fun. Yes, same here! It’s such a great feeling to interact with like minded people through comments. 😊

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Definitely comments and follows! Also, people are telling me that my design is pretty and I’m like *insert happy giggling heart* I’m keeping super simple so far but I would love to use some watercolor touch ❤
    By the way, yes, also constructive comments are the best. I aways get emotional with them. I mean, someone is trying to really interacting with me 🙂

    And now I want cookies. And get anxious that people will read books that I promoted with good reviews… and they will not like them 😲

    Liked by 1 person

    • Yes!! Both so great ahah. RIGHT?!? I end up smiling and giggling like a dork SO hard haha it is such a lovely feeling. Ooh that sounds lovely!! ❤
      Totally!! Comments that are genuine and show people who want to talk to you… THE BEST.

      Coooooooookies yes, me too!
      Oooopsies, didn’t mean to do that DON’T STEAL MY PARANOIA okay 😅

      Liked by 1 person

  6. This was such a lovely post, Analee! I just started my blog today (eek!) so I haven’t experienced many of these things, but I agree that these things would make my day. I love fangirling over books, it’s so nice talking to fellow bookworms about my favourites! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • Ahhh thank you so much!! ❤❤ OOH YAY how exciting, welcome to the blogosphere! Ahah I have no doubt you’ll experience these for sure. The community is just the sweetest! Fangirling over books is my FAVOURITE thing ever haha. What are some of your favourites?? 🙈

      Liked by 1 person

      • Ooh, picking favourites is so hard! For absolute faves I’d have to to say Harry Potter (of course😉), This Savage Song, Fangirl and The Hate U Give. I need to read more books by V.E. Schwab though – TSS is the only one I’ve read. I’ve heard that A Darker Shade of Magic is EVEN better so I’m so so excited to read it!❤️

        Liked by 1 person

  7. Fantastic post. I have to admit I mostly read posts on the reader or on my phone so design doesn’t really show but I have now wandered on to your actual site and it looks fabulous. If you would like to design mine I’d be forever grateful.

    In terms of making me happy, I totally agree with everything you say. I’m glad of any kind of interaction or comment and if someone can figure out how to send me chocolate I’d be thrilled.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you!! Ahh yes, the design doesn’t show on the Reader. Aw thank you so much!!!! Under any other circumstances I totally would ahah but I’ve been super busy lately and I’m not sure I have the time. So, so sorry!! 💔 For what it’s worth I found quite a bit of my graphic freebies on the site Angie Makes, if you were interested in some similar styles! 😊 And Canva + Freepik are two other super useful sites to check out.

      Oh I’m super glad to hear that! Yes, for sure, interaction is the BEST. Haha right?!? What a dream come true that would be! 😍


  8. Awww I LUV your posts, Analee!! ❤ They just make me happy and this one is the best yet… I think passionate and thoughtful comments are just so perfect!! Of course it tickles you to death when it says you have X number of comments (20 like makes my week!) then when you get in there are there are those special ones where you have SOOO much to say back to them… love it!!

    Liked by 1 person

    • AHHH thank youuuuu Dani!! 😭❤ It’s nighttime here right now so this just totally made my night?? Haha. They totally are!! It is so great to get passionate and thoughtful comments ahh, in addition to other ones, yes I totally get you!! It’s just the BEST. 😍❤


  9. What a cute list! I swear I could smell those cookies is that sad????? has my level of hunger and wanting led to me hallucinating????? Also I do love your blog design (genuinely) and used it as inspiration when I redesigned (plus that post you made about blog design tips were top notch). And also I thought I was the only one who is super paranoid when I recommend books. Like it makes me so stressed WHAT IF THEY HATE IT. So far nobody’s told me they hate it so I’m going to hope that didn’t happen.

    Liked by 1 person

  10. Great post!! I agree with all of those. I LOVE when people comment on my blog design or leave a thoughtful / kind comment on my reviews because those are two areas I’m the most insecure about. Sometimes I think, “well that’s a horrible review. It doesn’t even make sense” but then someone tells you they’ve found it really helpful and I LOVE IT when that happens

    Liked by 1 person

  11. This is such a cute post! I agree with all of them!!! My favorites are when people comment like after reading my review that they want to read the book or that they like my design!
    Also if someone gives me food I’m going to be their friend forever!


  12. A loud YES to everything you said here. It melts my heart when people read my blog posts and leave genuine comments (and it’s easy to tell a genuine comment from an empty one ya know?), or when they say “hey I just checked out your blog and it is fantastic!” *turns into a puddle out of happiness*

    Oh and yes recommendations. Every time a friend of mine reads a book I recommend and says they loved it I legit squeal. Recently I got my non-reader student to read Ready Player One by Ernest Cline and he is loving it. It fills me with joy to see him gush over a book the way he does with video games and anime and cheeseburgers!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Oh, I’m so happy you can relate to this Tanaz! ❤ Ahh right?! It's definitely easy to distinguish between the two ahah, and it is the best feeling!! *melts into a puddle of happiness with you*

      YES!! It just feels like such a success and I get so excited. YAYYY THAT'S GREAT! (Bookworms will soon rule the planet and this is a great step to world domination 😂) It's honestly so lovely to see a non-reader get passionate about books, ahhh makes me feel all gooey and happy inside ahah. ❤️


  13. Oh yes yes YES to everything on this post, Analee. And YES you brightened my day with this post – and that cookie GIF omg, I am like, so hungry right now hahaha. All of these things are always making me so happy – I think one of the things that make me the happiest is when people leave genuine comments on my blog, telling that they enjoyed my content and the work I put through it all. It takes so much time and effort to blog and it just feels so good when people appreciate it, want to comment and overall can relate with what you have to say, I JUST LOVE IT SO MUCH. ❤ But yes to everything on here, really, the blog design, the book recommendations and fangirling. ❤ ❤
    Also, just, putting it out there that your blog is pretty amazing and so are you ❤ ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    • AH YAY THIS COMMENT JUST MADE *MY* DAY (even if it’s months late) so thank you!!! The cookie is the best part of this post, honestly. Ah yes, it just feels so lovely when people appreciate our effort! So much validation haha and it’s the greatest feeling to have people want to talk to you?? ❤️ Oh, I’m so glad you can relate to all of this Marie! Omg you are the SWEETEST and your blog is amazing so that means the world ahhh I love you so much THANK YOU! ❤️❤️❤️

      Liked by 1 person

  14. This was a fun post! I do love when people follow me and gush about my favorite book with me. I almost cry when someone shares one of my posts. I am terrible at social media, but I am trying, because I really do like a lot of stuff bloggers are doing out there.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Yay, I’m glad you think so! Yes!! It’s such a great feeling. I know!! It’s just such a sweet gesture and it makes me so happy. I’m not very connected on social media either, but I definitely want to try and be a part of it more as well. 🙂

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    • That sent before it was done…. I fail 😦 there’s also the tweet at them! If they’re posting about being discouraged cheer them up or if they’re having something good happening congratulate them! It’s actually really easy to “be the sun” (despite what you may think :P)

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      • Ahahah that’s happened to me SO MUCH. 😂 (Also you don’t fail more than me replying to this 5 months late. Thank you for this comment and I’m so sorry to reply so late!) OOH YES. That is so true, a simple uplifting tweet can be so encouraging. Woah what a revelation, all my life I’ve been told otherwise??!? 😉

        Liked by 1 person

  15. EEP this post is pure perfection!! I cannot even TELL you how glowy I get when someone tells me they like my blog design! I mean, we put a LOT of time and effort into our blogs and HELL YESSSS it feels good when someone appreciates that!!
    Gushy comments give me life, TBH. Like. I will usually read them as they come in, and they give me a boost during the day ❤

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  16. Hahaha so true, Analee! FREAKIN’ YES TO EVERY SINGLE ONE!
    Sometimes a seemingly unimportant gesture means the world to us bloggers ❤ I don't need much, I'm just happy to have people read my content and tell me they liked/disliked it. It's all good. I just want to chat! 😀 (And would love to get some food too. Like sweets. That would be awesome.)
    So I do my best to do the same, leaving a comment or a like whenever possible. I just wish I had more time for everything!
    P.S.. I'm photosensitive but I'll totally accept the figurative sunshine ^_^

    Liked by 1 person

    • YAYYYY I’m so glad to hear that!!
      Right?? Even the smallest of gestures mean SO much. I looooove talking to people who want to start a conversation! Haha SAME. It’s just so much fun! (And yesss sweets GIVE THEM TO ME PLZ. <3)
      Yes, same here!! Can I just make an order for an extra 100 hours a day to read, eat, sleep and blog hop???
      P.S. HAHA agreed!! *showers you with figurative sunshine and cookies* ❤ I hope you get lots of sunshine, because you and your blog are absolutely FAB and the world must know it. 😉

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    I swear, everytime I read one of your posts, my energy level goes wayy high!
    Because oh god, they're alwayyss amazing!
    And everything you mentioned in this post is aaah. SO ACCURATE. ❤
    * like always, of course.*
    I absolutely love talking to people in the comments section! It is so fun!
    Did I mention you have a lovely blog and write wonderful posts? ❤

    Liked by 1 person

      Ahhhhh everytime I read one of your comments, I become SO happy and excited ahhh THANK YOU LOVE. ❤ ❤
      It isssss oh my gosh, love talking to people in comments!!
      Ahhhh thank youuuuuuuu!!
      *hugs you and sends you cookies and cake and everything good and all the love!!!!*
      Did I say thank you!???! ❤
      (So many hearts omg sorry not sorry <3)

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  18. I WILL BE SHARING THIS POST ANALEE ❤ It just filled with cookies gifs and happiness and *Sigh* I LOVE LOVE when someone reads a book i recommended to them and THEY FANGIIRRRLLLL. ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ When someone tells me they love my blog design I DO GET HAPPY but I didn't design my blog SO IT'S NOT MY MIAN PRIORITY HERE. COokies are obviously


  19. Love this post Analee! I absolutely agree with all of these. As a book blogger, getting a new follow or a thoughtful comment both make my day 🙂 also love it when people share my posts- then I know I am doing something right!

    Liked by 1 person

  20. I so agree with this entire post. I am pretty new to this whole blogging thing, and every time I get a comment or a follow, it really does make my day! And someone earlier today commented on my blog design and I am still grinning!

    By the way, your blog design is lovely 😉

    Liked by 1 person

  21. Lol at your comment about avoiding direct sunlight. Ironic, given the title and pretty much the focus of your entire post. Haha. I love it.
    I found you and followed you and will share your post. How much more sunlight can you take before you need sunscreen? 🙂


  22. […] Analee @ Book Snacks teaches readers to make a blogger’s day. Suggestions strongly include baking cookies for all your favorite book bloggers and shipping them in packages of love.  Or maybe that’s just me?  I like good old-fashioned chocolate chip.  Check out Analee’s suggestions here! […]


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