Re-reading! Library books! Woo! | WWW Wednesday #47 (April 20th)

Hey everyone! I think this post was actually supposed to go up earlier, but I guess there was a glitch and it didn’t. (Technology can be a bother sometimes.. *sigh*) But anyway here I am with this week’s WWW Wednesday! I actually managed to get A LOT of reading done, by some kind of magic witchcraft. And I enjoyed basically all of them, so yesss. Success right there! Alright, so let’s get into the what of everything.

WWW Wednesday

Currently Reading

I started my re-read of The Raven Boys yesterday! I’m hoping to have this and at least the second book finished before the release of The Raven King (which I can’t wait for, by the way). I don’t actually talk about this series much (or ever), I’ve noticed, but I actually do like it! Re-reading it now is making me enjoy it more than the first time, I think. Just a little.

Recently Finished

The Winner’s Curse was the book I had been reading last week, and, well, I finished it! It was a re-read, and I loved it just as much as when I read it the first time. ❤

It’s a Wonderful Death was a surprise read for me, actually. I hadn’t planned on reading it, but I got it from the library the other day and since it seemed like a quick read, I decided to read it! And gosh, I loved it. It was such an insightful yet fun read!

A Step Toward Falling was another library book I got. At first I wasn’t that into it, but by the time I reached the end, I really enjoyed it! I’m definitely going to be trying out Cammie McGovern’s other novel, Say What You Will, sometime as well.

And finally, I also read What We Left Behind. I’ve been really into the library and contemporary books this week, it seems! This, as well, was a really good read. Full of diverse and interesting characters, I had so much fun reading this, especially since the author dealt with the LGBT themes so well.

Read Next

So, I finished my re-read of The Winner’s Curse the other day (it was sooo good!) and am currently planning on writing up a review on it. I’m kind of debating whether to just do a series review once I finished The Winner’s Kiss? If I do then I can go straight ahead to The Winner’s Crime but otherwise I have to wait ’till I’m done writing my review… I’m quite indecisive right now. So.

Moving on, I’m currently re-reading The Raven Boys in anticipation for the release of The Raven King, and obviously, once I finish it I’ll be moving on to The Dream Thieves, the second book! I really must finish my re-read of the series soon, for the fourth book is being released quite soon. I think?

And, now, here’s a confession: I haven’t read The Moth and the Flame or The Crown and the Arrow yet! (They’re novellas set in the world of The Wrath and the Dawn, in case you didn’t know.) I know, I know. But I’ve been a busy little chocolate bar, and I just thought I might as well wait–The Rose and the Dagger is being released soon, after all, and these novellas might be useful to jog my memory as to what happened in TWATD.

Finally, I’ve decided to add Tell Me Three Things to this list–is it just me, or did that book seem to appear everywhere for a while? Those blog tour people sure know how to attack us with book publicity! But maybe that was just me. So. Anyway, I am mildly intrigued and definitely want to check it out!

So there we have it for this week! What books on here have you read? What book do you think I should pick next? How has your reading been this week? Let me know your thoughts in the comments! I hope you’re all enjoying your Wednesday. ❤

Until the Next Meal, Analee

13 thoughts on “Re-reading! Library books! Woo! | WWW Wednesday #47 (April 20th)

  1. Confession: I haven’t read The Moth and the Flame or The Crown and the Arrow yet either. I’m waiting for The Rose and the Dagger to be released so I can read them all at the same time!
    Is The Winner’s Crime and he The Dream Thieves going to be re-reads for you as well, if not I really hope you enjoy them, both are favourite series of mine and I am so beyond excited for The Raven King as well, not long now till its release though!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Aha yayyyyy I’m glad I wasn’t alone there! Though I actually read them both recently, along with The Rose and the Dagger. 😉 The novellas were really good, but omg Rose and the Dagger BLEW ME AWAY. Like, completely ahhhhhh. You must read it if you haven’t already!! 😆
      Yep, they’re both rereads, and I agree, they’re both amazing!! ❤️

      Liked by 1 person

      • I am determined to get to TRATD this month, and the novellas as well 😀 I have the book sitting on my bookshelves now (it finally arrived and it looks so pretty!)
        Oh my god you’ve just made me so much more excited to read it now! ❤️


  2. I still have to read a number of these for the first time, haha. But I’m so glad most of them were as good as you remembered. I recently read The Winner’s trilogy (March/April) and it was soooo good! I loved Arin and Kestrel’s relationship so much. All the angst and misunderstandings had me a little frustrated but they’re such a shippable couple! 🙂


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