I’m totally not a week late on this…! | 2016 May Book Releases

Hey everyone, and Happy Mother’s Day!! It’s been a while since I posted anything on the blog, but I’m here to rectify that with this post! And shhhhh, what are you talking about, this post is definitely not late or anything. 🙂 After all, there’s never a wrong time to share new upcoming book releases! Unless you share them when they’re no longer upcoming. Or if you’re being chased by hordes of rabid monkeys. Though maybe even then it would be okay. You never know.

Alright, let’s just get into the stunning covers! I mean, good books.

2016 May Book Releases

May 3rd 2016

May 10th 2016

May 16th 2016

May 17th 2016

May 19th 2016

May 24th 2016

May 31st 2016

*temporarily stops drooling over new releases and pretty covers* Sooo, that’s it, I think, for a lot of the YA book releases for May! Thank god May 3rd already came and passed, ’cause there are SO MANY books released that day that I can’t wait to get my hands. But there are still so many other amazing releases spread out throughout the month! *grabby hands*

So tell me: which books are YOU excited for? (Is anyone else squealing about A Court of Mist and Fury, The Hidden Oracle, Queen of Hearts, The Unexpected Everything, Summer Days and Summer Nights, The Crown, Ruined and The Crown’s Game?? and all of the other books with pretty covers?) Oh, and can someone say, contemporaries alert! There are so many of them being released, though there are plenty of other genres this month added in as well. Either way it ends up with tons of books and pretty covers, and a broke bookworm. Oh wait. Most of us already start off as broke, right. (Most of us meaning me, of course.)

It’s been, once again, a while since I talked to you guys all (EXAMS ARE THE WORST I tell you) and I missed you! I hope this post puts me back in your good graces, guys. 😀 Here, I’ll even add in some chocolate to sweeten it up. Now you can’t refuse. I hope you guys are all enjoying the weekend–I know I am!

Until the Next Meal, Analee