The dreaded reading slump has been defeated! | WWW Wednesday #46 (April 13th)

It’s been a while since I did a WWW Wednesday post (3-4 weeks, I think?) but to be fair, I hadn’t really read much in those weeks… or at all? Like, maybe one book. So. I was in a major blogging and reading slump–thankfully those dark days are over! *dances around with chocolate* But I’m back this week to catch up a bit on what I’ve been reading, what I plan to read, etc. Yes, yes, I know, you missed me and these posts. Probably not but hushhh.

WWW Wednesday

Currently Reading

Some of you may recall, how I started Illuminae.. maybe three weeks ago? Even longer? Yeah. Well, I haven’t made any progress with it! :/ Which makes me really sad, actually. It’s just I haven’t been in the mood to read this AT ALL. I couldn’t bring myself to pick it up and read it, even after my reading slump was over. Which is why I’m thinking right now just to leave it? Not leave it forever, but, like, pause reading it? I don’t want to force myself to read it and end up enjoying it a lot less than I could have otherwise. So. I’m confused.

The Winner’s Curse is actually a re-read for me, since I read it a year ago or something? And since the third book has been released, I decided to start rereading the first two books! I kind of was unwilling to reread because there are SO MANY other books I want to read, but it’s been so long since I read this. So. So far I’m really enjoying it! Arin and Kestrel… ❤

Recently Finished

I actually don’t even know what spurred me to read The Impostor Queen–but what I do know, is that it managed to jarr me out of my slump! I started it and I think I finished it, in like, less than two days. It started off kind of ‘meh’, decent, but nothing too great, but then it really became something amazing. I really loved the fantasy world it created, with magic based around fire and ice and everything. Loved it!

My friend actually had a copy of The Glittering Court (I was kind of surprised, tbh) and since I was kind of wary of whether I’d like it or not, I just borrowed it from her. I wouldn’t say it was a bad read, but… it wasn’t amazing either. I mean, I liked the concept well enough, but I wasn’t always the biggest fan of the characters, which really put down the enjoyment factor. :/ I wished I liked it more, though I did still like it.

The book that followed The Glittering Court, however, made up for more than my partial disappointment over TGC. The Sky is Everywhere blew away all and any of the expectations I had! If you haven’t read this book already, guys, I’m telling you, you must. (At least if you’re into contemporaries.) A book with themes of sisterhood, coping with grief and of course, love, The Sky is Everywhere is such an emotional and fabulous read–READ IT.

Read Next

What We Left Behind has been on my TBR since last year, when it was released, but I never got around to reading it! I’ve been kind of wanting to read another contemporary after The Sky is Everywhere, but I ended up starting The Winner’s Curse instead. Once I finish that I might read this?

The Winner’s Crime, of course, is the sequel to The Winner’s Curse. I’ll also be rereading this, obviously. I’m not going to read it directly after Winner’s Curse (a la binge-read fashion) because I do want to write up a review of it before moving onto the second book. 🙂

The Raven King will be releasing this month, and to prepare for it I decided I want to re-read the previous books in the series, starting, of course, with The Raven Boys! I’m really in a rereading mood this month, LOL. XD I blame this on you, publishers, for making books in a series so spread apart!

Alright, this book isn’t a reread, as I’ve been meaning to read this for SO LONG you know this; Red Rising! I’ve heard so many amazing things (but then, don’t I say that about nearly every book? Oops.) and I can’t wait to read it. Fingers crossed!

Erm, are we missing anything? Nope, don’t think so (though I wouldn’t mind having some chocolate right now.. I’m kind of hungry.) so I guess that means it’s time for you guys to talk to me! Because you all know I need your opinions and approvals. XD So leave any of your thoughts below! I’d love to hear them. And feel free to link your own WWW post below!

Happy Wednesday!

Until the Next Meal, Analee