Oh my god Lady Midnight!! And so many other books, woo! | 2016 March Book Releases

Eeep, happy 1st day of March! There are soooo many books being released today (ahem, proof is right below), along with so many amazing books being released throughout the month! And, me, being a good little chocolate bar, decided to create a collective post (as I always do at the beginning of each month!) with all the YA book releases I find that are being released said month. This month in particular is one I’ve been anticipating FOREVER, because—you guessed it—LADY MIDNIGHT is being released!! *Cue intense fangirling shrieks* And sooo many other AMAZING books too. So let’s do this!

(Oh, just a tip if you want to gush over all the amazing covers—which you obviously want to do—if you press one of the book covers, it will open up a bigger sized view of the cover, and you can view the other covers this way too.)

2016 March Book Releases

March 1st

March 3rd

March 8th

March 14th

March 15th

March 22nd

March 29th

Okay, so which releases are YOU most excited for?!?!??!!! Anyone else want to freak out with me over these books, ’cause…. I’m freaking out. I NEED LADY MIDNIGHT omg. Also The Winner’s Kiss!! Oh, and Beyond the Red and The Great Hunt both seem so freaking good. Oh, and The Serpent Kind and Map of Fates!! I WANT THEM. Scratch that, I WANT ALL THESE BOOKS. Alas, it’s not possible (Whyyyyyyyyyyyy?!!-I’m yelling on the inside) but it doesn’t stop me from fantisizing about them! XD They have such amazing summaries and such gorgeous covers, eep. Let me know your thoughts and what books you’re looking forward to the most below!

Happy reading!

Until the Next Meal, Analee