Types of Readers! | Some more categorization because why not?

It’s Thursday and I decided it was time for another discussion! Though this time it’s more along the lines of my other post I did a couple of weeks ago, I think, about Types of Book Bloggers, instead of my usual Book Snacks Babbles posts–this time about Types of Readers!

It was so much fun the last time, so I thought, why not? After all, some more categorization can’t hurt. Better get comfy, because this time I have quite a bit. 18, actually. Woo! All of us are most probably more than one type.. let’s see which of them we are!

Types of Readers

The Procrastinating Reader

Ah, what a positive one to start off with. ;D The procrastinating reader is the one who, true to the name, PROCRASTINATES. Uh, yeah, no duh. This type of reader, although has the intention to read the books on their TBR and such, never gets around to it due to some reason or another–usually made up. “Oh, I have to clean my room,” says the procrastinating reader to the already-neat-and-pristine bedroom. “Oh, I need to cook dinner.” says the procrastinating reader at 4:30 PM. You know the deal. Kind of the equivalent of the anti-reader, yet not…? The intention is there, the will is not, I guess.


The Fast Reader

These are, (obviously) the readers who seem to be able to devour books in one bite. Or the readers who just simply have the capability of, well reading fast! I like to think I’m a relatively fast reader, myself, though there are people who are much faster than me. 😉 Kudos to you if you’re a fast reader! It can definitely be useful for finishing books faster, am I right? Haha.

The Slow Reader/The Absorbing Reader

Naturally, with the fast reader, there is also the opposite, the slow reader, or, the softer term for it, the absorbing reader. This reader, takes his/her time to absorb the words he/she is reading, you know? It takes them a longer time to read a book, sure, but they get the chance to savor the writing and the story. 😉 So don’t feel bad if you’re a slow reader! It doesn’t necessarily have to be a bad thing.

The Any-Book-Or-Genre Reader

This reader reads all and any books or genres! Nothing is off-limits, everything is a possibility. Whether it be a big book, a small book, a fantasy book or a non-fiction book, this reader is open to everything. Pretty straight-forward! This type of reader has it pretty easy in terms of finding a good book; after all, since this reader is open to so many possibilities, there’s bound to be at least one that he/she will enjoy. So, if any of you are this type, good for you! You’re very open-minded, which is good. 🙂

The Picky Reader

Basically the polar opposite of the above type, the picky reader is incredibly.. well, picky. He/she has special requirements, or only a certain type/genre of books that he/she likes to read. It can generally become quite difficult to find something satisfying or a book that meets the requirements of this reader because they’re either so specific or there aren’t many that exist! For all of you picky readers out there… good luck getting the exact type of book you want! (You know what they say though; if there isn’t the book you want to read already written, write it yourself!)

The ebook Reader

Exactly what the name dictates, the ebook reader reads.. ebooks! Now, it doesn’t have to mean that this reader likes to read ONLY ebooks, but mostly that they often or at least sometimes read ebooks–and enjoy it. They don’t mind ebooks, and they generally have either an e-reader (such as Kindle, or Kobo) or an app on their phone/ipad/device/whatnot that allows them to purchase and read ebooks.

We’re high-tech, bruh.

The Audio Reader

I cannot claim to know what this experience entails, but the audio reader is what I’m naming the people who prefer to read audiobooks over physical books or ebooks–or people who often use audiobooks. I’m most definitely not one of those people (there’s something about audiobooks that drive me nuts.. I’ve never actually completed one whole audiobook? I just couldn’t.) but there are definitely a lot of people who enjoy the audiobook experience! It seems to be pretty common.

The Constantly-in-a-slump Reader

I suppose this is kind of similar to the procrastinating reader? But not exactly. This type of reader, is pretty self-explanatory. It’s a reader.. who often finds herself/himself not in the mood to read. So, in a reading slump. Except the reading slump is almost always present. There’s no specific reason as to why or how this is caused, but oftentimes (I’m assuming, at least. I can’t speak from experience on this one) it’s due to either stress, school/work, or any other issues. And when you don’t feel like reading, well, there’s no point forcing it ’cause it ain’t gonna get you anywhere, really.

The Critical Reader

The critical reader is a bit more of a.. I dunno, different name, for the harsh reader. Analyzing even the tiniest thing, the critical reader often spots flaws and problems in a book more easily and faster than anything else. Nothing escapes their sight! Their critical eye and expertise in focusing on important details, or flaws, can prove to be useful, but may also lead low-ish ratings, and less-than-stellar opinions, if you know what I mean.

The Full-of-feels/fangirl(Boy) Reader

Again, pretty self-explanatory (tbh, most of these are, but hushhh. Small details. I like to talk.) but this reader is the one who’s often just full of ALL the feels. Most of the time they enjoy almost all of the books they read, whether it be because they single out the books in their comfort zone, or just because they’re always overwhelmed by the feels. 😉 When they’re reading a book, more often that not these readers are able to find many aspects throughout the novel to fangirl over, or aspects that they adore. Fangirling is a common occurrence for them! (Then again, I suppose this goes for most bookworms.)


The Re-Reader

The re-reader, of course, is singling out the readers who often re-read books, and really love doing so! If I’m being honest this was me, many, many years ago?? There’s just such an appeal to re-reading sometimes–it can be comforting to go back to a book you know you loved before. Nowadays this isn’t really one I’d say I can claim (not enough time to re-read, I’m afraid), but I do know there are many (or at least a few) that can.

The Late-Nighter/Sleepy Reader

I’ve never actually met a reader who fits with this type, but I’m assuming it’s a possibility? Basically it’s the reader who always, or almost always, reads at night, before going to bed–and almost always ends up falling asleep despite the promises like, “I’ll get to chapter 18!” or “I will finish this book tonight.” I might’ve been this type, actually, a few times, lol. Books are great and all, but… sleep is sleep, so.

So basically you’re reading, reading, but then you get so tired.. Though let’s be real, this gif represents basically everyone, almost all the time. Okay, fine. It represents ME, all the time. XD

The Mood Reader

The mood reader (lol, I know it sounds like a person who reads your mood, but that’s not what I’m talking about) is the type of reader who chooses what to read based on how they’re feeling. I am totally a mood reader sometimes! Following our moods can be so helpful in finding a book that goes well with how we’re feeling. It might be that we’re sad and we’re looking for a book to cheer us up or we’re sad/frustrated/angry and looking for a book to reflect our feelings–or anything else of the sort. You know what I mean!

The Easily Emotional Reader

Better get that box of tissues out! The Easily Emotional reader is someone who can often become very emotional (aka brings out the water works) very easily. Whether it be a contemporary novel dealing with cancer or suicide, or a fantasy novel that kills off one of the main characters, or a book with a super cheesy and happy ending, this reader has tears for them all. And this is not a bad thing! I can’t say I’ve been in such a situation before, but I do know there are many people who can become easily emotional while reading so I thought I should put in this category.

It's So Beautiful

The Ambitious Reader

Omg this is totally meeeeeeee. XD This reader is one who sets incredibly high goals, and who just wants to READ THEM ALL. And by them I mean books, if you didn’t know. But obviously you knew that. Characteristics of an ambitious include (but are not limited to) having an incredibly large TBR (though this is kind of a universal bookworm one, but whatever), setting a very high goal for the number of books he/she wants to read throughout the year or during a month, etc. (So ME ME ME. Oops.)

The Binge-reader

This can be me? Sometimes? I mean, I occasionally (well, rarely, but still) binge-read a series or something, but that’s the extent of it. So in some cases the reader might simply find binge-reading a good reading method for them–in which case, great! I can’t do that myself, but good for you. Otherwise, the binge-reader just gets into the habit of binge-reading accidentally after spending a lot of free time on other stuff, and attempting to catch up with reading afterwards.

The Book Polygamist/Multi-Reader

This is another type that applies to me as well, at times. Basically it’s a reader who reads several books at once. A polygamist, if you didn’t know, means being married to several people at once. Hence the term book polygamist was born. But I kind of prefer the term multi-reader, or multi-tasking reader? I’m fine with saying a book polygamist, (it’s a creative term, at least!), but since polygamy is typically looked down upon in real life, I’d prefer not to promote, however indirectly, the same idea when it comes to books. 😉 But anyway, this reader, is simply one who reads several books at once! This is something that I used to struggle with before, but I’ve gotten quite used to and quite good with juggling several books at once, so it’s not quite as confusing or difficult as people would imagine.

The All-Nighter/3 AM Reader

What is even sleep?? asks the all-nighter Basically the opposite of the late night reader, the all-nighter is, as the name suggests, a reader who sacrifices their night, in favour of reading. Lol, I make it sound so much more ominous than it is, oops. Although I’m a total advocate for sleep (I love sleeping, guys. Almost as much as books and chocolate.) I can totally understand this! I become an all-nighter/3 AM reader (which, by the way is basically the same thing, except that perhaps they get at least a bit of sleep. :P) when it comes to really good books, soooo. Come on don’t deny it, you’ve been guilty of staying up super late before, or even pulling an all-nighter, to finish a book. 😉

Phew! That took a while. XD I did a lot more than the amount I listed for types of book bloggers, haha. And these aren’t even the only types of readers, I’m sure. But I’m going to leave it at that for now; I think 18 is more than enough, don’t you think? So tell me: what types of readers do you consider yourself to be? Do we have any in common? I’d consider some types I am to be the the multi-reader, the ambitious reader, the ebook reader, etc. What types would you say I am? XD Let us babble in the comments!

Until the Next Meal, Analee