I kind of reached my 1-year blogiversary?!! | Spotlight Saturday #4 (February 20th)

Helloooooo! It’s the weekend once again (THANK GOD) and it’s also a Saturday, so I’ve decided to participate once again in Spotlight Saturday! I hadn’t been anticipating the fact that I would leave such a long time in between my last Spotlight Saturday (back in January, I think) but I guess it happened anyway. Better late than never, am I right?!

Spotlight Saturday is a meme hosted by Josie @ Josie’s Book Corner. Here’s the official blurb from it on her blog:

Spotlight Saturday is a weekly feature, created by Josie at Josie’s Book Corner [aka, moi], dedicated to spotlighting and pinpointing some of the things over the week that have caught my attention more than usual, things I’ve particularly loved, etc.

Spotlighted Moment 2

Okay, so as you can probably understand from the title of this post, I REACHED MY 1-YEAR BLOGIVERSARY!! Well, kind of. I mean, yes I did indeed reach it, according to WordPress—I honestly can’t believe it’s already been a year!!—but I’ve decided it’s more of a kind-of blogiversary because it’s the date I created this blog—I didn’t actually start posting anything until near the end of March. Hence it’s my kind-of blogiversary. BUT STILL. 1 YEAR. I’m kind of in a state of shock?!! That I actually managed to keep this blog up for so long?? Especially since it did NOT feel like a year has passed, honestly.

I will actually be doing a giveaway sometime in March though, in celebration of my blogiversary as well as my own birthday! Two in one, I guess, haha. So keep an eye out for that! Technically my blog did start in March, so it’s totally justified—and my birthday, well, it happens to be around the same time (March 24th). My first post was, like, in March 11th? And then I think I took a 9-day hiatus or something and posted again on March 20th. XD So. Kind of confusing, but point is; look forward to a birthday and blogiversary giveaway coming sometime this March! ❤ My gift to you. 😉

But thank you so much for supporting me this past year! Even if you’re new here. I’m going to keep repeating the same thing, to be honest. I can’t believe a year has passed already! My blog and I have grown so much within that time… It seems like so much less, and I wouldn’t be here today if it wasn’t for all of you, so THANK YOU. *Brings out confetti and chocolate and cake and party hats*

Spotlighted Blogger 2

As in last week’s Spotlight Saturday, I’m going to be spotlighting a few bloggers I’ve known for a while, as well as a few that I recently started talking to or would like to know better—because #BLOGGERLOVE!! 😀 Let’s do this.

Oldies, but lovelies (LOLLL sounds weird but you know what I mean)

Michelle’s blog is one I’ve been following for a LONG time—and her posts never get old. This girl’s blog is just amazing! (Read: Go check out her blog NOW.) I love reading her posts! 🙂

Another wonderful blog, Poulami posts insightful reviews of a variety of books, and they’re great to read! She also has many other entertaining posts. Go show her some love! ❤

I’ve been following Raven’s blog for a while now! I’m always envious at how much she keeps up with her reviews, haha. XD That’s something I’m still working on, oops! Her blog is filled with all sorts of great posts. 😀

Kat’s blog is filled with a variety of posts, and I love it! ❤ From TV, to books to tags to everything else, her blog is always lots of fun to surf around.

Blogs I’ve Discovered Recently or Want to Get to Know More…

Isabella is a more recent blogger friend I’ve discovered on the blogosphere and she is absolutely lovely! (She loves Harry Potter. And Percy Jackson. Enough said. :P)

I’m not sure when I found Anna and her blog—but I’m so glad I did! Anna is such a friendly person and her blog is wonderful. Plus, we seem to have a similar taste in books so yay!

I’ve been following this blog for a long time??? But I’ve only recently gotten the chance to actually comment, because TOO MANY BLOGS AND TOO LITTLE TIME. Gah. But I’d love to get to know both Trang and Lashaan more!

I’ve actually been following Becca for a while (I think???) but only recently have I really talked to her. Her blog is absolutely lovely and I love it! She is also a very nice person, and I’d really love to talk to her more often. 😉

Spotlighted Blog Post 2

Spotlighted Book 2

Glass Sword

Soooo, I finished Glass Sword?? And it was quite the roller-coaster of emotions by the end of it—but I’m kind of disappointed to say that I was left indifferent for a large part of the story.. Not exactly sure what caused it? But, up till the 40-50% mark, I was just kind of reading about it all, not as emotionally connected or absorbed as I would’ve liked to be. Indifferent at the beginning, intense at the end… overall a good read I suppose.

Spotlighted App 2

Ehhhh sorry, nothing for this one this week! Heheh I’m dreadfully uncreative when it comes to spotlighting apps…

Spotlighted Song 2

I’ve been listening a lot of Lindsey Stirling lately (seriously, her music is amazing), so basically her whole Shatter Me album?! Her skill with the violin is astounding! You should definitely check out her channel here.

Spotlighted Quote 2

More Happy Than Not Quote

More Happy Than Not is one of my reads this week (though it’s on pause as I started Gathering Darkness, heheheh..) so I thought it would be a good fit to have a quote from it this week! And I haven’t reached this quote yet, but this is such a lovely one. ❤

So that’s it for this week’s Spotlight Saturday! Once again, thank you so much for being with me on my blogging journey as it hits one year (I honestly still can’t believe it), make sure to look forward to a giveaway sometime this March! 😀 Unfortunately it won’t be of chocolate, but books are better, soooo you’re welcome. In advance. If you win. Ah, whatever. Point is, thank you!! Also, chocolate is delicious. That all made no sense whatsoever. Moving on, I hope you all check out the blogs and posts I mentioned above! ‘Cause they really are amazing. ❤ Have any of you read Glass Sword?? What did you think of it?

I hope you guys are all having an amazing Saturday!

Until the Next Meal, Analee

57 thoughts on “I kind of reached my 1-year blogiversary?!! | Spotlight Saturday #4 (February 20th)

    • THANK YOUUUU!!! *Gives you, like, all the hugs and chocolate* 😘😘 This blogging experience has been so special for me with people like you with me. ❤️ I remember admiring you and your blog so much back in the day—and I still do! Thank you so much for supporting me Alicia!! 💖


  1. Woooow! HAPPY BLOGIVERSARY!!! ❤ Here's to many more to come!
    I would love to get to know you better as well, so I hope we get to talk with each other a lot more! (And thank you for spotlighting my blog.) 😀

    Lindsey Stirling is amazing! I love listening to her music, she is sooo talented. 😀 I haven't read Red Queen and I don't think I will. I kind of have no interest in reading it, though I have no idea why. It just doesn't spark my interest. (Plus I haven't heard the best things about it.)

    Liked by 1 person

    • AHHHHH THANK YOU!!! ❤ I sure hope this won't be my first, haha. Blogging is such a huge part of my life now, eep!
      Yayyy I look forward to chatting more with you! It was honestly no problem, your blog is so lovely!

      Omg yessss! I'm so happy to have found another person who loves Lindsey Stirling. I can definitely see why you're not interested in Red Queen. Although I personally thought it was a pretty good book, it's definitely nothing I was amazed by (unfortunately).

      Liked by 1 person

      • Yeah I have been blogging for over 6 months and I can’t imagine my life without it. It’s just sooo much fun and I have met many amazing people! 😀

        She is wonderful! I don’t actually know many people who listen to her music, so it’s always nice seeing someone liking her as much as I do. ❤ I don't know, I have heard that the main character is annoying and that there is a love triangle. And I don't like either of those. But who knows I might pick it up at random… XD

        Liked by 1 person

    • HAHA YESS. 😀 Ahhh of course! It was great. And THANK YOU!!! You have no idea how glad I am I have found a lovely person (such as yourself lol) to fangirl with. I might even share some chocolate with you, you delightful person. Ehm, YOU’RE WELCOME. Thank you for supporting me so much, Becca!! ❤

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Happy blogversary!! *throws confetti in your hair* I hope this is the start of maaaany years of fabulous blogging for you. :’) And omg thank you for sharing my post!!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Haaaappy Blogiversary Analee! ❤ I'm so happy you reached this milestone. You're one of the first person that I followed and started interacting with when I was a newbie and I'm so glad I did cause you're awsome! Here's to many more years ahead! 🙂
    Oh and thanks for the spotlight! 😀

    Liked by 1 person

    • Ahhhh THANK YOU!! 🙂 It’s been so great blogging in a community where there are people like you around. I’m so glad to have met you, all those days back, because YOU are awesome. Seriously. ❤ ❤ Your friendship means so much to me! I can't believe it's already been a year since we met. Time flies by so quickly!

      Liked by 1 person

  4. HAPPY KIND-OF BLOGIVERSARY! 😀 It’s still an accomplishment that should be celebrated!!!
    And THANK YOU for spotlighting me *blushes furiously* – you are the best and the kindest and the sweetest for that! 😀 ❤

    Liked by 1 person

  5. HAPPY ONE YEAR BLOGIVERSARY! Your blog is the best and you can tel you put so much effort into your posts 🙂
    Thank you for Spotlighting my discussion post, your so sweet! I’m glad you liked it!
    I used to listen to Lindsey Sterling and love her, I need to get back into her music 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Happy Blogiversary Analee! You’re one of the sweetest blogger I’ve met in the blogosphere. I haven’t read Glass Sword yet but I’ll read it pretty soon. I love that song! I’m sucker for songs like these especially violin and Piano. Anyway, Thank you for spotlighting me! I hope you have a great day! 😀

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you so much, Raven!! 😘 I could say the same for you, you’re such a lovely person and I’m so glad to have met you in the blogging community. 😉
      I hope you enjoy GS once you read it!
      Yess Lindsey Stirling’s music has such a great tone of violin and hints of piano! It’s truly great. ❤️

      Liked by 1 person

      • Mmmm… now I’m hungry! 😛 Wait while I go and get some chocolate from the fridge (and then proceed to devour it mwahahaha)

        okay, I have NO idea why put in that devil laugh there. 😛

        Liked by 1 person

        • Of course, of course, dear girl… here you go! 🍫 (Have these, too, while you’re at it… 🍨🍩🍰🍭🍬🍮)

          Enjoy!!! 😋😋 (ain’t I just the best, lol)

          Eeep, would you now? But how can that be, Analee? Are you possibly as crazy as me??! 😮

          Liked by 1 person

        • Eeeeeee thank youuu!!! Yummmm. 😂
          Aha the minute food and chocolate was involved, yesss! Though you’re always great. 😉

          *wink* Shhh don’t tell anyone, I have an image to uphold. (LOLLLL pff as if but ahem. It’s possible.)


  7. First off, I apologize it took me a long while to read this post.Thank you for spotlighting me, Analee! And oh, what a coincidence! I read this just in time for your birthday. I hope you’re having a blast there, girl! Congratulations on your blogiversary. Here’s to more growth and fun and such for you 😀 😀


    • How did I miss this comment omg SO SORRY. It’s been a YEAR since this post agh. And of course! Congrats on your blogiversary (belated a year, but means you’re near your second one, right?!) Ahah thank you so much!!! ❤ ❤


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