Finale by Becca Fitzpatrick | Book Review

(Hush, Hush Saga #4)

Published: October 23rd, 2012 (originally January 1st 2012)


Will love conquer all?

Nora and Patch thought their troubles were behind them. Hank is gone and they should be able to put his ugly vendetta to rest. But in Hank’s absence, Nora has become the unwitting head of the Nephilim and must finish what Hank began. Which ultimately means destroying the fallen angels – destroying Patch.

Nora will never let that happen, so she and Patch make a plan: lead everyone to believe they have broken up, and work the system from the inside. Nora will convince the Nephilim that they are making a mistake in fighting the fallen angels, and Patch will find out everything he can from the opposing side. They will end this war before it can even begin.

But the best-laid plans often go awry. Nora is put through the paces in her new role and finds herself drawn to an addictive power she never anticipated.

As the battle lines are drawn, Nora and Patch must confront the differences that have always been between them and either choose to ignore them or let them destroy the love they have always fought for.

Finale_bookcover 2
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My Rating: 4.5 Stars 4.5/5 (Amazing)

Book Information

Publisher: Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers

Genre(s): Young-adult Paranormal Romance

Page Count: 454

Format: Hardcover

ISBN: 1442426675

Used for the Popsugar challenge: A Book with Nonhuman Characters

Hey there! Finale is the conclusion to the Hush Hush saga by Becca Fitzpatrick and since I’ve posted the reviews for the first three books, I’ve been wanting to finish this book and post a review for this one as well. 🙂 My wish has now been granted and I have finished this book, and am now writing a review. So let’s get started!

Note: I would not advise people who hadn’t read the first three books in the series to read this review because of UNINTENTIONAL SPOILERS. Spoilers are not certain, but there may the occasional minor one that some might want to avoid. Anyway…

I really enjoyed Finale. However, I must say, to be honest, I would rate this 4 stars, mainly because of Nora (which I will get to further on in this review). But because of my overall reading experience, and the great storyline, I was able to look past that issue and give an extra .5 star.Read More »

2015 April Wrap-up

Wow, I can’t believe how fast this month has gone by! 🙂 This month I believe I’ve read around 25-30 books, so I’m pretty happy with that! I didn’t review each one I read, unfortunately, but here are all the books I’ve reviewed so far this month (organized by its rating)!

1 star (Terrible)

1.5 star (Poor)

2 stars (Tolerable, just barely)

2.5 stars (Okay)

3 stars (Decent)

3.5 stars (Bit Over Average)

  • The DUFF by Kody Keplinger (Stand-Alone)

4 stars (Very Good)

4.5 stars (Amazing)

5 stars (Outstanding)

So that’s it for this month’s wrap-up! I’m sure there are several other books I’ve missed, but these are the main ones I remember.

How has your blogging and reading month been this month?

Happy end of April!


WWW Wednesday #4 (April 29)

WWW Wednesday is a meme formerly hosted by MizB @ Should Be Reading (who is now found @ A Daily Rhythm) and has been taken up by Sam @ Taking on a World of Words. We simply have to answer three questions:

What are you currently reading?

I am currently reading Sense & Sensibility by Jane Austen as well as Shatter Me by Tahereh Mafi (both for the Popsugar Reading Challenge; A popular author’s first book & A book written by someone under 30, respectively).

What did you recently finish reading?

I most recently finished reading Finale by Becca Fitzpatrick, as part of the Popsugar Reading Challenge for ‘A Book with Nonhuman Characters.’ It is the final book in the Hush Hush saga. You can check out the reviews on the first three books HERE, HERE and HERE. Other books I’ve read during the past week include Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell and The DUFF by Kody Keplinger.

What do you think you’ll read next?

Usually I would be stuck on this question but I have already planned to continue with books listed for the Popsugar challenge, and will read Hereafter by Tara Hudson (‘A book a friend recommended’) as well as The Giver by Lois Lowry (‘A banned book’). After that I’ll probably start A Thousand Pieces of You by Claudia Grey (‘A book based entirely on its cover’).

What are your WWW Wednesdays? Link them below or comment! I’d love to hear from you. 🙂

Happy Wednesday!


Teaser Tuesday #3 (April 28): Finale by Becca Fitzpatrick & Sense and Sensibility by Jane Austen

Welcome to another Teaser Tuesday (a meme hosted by MizB @ A Daily Rhythm)! I am currently reading Finale by Becca Fitzpatrick, and Sense & Sensibility by Jane Austen, so here’s one teaser from each:

‘The elevator, which was almost as large as my bedroom, clanged lower and lower, at last grinding to a stop. The heavy steel door rose, and Scott and I walked out onto a loading dock. The ground and walls were dirt, and the only light came from the single light bulb swinging like a pendulum overhead.’

-Nora, Finale by Becca Fitzpatrick

‘ “Elinor,” cried Marianne, “is this fair? Is this just? Are my ideas so scanty? But I see
what you mean. I have been too much at my ease, too happy, too frank. I have erred against every common-place notion of decorum; I have been open and sincere where I ought to have been reserved, spiritless, dull, and deceitful–had I talked only of the weather and the roads, and had I spoken only once in ten minutes, this reproach would have been spared.”

“My love,” said her mother, “you must not be offended with Elinor–she was only in jest. I should scold her myself, if she were capable of wishing to check the delight of your conversation with our new friend.” Marianne was softened in a moment. ‘

-Marianne & her mother, Sense & Sensibility by Jane Austen

So there we have it! What are your Teaser Tuesdays? Link your post below or comment! I’ll be back later with this week’s Top 10 Tuesday, and maybe even a review! 😉 Have a wonderful Tuesday!


Silence by Becca Fitzpatrick | Book Review

(Hush Hush Saga #3)

Published: October 4th 2011



Nora Grey can’t remember the past five months of her life. After the initial shock of waking up in a cemetery and being told that she has been missing for weeks – with no one knowing where she was or who she was with – she tried to get her life back on track. Go to school, hang out with her best friend, Vee, and dodge mom’s creepy new boyfriend.

But there is this voice in the back of her head, an idea that she can almost reach out and touch. Visions of angel wings and unearthly creatures that have nothing to do with the life she knows.

And this unshakable feeling that a part of her is missing.

Then Nora crosses paths with a sexy stranger, whom she feels a mesmerizing connection to. He seems to hold all the answers…and her heart. Every minute she spends with him grows more and more intense until she realizes she could be falling in love. Again.

My Rating: 4.5 Stars 4.5/5 (Amazing)

Book Information

Publisher: Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers

Genre(s): Young-adult Paranormal Romance

Page Count: 448

Format: Hardcover

ISBN: 1442426640

Hey there everyone! I’m back with a review on Silence, the third book in the Hush Hush saga by Becca Fitzpatrick! (If you need a refresher on the previous books, check out my review on Hush Hush and Crescendo!) No need in delaying, so let’s get started.

I will commence by saying I enjoyed this novel more than the other two (which you can guess if you remember my previous ratings on the first two books was 4 stars). The plot was better in my opinion, stronger somehow, and the characters much improved. The writing style was amazing as usual, mysterious, romantic, fast-paced, all the necessary moods for each scene.

So, Silence starts off from where Crescendo ended, right in the middle of action. Nora finds herself in a cemetary, and has no recollection of how she got there or what happened to her. She can’t remember the past months of her life, and worse, she can’t remember Patch. Her friends and family are happy to have her home, but don’t contribute much to help her remember the past. Nora has to puts things back together, and as she does so throughout the book, she’s back in the middle of a dangerous world of fallen angels and Nephilim.

The plot, like I mentioned above, was better in this book. Everything was just as interesting as the previous two books, except this time there’s the added mystery that Nora has to face. And although we know about the paranormal world, we’re still pulled along as Nora pieces everything together herself. I wasn’t able to put down this book until Nora figured out the truth (everything unravels at the end, and it is amazing!). The only reason it took me longer than usual to read this was because I had previous commitments and homework to finish up. :/ Overall, the plot was awesome, filled with suspenseful questions, thrilling action, and a mix of a fast and slow-paced storyline (which kind of evened out everything nicely.)

As for characters, I have to say I enjoyed Nora much more in this book! In a way, the ‘amnesia’ she gets actually does some good here, since as a result, Nora shed her old skin to become stronger, and more smarter. Remember when I mentioned how the main thing that annoyed me about her was her stupid decisions? Well, there are a few moments that could qualify, but they were less annoying, and had a more justified reason behind it. I also appreciated how Nora’s jealousy was kept to a minimum. Unlike before, her jealousy didn’t control her, which is another show of how she became stronger in this book.

Patch is in this book (obviously, how could he not be?) and he’s just as hot and interesting as he was before. We see a more caring side of him as well, which literally just made my heart melt. ❤ His caring for Nora so much was just so sweet! While I may have doubted him in the other book, this time I was (mostly) sure what side he was on, but there were a couple of moments where Nora’s flashes of doubt hit me as well.

As for secondary characters, particularily Vee, I have to say I both liked and disliked her in this book. In the first book, I did not like her at all, in the second book I liked her, but now I’m at the middle. What really bothered me about her this time was how she didn’t really help Nora in her quest to remember. She omitted several things several times, and her aversion to Patch annoyed me, even though a part of me understands it, on some kind of level. Either way, she was okay, but I’d say my rating of her just went down, unfortunately.

Lastly, the writing style. Like in the previous books, the writing style varied depending on the mood of the story, and it always kept me anticipating the next move. Fitzpatrick did a great job of creating conflict, and while some parts were a bit predictable, I was still completely absorbed into the book.

Overall, Silence was an amazing read. The plot was improved, although you need to have a bit of patience since Nora spends a lot of time trying to overcome her missing memory obstacle. Afterwards, when she really starts getting warm and the book reaches its climax, it’s awesome. The characters, or more specifically, Nora, became much better, and the writing style was perfect for the mood of the story.

The book also ends on a cliffhanger that got me speeding to the next book, Finale, in a heartbeat. I recommend this to people who’ve read and enjoyed the first two books in the Hush, Hush series, obviously, as well as people who enjoy paranormal romance involving fallen angels and Nephilim. (In which case you should start with the first book in the series.)

Don’t forget to check out the book trailer for Silence below!

Stay tuned for the Finale by Becca Fitzpatrick meal, which hopefully will be coming soon after I finish it. 🙂

Stay Silent 😉 , and go eat!!


Top 10 Tuesday #3 (April 21): Top Ten ALL TIME Favorite Authors

The time has come for another Top 10 Tuesday! This week’s theme is All-time favourite authors! This REALLY kills me and I just can’t decide so I’m going to narrow it down to authors in the Paranormal/Fantasy genre or Dystopia, mostly YA. (Press the images for a better, larger view of the pictures.)

As usual, in no particular order:

1. J.K. Rowling

Two words: Harry. Potter. ❤ There really isn’t much more to say other than that. Harry Potter was a thrilling ride that I loved, forever captivating me in the wizarding world.

2. Jennifer L. Armentrout

I love Jennifer Armebtrout’s writing! There’s always an awesome plot, with steamy romance and humorous charters which just makes me want to read her stuff more and more. These are only some of her works:

3. Cassandra Clare

She’s another author who’s writing I love. Her character are always alive and useful, and the world she’s created is amazing. Shadowhunters rule! I loved The Mortal Instruments and The Infernal Devices, can’t wait ’till The Dark Artifices trilogy comes out! ❤

4. Marie Lu

I’ve read only Marie Lu’s Legend trilogy (although I’m planning on reading Her book The Young Elites as well) but her books have captivated me enough to put her on this list. If you haven’t already, you should definitely read Legend!

5. Meg Cabot

You probably heard of this author through The Princess Diaries, but she has several other works that ultimately made Meg Cabot one of my favorite authors. I enjoyed The Princess Diaires series, however I prefer The Mediator series. I also really enjoyed her Airhead trilogy. Her Heather Wells series was quite enjoyable, as well as her stand-alone novels Pants on Fire and Teen Idol. I have yet to start her Queen of Babble trilogy. I’m looking forward to getting to it! 🙂

6. Suzanne Collins

How could I not put the author of The Hunger Games on this list? The Hunger Games was awesome and one of the few movie adaptations other than HP done well. 🙂

7. Rick Riordan

I loved Rick Riordan’s Percy Jackson & the Olympians series, as well as The Heroes of Olympus series! I also enjoyed his Kane Chronicles trilogy as well! They were all fast-paced, adventurous, and best of all, involved mythology! I can’t wait for the first book in Riordan’s newest series, Magnus Chase and The Gods of Asgard, which is named The Sword of Summer. 🙂

8. Richelle Mead

I’ve read a lot of vampire-themed books, but Richelle Mead’s Vampire Academy is the one most worth mentioning for this list. Richelle Mead’s writing is captivating, and I love her Vampire Academy and Bloodlines series (what I’ve read of Bloodlines series, anyway.) Looking forward to reading her other series! Check out my reviews on the first two books of the VA series HERE and HERE. Definitely one of my favorite authors!

9. Kiera Cass

I loved Kiera Cass’s Selection series! Made for a sweet, romance with touches of dystopia flavoring, and an awesome read. Her books were all very well-written. Looking forward to The Heir!

10. C.C Hunter

C.C Hunter is a wonderful author who I feel is quite unrecognized. I have read all the books released in her two series; Shadow Falls and Shadow Falls: After Dark, and I loved both of them! I definitely recommend her works, one of my favorite authors!

There are so many other authors I would love to put on the list, but alas, I must stop there. A few honorable mentions go to: Jane Austen (even though she isn’t a YA fantasy, paranormal or dystopia author), John Green, Veronica Roth, Marissa Meyer, Colleen Houck and Becca Fitzpatrick. They are very good writers and definitely should be recognized.

Anyway, that concludes this list! I don’t know how I would ever have stopped if I did a list on all-time favorite authors! 🙂 So what are your Top 10 All-time favorite authors? Or if you’re like me, All-time favorite authors of YA fantasy, paranormal, etc.? Comment your thoughts below! Or if you participate in this meme, post your link so I can come check it out!

Happy listing!


P.S. For some more Book Snacks Fun, check out this week’s Teaser Tuesday!

Crescendo by Becca Fitzpatrick | Book Review

(Hush, Hush #2)

Published: October 19th 2010


Nora Grey’s life is still far from perfect. Surviving an attempt on her life wasn’t pleasant, but at least she got a guardian angel out of it. A mysterious, magnetic, gorgeous guardian angel. But despite his role in her life, Patch has been acting anything but angelic. He’s more elusive than ever (if that’s possible) and what’s worse, he seems to be spending time with Nora’s archenemy, Marcie Millar.

Nora would have hardly noticed Scott Parnell, an old family friend who has moved back to town, if Patch hadn’t been acting so distant. Even with Scott’s totally infuriating attitude, Nora finds herself drawn to him – despite her lingering feelings that he is hiding something.

If that weren’t enough, Nora is haunted by images of her murdered father, and comes to question whether her Nephilim bloodline has anything to do with his death. Desperate to figure out what happened, she puts herself in increasingly dangerous situations to get the answer. But maybe some things are better left buried, because the truth could destroy everything – and everyone – she trusts.

My Rating: 4 stars 4/5 (Really Good)

Book Information

Publisher: Simon & Schuster

Genre(s): Young-adult Paranormal Romance

Page Count: 427

Format: Hardcover

ISBN: 1416989439


Hey there! I recently finished Crescendo by Becca Fitzpatrick, (like I mentioned Thursday) the second book to Hush, Hush and I just had to write a review. So here I go!

First off, I just want to say that even though I’m rating this the same as the first book, I enjoyed this one more, it was really good. So don’t be hesitating by my rating, because 4 stars is actually an awesome rating. (If you check out my Rating System, you’ll see that most of the books rated 4 stars achieve the ‘favorite’ status.) I would say I had reasonable expectations, considering my rating and reading experience of Hush Hush, and my expectations have definitely been met, and left me quite satisfied. (Although I was unhappy at first because of the killer cliffhanger! ;))Read More »

Hush, Hush by Becca Fitzpatrick | Book Review

(Hush, Hush #1)

Published: October 13th 2009

 Synopsis (from Goodreads):


Romance was not part of Nora Grey’s plan. She’s never been particularly attracted to the boys at her school, no matter how hard her best friend, Vee, pushes them at her. Not until Patch comes along. With his easy smile and eyes that seem to see inside her, Patch draws Nora to him against her better judgment.

But after a series of terrifying encounters, Nora’s not sure whom to trust. Patch seems to be everywhere she is and seems to know more about her than her closest friends. She can’t decide whether she should fall into his arms or run and hide. And when she tries to seek some answers, she finds herself near a truth that is way more unsettling than anything Patch makes her feel.

For she is right in the middle of an ancient battle between the immortal and those that have fallen – and, when it comes to choosing sides, the wrong choice will cost Nora her life.

My Rating: 4 stars4/5 (Really Good)

Book Information

Publisher: Simon & Schuster

Genre(s): Young-adult Paranormal Romance

Page Count: 391

Format: Hardcover

ISBN: 1416989412


Hi there everyone! I’m back (finally) from the Land of Dead Book Reviews with a review on Hush, Hush by Becca Fitzpatrick. I’ve been MIA for book reviews these days, so I’m glad to finally have finished a decent review. 🙂 Hope you enjoy!

Hush, Hush first called to me because of its mysterious and chilling cover, as well as a recommendation by a friend. I read the summary, got an idea of the genre and everything, and overall had expectations varying between reasonable and high. I wouldn’t say my expectations hadn’t been reached, but they weren’t sky-high above them either. However, overall, Hush Hush was really good. 🙂

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