Types of characters I LOVE and HATE!

Hi guys!! Hope you’re doing well and happy fourth of July to those celebrating! 🙂 I hope you’re having an amazing time + eating lots of cake and chocolate!

Anyway, to state the obvious: I am a total bookworm! And as a reader I have come across various different types of books and characters and have kind of shaped my preferences through all the books I’ve read. Especially through book blogging, since I’ve discovered so many different books because of it. I have no doubt everyone holds some preference towards certain types of characters than others as well?? IT IS IMPOSSIBLE NOT TO. So let’s see which ones we may have in common, shall we?

*Pst: I also have news about my giveaway!! It ended yesterday and I chose the winner, who will be announced at the end of the post!! ❤

1. Bookish/Nerdy/Geeky/Fangirl-Fanboy Characters

You have no idea how many times I squealed “MEEEEEE” as I read Simon vs the Homo Sapiens Agenda or Fangirl??? Or just found a book with a Harry Potter reference? Or a book/movie/something I recognize? And even if I don’t recognize it, the general fangirl sentiment is there and it makes the book just that much more relatable. And I love relatable! You love relatable! Everyone loves relatable! And having these types of characters are just universally representative? If that makes sense. You can’t really get these characters “wrong” or misrepresented unless there is NO PROOF of actual fangirling/bookishness in the character? (Pst: Show vs tell!!)


Fabulous examples ft. books I’ve read and on my TBR:

Simon vs the Homo Sapiens Agenda by Becky Albertalli: LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE SO MUCH. This book is fabulous in its own right but would not be the same without Simon’s utter geekiness?!

Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell: Oh hi do I see my name written on this book??? INDEED. ❤ Such an amazing and adorable book!!

Geekerella by Ashley Poston: I’ve mentioned this book a few times, I LOVE IT SO MUCH. It is an utterly fluffy and adorable book with fangirl and fanboy main characters, also a retelling of Cinderella and it’s so cuteeeeeeee. ❤

Queens of Geek by Jen Wilde: SO MUCH GEEKINESS. AND I (WILL) LOVE IT!! Shh, no I haven’t read it yet because I am an odd procrastinating pumpkin but I can’t wait to read it!

The Geek’s Guide to Unrequited Love by Sarvenaz Tash: Look at all these geeky books *proud tears* The synopsis mentions a love of Harry Potter (#yes) and comic books + visit to Comic Con!! I’m not a comic book person but GEEKINESS please.

Bookishly Ever After by Isabel Bandeira: I was SO excited for this one when it was first being released, and I think a lot of other people were as well (THE TITLE)! I’m still excited for this but I kind of forgot what it’s about? But it sounds like the perfect book for a bookworm omg.

2. SNARKY/WITTY Characters for lifeeeee

If there were two types of characters I would never ever ever get tired of, it’s the bookish and the witty ones!! Oh. My Gosh. The amount of love I have for these characters is unreallll?? Snarky and witty characters are just so much fun to read about! Also because I wish I was that witty in real life? But also banter is one of my favourite things of ever in books and with these types of characters, the banter is endless and I LOVE IT SO MUCH. You can never ever ever part me from these types of characters!!

Some precious examples:

The Dregs from Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo: I recently-ish reread the two books in the Six of Crows duology and it just hit me again how AMAZING the characters are?? + SO MUCH BANTER ❤

Will & Jace from The Infernal Devices and The Mortal Instruments by Cassandra Clare: Ahhhh it’s been so long since I read or even mentioned these books!! MY PRECIOUS.

All my precious characters from the Shades of Magic series by V.E. Schwab: Rhy! Lila! Kell! Alucard! Schwab writes such amazing characters and seeing how there is so much wit and sass in these ones it’s no wonder I love them?

The Gentleman’s Guide to Vice and Virtue by Mackenzi Lee: I haven’t read this book yet, but it’s on my TBR! I have been promised diversity and many sassy characters so I can’t waittttt. ❤

3. SOFT and pure characters

This goes more for love interests in particular (but not necessarily), but I am kind of really over the “macho”, agressive love interest which trended for a while? And have rediscovered my love for the soft characters who are sweet, and kind and thoughtful because WHO DOESN’T like them?? ❤ They are true book boyfriend material, you know?

Reid from The Upside of Unrequited by Becky Albertalli: He’s SO SWEET! ❤ *cries* He’s also a geeky character?? #win I’d also add Simon to the list but I already mentioned that book and I didn’t want to repeat lol. Becky Albertalli writes such amazing characters!!

Adam from A List of Cages by Robin Roe: I will neverrrr stop trying to get people to read this book haha. It’s so heartbreaking, and also Adam is the BEST. He is an amazing brother, his personality warmed my heart and GAH.

Frank from Since You’ve Been Gone by Morgan Matson: Frank is also so niceeee! I loved how his and Emily’s friendship/relationship developed, it was so cuteeee.

Rishi from When Dimple Met Rishi by Sandhya Menon (unread): I haven’t read this book yet but I’ve read a ton of reviews that have mentioned how sweet Rishi is!! I absolutely CAN’T WAIT to meet him and Dimple ahhhhh.

4. Characters who bake/love food

NINA from Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo: I’m going to make an exception for my no repeats rule here because there are so little characters I can think of who show an appreciation for food? Nina is my SPIRIT ANIMAL.

Layla from Saint Anything by Sarah Dessen: So much french fries appreciation in this book through Layla!! and I was SO HUNGRY and also I relate??? French fries are treacherously divine.

Cath from Heartless by Marissa Meyer: Cath baked soooooo many delicious things and that was probably my favourite part of the book? Lol. I wasn’t the biggest fan of her character itself unfortunately but there was food!! A+

Lara Jean from the To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before series by Jenny Han: So much baking in this one as well!! I am utterly jealous because I can’t bake to save my life?? I want allll the stuff she made. *stomach grumbles*

Story time: I tried making icing the other day for cookies and I ended up with watery butter and a bowl of wasted icing sugar?? It was like soup with butter and sugar chunks. It was SO BAD. #neveragain 

I don’t have any books that I know of on my TBR yet where there are characters who love food?? Give me recsss of food positive books haha.

5. Intelligent + Kickbutt Characters

Shahrzad from The Wrath and the Dawn by Renee Ahdieh: She is SO fabulous oh my gosh!!! Her wit and sass is great, and although there isn’t much evidence of her combat skills (I don’t think?) WOO for brains!!

Kestrel from The Winner’s Curse by Marie Rutkoski: I LOVE Kestrel’s intelligence, it is so important to hightlight how being physically capable in a fight is not the only way to be a strong heroine!

Zahra from The Forbidden Wish by Jessica Khoury: I loved Zahra’s character so much as well, she did not show particular physical strength (though she is a jinni), but her outstanding feature was resilience and strength of SPIRIT. This book is so underrated!!

Alex from The Female of the Species by Mindy McGinnis: Yayyy a strong character from a contemporary novel!! Alex is… something incredible. I never met a character like her, it was so amazing to read from her POV and I loveddd this book!

(Do I want to add in the Dregs, or more specifically KAZ??? Yes, yes I do. But I am resistingggg. Now on to:

1. Cliche 1 dimensional mean girl (UGH)

No more girl hate please?? Or slut shaming?? And with this character, 99% of the time both are present and I absolutely hate it. It is one of my biggest pet peeves in books. Sure, perhaps there is this type of person in real life, but more often than not: Girls are each other’s ride or die, best friends, shoulder-to-cry-on, and #1 supporters. The girls I know in real life are SO SWEET and some of the best people ever! So excuse me if I am TIRED of seeing girls oversimplified to 1 dimensional mean girls no purpose other than to create tension and drama between the main couple. #nothanks *mini rant over*

To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before // The Problem With Forever // Holding Up the Universe

2. Manic pixie dream girl

I don’t dislike these characters completely?? But I think I just got tired of them because I can’t seem to relate to them? The manic pixie dream girl, in case you don’t know, refers to the characters who are most often very quirky, attractive and full of life, usually a contrast to the more quiet and reserved male love interest. Sound familiar? They’re nowhere as bad as the mean girl characters, those ones I’m just totally over and quite frankly, hate at this point. But at the same time I’m not a fan of the manic pixie dream girl either, most of the time they just seem so cutout/formulaic like quirky + lively + fun + splash of mysterious and there you go–but people aren’t really like that in real life, you know?

Paper Towns by John Green // Looking For Alaska by John Green // My Kind of Crazy by Robin Reul // When We Collided by Emery Lord

3. Predatory & possessive boyfriend

Once upon a time, I overlooked these characters and didn’t mind them? But oh boy, these types of characters are… annoying at best and disgusting/problematic at worst? I’ve stopped reading books with them so there’s that, at least haha. It’s the worst for me when possessive/rude actions are passed off as being ‘romantic’, like no?? I can be a total sucker for the bad-boy-with-heart-of-gold character, but this one is nowhere near the same. I’ve seen these types of characters STALK the love interest and pass it off as romantic?? #nope

Twilight // Hush, Hush // Obsidian

I actually didn’t mind these books when I first read them, but looking back the characters are kind of horrible, and I probably would not enjoy these if I tried reading them now? Don’t recommend them whatsoever, though that’s just my opinion and I know tons of people who like them still which is good!! Just not my cup of tea. 🙂

What types of characters on this list do you LOVE or HATE??? Aren’t bookish/geeky characters THE BEST? Which of the books I’ve listed have you read, and do you have any other recs featuring the types I love? (if you do I would be immensely grateful!) Let us spotlight our favourite characters and least favourites!!!

OH and!! The winner of my 1k followers giveaway celebration is: Kat @ Life and Other Disasters!! CONGRATS! And thank you to everyone else who entered, and anyone who has ever supported me, it means so much. ❤

51 thoughts on “Types of characters I LOVE and HATE!

  1. You make it so easy to just agree with everything! You literally named some of my favourite books in the section for characters you love and although I like some books in the dislike-section, I COMPLETELY get what you mean with the characters. I hate territorial people … in fictional and real worlds.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. If we’re doing bookish characters… HERMIONE all the way. I think the main reason I’ve always loved her so much is her bookishness🙈. I also totally agree with you about the John Green books- does every male character have to be so dull, yet have such an odd love interest?! It just doesn’t make sense to me.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Ahhh so true!!! Hermione’s bookishness is AMAZING and one of the reasons I loved her for sure ahah. ❤ Right?? I didn’t hate the John Green books but both of them had such similar characters, and yes! It was tiring to see that combination.

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  3. I agree with you on every point!! I especially like how you mentioned that the manic pixie girl is usually contrasted with a quiet, reserved male character, and I think it’s that dynamic I hate more than the actual characters. I feel like the guy usually ends up feeling like he deserves something from her, or ends up resenting her, like she’s a dream come true and then suddenly the guy realizes she’s actually just a person and then Bad Things happen (or vice versa). I like how you included John Green books under that category, his books are the first that come to mind when I think of those kinds of characters, hahah.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Ahh yay I’m glad to hear that!! Oh yes, that’s so true, having the two types of characters paired off all the time is such a tired combination! 😕 Oh so true! And oh yes John Green books were definitely the first to come to mind for those characters for me as well. 😂

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  4. Ugh. I hate that possessive boyfriends are still a thing in YA. Or the ones that think they have to “save” their love interest. Like, no. We don’t need saving, thank you very much. I really hope to see more balanced / healthy relationships in YA fiction, especially in fantasy and paranormal romance.

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  5. I am with you for all your “loves”, especially nerdy/awkward characters (we all like to see ourselves in a book). As far as the hates, I don’t really have any. Those tropes don’t bother me, because usually the author is using them as an example of how NOT to be or the type of boy NOT to date. So, in the case of a cautionary tale, they are ok. But, I think if I was seeing those tropes EVERYWHERE and I could not escape them, I would tire of them as well.

    Liked by 2 people

    • I’m glad to hear that! Ahah right? The nerdy/awkward characters just reflect us and it’s so great. Oh, that’s good! I need to find more of those types of books, I do get using them as an example of something that’s wrong ahah. But agh, the ones where they’re romanticized, or if they’re everywhere (cough mean girls), it drives me nuts! Haha. Yes, exactly!

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  6. Such a wonderful post, I love it! I LOVE it when I can relate to the characters in the books so geeky characters are SO my favorites. I also love sort of “homey” characters such as Lara Jean because she stays in pajamas all day and cook and read and everything else and I CAN RELATE TO THIS haha.
    I really am not too fond of possessive boyfriends either – we so need more healthy relationships portrayals in young adult books because this is not romantic, nor is this healthy or giving a positive image of relationships. It makes me sad.

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    • Thank you!! 😀 Haha I know right?! Geeky characters are SO precious!! And oh my gosh yes! Lara Jean was THE BEST ahah I totally could relate to her. xD Who doesn’t want to just stay in pajamas and eat/bake all day?? (No one.)
      Agh, right? Healthy relationships are ten times better, anyway? Like why romanticize possessive boyfriends when it’s so much more romantic to have a boyfriend who is loving and GENUINELY cares about the character. GAH. It’s so horrible!

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  7. Oh my gosh I love books that have geeky girls or guys as the main characters! I’m a huge nerd so I feel like I can relate to them so much better. Awesome list!

    Liked by 1 person

  8. This is a great post Analee, 🙂 and I definitely agree with all the characters you love and all the characters you hate as well. I need to read more books with bookish/geeky characters in, I have both Geekerella and Queens of Geek on my to-read list and I need to get started on both of them soon because I’ve heard nothing but amazing things. Also I think we need more smart characters in books, there’s just not enough, and yes witty characters are probably my favourite of the lot on this list and Shades of Magic is my favourite of my favourites too! 😀
    Girl hate is one of my major bookish pet peeves, I can’t stand it in books and seriously I wish we could abolish it from writing, we need more strong friendships between girls rather than see them bully/put each other down.
    Again great post Analee! 😀 ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you Beth!! 😊 I am so glad to hear that ahah. Yes!! There are so many (or it seems like) books with bookish/geeky characters and I want to read them allllll haha. Oh Geekerella is adorable!! And I really need to pick up Queens of Geek as well. 😍 Oh so true!! They’re totally underrated. Ahah right?!? Witty characters are the BEST. Shades of Magic has such incredible characters!
      Oh and yesss I completely agree! It is SO overdone and it would be a favour to everyone if girl hate disappeared from our books. Strong friendships are ten times better to read and more meaningful? We honestly need more of them. ❤

      Liked by 1 person

      • That’s all right! 🙂 ❤️ There seem to have been more books with bookish/geeky characters released lately and I’m behind in them in terms of actually reading them! I’ll get around to them one day.
        It really did, it made me love the books all the more because of some of the dialogue between them. 😀
        They really are, unfortunately we don’t seem to see them as often as we see girl hate. :/

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  9. Love this post! I love Bookish Characters, Snarky and witty Characters, Intelligent and Kickbutt characters. I loved Twilight and Obsidian but I do hate alpha male characters because I find them annoying.

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  10. I have to say my type of character is an intelligent female who has very clear motives and the wherewithal to go after what she wants. I am not sure if this makes sense, but the book I am reading now has that. And even though she’s completely insane: the character in Gone Girl is like that too. I also discovered that I love food writing and things that take place around food.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Ooh very true, that is such an appealing trait!! ❤ I definitely attribute those qualities to some of my favourite strong female characters ahah, it is SO lovely to see in books. Ooh that's great! What book is it? And oh, I haven't read Gone Girl yet but I totally want to. YES! Food and anything related to food is amazing haha.

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  11. Manic pixie dream girl & Girls Hating Girls are the WORST tropes.

    I come across Girls Hating Girls so much. I read a lot of Romance and that trope is so common, especially in New Adult Romances. It sucks that a genre written mostly by women has to be so focused on tearing other women down :/.

    Liked by 1 person

    • RIGHT?!? 😤😤 So tired of them.
      Aw, that sucks! Out of all tropes just whyyyy can’t authors come up with positive and creative charactera?? Oh yes for sure, that’s awful. :((( Hopefully that will change with future books!!

      Liked by 1 person

  12. I couldn’t agree more with your choices, on both accounts!
    My absolute peeve is probably the Manic Pixie Dream Girl (John Green… Please stop). It’s just so annoying.
    The possessive boyfriend is kind of a hit or miss for me. Sometimes they’re mild enough that they qualify as protective rather than obsessive. But when it’s too much, it’s too much! I think I might lean more towards the bad boy with a heart of gold hahaha

    Liked by 1 person

    • So glad to hear that!! 🙈 Aghhh I know right? I don’t mind John Green, but would at least prefer he comes up with more interesting, different female characters? Gah.
      Ahh yes, exactly same here!! Oh my gosh yes the bad boy with a heart of gold is my weakness. 😂

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  13. Snarky and witty characters are my absolute favourites! With them, you never get bored. And nerdy, bookish characters are a close favourite. LOVE this post! ❤

    Liked by 1 person

  14. I love the characters which are actually like so realistic!
    I mean, some characters tend to be totally opposite of what people really ARE in reality.
    But then, some of them be like ON POINT.
    Like, sarcastic characters like CHANDLER from Friends ( I know it’s a TV show reference, but sarcasm and Chandler just go together)! Or for a book reference, Fred and George from Harry Potter!
    Oh, and I couldn’t help but agree with all of your choices.!
    They were so accurate.
    Lovely Post! ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    • I know right??! Those are the BEST ahah. Haha I knowww, some characters are just so UNrealistic, like ummm okay? But the ones that are realistic are so great. ❤ YES! Chandler omg. And Fred and George! So much love. I'm so glad to hear it! Thank you!!

      Liked by 1 person

  15. YES YOU WILL LOVE QUEENS OF GEEK IT WAS AMAZING IT’S A NEW FAVOURITE I LOVE IT SO MUCH. Also I love all the type of characters you love too and the exampels you mentioned YES. Though I haven’t read all of the mentioned books yet (you made me want to read the ones I haven’t yet even more). Also YES TO PREDATORY AND POSSESSIVE BOYFRIENDS. Or more like NO I guess haha. I’m so glad that this trend is (seemingly/hopefully) dying out it’s so harmful :/

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    • I KNOW I WILLLLL, I MUST READ IT!!! Your excitement has made me even MORE excited, which I didn’t think was possible??? Ahah yayyy that is so great! (You mustttt read them!! ❤) UGH RIGHT?!?? 😤😤 They are so awful, and yes, it’s such a good thing there are less and less of these nowadays! It’s horrible.

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  16. I feel so out of place when I say that I did not like Simon… haha he made my time reading that book a living hell… but I think that is just me XD

    Apparently XD

    I did not like Margo nor the main character of Paper Towns… I found them idiotic, self pitied, and way too I-am-a-teenager-who-owns-his-life-and-does-what-I-want-because-I-am-almost-an-adult-with-the-emotional-intelligence-of-a-kid… XD

    I review both books! I hope you could take a minute of your time and check my blog! :3 I really liked yours! I will keep an eye on your blog ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    • Aw noooooo!! Simon!! I loved him. 🙈 I’m sorry to hear you didn’t like him!

      Oh, I totally agree! I didn’t like the characters very much at all. Haha that’s a very lengthy, but pretty fitting description! 😂

      I’ll definitely check it out! Thank you so much! 😊

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      • haha I love those lengthy descriptions haha I learned that from “Where Things Come Back” haha but yes… I think it is a real fitting description XD

        Awww thank you Analee! :3 Hope you like it! :3

        Liked by 1 person

  17. Halt O’Carrick from Rangers Apprentice is literally the worst type if character ever to be written ever. I’m am SICK AND TIRED of these types of characters!! They are everywhere and it’s absolutely disgusting.


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