These literary dads are the BEST! | Happy Father’s Day

It’s Father’s Day today! And in honor of that, I decided to take a moment to appreciate all the fictional fathers that we all secretly wish were alive–because no matter how much we love our own fathers, these fathers are pretty great!

Fictional Fathers

Atticus Finch — To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee


Anyone who’s read the books know how much of a great father he is! Kind, honorable and a great role model for his kids. He’s just such a model father!

Arthur Weasley — Harry Potter by J.K. Rowling

Harry Potter series

Ahhhh Arthur Weasley is just such a great father. I’m going to repeat that for pretty much all of these fathers, pretty much, but still. Raising 7 kids, supporting them and doing his best to keep the family going, despite the poor circumstances, Arthur Weasley is great! (And when you compare him to some of the other fathers in the series..)

Mr. Covey — To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before by Jenny Han

To All the Boys I've Loved Before

Father to three daughters, with no mother to help, Mr. Covey totally nailed fatherhood in all sense of the word! He was so (wait for it…) yep, great. I’m totally ruining the word with my over-use of it, but shhh. It’s true! He single-handed raised three girls–that’s no easy feat!

Adam and Seth — My Life After Now by Jessica Verdi

My Life After Now

The main character, Lucy, actually has two dads, which I found to be so great (how many times have YOU seen that?)–even more so because they were 100% fabulous and supportive (particularly to Lucy’s situation). They were such great parents, raising and helping out Lucy and just all-around awesome.

Luke Garroway — Mortal Instruments by Cassandra Clare

Mortal Instruments series

Although he has no children of his own, he was a father figure to Clary, so that counts right? With Valentine being.. Valentine, Luke was so great to Clary, caring for her like she was his own. ❤ He wants to protect her, but at the same time he does what he knows is right. Go Luke!

Arthur Avery — Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell


Another single father, he had the task of raising two twins, and it was so nice seeing that connection between him and his daughters (particularly Cath). You could see he really cared about the both of them, and it was great to see that. ❤

Andie’s dad — The Unexpected Everything by Morgan Matson

The Unexpected Everything

Andie and her dad didn’t have the greatest of relationships at first, but as the story progressed they slowly rebuilt their broken relationship, and that was SO AWESOME. Andie’s dad was so great! He really took the time to know Andie afterwards and they had so many great moments. LOVE!

Hazel’s dad — The Fault in Our Stars by John Green

The Fault in Our Stars

I don’t remember much of this story apart from the very big details, but I do remember that Hazel’s dad was definitely not a bad example! He wasn’t a huge part of the story, but I do believe he loved Hazel and supported her. Both Hazel’s parents were really great characters, tbh.

Arisotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe by Benjamin Alire Sáenz

Aristotle & Dante

I haven’t actually read this book yet *hides* BUT I do plan on reading it asap! I really want to read it for sure, especially after hearing all the amazing things about it. And apparently it has a great father in it too. So yay!

Wow, that was actually quite difficult, because there are so few I came up with… when it really should be difficult ’cause there are many to choose from! FATHERS SHOULD BE NORMAL, guys. At least for some books. Not just a handful! *sigh*

But either way, what do you think? Are there any fathers I missed? (Probably.) Which of these have you read? Who do you think takes the cake for best fictional father? Let me know your thoughts in the comments!

Until the Next Meal, Analee

28 thoughts on “These literary dads are the BEST! | Happy Father’s Day

  1. I totally agree with so many of your answers! Atticus is in my top five, but Mr. Covey, Arthur Weasley, and Luke are also extremely up there. That being said, I did also love Arthur Avery and Hazel’s dad, too. Good list!

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Hahaha I just started The Unexpected Everything (and by that I really mean I am at like page 13) and I was like “Whaaaat?” when you mentioned her dad. Glad to get some hope that it will get better though!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Dad’s are so important,but I think that’s often not emphasized enough especially because they are supposed to be seen as the breadwinners, not homekeepers. So glad to see these books advocating for a closer bond between daddy and daughter.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I love, love, love this post! ❤ It's so hard to find great dads in literature (especially in YA), but you've named some amazing ones. Atticus and Arthur Weasley are two of my favorite literary fathers as well. Thanks for sharing and, as always, fabulous post! ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    • Eeee and I love you! ❤ ❤ I haven't blogged in forever and I can't believe this lovely comment of yours has gone without a reply for so long. *cowers in shame*

      Right? It's actually kind of sad how hard it is to find great father figures in YA lit. But Atticus and Arthur are definitely two of my faves!


  5. Sirius Black! I know, I know… people say Hagrid was also there and so many other people but don’t you see… it’s not about if there was one or many father figured for Harry, it’s about the connection. And the connection between Harry and Sirius made me want to swoon. So much love!💖

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