I’m going broke again! // 2017 June Book Releases

HI! May is already coming to an end, can you believe it?? Though I’ve felt like it was June already every since the weekend because I had just set up my June bullet journal pages* but nonetheless, now June is actually here, seeing how it’s the second last day of May. Which of course means… NEW BOOKS**!! I am SO excited for all of these, but there a few in particular that I can’t wait for omg. ❤ ❤

*I have a pink theme this month!! And yes, I’m just as obsessed with my bullet journal as before. It’s SO MUCH FUN. ❤ I’m in loveeeeee.

**I’m linking up with this week’s Top Ten Tuesday meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish WHICH I HAVEN’T DONE IN FOREVER omg. I’m also doing my own monthly release post at the same time? So there will be more than 10 HAHA I am a rebel. Also be proud of me I managed to write this post in advance!! 🎉

June 6th: Book release heaven / Bank account hell

Once and For All by Sarah Dessen: Oh HI it’s Sarah Dessen aka one of my favourite contemporary authors ever!! I swear, if I had the time I’d reread and read all her books honestly. But for now I’ll settle for reading this one when it releases!

What I Lost by Alexandra Ballard: AHHHH I want this book so much!! It’s about this girl who’s at a treatment center for anorexia, which is something that’s unfortunately so common nowadays and my heart breaks </3 It sounds like a hopeful novel though? I think? Possibly?

Words in Deep Blue by Cath Crowley: It has bookshops!! And young love and awwww so perfect for the summer. Also I LOVE BLUE. ❤

Dramatically Ever After by Isabel Bandeira: I remember the first book, Bookishly Ever After was released last year and it sounded so good but then I read mixed reviews and soon it kind of disappeared from my mind?? I had no idea there was a sequel until now hahahaha #oops

Internet Famous by Danika Stone: This title definitely refers to meeeeee! *nods* (HAHAHA) I saw blog in the synopsis and I immediately was like YES PLEASE. Apart from that it sounds so adorable!! So yessssss.

The Unlikelies by Carrie Firestone: The cover has ice cream and desserts and popsicles and so obviously this also has my name on it??? This also has stuff to do with internet fame WOW I SENSE A THEME.

Song of the Current by Sarah Tolcser: Oooooh a magical fantasy with river stuff and cool things!! WOO. #howIaddthingstomyTBR No, but really, it does sound SO AMAZING. ❤

Dividing Eden by Joelle Charbonneau: Okay, so the cover is not very impressive? But. It sounds super good actually and I really can’t wait to read this sometime!!

Here Lies Daniel Tate by Cristin Terrill: Ooooooh fast paced, thrilling and about a con artist! INTERESTED.

The Sandcastle Empire by Kayla Olson: Zero clue what this is about but castles and empires!! YAY. (Though not a fan of that cover, ew. What happened to all my pretty covers???)

Follow Me Back by A.V. Geiger: This book is told through tweets, DMs and police transcripts and sounds like the best thing ever omg.

Tash Hearts Tolstoy by Kathryn Ormsbee: It sounds super adorable!! And I also heard it has ace rep SO YES PLEASE. (Okay but what is this cover??? Blech. No offence.)

June 13th: OUR DARK DUET ❤

AAHHHHH the first two are basically the ones I want most???! ❤ ❤

Our Dark Duet by Victoria Schwab: IT’S ALMOST HEREEEEE. ❤ ❤ I adored This Savage Song, it was so dark and gritty and fabulous and now I can’t wait for the sequel!! I also just checked on GR and there’s no mention of a third book on Goodreads either?? AHhhhhhh the anticipation is killing me.

Saints and Misfits by S.K. Ali: This book is about a MUSLIM GIRL and it’s also #ownvoices!! *grabby hands* I don’t think I’ve ever read a YA book with a Muslim protag. If there is one book I have no doubt will be amazing on this list, I have a really really good feeling it’s this one. I NEED!!

Obsidian and Stars by Julie Esbaugh (Ivory and Bone #2): I haven’t read the first book but I have been meaning to! I believe it was pitched as Pride & Prejudice meets something else (I forget) but YESSS. On the TBR!

Thief’s Cunning by Sarah Ahiers (Assassin’s Heart #2): I haven’t read the first book for this either?? #oops BUT it has thieves (and the first one says assassin) so obviously this series was made for me.

Bad Romance by Heather Demetrios: THAT COVER. It’s so odd but so cool and eye-catching?? And the premise sounds so good as welllllllll.

Be True to Me by Adele Griffin: Tbh I have no clue what this is about but I like the cover’s colour!! I think I have a shirt that’s similar to this colour actually. #addingbookstomytbrbelike

June 27th: *grabby hands*

The Gentleman’s Guide to Vice and Virtue by Mackenzi Lee: AHHHH you don’t understand HOW MUCH I want & need this book, honestly. It’s diverse (I’m pretty sure, anyway), sassy and it sounds like my kind of book *cries* Why is it only being released at the end of the month?? One of my top anticipated books this year!

Now I Rise by Kiersten White (The Conqueror’s Saga #2): I haven’t read the first book but I know many people have and apparently it’s really good? Definitely planning on picking up the series sometime, though probably not soon.

Midnight Jewel by Richelle Mead (The Glittering Court #2): Not gonna lie, wasn’t impressed with the first book whatsoever and I do understand this is a companion novel from another character’s perspective? But like… really not interested, tbh. Did want to include it for anyone who is following the series though!

If Birds Fly Back by Carlie Sorosiak: “A sparkling debut about love, family, and the mysteries of the universe.” AWW you have me at familyyyy this sounds so lovely already. ❤ #familiesftw2k17

The Impossible Vastness Of Us by Samantha Young: This sounds so adorable and look at that cute coverrrr!!

Basically June is making it really easy for us by having all the best books be released on 3 days?? And also is making it really hard for me to resist wanting to buy these books??? (As per usual.) I think I’ll be able to restrain myself more this month compared to May though, which is something I guess haha. Which of these books do you want to read?? How broke do you think you’ll be this month? 😛 Let me know in the comments!!

70 thoughts on “I’m going broke again! // 2017 June Book Releases

  1. These all seem like great books, and so many of them are on my to-read list as well. Once and For All, Our Dark Duet and Song of the Current are the ones in the most excited for, but there are plenty more that have been added to my to-read list lately. I was seeing A Gentleman’s Guide to Vice and Virtue everywhere and the hype was all I needed to know to know to my to-read list! 😀
    My bank account will probably hate me by the end of this month as well but when the books sound this good you can really bring yourself to regret it too much can you! 🙂 ❤️
    Great post Analee! 😀

    Liked by 1 person

    • They do! Oh my gosh yesss those books sound AMAZING and I can’t wait to read them. I may have to reread This Savage Song ahah I’m SO excited for Our Dark Duet! And Once and For All sounds like such a cute novel! Song of the Current is also one that I can’t wait for. ❤ So many books! Haha I know right? Power of hype strikes again!
      SAME haha but these books are SO worth it?! Definitely can't regret it too much ahah. Thanks so much!

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Words In Deep Blue is definitely worth it and the cover us just stunning! And OUR DARK DUET!!! I can’t wait to get my hands on a copy of that one. ❤ So many awesome titles coming out next month…

    Liked by 1 person

  3. AHHH why have you done this to me my TBR has increased exponentially and there are so many more books that I NEEEEEED TO REEEEAAAAADDDD

    I want A Gentlemen’s Guide but tbh I wasn’t too interested in it until everyone else wanted it?? I’m obviously #noteasilyinfluenced

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Found your blog through your comment on mine.
    Ah, the title of this post is the story of my life. I bought wayyyy too many books in May, and yet I may have been plotting to visit the bookstore tomorrow.

    Anywho, I’ve not seen most of these books before, so what fun to find new books to add to my TBR. “Internet Famous” has particularly caught my eye.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. I thought May was the month of all the new releases but June has so many as well! I’m not going to have any money now 😂
    I’M SO EXCITED FOR OUR DARK DUET! It’s my most anticipated read 😀 Also Once and For All because Sarah Dessen is great. Words in Deep Blue sounds really sweet as well!
    Internet Famous, Saints and Misfits, and Follow Me Book sound amazing but I only heard of them now haha.
    I find so many great books from these posts 😜

    Liked by 1 person

    • I KNOW RIGHT. My money will be going down the drainnnn and there’s nothing I can do about it haha.
      YESSSS omg This Savage Song was so spectacular and I have no doubt this one will be as well!! Sarah Dessen is so fabulous omg yes please. ❤ It does! And that cover is my favouriteeee. Omg YES I want themmmmm. HAHA you're welcome, my evil plan to make sure your TBR grows is workinggggg, WOO. 😀


  6. Words in Deep Blue has been out since August last year… I got a copy last year in a subscription box. It’s not a June 2017 release.

    Out of those books I am looking forward to Gentlemen’s Guide most. But my most anditicpated release of June is Roar by Cora Carmack it sounds so interesting!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Haha yeah, it mentions on Goodreads it was first published in August last year, but the hardcover releases this month, on the 6th! 😊 And it may not have been released in other countries, possibly.
      Oh yes!! I’ve heard such great things and it sounds AMAZING. 😍 Ooh very true!

      Liked by 1 person

  7. All these books sound awesome. Here Lies Daniel Tate is my kind of book. I need to check it out. All these sound worth getting broke for though 🙂 Great list!

    Liked by 1 person

  8. I’m super pumped for Saints and Misfits and Once and for All! And the title of your post is extremely accurate.

    I’m new to blogging and book reviewing, and am very impressed by your blog. I was wondering if you had any tips for newbie bloggers and book reviewers.

    If you have the time, please check out my blog @breenysbooks. I’d love any feedback. Have a wonderful day.

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Omggggggg I WANT LIKE ALL OF THESE??? Everyone needs to STOP with these releases posts because I. CAN’T. HANDLE. I’m broke and have no money to spend sooooo basically I just sit here and sob because I want them yet no.

    Gentlemen’s Guide OMG YES. Saints of Misfits (whatever it’s called I’m too lazy) looks soooo awesome! Need to read This Savage Song (read all of Schwab’s books except for that one!) and Dividing Eden looks good but sounds cliche??? Or is that just me. Words in Deep Blue! Here Lies Daniel Tate! Bad Romance! Omg! I’m going to die!

    Liked by 1 person

    • I KNOW RIGHT?!?! HAHAHA NEVER. (Perhaps other people will stop but like I can’t ruin my mastermind plan to grow TBRs???) BUT SAME omg so broke right now and I want alllll the books!! 😭😭

      YESSSS I WANT 😍 Haha you got it almost right! Jusf ‘and’ instead of ‘of’. It does!! YOU MUST READ IT, May, This Savage Song is utterly fabulous. I need to reread itttt. Haha true… 🤔 Hopefully it turns out to be good though?? YES haha omgggg HOW do we deal. *cries*


  10. What a fantastic list of books! I am excited to read words in deep blue, the sarah dessen book, the unlikelies, saints and misfits and bad romance ; and I don’t know what I am going to do….I think I will be broke ahahha.

    Liked by 1 person

  11. I want to read so many of these! Especially Bad Romance. Ever since I read I’ll Meet You There I’ve wanted to get my hands on any book Heather Demetrios publishes. I’m beyond excited for that one. Also, Once and For All because Sarah Dessen as amazing! Though I still have so many of her books I need to read lol. Great list, Analee!! 😊💕

    Liked by 1 person

    • Ahhh I know right?!? Ooh I haven’t read I’ll Meet You There but I’ve heard such great things!! I’m glad you loved it, I hope you enjoy Bad Romance just as much, if not more!! 😊 Oh same haha I’ve read some of her books but there are still many more I want to get to!! I love Sarah Dessen so much, Once and For All sounds like it will be amazing omg. ❤ Thanks so much Melissa!! 😘

      Liked by 1 person

      • You should so read I’ll Meet You There! Honestly one of the best contemporaries I’ve ever read and one I constantly recommend to people. 🙈 I hope so too about Bad Romance! Once and For All definitely sounds like it’s going to be amazing. Here’s to hoping we both enjoy it!! You’re welcome, Analee! 😊💕

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