It’s Christmas Eve! | Book Travelling Thursdays #2 (December 24th, 2015)

Hello! Can you believe it’s already Christmas Eve?! It’s been a MAJOR unfestive time here on my blog—I’M SO SORRY GUYS. I swear, everything has simply been flying by and I’ve hardly had the time to post anything! *SOB* But I’m back with a more Christmas-themed post with this week’s Book Travelling Thursday (a meme created by Catia @ The Girl Who Read Too Much and Danielle @ Danielle’s Book Blog)!

Book Traveling Thursday2How it Works:

1. Choose a book that fits with the theme of the week (which are listed per month on the Book Travelling Thursdays Goodreads group).

2. Include a short explanation as to why you chose the book.

3. Pick out different cover editions of your book: the original cover, the cover from your country, your favourite cover, and your least favourite cover.

So, this week’s topic || It’s Christmas Eve!! Choose a book that occurs in Christmas/Holiday season. 

There’s actually not a lot of books I could really think of for this one! I did consider several other books, but finally I’ve chosen to go with Dash & Lily’s Book of Dares by Rachel Cohn and David Levithan. Although it may not be a favourite of everyone around, it was still a relatively good read, and it takes place during the holiday season… so let’s commence our judgement of its book covers!

Original Cover + Cover from my Country

Dash and Lily's Book of Dares

Yay, at least the original cover isn’t too painful to look at. As far as covers go, this one is a pretty decent one, no?

Favourite Covers

Okay, so I’m not 100% sure, but as far as I understand, the first cover is the cover from Australia! At first I wasn’t too sure about it, but as I continue to look at it, it’s growing on me! I don’t know, maybe I’m just being odd, but this cover seems to fit the story really well, and plus, I like the font they used for the title. 😉

Next up is the cover from England! This is another one that grew on me. The font, the color, and the design is all very simple and minimalist, but has a really good effect! I can’t be the only one who likes it, right…?

And lastly, we have another cover which I am assuming is from the U.S. (but I’m not completely sure). I love the font on this one! There’s just something about it that really clicks with me. The colors they used are also great; I wouldn’t mind having this cover on my shelf!

Least Favourite Covers

Boy, does this book have its fair share of ugly covers! I mean, some of these aren’t so bad, but they’re definitely not my favourites…

The first two covers are German covers, if I’m not mistaken. The first one might not have been that bad, but then there’s something about it that just doesn’t sit with me that well. The second one is definitely worse, though I can’t exactly pinpoint why..? DON’T QUESTION ME. Lol. But yeah. Germany, better amp up your covers next time!

The next cover would be Sweden‘s, as far as I know. And oh boy… must I explain myself on this one? I’m sorry, it just doesn’t look pretty. (Yes, that’s the first thing I note. XD) Whyyyyyyy.

After that… (unfortunately there’s a pretty long list of ugly covers for this book) we have the Romanian cover. If you’ve read the book, you know how unsuitable this cover is! It doesn’t have any hint of what this book is really about. WHY MUST THIS HAPPEN.

Can you guess what the next one is? It’s the… Russian cover! Not only are the faces on the cover completely unnecessary, it just doesn’t suit the book at all. And nope, it doesn’t look pretty to me either! The struggle is real—why can’t all book covers be universally beautiful?! Russia, why did you do this?

And lastly (though I bet there are a lot more I could’ve put here) we have the Spanish cover. To me, this basically is trying to imitate the style of the original cover—but failing drastically. And what’s up with the cartoon-ish character (Lily, I presume) at the side? Blech.

I hope you guys are all having a wonderful Christmas Eve! I’ve been a total Grinch on this blog as per Christmas posts are concerned, so I hope this at least partially makes up for it. 😉 Do let me know your thoughts on this book and/or its covers! Do you agree with me? Which cover is your favourite? Hugs, and Merry Christmas!! ❤

Until the Next Meal, Analee