WWW Wednesday #35 (December 16th…Well, 17th)

Hey everyone! I’ve been super busy this week, and unfortunately I hardly had the time to post! I was debating whether or not to skip this week’s WWW Wednesday, but I decided to do it, even though I’m late by a day. 😉

Feel free to join in on the meme (hosted by Sam @ Taking On a World of Words) by answering the three questions below:

What are you currently reading?
What did you recently finish reading?
What do you think you’ll read next?

Currently Reading

This book is turning out to be much different than I expected, in a good way, though. While we’re at it, it’s quite different from other books as well, although I’m not quite sure whether that’s a good thing or not. But one thing’s for sure; it’s quite the insightful read!

Recently Finished

I finished The Young Elites a couple of days after my last WWW, I believe—and it was marvelous. A great start to a series that I know I will probably grow to love! Adelina’s character especially really stood out to me, and I had such an amazing time reading the book. ❤

I also managed to finally read The Weight of Feathers! Yay! *Brings out confetti* This book has been on my read next for quite some time, and I’m glad I got the chance to finally put it in the recently finished part of a WWW post. The Romeo and Juliet trope featured in this book really worked for the story, and I really enjoyed it!

Read Next

Surprise, surprise, Ink and Bone is back on the list! I will actually be trying to make a conscious effort this time and actually get around to reading this, I promise. Fingers crossed!

Invaded is another pick I had from last week, and I’ve decided to add it on again this week, even though it’s unlikely I’ll be reading it. For one, I don’t even have a copy of it yet! So, yeah, unlikely. But I’m still interested!

I am absolutely itching to read The Rose Society! I got a copy of it recently and I would’ve been gobbling it up immediately, if it weren’t for the fact that I’m trying really hard to finish my review of The Young Elites first…

Aaaaaaaand, last but not least, Ten Thousand Skies Above You by Claudia Gray is on my list, the sequel to A Thousand Pieces of You—AKA the books with the marvelously stunning covers. I mentioned in one of my recent tags, I believe, that reading this book was on my bucket list. Well, here’s hoping I’ll be crossing this item off soon!

Sorry I’m so late on this post guys, and for being such an absentee blogger. Fortunately, my winter break starts soon, which hopefully will mean more consistency and more time on my hands for blogging. 😉

Feel free to tell me how your reading has been going in the comments below! Or you can just say hi, I’m cool with that too. I’ve felt like I haven’t talked to you all in FOREVER, so I’d love any chance to say hello. LOL. ❤ I love you guys all, hugs!

Until the Next Meal, Analee