Top 10 Tuesday #11 (June 23): Top Ten Literary Fathers

Hi! Time for a TTT post, a meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish. I’m a bit frustrated by this post because it was scheduled and supposed to have gone up automatically yesterday, but it didn’t. But oh well. Happy belated Father’s Day everyone! Since the original top ten topic for this week (favorite top ten tuesday topics) didn’t apply to me as before this post I literally just had 10 TTT posts, and since I haven’t exactly posted anything that special for Father’s Day, (which was on June 21st,  I think), I decided to do this week’s topic on Top Ten Literary Fathers! Whew, long sentence, sorry. So, anyway, in no particular order (covers link to Goodreads):

1. Atticus Finch, To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee

I think he’s in a lot of great fathers list! He’s a kind man, who strongly believes in equality for everyone, of all races, and is such a great model for his children.

To Kill a Mockingbird_bookcover

2. Sirius Black, Harry Potter by J.K. Rowling

Even though he didn’t have any kids of his own, he’s just such a great father figure to Harry. He just loves Harry, and would die to save him.

Harry Potter Order of the Phoenix_bookcover

3. Arthur Weasley, Harry Potter by J.K. Rowling

Another character from Harry Potter, Arthur Weasley, may not have the most money in the world or come off as exactly a more ordinary wizard, but he doesn’t love his children any less. His love for his family is just simply unconditional and endless, not to mention his love for Harry Potter.

Harry Potter series

4. Arthur Avery, Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell

Cath & Wren’s father does struggle mentally, but still he’s there for his daughters, raising them alone since their mother didn’t want to raise them. He loves his daughters, and would always do anything (within reason) to help them.


5. Luke Garroway, The Mortal Instruments by Cassandra Clare

A surrogate father figure to Clary, Luke had always been a part of her little family of her and Jocelyn. He always helped out, played with Clary, made her laugh, took care of her. And even though he wasn’t officially part of the family, he’s still a great father.

TMI series

6. Daniel, Shadow Falls series by C.C. Hunter

I don’t want to give any spoilers away in case some of you will read this book, so I’ll just say that he stuck around for many, many years to watch over his daughter, and when he left, he never truly did, still helping her out.

Shadow Falls series

7.  Mr. Covey, To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before by Jenny Han

Single-handedly raising three girls, Mr. Covey is loving, charming and caring, making sure they’re happy. He’s simply one of the coolest dads ever.

To All the Boys I've Loved Before_bookcover P.S I Still Love You_bookcover

8. Shalom Singer, The Selection by Kiera Cass

Again, no spoilers, but America’s father is a pretty nice guy, who supports America no matter what happens.


9. Mr. Kadam, Tiger’s Curse by Colleen Houck

Mr. Kadam is a great father figure to the main characters in this series, especially to Ren & Kishan, who have been cursed to live as tigers for hundreds of years. When Kelsey comes into the picture, Mr. Kadam is just as supportive of her, and he loves them all very much.

Tigers Saga

10. Mo, Inkheart by Cornelia Funke

Mo is a wonderful father, who loves his daughter Maggie. Having to raise his daughter without her mother had been difficult, and they did a lot of moving around, but Mo’s love for Maggie remains constant, and he always wants to keep her safe.



So there we have it! Top ten fictional fathers that rock! 🙂 Do you agree? Disagree? Let me know in the comments below!

Happy belated father’s day!


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