Reasons why there should be more YA books set in Canada (Where are thou Canadian authors??)

HAPPY CANADA DAY TO ALL MY CANADIAN FOLK OUT THERE! ❤ ❤ I have been SO EXCITED for this day to come, from a blogging perspective because I’ve wanted to talk about the lack of books set in Canada for a while now and had written this post in advance (I HOPE YOU LIKE IT) and from a literal perspective because it’s Canada’s 150th celebration this year and there is going to be so much fun today and AHHHHHH. *squeals* *starts singing O Canada in the bilingual English & French version because I’m Canadian like that*

Fun fact: I’d learned the bilingual version since preschool because I live in Ottawa and was in french immersion the majority of my school life, and I’m still not 100% confident singing the anthem in English. o.O OOPS. 

So, in honour of Canada Day I decided to have a more Canada themed post for today!! Because it feels like Canada is always sooooo overlooked in real life, sure, but also IN YA BOOKS. I mean, name more than one or two young adult books that are set in Canada?? Exactly. And not just set by name, but actually shows that it’s in Canada, not just says that so and so lives in _____, Canada. You know? There are soooooo many books set in the States, and I don’t mind, I just want more books in Canada because, hey! We exist and we’re kind of fabulous too (if I do say so myself) and having books set in Canada would be the BEST. Agh.

(Oh and!! Last reminder to enter my giveaway to win one released 2017 diverse book! It ends July 3rd, on Monday, and I’ll be contacting the winner on the 4th. 🙂 )Read More »