Spotlight Saturday #1 (September 26th)

Hello everyone! Today I’m joining in on a meme created by a very lovely blogger and friend of mine, Josie @ Josie’s Book Corner! She is absolutely wonderful, and her blog is absolutely fantastic—if you have not followed her blog yet, do so right away! ❤

I can’t say whether I will always be doing this meme, but I’ve decided to do it this week, since it kind of changes things up, and it seemed like such a fun post to do. 🙂 Let’s get on with it!

The official blurb of this meme:

Spotlight Saturday is a weekly feature, created by Josie at Josie’s Book Corner [aka, moi], dedicated to spotlighting and pinpointing some of the things over the week that have caught my attention more than usual, things I’ve particularly loved, etc. 


Being a blogger comes with many perks, the best of them being I make new friends! And I only wish I could spotlight all of you fantastic people I’ve had the pleasure of talking to, because you all deserve it! But alas, I cannot.

So I have decided to spotlight Josie herself! If you follow her blog, you know how much of an awesome person she is. She inspires me so much! She never stops amazing me, with her posts, her genuine personality, and her super cute designs. Not only that, Josie is always so supportive! I can always count on her to make my day. I can also trust her instinct on things since we’re so similar, bookish and otherwise! ❤ Josie, you rock! My blogging experience and the blogging world would not be the same without you.

SBlog Post

Blogging has become a huge part of my life—affecting my reading habits too! That’s why I loved Aentee’s discussion post sharing the ways blogging has changed her reading, since I could relate to a lot of them. I urge you to go check it out right away. She mentions so many awesome points; like how blogging has made her more critical of books, and it has gotten her to read a lot more ‘current’ books. Love it!!



I’m going to be spotlighting Reawakened by Colleen Houck—Since I’ve finally gotten around to reading it! *Victory dance* It’s kind of taking a while for the story to actually get going, but it’s all right so far. Looking forward to seeing how things go further into the novel!


My spotlighted moment definitely goes to watching The Scorch Trials with my friends!! I watched it on the 22nd, which was a Tuesday. I wish I could’ve went on a Friday or something, but I was busy and the tickets are half-price on Tuesday. Anyway, I definitely did not regret the money I spent, because the movie was awesome! It hardly followed the book, but since it’s been a while since I’ve read the book anyway, this didn’t bother me. There were so many cool effects, and so many chilling moments. There were of course some things which I wasn’t a big fan of, but overall, I really loved watching the movie. It was awesome! My friends and I had a great time.

Check out the two trailers below!


This might seem funny, but I’m going with the Clock app on my iPhone. With school ongoing and me having to now wake up at a set time, it’s one of my most used apps right now! I often set several alarms to make sure I don’t oversleep. Especially since I try to get up earlier so I can get in some blogging before I have to leave for school. Right now, this app is one of my best friends to make sure I’m not going to miss the bus!


I’m kind of just listening to all sorts of songs lately; to be honest there isn’t just one that is sticking out to me right now! So I’ll go with the song I just listened to: On My Mind by Ellie Goulding! It’s being released as part of her brand new album Delirium, and the video was released just 5 days ago. The video I found to be kind of odd, but the song is pretty good!


“Often, when I am able to check out a book, I read it a dozen times before returning it, desperate to remain lost in the magic of someone else’s story.”

This quote is from The Book of Ivy by Amy Engel, which I recently finished. The book was really good! It didn’t take me long to finish it, and it had me interested whenever I picked it up. And I really liked this quote, which is why I’m spotlighting it! Even though it doesn’t specifically apply to me, I definitely understand the want and need of being immersed into another world, someone else’s life.

Check out the trailer of the book below!

Anyway, that’s it for my first Spotlight Saturday post! It was lots of fun to do, I just might do it next week as well. 🙂 So tell me, how has your week gone by? What do you think of this week’s spotlights? Would you like to see more of these posts? Let me know in the comments below!

Hope you’re enjoying the weekend!

Until the Next Meal, Analee

15 thoughts on “Spotlight Saturday #1 (September 26th)

  1. Thank you so much for spotlighting my post – I’m so glad you found found it relatable 😀 I’ve heard so much great thing about The Scorch Trials as well! Also I agree, Josie is the loveliest and such a superstar! I love her, so beautiful inside and out 😀

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I’m so glad you enjoyed The Scorch Trials, it released on 25th here and I went yesterday to see it, absolutely loved the movie! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Great Post! OMG! You’re reading Reawakened! It’s one of my highly anticipating books! Can’t wait to read your thoughts on it. I’m glad you liked The book of Ivy. I really enjoyed reading it and the end totally killed me.Can’t wait to know what’s beyond the fence. I haven’t watched Scorch Trials yet but I’m going to soon. 😀

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks, Raven!
      Yes! You have no idea how happy I am to finally read it.
      Yep, the book was really good! Can’t wait to dive into the second book. I would’ve done so already, but I’m trying to first write out a review on it so I don’t get mixed up between the two books. 🙂
      Yay! I hope you enjoy The Scorch Trials once you see it. ❤

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Aw, Analee! You are such a sweetheart! I adore you so much and I adore your blog! I feel so special, being spotlighted twice in one week! ❤
    I love the song On My Mind by Ellie Goulding! When I stumbled upon it I had to listen to it on repeat!
    I LOVE Aentee’s blog and I especially remember loving that post of hers!
    Thank you again Analee for the spotlight and for doing my weekly feature! You are so amazing and awesome ❤

    xoxo, @ Josie’s Book Corner

    Liked by 1 person

    • ❤ Josie, you're so sweet! Thank you. I love ya, girl!
      Haha I know right? It's really catchy and Ellie sounds awesome.
      Yes! Aentee's blog is fabulous. If I could I'd spotlight all her posts, LOL.
      And no need to thank me, Josie! It's all facts. 😀 And this was super fun to do! You're a genius. 😉


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