The TBR Book Tag!

Hi there everyone! I have been less active lately on my blog and I’m really sorry for that! I’m currently working on getting a bunch of reviews up and ready to go, hopefully I’ll get those finished! Even though school just started, I already have several things to complete, so I’m kind of behind on things. Anyway, I’m back with another tag for you guys: the TBR book tag, in which the lovely Josie from Josie’s Book Corner has tagged me, (in the comments)! TBR means, in case you didn’t know, ‘to-be-read’. My TBR is over the moon honestly, I have waaaay to many books that I have yet to read. So this tag is great! Anywho, let’s get on with the tag!

How do you keep track of your TBR pile?


Goodreads!!! I don’t know what I’d do without Goodreads. I have tons of books on my TBR and I usually just keep track of everything from there! However, there are times where I hear of a book, write it down somewhere, telling myself I’ll add it to my Goodreads shelf, but end up forgetting to. This happens more times than I care to admit, (and as a result I’m sure I have a lot of books on my TBR written on paper that I have yet to add to Goodreads) but for the most part Goodreads is my best friend when it comes to my TBR.

Is your TBR mostly print or eBook?

Both, I think. In past years it probably would’ve been ebook, but as I’ve been increasing my physical book buying (wonderful for my shelves, terrible for my wallet) it’s kind of evened out now and I have a lot of print and ebooks waiting to be read.

How do you determine which book from your TBR to read next?

It’s a pretty spontaneous decision, really! Sometimes I choose books I have recently hauled, sometimes books that have been really hyped, and sometimes it’s just really up to my mood! Feeling down about something? Cheesy contemporary it is! Wanting some action? A thriller or fantasy! You get the idea. If I have review copies I usually try to give those priority as well.

A book that’s been on your TBR list the longest?

Mansfield Park

Huh. This is a hard one! I have no idea, but I would say Mansfield Park by Jane Austen. It’s one of the only Jane Austen books I haven’t read, and I have been meaning to for a while!

A book you recently added to your TBR?

The Legend of Me

Will you just look at this book! The Legend of Me by Rebekah L. Purdy is slated to be released on Februaray 2016, and I will surely be keeping my eye out for this one!

A book on your TBR strictly because of it’s beautiful cover?

The Last of the Firedrakes

The Last of the Firedrakes by Farah Oomerbhoy has such a beautiful cover! It looks so magical and has a very fairytail-istic look to it that I just love. I don’t know much about the story, but this book is definitely on my TBR. (LOL quite superficial of me, but you can’t just look at this cover and resist it! Not if you’re like me, at least. <3)

A book on your TBR that you never plan on reading?


Possession by Elana Johnson seems like an interesting novel, but I just don’t think I’ll ever be reading this one! Mostly just due to time priorities, and just lack of interest compared to other books. There IS still a chance I will read this one day, but I have no plans of that in the near future. Though if you read and liked this book, maybe one of you guys will change my mind!

An unpublished book on your TBR that you’re excited for?

ALL THE UNBUBLISHED BOOKSSSS. Kidding. Not really. There are so many awesome-seeming unpublished books that I am dying to have in my hands right now!

Winter by Marissa Meyer, Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo, The Winner’s Kiss by Marie Rutkoski, Ten Thousand Skies Above You by Claudia Gray, First & Then by Emma Mills are just few of the books that I can’t wait to get my hands on! I love how 4/5 of these are sci-fi, fantasy and all that, and I only have one book that is contemporary… there are a bunch more that I wish I could put in here, but if I do we’ll be here until Christmas. 😉

A book on your TBR that everyone has read but you?

Anna & the French Kiss_bookcover2

Honestly, I feel as if every single bookworm has read Anna and the French Kiss by Stephanie Perkins. It’s like some kind of unspoken rule or something! It’s everywhere. Don’t know when I’ll be getting around to this, but I will give it a try for sure.

A book on your TBR that everyone recommends to you?

The Young Elites

Maybe not everyone because everyone hasn’t read this book, but a lot of people has recommended The Young Elites by Marie Lu and I really want to read it! Especially since I’ve also read and loved Marie Lu’s Legend trilogy.

A book on your TBR that you’re dying to read?

The Queen of the Tearling_bookcover

The Queen of the Tearling by Erika Johansen seems soooo good and I honestly am dying to read it. And if I’m not mistaken, this book is even slated for a movie (not much planned yet though) and Emma Watson has shown interest in it! Ahhhhhhh!!!! Although I haven’t heard much on this news lately, you can check out this link for more details. Everyone and their mother has seemed to like this book, so I can’t wait to read it sometime.

How many books are on your Goodreads TBR shelf?

More than I’ll ever be able to read, I’m sure, since I have 1095 books (last time I checked, at least) on my Goodreads TBR shelf!! I just never seem to be able to stop adding books to my TBR. Not to mention that this 1095 isn’t even the whole thing; I have a bunch of other books I need to add to my Goodreads shelf that I haven’t done yet. So, yes! Clearly I am unable to comprehend that I already have more books than I will ever need since I keep adding even more all the time. XD

I know I tagged a lot of people in my Summer Reader Book Tag, so I will try to tag other people this time, but feel free to do this tag if you want to! I’ll even add your name to the post if you want to do it—just let me know in the comments below and consider it done! ❤ This was a super fun tag so it would be great if you wanted to do it as well.

I tag:

No one is obligated to do this tag, but if you do, great! ❤ Just link back so I can come check it out.

What did you think of my choices? Let me know in the comments!

Analee 10

49 thoughts on “The TBR Book Tag!

  1. I really want to read all these unpublished books as well! And I haven’t read Anna And The French Kiss either, so you’re not alone. 😉 I’m really looking forward to The Young Elites and The Queen of The Tearling as well! This truly is a great tag. 😀

    Liked by 1 person

    • I know right? Can’t wait ’till they’re all released!
      Yay, I’m glad! It honestly seems like everyone has read it.
      Yes, I can’t wait to read them both! Ha ha we should maybe do a read-along one day. 😉
      It is! If you haven’t done it, I officially tag you! I’ll add your name to the post. ❤ I'd love to see your answers!

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Haha, you’re not alone with Anna and the French kiss. I haven’t read it yet either! But I’m with ya, I feel like everyone else has read it! I just haven’t gotten around to it. Maybe someday. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Even I added The Last of the Firedrakes to my TBR simply because of the cover! (Not something I do very often, though) Mansfield Park is one of my favourite Jane Austen novels, you should totally go read it! And *gasp* Anna and the French Kiss? Really, Analee?

    Liked by 1 person

    • I know right, it’s such a beautiful cover! ❤
      Well, in that case, I will definitely give a try to Mansfield Park sometime. I'm glad to hear you enjoyed it!
      I know, I know! *Looks down at feet in shame* XD I've been told it's amazing, so I will most assuredly read it. 😉
      Have you done this tag? If not, I officially tag you! I'd love to see your answers.

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Great answers! I couldn’t live without Goodreads either, it’s just so helpful to keep track of books, and find new ones! 🙂
    I think I have Possession on my TBR, too, it’s been forever, and I still didn’t find time to pick this one up. I don’t think I’m that eager to read it, actually, ahah! 🙂 Anna and the French Kiss really is a good book, it’s sweet and cute, for a light read it’s perfect! 😀


  5. I did this tag last year I think, here is my link if you want a read
    The TBR Tag. via @Chocolate_Pages
    My tbr on Goodreads is quite small compared to yours, but I only have put on there the books that I already have in my possesion. I wrote it last year so it will be a bit bigger now. I think I would panic if my list was over a 1000.
    Great tag,
    Amanda. x


  6. I’m glad I’m not the only one who haven’t Anna And The French Kiss yet. It’s been in my TBR for a long time but I didn’t get around to read it yet. I’m so excited to Six of Crows too. OMG! 1059 books in your TBR!!! Good luck finishing them girl! 😀


  7. Tell me about it! ❤
    Yes, do, and tell me how you liked it. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did! 😀
    Well, it's one of the sweetest, cutest books I've read this year, so you absolutely must give it a try ASAP! 😛


  8. […] Monday, my least favorite day of the week! Anyway, I’m back with another tag. I was tagged by Analee @ Book Snacks to do the TBR Book Tag. As bookworms, we all know how important TBR piles are. They can be so […]


  9. Thanks so much for the tag! This looks like a super fun one to do. I am excited to share my answers.

    I love goodreads too! And Mansfield Park was on my TBR pile for a while too. It’s definitely worth the read. I am super excited for Winter to come out too! Thanks for sharing!


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