‘Tis the Season | BOOK TAG

Hello my friends! It’s the month of December (obviously) and you all know it’s a month of festivities and of course, holidays and Christmas. So I’m here today with a holiday-themed tag that I’ve been spotting around the blogosphere here and there. I was tagged by Catia @ The Girl Who Read Too Much; thank you so much, lovely! If you’re not already following this wonderful lady, what are you waiting for? (Not my wrath, I hope. I can be very fierce when I want to be. Just kidding! Kind of. :P) But yes, point is, you should go check out Catia’s blog right away, for she is absolutely lovely and her blog is fabulous. Just take my word for it—or even better, find out for yourself!

Alright, so… shall we go on to the tag? Why yes, we shall. 😉

1. Do you have a favorite winter read?

Hmm… I think I’m going to have to go with Catia on this one and choose My True Love Gave To Me by various authors, a collection of short stories which I find to be perfect for this time of year. Which reminds me, better get my review up for that sometime this month! I read it earlier this year, but have been waiting to post the review for the perfect time.

My True Love Gave to Me

2. Find a book with blue on the cover!

Why only oneeeeee?! It was a tough choice—seriously, there are a lot more covers with blue on the cover than I thought there would be—but I finally decided to go with Shiver by Maggie Stiefvater. It’s not fully blue, but I felt like it went well with the whole winter season that is linked with the month of December. 😉



3. Find a book you’d use as the star on a Christmas tree!

I’m not sure if we’re supposed to have read the book for this question…? But in any case, I’m going with a book on my TBR; The Beginning of Everything by Robyn Schneider! Except for the blue of the title, the cover is a really bright yellow, and even though I don’t know if the story within its pages reflect that, but it seems to me that this is a suitable choice! I actually currently have a copy of this from the library, and I am planning on reading it sometime soon (hopefully).

The Beginning of Everything

4. Pick one fictional place that would be perfect for a winter vacation!

I’m trying to be creative and not come up with the answer you guys should all know is coming, but of course I fail; a trip to Hogsmeade would be wonderful for a vacation…and maybe while we’re at it, a trip to Hogwarts! 😛 It sounds like the perfect place to me; Butterbeer and wizard sweets, inns and all sorts of fun. What’s not to like?


5. Pick one fictional character you’d take with you on your winter vacation!

I’ve held in my angsty dilemma so far, but…ALL THESE ‘ONE’ QUESTIONS WILL BE THE DEATH OF ME. I swear, I know they will be. You guys all know by now how terrible I am with choosing only one thing as an answer, right? I kind of rant about this for basically any book tag I do because THEY NEVER WANT MORE THAN ONE. Whyyyyyyy. Okay, I’m sorry. I’ve managed to do so so far, so…*Deep breath* I don’t suppose I could bring along my whole list of book boyfriends, now can I? (Although, now that I think of it, I doubt that would go over too well between all the guys…)

Carswell Thorne

Alright, so I’ve decided to go with Captain Thorne from the Lunar Chronicles series! It was hard to choose, I’m telling you, but finally I thought, why not? Captain Thorne ensnared me with his boyish charms and also, he’s a lot of fun to have around! My winter vacation would definitely not be boring, that’s for sure.

6. Name one book on your wish list this year!

Oh god. *Pulls out fancy scroll that goes all the way to the ground* The agony. THE AGONY.

Alright, does… “Nearly every book on my TBR” count as an answer? Because I swear that’s all I have. LOL, okay fine, I’ll be serious. I’m going to go with Lady Midnight by Cassandra Clare! It releases sometime this upcoming year—yay!! I know some people are rolling their eyes, like, “Geez, another Shadowhunter-themed book?” but not me! I’d gobble up basically anything Clare writes, and I have no complaints if it has to do with Shadowhunters. 😉

Lady Midnight

7. Favorite holiday drink, treat, & movie?

Ah, the real deal! The most important questions here. Okay, folks. Let’s do this.

Favorite holiday drink: Hot chocolate! Yep, I’m a pair of old and boring socks. But sometimes the traditional way is best, no? Deal with it.

Hot Chocolate + Cream & Marshmellows
Can you blame me from being a fan of hot chocolate when it looks like this?! Mm…

Favorite treat.. hmm… how about, ‘anything with chocolate?’ I’m not even joking right now… Mmm, chocolate. I’m hungry now. I shall make you guys hungry too with the picture below! Mwa-ha-ha. I also really like candy canes. 😉


And finally, favorite holiday movie… hmm, although there are tons of them out there, I can choose nothing other than of course the classic Home Alone! My only peeve is: Macaulay Culkin, if only you stayed as adorable as you were back then! Ah, some people age worse than others, I guess. :/

8. Who do you tag?

Let us share the holiday spirit! I’m going to tag a bunch of you to start off, but although I’d love to tag you all, I doubt I’d have the space (or time) to do so without us being here for another 20 years! BUT PLEASE. I’d love to add you on if you want to do the tag. Just leave a comment below! ❤ Make sure to link back to this post if you do it so I’m sure not to miss it. On with the tagging!

Hope you guys are all enjoying your month of December so far! Let me know whatever thoughts you may have down below. ❤ I love you guys all so much, see you all again in my next post! Hugs!

Until the Next Meal, Analee

WWW Wednesday #32 (November 11th, 2015)

Hello bookworms! Can you guess what day it is today?? (If you guess Remembrance Day, then you aren’t wrong, but…) It’s Wednesday once again and that means it’s time for another… (Do I even need to tell you) WWW Wednesday!

Feel free to join in on the meme (hosted by Sam @ Taking On a World of Words) by answering the three questions below:

What are you currently reading?
What did you recently finish reading?
What do you think you’ll read next?

Currently Reading

I’ve decided to start A Madness So Discreet this week seeing how it’s a library book and I want to make sure I have the time to finish it! I’m not too far into it yet (thanks, school) but it’s pretty good so far!

I’m still in the process of completing my re-read of Eternal, but I have my fingers crossed that I’ll be able to finish it this week! There’s not that much left of it.

Recently Finished

Library of Souls was a great read! I’ve kind of lost my touch with creepy stories (AKA I’ve become more of a scared-y cat) since the last time I read a creepy story was probably at the beginning of this year. XD So this turned out to be a really chilling read for me, and I loved it!

Cress was a last minute addition to my reading this week! I decided, since Winter is being released soon, I should re-read Cress so I have more of a clear view of everything that has happened. I would’ve re-read the whole series but I didn’t have the time. And re-reading Cress was, of course, an amazing experience. (AND NOW WINTER IS HERE YAYYYY!!!)

Read Next

I will definitely be reading Winter as soon as possible! I mean, come on guys. IT’S FINALLY HERE. *Dances around crazily* I’m hoping my recent habit (of reading newly released books a month or so later) will not intrude here.

Unspoken is the conclusion to the Shadow Falls After Dark series, and after I’m finished Eternal, I will definitely try to get to this. Equally sad and excited to read it! 😉

The Weight of Feathers, The Dead House, and, as usual, Ink And Bone are still on my read next, and although I don’t know if I’ll manage to get to these, I will certainly try! (But I think we all know it ain’t gonna happen this week…sadly.)

So that’s it for this week’s reading! Now it’s your turn to talk—though I know you guys would love it if I talked all the time—by telling me: What do you think, what you’re reading this week, and whatever thought you may have! (And don’t feel shy to stop by to say hello! <3) Also feel free to link your WWW posts as well, I’d love to come check them out.

Happy Wednesday, and for those of you in Canada, remember to wear your poppies!

Until the Next Meal, Analee

Top Ten Tuesday—AKA Thursday #23 (September 22/24): Top Ten Books On My Fall TBR

Hello everyone! I’m 2 days late on this one, but here I am with a Top Ten Tuesday post, (a meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish)! This week’s topic is Top Ten Books on my Fall TBR. I have way too many books on my Fall TBR to count, but here are some! 🙂 (I’ll be dividing it between released and unreleased books)

Released Books on my Fall TBR

Everything, Everything_bookcover1. Everything, Everything by Nicola Yoon

This book has been so hyped up, so I’m glad to finally get the chance to read it! I will definitely be reading it sometime this fall, it’s already been so long since its release!

2. Vengeance Road by Erin BowmanVengeance Road

The concept of this seems very unique, and I’ve heard great things about this one as well! I already have a copy of this one, and I can’t wait to jump into it.

Dumplin3. Dumplin’ by Julie Murphy

This is one of my anticipated reads of 2015 ever since I heard about it, because it just seems so body-positive and diverse as well. I’ve read some mixed reviews, but the things I’ve heard were generally positive. Can’t wait to read it!

4. The Well of Ascension by Brandon SandersonThe Well of Ascension

I’m eager to continue with the next book in the Mistborn series—I read The Final Empire and loved it!—and so I will definitely try to get around to this book!

Dorothy Must Die5. Dorothy Must Die by Danielle Paige

It honestly seems like everyone has read this book, and it seems great, so this will definitely be one of my priorities this fall!

Books yet-to-be-published on my Fall TBR:

6. Winter by Marissa MeyerWinter_bookcover

This is a given considering how awesome this series is! I will definitely be getting around to it when it releases November 10th.

The Rest of Us Just Live Here_bookcover7. The Rest of Us Just Live Here by Patrick Ness

This book releases on October 6th, thank goodness it’s not as far away as before! I simply can’t wait to dive into another Patrick Ness book, and this one seems awesome!

8. Six of Crows by Leigh BardugoSix of Crows

Can you believe this book will be releasing 6 days from now?! Give it to me!! I can’t wait to read this, in case you couldn’t tell. This book is a spin-off off the Grisha trilogy, and I can’t help but hope for some guest appearances of some of the characters from the trilogy! 😉 Guess I’ll just have to wait to see.

Zeroes9. Zeroes by Scott Westerfeld, Margo Lanagan, and Deborah Biancotti. Published September 29.

A collaboration between three authors, Zeroes will be releasing September 29th, the same as Six of Crows, yay! So much awesomeness in books, am I right?! Anyway, this book seems like a great read, and I will definitely be reading this one.

6. Carry On by Rainbow RowellCarry On

I loved Rainbow Rowell’s Fangirl, which this book is based on, and I can’t wait to read this book, which is a fanfiction story written by Cath, the main character in Fangirl.

I have too many honourable mentions to count, so I’m acutally not going to bother naming them all! XD Basically I want to get to most of the books that were released this month—’cause there are some awesome-seeming books that were released this month,

So that’s it for this week’s Top Ten Tuesday/Thursday! I know it’s late, but I’d really love to know if any of these books are on your fall TBR as well! I sure do hope I’m not a lone black sheep here. 😉 And I’d also love to know what other books are on your fall TBR! Let me know in the comments below! ❤

Until the Next Meal, Analee