Types of commenters // Because categorizing things is my favourite? + I reached 1k (!!!) + GIVEAWAY

Thought since like, Wednesday (?): Either the 1000 is made of random bots or there are actually people who followed and read my posts??? I DO NOT KNOW. 

[Okay, but I recently finished Geekerella and the MC had like, 30 000 followers on her blog over the course of a few days?? HOW??? (Oh right, fictional being. Ha.) ]

Helllo everyone and I hope you’re doing well (and enjoying Father’s Day)!! I am so glad it’s the weekend omg though it’s ending so quickly?? I have extended family over and it’s super hectic (which is why I’ve been slower with blog hopping and comments!) but weekends are weekends!

In other news, in case… somehow you didn’t read the title?? (idk it could happen I guess) I REACHED 1000 FOLLOWERS!! Don’t worry, I won’t go all mushy on you but to all of you who reads, likes, and/or comments on my posts, thank you so much, it honestly means the world to me and one of the biggest reasons I continue to blog.  So THANK YOU ily guys so much!! ❤ (I still half feel like I’m dreaming but whateverrr apparently it’s real?)

So I talked a bit about my thoughts on comments last time, and it inspired me to come up with: A LIST! Because people seem to like those (same #lists4ever) and also because categorizing things is a pass time of mine (lol), this time we’re going to focus on: Types of commenters*!!  As my ever-so-grateful thanks for all of you who follow (and comment) on my blog. 😉 ❤ AND! I have a little extra surprise for y’all at the bottom as well which I also revealed in the title!! Am I kind of forcing you to stay and read this post yes yes I am.

*WHYYY is commenter underlined in red??? I even added it to dictionary STOP IT’S A WORD (isn’t it)?Read More »

How important are followers and comments to being a ‘successful’ blogger?

Thought of the day: It’s hot today and I really really want ice cream. 

Hiiii everyone!! How are you all today? Today I’m here with a blogging discussion, because it’s been SO LONG since I last did one and they’re so much fun to write! (Though half the time I have no idea what I’m writing, but shh. Minor details.)

So, I was glancing at my stats the other day, and I’m almost at 1000 WordPress followers?! I’m currently at 998, without counting my email followers. And gosh, I’m just so surprised and shocked and so THANKFUL, above all, that there are actual people out there who read (and sometimes even enjoy?? I hope???) my insaneeee sleep-deprived rambles omg haha. ❤

Which brings me to this post! I’m planning a follower-themed appreciation post when I hit 1000 (and possibly a giveaway? POSSIBLY. I am a poor broke bookworm, but fingers crossed!!) but for now I’m going to just share some of the thoughts I’ve had on blog followers and being a ‘successful’ blogger!! LET’S GO.Read More »