
Hello bookworms! My name’s Analee.

Welcome to my blog Book Snacks, where I share my bookish ramblings and gobble up books for breakfast, lunch and dinner! If you like books too, let’s be friends! But first…

Who am I?

I’m an American-born Canadian teenager, currently living in Ottawa, Ontario. Apart from being a full-time complete and total fangirl & bibliophile, I’m also in my first year of university and am a total book collector as of a few years ago. I’ve loved reading ever since I learned how to read, and if you try to take away my books or my ereader, I will most definitely not hold back from unleashing my wrath. But don’t worry, otherwise, I’m harmless! 😉 When I’m not in the world of bookish wonders, I’m generally either with earphones jamming away to music, typing furiously on my computer, or trying (and failing) to keep up with the hectic and sometimes unforgiving thing called life.

A few of my favorite authors include J.K. Rowling, Jennifer L. Armentrout, Cassandra Clare, Sarah J. Maas, Laini Taylor, Renee Ahdieh, Patrick Ness, Suzanne Collins, Tahereh Mafi, Leigh Bardugo, Marie Rutkoski, Jennifer Niven—but there are much more!

My Story

The story of how my blog came to be is not that interesting, so I’ll give you a more condensed version; I wanted to share my love of books with others for a while, but unfortunately I couldn’t always do that with my friends. So I had the idea that I wanted to somehow spread my thoughts on a book to other people. And then came in the idea of blogging, which I got from an assignment I had to do way back in middle school. 🙂 Not that interesting. But feel free to check out the more detailed and well-written version of my blog story here, if you’d like!

A few things I love:

  • Obviously, BOOOOOOOOKS. Give them all to me! I consider myself to be a pretty fast reader, and have been reading books for quite the number of years, but I am still nowhere near completing my TBR, which is over a 1000 books on Goodreads. And that’s not even all the books I want to read! Clearly I have some problems.
  • Young-Adult fiction. This kind of goes in with the books thing. I love YA fiction. I read NA and MG books too, but YA is definitely my favourite. I can pretty much get into any genre in the YA category, although I don’t read many historical novels. My favourite genres are fantasy, paranormal romance, dystopia/sci-fi, and contemporary. I also don’t mind the occasional thriller or mystery. Bottom line is; YA fiction is life. ❤
  • My Kobo. I got my first Kobo back in elementary school, and I’ve loved it ever since! I’ve really grown attached to ebooks in the past years, and a while back, I kind of even fell out of touch with physical books. I know, I know, I still feel the shame. But then I discovered them once again and now I love both ebooks and physical books. They both have their perks, after all! But in the end, if you do anything to put my Kobo to risk, you’re dead to me. Just to let you know.
  • Buying books. My wallet cries at this fact, but it’s just so satisfying buying books! Or even just gawking at them in bookstores which happens often enough lol. I buy too many of them…
  • CHOCOLATEEEEE. (!!!) Second only to my love of all things bookish (so, the above three things basically), chocolate is honestly my best friend! Give me chocolate, and I will probably love you for life. (Wow, I’m really easy to please, aren’t I?) If I could, I’d eat it all the time. Which is probably not a healthy thing, but never mind that. How can you go wrong with chocolate?!! It’s actually one of my favourite foods for like, ever.
  • Harry Potter. I am a total Potterhead; Harry Potter is life, peoples. Nothing more to say. If you haven’t read it, I COMMAND YOU TO READ IT AT ONCE. Or else… *Dun dun dun…* 😉
  • Bath and Body Works. If you’re a girl who lives in North America, you understand the love here. Their products just smell so good!
  • Movies. I actually don’t watch that many movies when you compare to others, but the ones I do, I generally like. I especially like seeing book-to-movie adaptations, because although I always have the fear that it will be messed up (I’m looking at you, Percy Jackson), I love seeing a book come to life.
  • Disney. I absolutely love Disney!! No more needs to be said. 😉 One of my biggest wishes of all time was to go to Disneyland… I’ve still never been. Kind of tragic, huh? *SOB*
  • TV Shows. I binge too many TV shows and it’s not healthy??! Shows I’m obsessed with: RIVERDALE omg, The 100, Jane the Virgin, Gilmore Girls, FRIENDS, Stranger Things, The Crown, etc.
  • Emojis. Err, random fact? Yes, I know. But it’s still something I love—don’t judge! I tend to go overboard on emojis sometimes… oops! I can’t help it, I just feel like it adds a bit more of a tone to whatever I type. You’ll soon see that I often use them! 😀 (Haha, see what I did there?)
  • Travelling. I hardly get the chance to actually travel, like outside my country (Canada) but omggg I WANT TO. There are so many places and countries I want to visit, from France to Japan to England to Italy, and ahhhh so many places!! THE WANDERLUST IS REAL, I tell you! I only hope one day my wish will come true, aha.
  • And a bunch of other things! 

The Blog

What can you expect from my blog? Here on the blog, my content varies from different types of posts: discussion posts, memes (Top Ten Tuesday), lists, and books reviews!

So feel free to tune into whatever suits your fancy! I hope you can find some to your liking. 😛


Made these using this watercolor freebie from Angie Makes; credit for background goes to her, edits made by myself. 🙂

Arrow retrieved from Freepik

Images I’ve taken myself will be indicated in the post itself, otherwise the image is retrieved from Google and I don’t own it. I also occasionally use images from Freepik; in those cases, credit will be given in the post itself (aside from the above arrow).

Now that we’ve gotten past the introductions, talk to me! I’ve told you about myself, now I’d love to know more about you. Don’t be afraid to tell me below if you have a blog as well! I’d love to check it out. Not to mention I love connecting with my readers and making friends. ❤

Also, if you want to contact me, either head over to my Contact page or send me an email at analee.suoymnona@yahoo.ca. For review requests, please check out my Review Policy, and then head over to my Review Request Form page.

Now go get comfy and grab a book to eat, we have some snacking to do! 

Feel free to connect with me:  Goodreads Icon Twitter Icon

166 thoughts on “About

  1. Your blog is gorgeous. As someone who works in book publishing’s marketing and publicity side, this is exactly what we look for in a book reviewer’s page! Well done, and I can’t wait to read more from you. 😉

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Hey Analee!!!!! My name is Annalee!!!! Isn’t that cool? I am following your totally awesome blog!!!!!!!!!! I love emojis too. My favorite emoji is this one. 📚

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Hey, Analee!! I absolutely LOVED reading your blog!! You seem to be such a cool person!! You also seem to be an expert in this blogging thing. I’m relatively new, so I guess anyone who’s been here far longer than I am is an expert. XD I look forward to reading more of your stuff in the future. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • HI!! Thank you SO MUCH, you literally just made my day. ❤❤❤ Aw haha I wouldn’t say that but I’ve been blogging for two and a half years almost, so I guess there’s that! 🙈 Thanks, I hope you continue to enjoy my blog! 💕


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