Blogging things I am very behind on // Because procrastination! And other distractions!

Hi everyone!! How are you? I hope you’re doing well since the last time I’ve spoken to you guys, which wasn’t that very long ago actually. 🙂 Today, I wanted to talk a bit about blogging habits… a bit more of an unconventional topic, though perhaps?? I don’t even know what inspired this post, honestly, but it’s something that I was wondering if anyone else had dealt with? Blogging, as we all know, takes much time and there are certain things you need to work on regularly, of course, like blog posts. But that’s not the only thing that goes with blogging! There are so many aspects to it which I am TOTALLY BEHIND ON, apart from blog posts (though I’ve been getting better at preparing blog posts so YAY), that can still be important! And I wanted to share those today!!

Tags and awards.

WHY AM I WRITING THIS POST is the true question here?? I’m like revealing my true procrastinating self here, that’s not very good for my image oops. 😛

But okay, the amount of tags I have from this year and the past two years is INSANE. I’ve lost count of what I’ve been tagged in and when, gosh I haven’t so much as opened a tag in so long! There are so many I’ve accumulated, and I just don’t know where to start haha.

Updating my menu bar/categories

My categories are kind of a mess? I definitely want to make things simpler for people to find, and less confusing! Mostly I’ve been procrastinating on that one because I just recently added a category and now I have to go through my published posts to add them to the category and I CRY. Question: How did you guys organize your posts??? Feel free to let me know how I can improve my categories/menu bar!

Keeping up with other blog posts

I promiseeeeee I will be better with this!! I AM TRYING I PROMISE. I’m super super behind on so many blogs? Binge commenting will be a very very huge part of my blogging life for a very long time. Thankfully it’s the summer and although I’m not free persay because I’ve taken a summer course and I have work, etc. I am more free than I was which is something!! So more blog hopping YAYYY. I’ve missed reading everyone’s posts so much. *cries*

Updating my sidebar

This, too, hasn’t been updated in forever, much like my categories! WHY AM I SO BEHIND ON THINGS. WordPress is pretty easy to use, and there are lots of widgets options, etc,  and I’ve been meaning to make my sidebar more cleaner and neat, because not only is that better for YOU but also I feel like it’s way too cluttered?? So DECLUTTERING YES. Someone push me to do this?

Updating my review index.

So I saw in my stats the other day there were people clicking on my review index pages? And um *laughs nervously* I’m honestly scared as to what they found there?? like my old reviews 

Not anything bad, mind you, but like I haven’t went as much to CLICK on them since 2015 or 2016, let alone update them with more recent and recent-ish reviews? Just the horrible old reviews that I never want to look at ever I totally want to spruce it up a bit more, make it fit with my theme and make it more aesthetic! (Because it’s just so boring at the moment.) But I get distracted very easily and I never actually sat down to do anything about it? #oops

Writing reviews

Speaking of review indexes and recent reviews… erm. I haven’t been writing that many reviews lately? I don’t even want to know when my last one was posted/written?? *hides*

It’s not that I don’t want to or even that I haven’t been reading, I do and I have!! Just… not actually sitting down to write the reviews? I KNOW, I KNOW. I’ve given up the idea that I would review each and every book I read BUT I will definitely go back to writing reviews a bit more often, at least for books I’m really excited for! I really do want to write more of them!! SOMEDAY. Pray for me. It’s so great to share my thoughts and fangirl over a book.

Updating my ‘About’ page.

I love About pages! Whenever I discover a new blog I love to see their About page. And my About page was A LOT worse once upon a time *shudders* but it still needs some major updating and work haha. Some things like the type of posts, things I like, are so totally out of date it’s kind of funny?? And I definitely want to make it seem more of “ME” and add graphics and such. Why do I never do it? I don’t know man. (THERE’S A MILLION THINGS I HAVEN’T DONE.)


What blogging things are you behind on?? (Or are you a very very put-together blogger in which case I PRAISE YOU and ask you to teach me your waysssss?!) How often do you post reviews on your blog? Someone push me to get these done I’m procrastinating too much! #halp ALSO bonus: Tell me your most recent favourite read!! I’m falling into a slump and need to either fangirl if I’ve read/loved the book or get BOOK RECS YES.


56 thoughts on “Blogging things I am very behind on // Because procrastination! And other distractions!

  1. I OBVIOUSLy am so updated with all these things and can totally look down on your for being such a bad blogger.
    WELL, only my about page is updated and THE REST IS THE SAME PROBLEM. Tags, and awards and my sidebar and UGH. I’m up to date with all the blogs though?!

    I publish reviews like once or twice a month? For a while, I stopped writing reviews all together but now I make sure I have at least one every month BECUASE It is supposed to be book blog? Strange The Dreamer was my most recent favourite read AND I LOVED IT AND I LOVED IT AND I LOVED IT

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I am so bad at commenting and stuff not because I don’t love everyone’s stuff but time. I totally binge comments on blogs

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  3. I have the same problems! I don’t even have an about me page which is really weird because it’s the first place I check out on any new blogs I find. I need to delete some old, embarassing reviews and update the list if reviews. Also finish at least some of the posts that I’ve started to write. Bloggers that seem to have everything under control amaze me. But hey, maybe we’ll get there too someday 🙂

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    • Oh I’m so glad I’m not alone!! 🙈 Ahah I didn’t have one for a while too, and yeah it’s definitely something I love checking out on new blogs! Agh my reviews are a complete mess, I really need to update my list!! 😳 Oh and yes for sure I have so many drafts waiting to be finished haha. I knowww like HOW?!? Yess we’ll get there!! 💪

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  4. Well I feel like I am behind on everything sort of because I just changed my schedule from three days a week to two so I can get more reading done so I can write reviews. 😛
    And as for book recs if you appreciate ballet I’m reading Life in Motion by Misty Copeland right now and it’s really inspiring and it is one of the VERY few nonfictions that I’m ACTUALLY really enjoying. 🙂
    Another one of my FAVORITE SERIES EVER right now is Steelheart by Brandon Sanderson. I’m reading the second book right now and I love it! It’s technically dystopian I guess, but it’s not like the regular dystopian like DIvergent/Hunger Games and all that. It’s about super villains and awesome powers and sassy and awkward characters and I think the best way to describe the theme at least would be kinda like the Avengers or X Men? Anyway It’s sooooo good and I feel so alone because I have nobody to talk about it with! D:

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    • Ahah that can take some adjustment for sure!! 🙈 I honestly don’t have any reason not to be caught up though?? 😂 OOH I never heard of it!! I don’t usually read nonfiction but I’m glad you’re enjoying it, I might have to check it out. 😊
      Ohh I’ve read only one book by Brandon Sanderson but I’ve heard so much about his books!! I’m so glad it’s not like a regular dystopian haha I’ve gotten quite tired of those. YAY super villains and sassy characters?? Count me innnn I must read this book now 😍 Aw I know the feeling!


  5. Tags and awards!!!! Oh my goodness, the list is long! Too long! I don’t do them often as I have so many other things planned. I’m a fairly new blogger so there isn’t much else to update. But the tags…. 😂

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  6. I really wish I was more organized and up to date with my blog too! Though I think the one thing that is rather up to date is my review index – which, thank god! I’m not really writing too many of my ‘typical’ reviews at the moment because I’ve kind of gotten tired of them. I do need to get back to it though, I think!

    You know what I think? There’s nothing better than publicly stating your goals to help you accomplish them! I’ll keep my fingers crossed!

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    • Right?!? I’m glad I’m not alone though haha. Ooh yayyy that’s so great!! I am NOT looking forward to updating mine 😂 Ahah it’s nice to change things up from time to time for sure!!

      Eeep so true, thank you so much!! ❤ My fingers are crossed for you too, we’ll get there someday! 💞

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  7. Oh what a great post – I can SOOO relate to all of these ahah. I am really late on my review index, I just can’t seem to remember to actually update it ahah, that’s SO bad ahah. And tags and awards….i have things I haven’t done dated back to 2015…. oops.

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    • Thank you!! Ahah that is so comforting 🙈 Right?! I’m glad I’m not the only one, it would be so much easier if I just had remembered to update it right as I wrote the review! SAME HERE. Gosh. I don’t know when I’ll finish those!! 😳

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  8. Oh Analee, you are DEFINITELY not alone. Keeping up with tags and awards and updating your sidebar and pages regularly??? Keeping up with other blogs??? *sweats nervously*

    I mean, I TRY to do all of these things and sometimes I’m quite good at it but other times… I’m just a mess XD

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  9. Omg this post reminds me of all the stuff I’m behind on too 😂 Like I knew I’m awfully behind on reading blog posts and tags (don’t worry I too have many MANY tags from two years ago lmao) but my about page?? Omg I forgot I wanted/needed to change that. And reviews!! I did update my sidebar this week so at least that’s something hahaha. Good luck! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • Right?? The list is too long 😂 Ahah tagssss gosh I’ve completely abandoned those omg. Yes!! My about page needs some serious editing. Oh, well I’m glad I reminded you!! 😝 Ooh yayyy at least you’re ahead there! ❤ THANK YOU I’ll need it hahaha, back at you!!

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  10. AHAHAHAHA SO YOU *ARE*A HAMILFAN. *tries to remember this* I totally did not listen to the whole playlist TWICE yesterday…

    Anyways, THIS POST IS SOOOOO RELATABLE. I always get so excited to see your posts because I KNOW I’ll love them! I just added a bio pic (with a notebook as my face because I’m #classy like that), and then my Goodreads Challenge. EXCEPT THE GRAPHIC FOR THAT IS MESSED UP AND UGH. I also got a new header!!! It looks blurry to me though so GUESS WHO’S GONNA HAVE TO FIX IT. (Spoiler: meeeeeeeee.)

    I definitely need to update my About page as well! It looks pretty bad and not aesthetic at all and just UGH. But wheeeeen do I haaaaave the TIME. I’m pretty up to date with the blogs I follow! Though I’m now liking more posts and commenting on less??? Even though it’s summer??? WHAT??? (Or maybe it’s because I’ve been stressing to finish scheduled posts the last few days… XD)

    Recent favorite read… The Female of the Species and This Savage Song! Both were AMAZIIIIIIIIIIIING I JUST CANNOT. 😍


  11. I think about updating my categories, menus, sidebar, etc often but I never really do them because I feel like it’s too much work and if I start doing it, I have to finish it and I don’t want to spend too much time doing it but then the longer I don’t do it, the more my amount of work increases.

    Aaand about the “About” page, I doubt anyone had an amazing About page from the very beginning. I also don’t think anyone started out writing book reviews that were instantly amazing. Everyone had to start somewhere..

    Liked by 1 person

    • Ahah what a cycle! xD But I totally get you haha I’m the same way, oh my gosh. I definitely would spend SO MUCH time on them if I started, so I’m just like, procrastinating? Even though having them all pile up and doing them together means more time spent at once rather than doing it little by little. Sigh. The struggle.
      Haha very true!!

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  12. Omg yes! I’ve been feeling super behind on just writing posts this week. Work has been super crazy, but i don’t want that to stop me from having fun blogging! I really need to catch up with everyone’s posts and also work on my own posts and then also read books and omg I’m running out of time in the day!!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Right?!? I am so behind as well, I have a couple prepared but apart from that I really have to get writing 😅 And yes, same here! I don’t want to make blogging a chore. Aghhh SAME. 😳 So many posts to read, to write, books to read and not enough time! #help


  13. I definitely agree with this post Analee! 🙂 Blogging takes so much time so there are always going to be one or two things that get pushed back a little. For me I always try and make time for commenting and blog hopping so it’s the other things that get pushed back.
    Tags are definitely one of them for me. 😀 I have a load drafted on WordPress but it’s the actual posting of them I’m really behind on. It’s getting to the stage where there are ones I was tagged in over a year ago that I still haven’t posted yet! 🙂 Also when it comes to my Review Index I update it once at the end of the month, it’s easier for me to manage that way.
    Great post Analee! 😀 ❤

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    • I’m so glad to hear that I’m not alone haha. Yes, exactly!! There is so much that goes into blogging, it can be hard to keep up with them all. Ahah I can imagine! 😊 Haha yes tags are a weakness of mine. 😂 Oh, same here! I have them all in my drafts, but I never get around to posting them… Oh yes, I’ve been tagged in some way back in 2015 and 2016 that still haven’t been completed… *hides* Ooh good idea! You write so many reviews, it would be insane to update your index all at once haha. I’m glad that method works for you! ❤ And thanks so much!!

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      • It’s hard keeping up with it all but kind of rewarding at the same time. Obviously so because I’m still blogging even now! 🙂
        At least having them drafted means we’re a step closer to actually posting them right? 🙂 At least that’s what I tell myself!
        I’ve worked out updating it once a month only works for me.
        That’s all right. ❤️


      • You’re definitely not alone. 🙂 Yeah there’s a lot, and it’s hard keeping up, but it’s all worth it in the end isn’t it?
        We’re getting through them eventually aren’t we? And having them in our Drafts folder is one step closer to actually posting them. 🙂
        Updating once a month works for me, and I stick to what works for me.
        That’s all right! 🙂 ❤️


  14. I am behind on quite a few things too. I’ve all but given up on catching up with all my tags/awards now haha. I am happy to report that I’m pretty consistent in my posting but have been slacking on the blog hopping front lately. I’ve been meaning to update my menu/sidebar as well but finding the time and patience to do it is so hard haha.

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    • Right??! Oh my gosh yes, I don’t even know where to start with those. It’s near impossible! Oh yay that’s so great! I’m definitely working on that haha. And sameee I have some major blog-hopping catch up to do! Yes, exactly!! Such a struggle. 😀

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  15. Great post, I’ve just recently updated my about page and I understand why you’ve procrastinated on updating your categories as I’ve only finally got around to categorising my blog posts which took quite a while and I haven’t been blogging nearly as long as you have 🙂

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  16. Oh my gosh, tags!! I love when people think of me in their posts but they pile up so fast and I look at them and I think……I’ll just do this later. BUT recently I’ve decided to do one a week and post them on Fridays, so it makes it a bit more manageable. Besides, I wouldn’t want my blog to turn into a tag-fest anyway.

    But lol I DON’T EVEN WANT TO CLICK ON MY ABOUT PAGE and see what’s there hahaha, at least now I know I’m not the only one in feeling behind in updating sometimes!!

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    • EXACTLY. I know right?? I keep putting them off, even though they’re, like, relatively easy to do? So there’s no straight reason why I keep procrastinating haha. Ooh that’s a good idea! And haha yeah, too many tags all at once would be kind of overwhelming. xD

      SAMEEEE. Like, I STILL haven’t clicked on it or even made an attempt to edit it despite this post haha oh my gosh. *hides* Same here!! I’m relieved to know I’m not the only one behind on this whole updating thing haha.

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  17. I relate to this post so much. I am actually caught up on peoples posts! But everything else… not so much. My review index is so behind that I am thinking of getting rid of it. 😂 But it’s summer now, so there is no excuse, I must catch up!

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  18. Overall, I like think I stay pretty organized and updated with most things, but I am HORRIBLE with the interactive side of blogging (like getting back to comments and blog hopping). Lately, I’ve also fallen into a book reviewing rut. I’m behind on, like, 10 reviews (which is a lot to me). And I don’t even read that fast (compared to you) so this slump has been going on for a few months now. I just haven’t had that much inspiration and I’m lacking the energy at the end of the day after school and/or work. Sigh. Anyway, hopefully I’ll do better soon. 😉

    And, side note, but it feels like it’s been forever since we’ve chatted. I hope that you are well, Analee! 🙂

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    • Ahah that’s so great you’re updated on most things!! ❤ Oh yes, I totally get you! I'm the same. I try my best, but blog hopping can take SO MUCH time and I don't always have that much ahah. Haha I've been in a book reviewing rut forever now. xD You're so on top of your reviews compared to me, but GAH slumps are the worst, and your reviews are the best, so I hope you get out of it soon! ❤ Oh I totally get you, agh finding the energy to sit down and write a blog post after a day of school/work can be so hard. Best of luck to you, Summer!

      Oh yes it has been!! I've missed youuu, I hope you're well as well!

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  19. Great post! I need to actually make an about me page. I’ve been meaning to do it since I started but I just can’t be bothered with it. I’ll get to it one day! I can also totally relate to keeping up with other blog posts. I’m on a bit of a binge commenting session myself. There is just way too many great blogs and great posts.

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  20. This is so true!
    There’s so much that I’m behind on that I was nodding my head while reading the entire post. xD
    And that happens a lot with sometimes I hardly get time to post stuff, so reading everyone else’s is out of the picture. And that makes me feel bad :/
    But yeah, like always your post was so relatable, that it actually gave me some motivation to catch up with everything!
    Lovely Post! ❤

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    • Right?? I’m SO glad I’m not alone in being behind on all of this. 😂
      Yes exactly! It can be so hard to find time to keep up with our own blogs, and other blogs, for sure! Ahah same, I wish I could read and comment on everyone’s posts. Ahah yayyy!! I’m so glad to hear that, maybe that will give *me* the motivation to catch up on these things ahah. 🙈 Thank you lovely!!

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  21. AHH THIS IS LIKE READING A POST ABOUT MYSELF. I think I have tags from last year that I still haven’t done!?!?! I’m ESPECIALLY behind on comments and posts right now. Trying to blog hop binge my way through posts from the last week and it’s not going to well 😂

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    • PROCRASTINATORS UNITED!! 😀 I knowwww??! I have some back from 2015 that I still haven’t done, ooooooops. OH SAME! I’m literally catching up on allllllll the comments and posts right now (as you can tell seeing how I’m like 12 days late on this comment) and it’s kind of a huge mess omg. xD


  22. Woman, blog hopping is such a difficult task! I really don’t know how people manage to do it consistently because it takes so much time and what little time I get at home I utilize for my own blog posts or reading books that I plan to review. Or finding my mental health that I left at the office around 10am. :p Anyone who blog hops consistently must be either a God… or a Time Lord. 0.0 Seriously.


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