Things my bookish OTPs would do on VALENTINE’S DAY!

Hi, everyone! Happy belated Valentine’s Day!! ❤ I hope your day was great. 🙂 This post was actually planned to go up on Valentine’s Day itself, but obviously, that didn’t happen, as I didn’t get it finished in time–but I still wanted to share this, and didn’t want to wait ’till next year haha.

So most of you know, I have my bookish OTPs and I love my ships. I have many, many of them, and I won’t be including them all, but here are some of the things I thought a few of my bookish OTPs might do on Valentine’s Day!

What my bookish OTPs would do on valentine's day

Annabeth & Percy

Percy and Annabeth

“You promised, Seaweed brain. We would not get separated! Ever again!”

-House of Hades

In case you didn’t know, Annabeth & Percy are from the Percy Jackson series and also one of my most favourite bookish couples of ever??? Just fyi. They’ve been through so much, and the amount of Percabeth moments that have captured my heart ahhhh. But wait, we’re talking about Valentine’s Day plans, right. 😉

  • They will totally visit a) Camp Half-Blood and/or tour b) New Rome
  • Reason: Both of those places hold so much history for them, and I can totally see them having the sweetest and most amazing time in either of the two places.
  • Or, they visit Manhatten and have a romantic dinner at a fancy restaurant
  • LOL, nah, probably at a park or something because Percy forgot about Valentine’s Day
  • And stumbles a lot and improvises greatly when Annabeth asks about it
  • But then steals everyone’s hearts with his beautiful, thoughtful, heartwarming declaration of love (lol) to Annabeth
  • Though I vote for a recreation of the underwater lake kiss (!!!) (PLEASE THIS SHOULD HAPPEN) (!!!).
  • I’m totally calm about this.
  • That moment when you have no romantic life of your own so you obsess over a hypothetical situation for a fictional character
  • What is my life.

Kaz and Inej

“I’m a business man,” he’d told her. “No more, no less.”
“You’re a thief, Kaz.”
“Isn’t that what I just said?”

-Six of Crows

Can we please just admire the perfection–actually the perfection of the imperfection that is Kaz and Inej. (Kinej? Inaz?? Kanej???) They stole pretty much everyone’s hearts, and I’m telling you, if you haven’t read the amazingness that is the Six of Crows duology, you are missing out on so so so much. Namely this, but also so much more. But I digress.

Kaz and Inej’s plan for Valentine’s Day (as decided by me):

  • Another awesome business venture featuring Kaz: Scheming face™
  • Aka a heist and thieving of some sort
  • This is Kaz, after all
  • Very romantic.
  • Also waffles.
  • And heartbreaking but sweet moment between Inej and Kaz. ❤ ❤
  • More scheming face, because it’s KAZ
  • And wraithing. Possibly. And wraithing is totally a word. Psh.
  • Let me just say: such extreme contrast between this couple and the one above it! Yet I ship both?? THEY ARE MY CHILDREN. Except not. But whatever, don’t need to get into the technicalities.

Cress and Thorne

“Do you think it was destiny that brought us together?”
He squinted and, after a thoughtful moment, shook his head. “No. I’m pretty sure it was Cinder.”


Now, don’t get me wrong, I adore all the ships from the Lunar Chronicles series (if you haven’t started that series by the way, what are you waiting for?!) but I wanted to just focus on one of the couples because I didn’t want to overwhelm you with my nonsensical shrieking. Ahem. And Cress & Thorne are too cute to not mention!

Cress and Thorne’s Epic Valentine’s Day Journey™ features:

  • Cress and Thorne. Obviously.
  • Epic voyages through time and space
  • Nope, just space, they’re not time travelers oops.
  • But still epic voyages!
  • To tour earth, which actually, can be not-so-terrible in a fictional world where there is no longer any war or awful leaders of countries.
  • Because Cress always wanted to visit places on earth and Thorne is a sweetie pie
  • (Even if he tries to hide it)
  • But he makes Valentine’s Day perfect for Cress
  • + Thorne witty remarks YES.
  • Sidenote: Cress likes traveling. Analee likes travelling, therefore, Analee = Cress
  • So it will also feature me, pretty much.
  • Or it has featured me because this is a belated post and Valentine’s Day has already happened.
  • My logic is outstanding.

Lila and Kell

I just had to include this omg. THIS IS <3
I just had to include this omg. THIS IS ❤

GUYS A CONJURING OF LIGHT IS ALMOST OUT *cue squeals of excitement* I am so excited for this book, you guys have no idea (actually now you may have an inkling). I adored A Gathering of Shadows, but that ending was tortureeeeee I need this book so so much. Okay, so not the point of this post, but 4 days!! YES. The Shades of Magic series is so amazing, and ahhhhh okay. Done.

Their Valentine’s Day will most probably go horribly wrong, given their luck BUT it would be awesome anyway:

  • Ideally, Kell and Lila are safe in Red London, magic is flourishing, all my favorite characters are safe, and they get to stay together, for longer than 2 minutes without some threat overhead.
  • So basically what I’m praying A Conjuring of Light will end up to be. (Don’t dieeeeee please)
  • But also Kell and Lila have their own adventure, and Lila gets to properly explore Red London for enjoyment
  • They will dance at a ball and will have all the witty banter and sassy comebacks between the two
  • Probably lots of pirating and magiking.
  • #ValentinesDayGoals
  • Lila and Kell finding peace, finally and sharing a heartwarming moment but still super sassy because that’s how these two roll. 😉
  • I just need A Conjuring of Light right now *sob*
  • 4 more days. We got this.

Happy belated Valentine’s Day, once again! ❤ What do you guys think of these hypothetical Valentine’s Day dates? What do you think your OTPs would do on that day? Let’s discuss. 🙂
Lots of love!

Until the Next Meal, Analee


38 thoughts on “Things my bookish OTPs would do on VALENTINE’S DAY!

  1. AHHHHH I SHIP ALL OF THESE SHIPS. 😍 This is such a creative and wonderful post! Definitely agree with all of them; Percabeth should totally re-enact their underwater kiss and Cress and Thorne would totally travel the world! ❤ And I need ACOL, like, yesterday. 😂

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Happy belated Valentine’s day, Analee! I hope you had a lovely day 🙂 Completely agree wtih you on Cress and Thorne, I love them so, so much, I actually wish I could read all about their adventures! ❤

    Liked by 1 person


    I agree so much with you! I really really REALLY need to read A Darker Shade of Magic but I’m #cheap and my libraries don’t have it??? Why??? *cries* BUT AGH YOU ARE MY NEW BEST FRIEND LIKE PERCABETH AND KAZEJ (???) AND CRESSWELL AND JUST GAAAAAAAAAAAAAH

    (And omg, yes, Percy would totally forget about Valentine’s Day.)

    Liked by 1 person

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