Types of Book Bloggers | Because a little categorization never hurts, right? (Or so I hope.)

Hello! After my ‘types of male love interests‘ post (last week? I’ve lost sense of all and any sense of time oops), I decided to reach out further from the Valentine’s Day and love theme, and go for a more broad topic.. after which the idea of ‘types of book bloggers‘ sprung to my head. I thought it would be a fun post to do, something light and fun, you know?

So without further ado, let me present you with (a few) types of book bloggers! And by types, I’m not talking about like, what different book bloggers blog about, it’s more personality-wise? And their style? Kind of? I dunno. Just read it and interpret it your way! 😛 Remember also that no one is restricted to being only one of the following types! We are all divergent in our book blogging personalities, and we can most definitely be several of these. 😉

*I must request though that even if you dislike this post, please don’t come after me with a fiery stake! Eh, yeah, that wouldn’t be too pleasant for me—err, I kind of want to live past 17, so… no thanks. Lol. Please and thank you. If you have any differing opinions, I’d love to chat in the comments!

Okay so let’s do this!

Types of Book Bloggers

The Fangirling Book Blogger

If this is you… welcome to the club! (And if you aren’t, well, don’t worry, there are plenty more to suit your fancy) The fangirling book blogger is someone who often goes all out for fangirling in their posts— which, of course, many bloggers do. What sets this apart, however, is that their overall personality comes off as being an extreme fangirl through their posts. All book bloggers have become fangirls/fanboys at some point, but some show it more than others, I guess? I don’t know if that makes any sense, though, soo. Yeah.

The Snarky/Witty/Humourous Book Blogger

I put the whole snarky, witty and humourous types of book bloggers all in one for a few reasons; one, they’re all similar qualities enough that they don’t exactly require different categories, two, often times bloggers have one or another one of these qualities together, and three, well, they all serve a common purpose; to entertain. Right? At least most of the time. I’m quite envious of these types of bloggers, actually (the snarky/witty/humourous ones) seeing as how I love their voice and often wish to have their abilities! 😛

The Consistent Book Blogger

So, I think I’ve encountered, like, a few of these across the blogging community, but basically these types of book bloggers are the ones whose blog is always very organized, both in terms of its visuals as well as in other parts, like posting schedule, or the types of post. I feel like this type of book blogger should have its own category, because AHEM, if you can manage to stay organized, and find a consistent blogging schedule while still going through the hectic thing call life, kudos to you! In fact, TEACH ME YOUR WAYS. If any of you are this type, this is a message to you all. XD

The Inconsistent Book Blogger

Okay, so after the above type, naturally I have to put in the opposite! I think you all know what the characteristics for this blogger entails… But don’t worry! Even if you are this type of blogger, it doesn’t mean it’s a bad thing! And I’m not just saying that because oftentimes I* must become the inconsistent blogger. 😉 In fact, it’s truly inevitable; at some point in your blogging journey, you’ll get busy and it will be incredibly hard to keep up a consistent schedule. No shame, guys! Life happens.

*This is the part where if you have any tips, throw ’em at me! Cause I need any help I can get. Lol.

The Random Book Blogger

Interpret this one however you want, but I’m seeing this kind of as the type of book blogger who, I don’t know, often posts all sorts of things? Like, there’s not a specific range to what this blogger posts. Sometimes it’s this, sometimes it’s that. Most days don’t have anything specific planned. Maybe one Tuesday they’ll post Top Ten Tuesday, but then maybe next Tuesday they post… a book or even movie review or something. You know? #me

The GIF Book Blogger

This type could basically go for any type of bloggers, but the GIF book blogger refers to the type of book bloggers who, staying true to their title, almost always, or often, utilize GIFs in their posts. I can’t say I see this type often, but when I do, well, it’s always fun seeing GIFs included, am I right? Especially when they reflect the text of the post perfectly. It’s quite easy to become the GIF book blogger, actually.

LOLLL I just had to put this GIF. XD For no reason whatsoever.

The Eloquent Book Blogger

Okay, so ‘the eloquent book bloggers’ are what I would say are the types of book bloggers whose writing is always crisp and fancy, or very well put together. Their words, their writing always make you want to read their posts, and their posts—particularly reviews—are usually quite insightful and informative to read. I AM ENVIOUS for I usually end up being a stuttering walrus* in comparison. But I love reading their posts!

*It was the first thing that popped into my mind! Don’t ask where it came from. I have no idea.

The Photography Book Blogger

Ahh I’m not exactly sure if this counts, but I put it on the list sooo IT COUNTS. Because it’s totally a valid one. Yes. Like, you know the bloggers who always have such beautiful photos on their blog?? (Usually of books, because, er, I’m concentrating on types of book bloggers, sooo.) Yeah, them. Their posts often include such amazing bookish photos, ahhhh. I heart this SO MUCH. (Mostly because I’m extremely jealous that I have no photography skills whatsoever, but hushhhhh. ‘Tis my secret.) If the photos are taken well (which they almost always are), IT’S SO BEAUTIFUL.

This is one of Cait (@Paper Fury)’s photos AND I LOVE IT SO MUCH. Bookish photography is something I will forever be envious of!

The Procrastinating Book Blogger

This sometimes can be tied in with the inconsistent book blogger, but I’d say the procrastinating book blogger is one who, well… PROCRASTINATES. Whether it be with book reviews (haha meeeee. I have so many of them that I want to do, but never end up actually doing), book tags, or anything else, this blogger is basically in a blogging slump half the time, but yet not. They post, but they procrastinate on doing so, and in the things they post. Does that make sense?

The Personal Book Blogger

The personal book bloggers are what I’m choosing to call the bloggers who posts a lot of personal stuff, like about their life, or something they love outside of books, alongside their bookish posts. I don’t follow many of these types, but that’s only because there aren’t so many I’ve come across, hehe. These blogs are always quite interesting, because everyone has such different stories to share! It’s also great to find out more behind the person of the blog.

So I lost count of how many I listed? 8? 9? I dunno, but there are tons more! Though you get chocolate if you understood half the things I said, LOL. MY RAMBLINGS ARE HARD TO COMPREHEND, I admit. Although I stand by the fact that it is you little minions who must amp up your understanding level. XD

Anyway, if you have any other types you know of, let me know in the comments!! I’d love to know. Also, which of these types do you fall into? Do you fall into several or only a couple?? Oh, and feel free to send some blogging tips my way, if you know of any on how to be an organized blogger! Also, which one of these categories do you like most, in terms of reading other people’s blogs? Let me know all and any thoughts in the comments! ❤

Until the Next Meal, Analee

53 thoughts on “Types of Book Bloggers | Because a little categorization never hurts, right? (Or so I hope.)

  1. Haha I can relate to so many of these! I’ve tried to be less hopelessly behind with my reviews and scheduling posts has become my new best friend. Somehow knowing I already have posts up adds less pressure to the whole business of writing reviews and I’m actually ‘almost’ up to date with them now. 😉

    Liked by 1 person

    • YAY so happy you think so!! ❤ Hehe good for you! I can empathize there. Despite my bouts of absolute inconsistency in terms of posting schedule, I can drive myself crazy sometimes trying to follow a schedule and being organized. XD
      Hm, what you are… I think the consistent blogger suits you really well! Your blog is so organized, haha. I'm jealous. 😛

      Liked by 1 person

  2. I am very happy to say that I am in the Consistent Blogger camp, it’s so organized it’s borderline OCD haha. As soon as I read the Fangirling Book blogger, Cait from Paper Fury came to mind right away, I swear I can practically hear her squeals in her posts as well as her tweets. It’s fabulous

    Liked by 1 person

    • Eee so many bloggers seem to be in that group, so you’re not alone! 😀 I know what you mean; at times I’m really inconsistent, but sometimes I organize everything to the tiniest detail, haha. Omg yes! She was definitely one of the bloggers that came to mind as I wrote about the fangirling blogger as well, her fangirling is quite evident in her posts and her words, and I love it! ❤

      Liked by 1 person

  3. I’m definitely a mix of Inconsistent and Random! 😛 A bit of Personal too, I guess. Kinda. Anyway, this was such a great, fun post, Analee! Loved reading this — all the categories here are awesome!! 😀

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I relate to all of these… except the eloquent one and the photography one and the organised one… ok you got me I’m the procrastinator XD Great post, really loved reading it!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Haha, you kept me laughing the whole way, seriously! This was such a relatable post, fun, and interacative
    AS for me,
    I’m not bragging or anything, but over the past few month’s hard work, I’m gonna say I’m The Consistent Book Blogger.In some book reviews, I can come across as the Fangirling one or the GIF one!
    You did a good job, I don’t think you left out any really!

    Keep writing and inspiring,
    Train Of Thought

    Liked by 1 person

    • Yayyy I’m so glad to hear that! And so sorry that I’m replying so late omg, thanks for stopping by! And kudos to you for being the consistent book blogger! That’s quite a feat in my opinion and I’m super envious haha because my blogging schedule is so all over the place. Thank you!!

      Liked by 1 person

  6. I think I would be the “personal” book blogger since everything I write is about my personal take on the books I talk about. But in reality I’m definitely very random. I think you could add some other categories though, like the philosophical book blogger, or the Curator type.

    Liked by 1 person

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