You Don’t HAVE to Write Discussion Posts…Right? | Book Snacks Babbles

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Whoa, the first month of 2016 is over already?!! Yep, it is! I swear, time flies by so fast these days. I had meant to post on the last day of the month (yesterday), but I kind of didn’t manage to do so… oops! So I hope your January had been good, and your February is off to a good start. 🙂 So, to kick off the month, I’ve decided to present you all with a discussion post!

Ahem. Let me guess what you’re thinking right now, as you look at the title of this post; Is she writing a discussion post… about writing discussion posts? Right? You can’t deny it. Even if you weren’t, you are now, so ha. Point still proven. I don’t blame you, either way! I’m not gonna burn you at the stake, don’t worry. Because yes, I am indeed writing a discussion about writing discussions. Why? Well, most of you must’ve noticed by now the uphill trend of discussion posts among book bloggers (and other bloggers too, maybe, but I wouldn’t exactly know) these days. At the very least, you’ve probably read and have seen at least a few bookish or blogging discussions across the book blogging communities. Right? If not, well now you know and your subconscious will probably keep an eye out for them now.

The thing is, it seems to me, there’s become a sort of expectation, a sort of requirement, for all, or at least most, bloggers, to write discussion posts. Maybe that’s just me?? It’s often noted that discussions, being very popular among readers and interesting to read, bring more traffic to your blog—and I’ve noticed that this factor often causes other bloggers to feel as if they HAVE to post discussion posts (in order to get views or popularity, and whatnot). Again, maybe that’s just the pesky little imaginative side of my brain talking and I’m seeing this all in my head, but… no harm in talking about it, right? LET’S DISCUSS!


When thinking about any of this, about discussion posts in general, and whether it’s a requirement or not, one of the first questions that came to me is; why are they so popular, anyway? After all, these are the kinds of posts that usually get the most views or comments (depending, of course, on many other things) and the fact that they’re popular are probably one of the major things that make bloggers want to write them. (Not the ONLY reason, mind you, just one of them.) So, a very helpful list, off the top of my head of why discussion posts are popular—I’m sure Cait @ Paper Fury would agree that’s the right way to do this. 😉

  • They provide exactly what their name says: opportunity for DISCUSSION. Duh!! This one’s so obvious, it’s basically staring me in the eye. Discussion posts are meant for discussion, and discussion is always fun! It opens up new perspectives and different ideas, and that’s definitely one of the big reasons why they’re so much fun and so interesting to read. For me, anyway.
  • Sometimes they talk about things you’ve never thought of. This one kind of ties in with the first point, in that discussion posts open up different ideas. Because it’s true. There are times where I come across a discussion post where I’m like, whoaaaa, that’s so true, how come I never realized this before?! This has actually happened to me several times and I know I for one appreciate this quality in discussion posts.
  • They can be helpful (sometimes). Just hear me out here. Not all discussion posts are written in the objective of helping readers with something. Obviously the primary objective is simply to discuss a topic. But they can be helpful and I feel as if that’s one of the reasons readers may like them as well. Whether it’s a discussion about ereaders vs physical books, or ARC envy, or anything of the sort, even a little thing in the discussion posts can be helpful.

Okay, obviously there’s way more reasons why discussion posts are so popular, but since this isn’t even the main topic of discussion (You all probably have seen by now how bad I am to stay on one topic…) and those are few of the biggest ones I’ve come up with, I’ll just leave it at that. But let me know if you have any more!!

BUT anyway, about the fact that discussion posts seem to have become a must for (some) bloggers. The thing is, it’s clear that the reasons why discussion posts are so popular are definitely justified. There are many reasons why they’re so appealing to readers. But the question still remains: with so many readers wanting to read discussion posts, does it put pressure on bloggers (who perhaps think they aren’t that good with discussion posts) to write them? And is that a good or bad thing? Well, because I’ve recently become very fond of lists… here’s another one for you, this time on the pros and cons of writing discussion posts!


  • They bring traffic to your blog. Whether this is an important or not is completely personal, but from what I’ve noticed for other bloggers, and for myself, discussion posts are pretty popular, and generally well-recieved by readers. But the fact over whether this is important or not is completely your own idea!
  • More interaction with other bloggers! If your discussion post provokes, well, discussion, then it’s all the better for blogger relationships. You get to learn more about the preferences of other bloggers and their opinions on a topic, and that’s (usually) not a bad thing.
  • It can be a great way to rant, ramble or even both! Discussion posts are your own way of expressing your thoughts, whether it be that you’re ranting about cover changes in the middle of a series (AKA ME ALL THE TIME) or if you’re rambling on the uses of ebooks and physical books. I don’t know. But either way, discussion posts are a great outlet for any thoughts you may have. (And fortunately, most bloggers like to read them! :P)


  • Sometimes, it’s not so easy to write them…hence you feel forced to write them (or don’t write them at all). THIS IS NO GOOD. Believe, I’ve been in this situation before—mostly in the time before I started writing discussion posts—where I was like, agggghhhhh this is so hard, I don’t know what to write, how to write it, etc etc. Then soon I just lose the motivation to write it at all because I simply couldn’t find the inspirtation or the how-to of writing one. I’m pretty sure I’m not the only one who was in this position before, right?? If you don’t WANT to write a discussion, that’s one thing. But a definite con of discussion posts in general is that it can be hard to write, sometimes, at least. And that can cause, say, a sort of grudge toward writing discussion posts, you know?
  • After a while, the discussions might get repetitive anyway. Maybe this is a weaker argument?? Possibly?? But if EVERYONE and their mothers start posting discussion posts… well, there’s only so many ideas they can come up with. However, obviously everyone has different opinions, but it might get repetitive to read about. (Although that doesn’t mean I’m trying to say that we should stop writing discussion posts!)
  • Ehhhhh… I can’t really think of anything right now. Oh! Wait! Another con (although this may be a small one) is that they can become time-consuming. Blogging in general is time-consuming, but specifically, discussions take lots of time! Good discussion posts don’t just pop out of nowhere! Time needs to be put into it and sometimes that’s something that not everyone has all the time. (ALSO ME, because SCHOOL, UGH.)

So… do you have to write discussion posts or not?

Obviously everyone says, ‘You don’t HAVE to do anything, do what you want.’ And I agree with this statement whole-heartedly. Because you most certainly DON’T have to do something you don’t want to. Noppity nope nope. Definitely not. However, you know what they say; if there is a will, there is a way, so if you want to write discussion posts, go for it! If you just put a little effort into it, you can most definitely come up with something that readers will enjoy. After all, no blogger can have absolutely no opinion on anything, that’s kind of ridiculous. So if you think you don’t have a good idea, just take one of your opinions, whether bookish or otherwise, and turn it into a post where you can share that opinion… and voila! That’s at least a start. 😉 BUT AGAIN. I emphasize the fact that you do not have to write discussion posts. You can, but that’s totally up to you.

So. TALK. Please. (I hope the ‘please’ makes me sound less commanding haha.) Do you write discussion posts? What are the reasons you write them? Do you believe every blogger should write them? What other reasons do you think there are for writing discussion posts? Let me know what you think below!! This Monday is boring as it is, let’s get it a bit more interesting, haha. XD

Until the Next Meal, Analee

16 thoughts on “You Don’t HAVE to Write Discussion Posts…Right? | Book Snacks Babbles

  1. This is a great discussion post. Hahaha.
    Personally, I like reading and commenting on discussion post but have never posted any myself. I’ve only been book blogging for 4 months and although I have some ideas, the actual writing part is so difficult. I don’t want to put pressure on myself, though, so I’ll just wait until I’m ready to actually write them (if ever. LOL).

    I agree with the points you mentioned. The other thing I really like about a good discussion post is how it could create a chain reaction about similar topics. I enjoyed reading different POV about the same topic so repetition is not too much of an issue to me. Of course if suddenly there are 50 discussion posts about discussion post, it’ll be repetitive but I doubt that’ll happen. :p


  2. I wish I could come up with more discussion posts, because I find those the most interesting things to read on other people’s blogs so naturally I’d want some on mine. I’ve only posted two though (if you count that one rant I did as a discussion post haha) and that’s fine by me. I only want to write a discussion post if I feel passionate about the subject and I feel like I have something to say. Too often I see people posting very generic discussions (or “discussions”) that almost feel a bit forced to me, like they’re just posting it for the sake of posting a discussion. Like you said, I think people can feel a bit obliged to post them sometimes. But maybe that’s just me, maybe they are passionate about it but it just didn’t come through.


  3. This was such an interesting topic Analee, loved it 🙂 I have to say, I noticed too that discussion posts are becoming a trend, if I can put it that way. Many bloggers I know challenged themselves to write more discussion posts, so it feels kind of, forced?
    I love your pros and cons and totally relate to that. If discussion posts are interesting to write and to read and comment on, maybe it can get a little repetitive. That’s what scares me, to be honest. I absolutely LOVE writing discussion posts, and always get happy for the feedback of other bloggers, but, what if I run out of subjects to write? What if my discussions aren’t interesting enough, and are boring people? This really is a struggle, sometimes. And I’m feeling hesitant at times, too. I’ve been wanting to talk about hype, for instance, but I saw many discussion posts about this, so…why add mine? That’s a question I ask myself for all discussion posts, haha :p
    In the end, I just think that we should post about what we want, and what inspires us, and don’t feel forced to do, a discussion a week, for instance, if we’re not inspired at all to do so 🙂


  4. Such an interesting discussion post you have here! I don’t generally write discussion posts, in the past year and a few months that I have been blogging I think I have written two – one back in the dark ages of my blog about waiting for a new book to come out and some issues with reading series, and then one maybe nine months ago about my strange relationship with the romance genre and female authors and how it reflects sexism in the publishing industry and in my own life. The first post gained a couple of views, but the second resulted in 100’s of views (amazing to me as a small blogger!) and people offering their opinion.

    However, I told myself early on that I would only write discussion posts if I could offer a differing opinion (which is what I did re: romance – I was engaging in a discussion with romance readers when I was the sole one who didn’t touch the genre and could be considered part of the ‘problem’. The discussion was already happening, I just offered a different opinion and asked for my followers to do the same) or if the discussion was something that had come up in my other studies that I could then bring back to the blogging world.

    I love participating in other people’s discussion posts – I’m quite good at the impromptu essay (see above & below), but I will admit that if I see another ebook vs dead tree book or why libraries are dope discussion I might rip my hair out. I understand new bloggers might want to discuss this, and if I think a blogger might offer a different opinion then I will check out that post, but when I see established, popular bloggers writing discussion posts that aren’t well thought out/researched I cringe. Most of us agree that a book is a book (doesn’t matter what format) and that libraries are awesome (you occasionally encounter a brave but wrong soul who will say that libraries are rubbish and ruining literacy, but.. not very often.) so I’m happy to discuss new, interesting or topical things – but if I start to think a blogger has written ‘Thursday – Discussion’ in a planner somewhere and is scraping the barrel for ideas so that they can get views… it can even result in an unfollow.

    I follow a handful of blogs purely for enlightening discussion and I follow a handful of blogs that offer reviews of the types of books I read and almost nothing else. Add to that the classics bloggers and that it the majority of my reader feed.

    I’ve just realised how horrible and selfish this all sounds – but it’s one of those things that gets to me. *breathes out*

    Also – good discussion post – THIS IS WHAT IT SHOULD BE.


  5. I actually just started posting my own discussions this year and it is a great experience. However, like you said, it can be challenging to come up with original/useful topics, while keeping the information non-repetitive and truthful. I enjoy reading other’s discussion posts as well, even if I don’t completely agree with their opinions. Wonderful post, Analee! 😀

    -Jess @jbelkbooks


  6. Finally, someone said it! I’m one of the few book bloggers (I believe haha) that doesn’t write a discussion post on a regular basis. Hell, I don’t even post to discuss. I just don’t. I’m the type to more likely to listen (and talk) to someone saying ‘Hey, here are my thoughts’ rather than someone saying ‘Hey, let’s discuss this’. Obviously, I’m not the latter type. When I get some random idea, I tweet it or talk about it with some friends because I feel like most times, my thoughts are not up for a formal discussion post (again that sort of expectation or requirement you’ve just mentioned). I don’t come up with pros and cons, details, tips and all that jazz. Maybe it’s because discussions are not really my jam because even when I see a discussion post, I just skip unless the topic is something relevant and new.


  7. I’ve been blogging for nearly 11 months and I still haven’t posted any discussion posts yet. Yes, they bring more traffic more traffic to your blog but they are also time consuming and needs some writing skills that grabs attention which is the hardest part. Though I don’t post discussion posts, I do check out others posts. Great Topic btw! 😀


  8. It’s totally true that discussion posts are a great way to engage the community, and I enjoy jumping in on my friends’ discussions. But as for posting them on my own blog, I just don’t. I mean, I review stories for my own benefit. Views and talks about the books are fantastic, but I just can’t get myself interested in developing topics to chat about outside of those reviews. Not my style, I guess. 🙂


  9. you’re so right about this. in the past few months there is this pressure to write more discussion posts, it’s kind of like: your’re not a good book blogger if you don’t do one, you know what I mean? I ended up writing my first discussion post last year and really liking it, so I did challenge myself this year to write more of those, but I also decided that I’ll only do it when it’s a theme close to my heart and when I have a strong opinion on the matter, otherwise nothing will come out.


  10. I love reading and writing discussion posts, and I agree about all the reasons you mentioned!
    I also agree about the fact that the topics for discussion might become more and more repetitive over time. But yes, I feel like more people are pressured to write more of them nowadays!


  11. I love reading discussion posts, especially when they’re of something I’d never thought of before. I agree with all of your points. I’ve never written a discussion post myself because I haven’t thought of a topic that hasn’t already been thoroughly discussed by everyone ever. And like you said, it does get repetitive after a while – there are only so many viewpoints on the same topic that you want to read, right? But the comments on discussion posts (such as this one!) are always most fun to read. 🙂
    I enjoyed discussing with you about your discussion about discussions. 😀
    (Has everybody already cracked that joke? :P)


  12. I don’t think you need to write discussion posts 😉 discussion posts are interesting though but it does take a lot of time and effort (probably be worth it though!) like you said, it is a good way to interact with others. I wanted to write a discussion about instalove but I think it will be more like a rant XD


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