This Or That Book Tag

I found this tag on Hadjar’s blog, Manyreads, and decided to do it for my 10-week, 10 tags thing celebrating my 100 followers. (Not following a schedule for the tags anymore, simply gonna try to post a tag each week. I completely failed with doing the schedule for the tags… not only did I not do them on the proper date, I posted two tags in a week! Whoops…) Enjoy!

1. Audio or physical copy?

Physical copy hands down! I can’t stand listening to other people reading me a book, I never retain anything important of the story.

2. Paperback or Hardback?

I like the look of paperbacks, but I guess I would go with hardbacks since I don’t have to worry about having creases and ruining the binding, etc.

3. Fiction or non-fiction?

Fiction! I rarely read non-fiction, to be honest. Give me a fake world over reality any day.

4. Fantasy world or real life issues?

Both. Fantasy reads are awesome, but I also really like contemporary novels, where there are real life issues. Both work for me.

5. Harry Potter or Twilight?

Harry Potter! Don’t get me wrong, I don’t hate Twilight and it was an entertaining read, but give me Harry Potter over Twilight any day.

6. Borrow or buy?

Both, depending. Sometimes I’ll borrow, and if I like it, I’ll buy it. If it’s a book that’s on my TBR or something that just got released that I really wanted to read, I’ll definitely buy it. I’ve only recently starting buying books though; I spent a lot of my time at the library when I was younger! 🙂

7. Monster reads or short & sweet?

Depends on my mood. I’ve been on a ‘short & sweet’ mood recently, but before that I was craving more ‘monster reads’ as you call it.

8. Starry eyed romance or full of action?

Again, depends on my mood. I’ve been into contemporary recently, but action is always welcome. 🙂

9. Curl up in your snuggie or bathe in the sun?

Curl up in my snuggie! It’s just so warm, and comfortable, and so perfect for reading! ❤

10. Coffee or tea?

I never drink coffee, but I do drink tea sometimes. But water is the norm. 😉

I tag the next 10 of my followers:

As always, feel free to ignore. If you choose to do this tag though, I’d love to read your answers!

Happy tagging!


19 thoughts on “This Or That Book Tag

  1. I rarely read non-fiction too! I love contemporary and fantasy too 😉 I usually go with shorter books instead of monster reads because they take awhile and if I’m not in the mood I lose interest quickly. Anyway, I love your blog, – great post!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Cool tag! Loved reading your answers! 🙂
    I’d have to agree with you on the paperback vs. hardcover question. I’m always so nervous to ruin my paperbacks!

    Liked by 1 person

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